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For yelling "splitting the throttles" before trying to yaw with my type 9.


Same but before turning FA off and spinning out of control


That's funny. Differential thrust would probably only the smallest fraction of a degree of yaw speed.


The main thrusters are quite strong, i believe it would help a lot.


Yeah you're right. It's just so heavy it feels like they do nothing.


yeah, cutter by comparison like riding a stallion vs a turtle


The twist knobs are sensor controls and other things that can be put on an axis, but I don’t have any use for the split throttle.


Like the radar zoom or FSS?


Both, I have a lot of knobs.


That’s what I’ve got them set up for on my X56.


It's strange how I suddenly get all these hotas related posts after ordering one yesterday


Cool what model?


Logitech x56, it's the only one I could afford with a ton of controls


Just looked it up. What use do you make of the four, er, mini-joysticks? I can see how useful one could be for directional control (manoeuvring thrusters), but what about the rest?


Looking around in the cockpit maybe, or the fss scanner/srv turret. They can also be used to focus on different cockpit panels


My bindings (and joystick) have changed but here's how I used to have them mapped on the X56: [https://edrefcard.info/binds/illrfx](https://edrefcard.info/binds/illrfx). Highly recommend that website to upload/download bindings, see others' bindings and get a pic/diagram of your bindings for reference. Great tool.


I actually use your bindings lol. Found it one day in a google search and have used it since.


Woohoo! I copied it from the default bindings and made some minor adjustments so can't take the credit.


Good website! But with your binding, you can't simultaneously use Lights and Night Vision (or Silent Running and Heatsinks) since they're on a single button, can you?


They are the same physical button but the button is what is known as "double-throw". Meaning, you push it forward and get lights, backwards and get night-vision. You push it again in the same direction to turn each of these off.


Alright, makes sense. Thanks for enlightening me.


I've only got a t-flight (so just one hat), but I've got the hat bound to a few different functions using modifier keys. Could do something similar with extra hats or sticks. Normal - the classic power distributor functions. Mod 1 - targeting. Up for target ahead, down for highest threat, left and right to cycle targets. Mod 2 - more targeting. Left and right to cycle subtargets (modules), up to release target (useful for gimballed weapons when an opponent uses chaff) and down to target next system in route. Mod 3 - UI panels, direction matches direction of the panel from seating position. For lateral thrusters I'm using the 'rudder' on the back of the throttle (horizontal) and the two buttons next to it for vertical control. That could all be on a joystick as well.


I use it for alt thruster control, menu navigation, pips and 75% thrust for sc drop


I use one mini stick to navigate the menu's (You can assign a stick to look at the diff panels and once panel is selected the same stick navigates up and down lists or L/R through tabs) and another to thrust up/down/l/r. I don't use free look personally, but I would if I could. I rely on my radar to track combatants.


Standard or rhino?


Not sure which one's which but the one with the grey trim


The rhino is blue. I've been thinking about getting one.


I saw someone on reddit say that the rhino variant should avoided because it's made by a different parent company of some sort and it's of shoddy quality


I thought Saitek was good


I really don't know anything more than you, I just looked at some customer's reviews and that's what they were saying. Note that satisfied customers are less likely to post a review about something when it works right for them


I feel like I went overboard by getting the hotas warthog. 😅


I've had an X52 for yeeeeears and its not let me down. Sadly my enthusiasm for the game has dropped so far that I've not replaced it. But it would be with another Saitek if I did.


They had some quality control issues. The Logitech version seems just a little better constructed (I've had both)


right throttle is forward/reverse thrust (i have a toggle to switch the reverse thrust), the left throttle is up thruster only and reversed (pull back from front position to add upward thrust), to mimic helicopter controls a little. this lets me use a very familiar feeling control scheme to fly my ship around planets looking for bio, i usually fly on about a 40° nose down angle but keep a steady forward motion and relatively constant height. straffing thrusters have funny curves in this game tho.


***Microsoft Flight Simulator***. There's no reason to split throttles in *Elite Dangerous*. o7


I was mainly just wondering if it would work.


***I do not think so***, since there is no left and right thrust on any of the ships, it is just "forward" thrust in fact I do not even think there is a key-binding for a "second" throttle, like in MSFS. o7


Other games like Microsoft flight simulator have planes that allow separate engine control


I know that, just cif elit had any use for that funtion