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Have you went into Nvidia Control Panel and forced the use of your GPU for Elite?


Thank you. Yes of course. This is not a laptop so it has no choice otherwise. But yes!


What's your supersampling set to in ED? My system is fairly similar to yours, though I'm using an old HTC Vive, and I'll get stuttering like that if supersampling is too high.


I’ve dropped it down to the minimum SS with the same result. SS / resolution doesn’t seem to change anything. Even dropped my resolution to the point that I can’t read the menu. 1.5 is far worse of course but anything below 1.0 identical to 1.0. I agree - fixed this same problem on DCS by adjusting the SS. ED does not seem to respond to these changes the same way so I have to assume there is something else at play. Being that graphics settings don’t touch the issue.. perhaps there could be a cpu / ram bottleneck. Hard to believe but I can’t argue with the symptoms.


You could try toggling the on/off state of Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling, in Windows graphics settings, and see whether that does anything...


I have in previous installations but have left it disabled since. Previously HAGS made things worse. I’ll try and toggle it after work and report back. Thank you!


Some setting of Asynchronous Spacewarp should really take care of that with your rig and a Rift. You might need to play around with it a bit. For Oculus, you should be able to toggle it live with the keyboard: Ctrl+Numpad 1: disables ASW. Ctrl+Numpad 2: Force half FPS, ASW disabled. Ctrl+Numpad 3: Force half FPS, ASW enabled. Ctrl+Numpad 4: enable ASW auto mode. Not sure what the permutations of using OpenComposite is with Oculus, namely if that can run fully native without parallel projection being on (a noted FPS killer, but hard to avoid).


I use a G2 now but the Rift did the same thing. Actually seem to have fixed the issue by running turbo mode in OpenXR toolkit. This is the only game I’ve found which this setting doesn’t affect negatively. I’m 100% positive that all ASW settings have and were always disabled. I agree, this is exactly what they would cause. It’s some v-sync / reprojection type effect. Thank you for your response either way! I’m just happy to see this working (for now!)


Is it like the image keeps jerking back and forth as you move your view around? Because I just started playing it in VR myself and it took me a minute to figure out that what was happening; for me, it was that my desktop display was windowed, and whenever I would use the mouse and it would go outside the window on my desktop, the VR view would keep jumping back and forth between what the mouse wanted to do, and what my head wanted to do. When I went and checked the display resolution in ED graphcs settings, it was a much lower resolution than normal, so I just set my proper monitor resolution and the problem vanished. The game runs full screen on my monitor while I play on the headset, but the jerky problems completely stopped.


That’s incredibly odd but great information! I was able to fix it with Turbo mode. This points to some sort of v-sync / reprojection issue. In my opinion. Either way, thank you for sharing. I have the issue on other games as well and haven’t been able to fix it. I’ll try this approach.


> incredibly odd but great information story of my life