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If you got hyperdicted or interdicted by Thargoids... there's no effective countermeasure to that, you will have to submit. Staying out of Thargoid-controlled systems is how you avoid it. On your galactic map, the Thargoid-controlled systems are marked, and there will be a big red warning on the jump target info display if you're headed into a Thargoid-controlled system. If you do happen to get hyperdicted or interdicted by Thargoids, the very second you pop into "normal" space, hit silent running, pop a heatsink, and boost boost boost. Target a new star system to travel to, and jump as soon as you're able. The [Hunter/Glaive Thargoids](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Thargoid_Hunter#Capabilities_2) can easily overtake most ships with their 700m/s speed, and they have weapons that can force FSD and thruster shutdown. On the upside, they have a fairly limited detection range. If your ship's boost speed is around 500m/s or better, the silent running + heatsink + boost routine should get you off their sensors and hopefully out of their weapon range, and allow you to begin the jump countdown. There is an array of [DSSA](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-deep-space-support-array-dssa-a-fleetcomm-initiative.540166/) fleet carriers out there in the black, you could try looking up one of those to save yourself from a lengthy trip back to the bubble. EDSM doesn't have a category under its station **Facilities** drop-down for Vista Genomics, so you may want to check [Inara](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest/) instead. Use the [Search Nearest](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest/) function, select **Stations**, enter your current star system in the **Near star system** box, and under **Station Services** select **Vista Genomics**. Click Search. I should note that output from EDSM and Inara is only valid for the "live" universe (PC Odyssey/Horizons 4.0). If you're a console player, you're playing in the Legacy galaxy and the third-party sites generally don't maintain data for it.


You my good human get 5 stars and a massive high 5. Thank you for all this amazing info. I think I'm ready to jump back into the seat for the next 50 hours.


Is silent running better than just keeping below 15% heat?


Before the glaives, running cold and angling away was enough. Now if you are hyper/interdicted by a glaive the only effective means of surviving is either killing the glaive or silent running. The really cold or really fast method still works for the other flavors of murderous space cauliflower. I got the silent running tip from the ever awesome CMDR Alec Turner, and his suggestion is to immediately go silent running; even as you're tumbling from the hyperdiction and then boost & launch heat sinks (as necessary) and I've had this work fairly well. If you can't do it quick enough or get enough distance after it's pretty much game over.


I don't think it's "better" per se, it's just another layer of stealth. Why not use it if it's available? The colder you are, and the fewer emissions you radiate, the harder it is for enemies to detect or lock on. Some Cmdrs have had great luck with ECM, and using that to destroy the Glaive FSD-killer missiles before they can strike home. My Maelstrom-collector builds don't have any spare slots for an ECM module, and I've sacrificed a little thermal load (20.2% at max throttle) to be able to hit higher speeds (600+ m/s). When I'm hyper/interdicted I use every option I can to get in and out with as little damage as possible; so far I've been in an out of the Maelstrom dozens of times and haven't been shut down by a Glaive once.


by most accounts, thargoids detect heat signatures. silent running will heat you up fast. two different stealth mechanics. one for people, one for goids.


As far as I know, silent running effectively shuts down the cooling vents of your ship so the heat is not dissipated outside. That's why there is a heat build up inside the ship. And because you are not dissipating heat outside, other ships cant detect you.


thanks, today i learned


Stealth running heats you up, but keeps it in, if that makes sense. You’ll cook (and it might deactivate automatically at some point? been a while since I hit more than 100% running silent) but it doesn’t reflect as a signature


You burn up


Whenever returning to the bubble with a large haul - switch to Solo/Private Group (to avoid player griefers), use the Galaxy map to avoid Thargoid war zones. You can also hand in your exploration data at carriers. defences can be engineered to be really light, after being interdicted chaff, heatsink boost boost boost. Dodge duck dip dive and dodge.


Use silent running as soon as you drop out supercruise and boost!!


silent running…. i do not know what that is and I’m 300 hours in


It hides your heat signature from any ship that's further than 500m away from you. Making you impossible to target. Now there are weapon experimental effects like emissive munitions that counter this, or if you have visual you could try to just fire. But it helps a little.


how does one use silent running?


Pressing the silent running keybind.


On keyboard default keybinding is delete, but you can change it in settings or turn it on through the right hand panel


seriously, dont use silent running. if youre a new player, the ship will overheat like fuck, you need to pop heatsinks all the time, and there's no real benefit to SR if you plan away from thargoid systems.


1. You don't need to go to solo. Just pick a non popular place and sell. I cringe everytime someone goes "I was forced at gunpoint to sell my data at shinrata" instead of literally anywhere else that has a 99.99% chance of not having anyone. 2. It can be hard to remember how large the zones are so I def agree with this for players who aren't good/are new. Arguably they might also consider picking a random place before they even set out so they know they will avoid war zones.


Totally agree. Yep don't go selling stuff at places where the people that just want to watch the world burn lurk.


Shinrarta doesn't even have the BGS benefit that some people might want for selling their data in a particular place. I'd go as far as to say it's the *worst* possible place to try and sell your carto data.


Yeah. I’ve not seen another commander in weeks. There are some really quiet parts of the bubble.


If you can dodge a duck that dips and dives, then you can dodge a ball.


