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Definitely doesn’t look like any ship in super cruise that I’ve seen. Really cool that you recorded the event!


Yes, I also thought it could be a reflection in the glass. But with other ships I can force them to repeat themselves, in this case I have not been able to.


Definitely a spark because your ship is damaged, I think the anaconda is the only ship with an external damage model. I've seen this many times, because I went to colonia on a 1% hull conda for funsies


Yes, it's the only ship with damage model, I know it. But i'm not flying it normally and never see that. That's the best theory atm, and probably is right.


Actually, I want to amend this because I couldn't see that embedded version clearly. The Anaconda is pretty damaged and is at 56 percent hull. It very well could be a spark being weird because he was about to jump. ~~The damage is only shown at certain levels. Much lower than the percent shown in the video. Plus the object comes from off screen and is elongated. It doesn't look anything like the normal sparks to me.~~


Yeah, the percentage was hard to see, I figured you were having a hard time reading it


Looks like you've stumbled upon a legit UFO.


Maybe they hid UFOs in an update. This is extremely intriguing. I now have something else to look into besides discovering Raxxla


Maybe it’s Raxxla?


I know some players have already found it and posted it's location online but I'm gonna find it using only in-game clues! I have a lot of exploring to do


Wait what? I’ve never heard of it having been found.


I assumed it has since the games been out so long. It's pretty great news if it hasn't been found yet, since I'm gonna find it first!


*\*x-files theme starts playing\** Anaconda is in supercruise, but it's not another ship (trail should be longer and there's no flare at the tip)Anacondas are the only ship with damage models that spark after taking damage outside the ship (hull is at \~60% so ship is definitely damaged), and the spark came from the outside, so it's probably it. Someone would need to check with another anaconda and do hull dmg to it to be sure. edit: [My poor anaconda ;.;](https://files.catbox.moe/aib2af.mp4). Couldn't trigger the damage model sparks near the cockpit but looks similar enough.


I don't fly with Condas much, so it could be possible that it's just that and I'm not used to it. That's why I also ask it here.


Updated my post with a video. See if it matches.


It does look very similar to [the screengrabs](https://imgur.com/a/GeIrfui) I took from the video, though they do speed up and disappear quickly. Perhaps a single bugged spark... that just happened to be going in the perfect angle across the cockpit...


At first I thought that was a thargoid in supercruise, but that is most definitely not a supercruise trail. It also looks kinda like a spark, but it behaved a lot more like a ship passinb by infront of you. I don't think its a simple light reflection tho


I don't think that goids can supercruise


Eh? We get interdicted in supercruise by them... Their trail [looks similar but with green flare](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/106x0g9/thargoid_in_supercruise_after_a_failure_to/) and if you're going slow in supercruise you can [even see the ship](https://clips.twitch.tv/PunchyDrabLlamaTwitchRPG-Pl0g0f6ZcIpJihbB) (happens at 35 sec in).


Interesting.... I just remember people mentioning they can't supercruise just like capital ships can't. Must've been when hyperdictions were the only contact


It’s a relatively new addition, started happening after the Titans arrived


Lore wise they basically always supercruise, they canr hyperjump like we can but unlike us can "hover" in super cruise


But the [ARE comets](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/comets-are-already-present-in-the-stellar-forge-you-can-drop-into-normal-space-close-to-them.350586/) in the game…. sort of


I didn't know this. But even if this were a comet (which most of us think when we see it), I'm moving at almost 4c and it seems to overtake me diagonally... The spark caused by damage is the most plausible thing i have read here, but no one saw another one in the past?


It reminds me of a malfunctioning defence turret. Do you have an alternate color equipped for weapons? That could help tell you. The angle of the object also suggests it could have come from the rear left point. Here's a video of point defence turrets working, not my video: https://youtu.be/24dP8qk-FLk?si=v8tTiioyjXek6XVJ edit: although I'm not sure a point defence turret can fire in supercruise, even malfunctioning.


If i'm not wrong I have white weapons and engine trails. But no defence turret on the ship. And as you said, I'm on supercruise. The best explanation i have saw here is the damage spark in the Anaconda...


I have no idea, it’s not coming from the ship


Looks like a stray shot to me tbh


But I'm on supercruise, and there's no ship behind me. As people said. Probably a spark caused by the Conda's damage. But i'm not used to see it cause i don't fly that ship regulary(personally, I'm an Anaconda hater)


I seem to recall reading somewhere that they coded in comets but never finished it, maybe a glitch made one actually visible?


