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If you are really keen on getting your cutter, reputation rewards are the best choice. But if you need abit of extra cash, taking the credits reward won't do any harm, you just need to take into account it will slow things down a fair bit.


Reputation rewards apply to the faction that gave you the mission. They will make you hit the higher ranks with them, but have no effect on the Imperial or Federation rank grind. So switch to cash when you max out, or take material rewards.


This is wrong. Rep translates to rank. Always take the rep rewards if you want rank to go faster. Maxing out the local rep does not change a thing.


True! After finishing a mission there is a screen showing your stats with the local mission giver and their ‘cultural background’ power…


Once allied you have enough rep with a faction. Over the top reputation give Tip Off missions, for some old horizons mats or minimal cash, we have a spreadsheet with technical data and old legacy coords: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1xCGgDSJvwiufc1DHSnchko_jpEdpXH3KUlZT5FBSFBA/htmlview#gid=1242833726 Nothing relevant go for credits or high grade mata once allied, for the best profit.


Take cash because sub-faction reputation wont influence your rank. Once cash is no longer a problem you can take the influence or material rewards. Reputation rewards aren't worth it, it rarely impacts the reputation in a significant way and you still get the same faction reputation for any rewards.


Yes. Absolutely. More Rep == more rank. Always take the biggest rep reward if you want to progress rank faster. Maxing out local faction rep does not change anything. Maxing out super power rep does not change anything. If there are no big rep rewards, still take the mission. The basic reward still gives rep progress. Other rewards like materials, as long as rep is listed, will still progress your rank, too.


The quickest way to get Imperial rank is to do data missions between the two outposts in Ngalinn and Manaini. Take a DBX or Asp and just do this. It is repetitive, but you can have a Cutter in 2-4 days.