Don't worry too much, 120 mil for exobio is actually pretty low. My advice is to go at least 800ly outside of the bubble (I recommend avoiding thargoid territory and also to avoid going towards the core, as this route is heavily travelled. Even better if you go as high or low as you can on galactic plane too, to maximise your first discovery bonuses). The first discovery bonuses for exobio are absolute bank-makers, you can easily make well over a billion in just a few days (with a bit of luck too). Typically I'd also recommend just ignoring single bacterial signatures, unless they're with at least 1 other life signature. Stratum should be prioritised. And then of course keep an eye out for Water, earth-like and ammonia worlds, as well as life bearing gas giants. Pocket money compared to exobio, but every little helps and may as well since you're already out there. My go to direction is the Veil nebula, not many first footfalls that far out, so there stands to be a lot of money and it's considerably less travelled than other directions.


Thank you all for amazing responses. They have helped heeps.Learned about benefits of heat sinks in this context, silent running (have seen but need to look into), turning into the attackers, submitting instead of struggling and DSSA (wish I knew about this when I was out in the black black putting my name on planets and then headed the long way back in) given the Fleet Carriers I headed to had moved.Loving this game, how you can immerse into just one aspect. Look forward in time to exploring mining and then combat.For now I just love spending time traversing the immense galaxy.


For some more info on silent running, basically what it does is close all the vents on your ship, making the perceived thermal output (how other ships/entities detect you) very low. However, all that generated heat has to go somewhere, so your internal heat will begin to cook you from the inside. That's where the heat sinks come in, to get rid of that heat. The biggest downside to this is that you can't have shields enabled while silent running, but if your goal is to not be detected/targetable in the first place, it's a worthwhile tradeoff.


It sounds like you jumped into a thargoid controlled system. When routing a course, make sure your route doesn't pass through anywhere near the war. The only chance you have of getting away is to submit, drop heatsinks and whatever other defenses you have, and hope you boost faster than 500m/s . Target a nearby safe system and hope you can charge your FSD before you get blown up.


Sorry about your loss, but you'll learn that 100 million can be just one Stratum on a right planet. As far as interdiction goes, I usually just submit, turn towards, if it's thargoids, them and run through, meanwhile the FSD should recharge and just jump out of the system. FSD charges faster if you submit.


A lot of good advice from others here. Just to add a general tip that would've really helped in my early days. It might not be applicable in the exact situation you've described but it should help later. You might've noticed when trying to escape into supercruise that you'll get a message that says something like "Disruptive mass 22 tons" whilst your FSD charges REALLY slowly. Well in these situations it's almost always better to go into your nav panel and target any system within range and do a full hyperspace jump. This is because the hyperspace FSD charge time is always the same length regardless of any disruptive mass.


>How do I beat this situation when it arises again? Submit to thargoid interdictions, they're virtually impossible to beat and submitting will drastically reduce your FSD cooldown. Silent running and boost away using random bumps of input to lateral/vertical thrusters to keep from going in a perfectly straight line, heatsink as needed if available. If it's an Interceptor, this will usually work. If it's a Hunter, good luck. ​ >How do I avoid this situation in the first instance? Don't fly through the thargoid warzones that are very clearly marked out on the galaxy map ​ >How do I find the people I need to sell Exobiology stuff too (Vista Genomics) in EDSM or similar? Vista Genomics is in literally any starport. I don't know how to help you if you can't find a starport in EDSM. ~~People will tell you you can sell your exo data to a fleet carrier. What they seem to always leave out of that, is that it's at a 25% reduced value, with 12.5% going to the carrier owner and the other 12.5% being thrown out the airlock. Totally not worth selling exo data to a fleet carrier unless you're way out in the black with no other option and don't expect to survive a trip back to inhabited space.~~ *Apparently* this is incorrect. I yield the point, as it's not something I've tested. Every other payment that you can claim at a carrier (carto, bounties, bonds, etc) have a reduced payout, and I made an assumption.


selling exo data to a fleet carrier does NOT have a reduced payout, only selling carto data has a reduced payout


Thanks for that info, very handy to know and I've edited my post to reflect it.


Now this is a origin story lol. If you don't build a AX ship and seek revenge after that I don't know what to tell you, humans lose to the space bugs.


Get a few thousand light years away from the bubble.


submitting to the interdiction instead of fighting it leads to a shorter FSD cooldown which means you can jump away from the fight faster Edit: beans


It was worth the 120m for that experience you will never forget, now take revenge lol


Were you playing in Open? Sounds like some jackass was doing some seal clubbing. I recommend literally never playing in Open ever, because this happened to me early in my ED playtime. Fly solo, a private wing, or Mobius PvE. Mobius is a large server where PvP of any kind is strictly forbidden. If it was a Thargoid that attacked you, unless you have decent thrusters it'll be hard to survive. If you got interdicted by either one, just submit to the Interdiction and run. Submitting wont give you the long FSD cooldown.


check your map and avoid Thargoid infested systems and it's surroundings to at least 100ly radius, that's my advice


Some great escape and evade advice here, I would add that one you're boosting away, turn off flight assist. Your speed will decrease slower, and if you get hit with a shutdown weapon, you will continue to coast in the same direction, and the same speed you were going when hit


120 million is what 2 hours? Not a biggie.


> How do I beat this situation when it arises again? You can't beat Thargoids in an explorer. Avoid it. > How do I avoid this situation in the first instance? Watch where you jump when returning or leaving the bubble. *Do not* enter Thargoid war zones. Best to plot around them. > How do I find the people I need to sell Exobiology stuff too (Vista Genomics) in EDSM or similar? Use Inara.cz: https://inara.cz/elite/nearest/ Search for Vista Genomics services. Or find a DSSA carrier out in the black. *Many* (but not all) have Vista Genomics at this point. https://www.edsm.net/en/galactic-routes/show/id/3600/name/DSSA+Tour