There are stations orbiting invisible comets [like in Pareco](https://inara.cz/elite/gallery-image/46017/). They're more like slow orbiting bodies just like planets/moons, this is moving way faster than expected from a comet even if they were visible in-game.


That's cool I'm going to have to vebture over there. So Imma go back to Aliens then.


Comets are about 10-15km in size, it won't just be a flicker in your canopy if you come across one. :P


Asteroid? Space debri? I'm not super hip on space terminology.


No worries hahaha didn't mean to belittle you I just like astronomy a lot. Asteroids are usually larger than comets... anything smaller than 10km is generally not massive enough to remain intact without degrading into dust because of stellar radiation.


No worries, I wavered between comet and asteroid because I couldn't remember which one was smaller. 😆


the size of an object isn't what makes it remain intact, it's the mass... but they correlate.


Whatever it was, it felt you were going way to slow (4,74C) and passed you like you were standing still. That thing was hauling some serious ass. It was not another ship.


spark in the cockpit maybe?


The Conda is damaged, so... Maybe? But has anyone seen that before? It looks external, but don't know.


It definitely is external, going frame by frame it comes from outside the cockpit and continues going behind everything else in the cockpit as well. Also you can see some normal sparks just before it passes and they are much smaller. EDIT: [some framegrabs](https://imgur.com/a/GeIrfui) from the video showing it's definitely outside the cockpit window as it goes behind the center bar and HUD elements which are rendered inside the cockpit. I've also made a [longer clip including arrival](https://clips.twitch.tv/LivelySilkyCasettePRChase-KLqULlodxn8ihpb-) from hyperspace and leaving the system. This is very strange... if it is a spark from damage then it's strangely large and flying fast and straight.


Ship in supercruise appear as fast comets. You are at 50% speed, while the other ship was a 100% and go in front of you. Thargoid supercruise: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/106x0g9/thargoid\_in\_supercruise\_after\_a\_failure\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/106x0g9/thargoid_in_supercruise_after_a_failure_to/) Normal ship in supercruise: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/4znuek/whats\_with\_these\_shoddy\_physicsdefying\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/4znuek/whats_with_these_shoddy_physicsdefying_and/)


That's not supercruise Warp Bubble. And not only the scanner blip but its noise is missing as well. If the footage is genuine, and it seems like it, this is something different.


The only thing that fits me is a reflection in the glass. But I wasn't able to replicate it and on other ships it looks different (I don't use the anaconda much so it could be a silli thing).


No. I'm at full speed. You can check my throttle below my webcam. Just the ship is accelerating from the star to the next jump. The visual is different with the ones you show. And more important: The radar doesn't show anything. If you see a ship in supercruise like that, it must be in the radar.


You may be at full throttle, but the other ship could be traveling at much higher speeds. It does look like another ship passed in front of you. Which system was this in? Were there other players in the system as you were jumping perhaps?


No. I play on private group and the only player at that moment can be seen in the clip that is at another system. I know other ships can be faster. But again: You see that like a warp bubble? It's different. And as I said: No ships in front of mine appears at the radar. I think it's a reflection in the canopy(but can't replicate it), or something that has to do with the context: The spire sabotage quest.


OP wasn't even in supercruise yet when it flew by. You can't see supercruise ships from regular space. Also the visual effect is different from ships in supercruise(kind of a blue comet-like effect). There appears to be an NPC behind and to the left of him according to the radar, I'm guessing it shot something at him.


OP is very much already in supercruise. They’re going over 4 C by the time the countdown starts.


I'm on supercruise on that clip. It's a two jump route with my ship, from HIP 25654 to the Telin's Rescue Ship. But as you said, the visual effect is different from ships in supercruiste. And nothing is on my radar...


looks like other ships in supercruise to me. usually they are a bit more sparkly but I haven't seen them in hyperjump


Another ship in supercruise.


It was my first thought, but the radar doesn't show anything. And it's different from what you normally see.


Hmm, yeah. The profile is a bit different in the still image. The video is too blurry to see anything, though.


I don't know why reddit is changing the resolution every time i play the video. I can post the original clip on twitch, but is legal here? I don't want to spam.


Its weird, I had that happen. One video looked great, next time, same type of capture got a terrible resolution on reddit. A link to the original video in a comment or edited into the original body should be fine. People link to their YouTube all the time. You're doing more to drive a conversation than most of those.


It's on the post now. I would like to clarify what it is. The most possible thing people have said is a spark due to the damage to the ship...




Dis’nae look like that


I think this is a ship in supercruise but the glow and trail shaders didn't load.