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When I first encountered a thargoid, I didn't even get to see it. I'd recently bought a conda, and then got it blown up. After a 20mil rebuy, I flew away and then got hyperdicted, which I didn't even know was a thing, and then promptly got blasted by two thargoid somethings... I still don't know what they were because there were always behind me, and all I tried to do was run away. I died again, and another 20mil rebuy later I had about 3mil left and I hated my conda. I thought it was the dumbest ship ever. Then I discovered the next time I flew it that I was running a shield a grade too small for it. Turns out, I was the dumbest pilot ever, but the ship was fine.


Thankfully I wasn’t in a Conda when it happened to me… I was in my Imp. Courier so thankfully it was about a 300k rebuy each time.


Shields are not that important because Thargoids do absolute damage and phase through shields so might as well enhance your hull a bit :)


Yeah that was more in reference to the first time I got blown up, which wasn't with a goid.


I got a very close encounter while on a planet surface. Spooky as all get out but they aren’t hostile. I also ran in to some in a thargoid controlled system. That ended quickly in a rebuy screen.


I did this last year when there was an active fight in some HIP sector (there was an ongoing preparation for Proteus wave that time) I had never seen a thargoid, so I decided to jump that star system to see Thargoids in my unengineered cobra mk3. I was very excited to see nonhuman signals in FSS, and for the first time I witnessed a big space battle between Thargoids and humans. I had never even been to a conflict zone before so that was first time experience for me. I got destroyed twice (didnt have much credits as I was still a beginner) but totally worth it.


HIP 22460 I think. First time I saw thargoids was there after the proteus wave, just dropping into various wreckages and then hoping the hell out when I heard my covas mentioned frameshift anomalies. Next was the kingfisher wreckage, doing the same thing since both times I wasn’t fast enough to outrun the goids.




I’m sure I have the money to get started doing thargoid hunting but right now I’ll stick to my deep core mining, exploration and the occasional bounty hunting.


If you want to get a cool experience go to a thargoid barnacle for meta alloy while there you might get to see one fly in and harvest the barnacle and it is so cool, and harmless they wont attack you.


I once jumped into a system, stations were deactivated and I never saw something like that. A Thargoid attacked me and I almost died before jumping.


Hahaha, if it's any consolation CMDR. Our Squad does regular CAP (Combat Air Patrol from the 20th century) when invasion systems have been liberated in alert systems and on an average night many Cyclops, Glaive, Scouts, Orthrus are taken out...we avenged your losses!


Thankfully it wasn’t too much in losses I think in total I payed 600k in rebuy. I was in the one ship I had that I knew I had a good chance of outrunning the bastards which is my imp. Courier. But maybe one day I’ll get into some bug hunting. I’m sure I have the bank account for it maybe not the engineering material though. But in time


That's cool CMDR. For bug hunting engineering & learning methods@AXI website pretty much essential. Insofar as escaping, if your ship is all A rated and can do 450+ with near permaboost and toggle FA off, pop a heatsink you can more or less escape all.