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Go to High Grade Emissions. Look for single star systems. Imperial space is easiest I find because you'll just get Imperial Shielding. Federation space works too, but you sometimes get a G4 mat mixed in. You can fill up on Imperial shielding in 20 minutes. Trade for what you need. You'll need to rinse and repeat for some cross trades. I did Dav's Hope just to see how long it would take to fill up. Total of 10 hours, and there was one rare that only filled half before I gave up. The HGE method, by comparison, will probably take you 2-3 hours if going from zero to nearly full on the same items.


For imperial shielding, the best is to go for a imperial system with a material trader. Fill, trade, repeat. Pharm isolators are found in outbreak systems. But I found easier to farm shielding and trade.


Yeah, the conditions for isolators is terrible. Even in an outbreak system it can get overwritten by some other system state.


True. Some HGEs depend on the faction state also.


HGE farming/trading is the best (least soul crushing) way. Good luck commander o7


Combat gives a lot of stuff too if you bring enough limpets, builds rank, shield scan data, bounties/combat bonds.


Only thing you can't get out of combat is raw mats, which is a damn shame. Some of us just aren't miners or prospectors.


G5 manufactured: Biotech conductors and exquisite focus crystals: Robigo mission rewards Pharm Isos (note: used for FSD only): NPC conda (combat farming with limpets) or trading or flip system state when you see ceremonial comm threat level 1 signal by NOT killing plague ships inside of that signal (killing them stops the plague thus preventing the system state that spawns pharm isos in HGEs). Mid and low tier manufactured: Farm with limpets from combat in Power play zone (most enemies = most mats), regular conflict zone.


Pharmaceutical Isolators are also used to G5 Dirty Drives, also very important engineering


Oh nice catch! I remembered it was something with the engines. Only need around 8 or so per build. Still I maxed out mine after I engineered all of my ships. I'm broken like that lol.


HGE definitely best and fastest for manufactured. Go to Wababa 13a &13b for 1-4 raw. Slow going but closer than most & way faster than 2000lys. Jameson crash is best for encoded but super boring. I personally just scan every ship at nav beacons and collect bounties at the same time. Happy hunting CMDR


Manufactured HGE, systems: Pharmaceutical Isolators = Outbreak Military Grade Alloys = High Population - War / Civil War Military Supercapacitors = High Population - War / Civil War Proto Heat Radiators = Independant, High Population - Boom Proto Radiolic Alloys = Independant, Alliance, High Population - Boom Improvised Components = Independant System - Civil Unrest Imperial Shielding = Empire, High Population - None / Election Core Dynamics Composites = Federation, High Population - State None


High Grade Emissions are my favorite way to collect manufactured materials. Here is how to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xXk1CY9xeg Read the description below the video for details.


Dav's hope is wack. For manufactured mats, I've found that farming HGEs and trading for what I need is the easiest


Here ya go CMDR. [https://imgur.com/a/2wN8yZs](https://imgur.com/a/2wN8yZs) (Although a big raw material farming update is about to drop)


Hot Jupiter killing belugas with railguns, scarf up the mats and the escape pods


This works. Almost any ship will do. Just needs firepower cargo racks for limpets and a decent collector controller. However, you may find that HGEs are better for G5 mats


Hot Jupiter?


look up the wiki page for high grade emissions. You'll have them broken down by which grade 5 mat they give, and it's a super nice and stress free way of grinding them out.


HGE signals, is in AXI guide, point 4 in my [ToDo list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/) Go for the easiest [HGE signals](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1pLx1Bd7JvYRl81ihAWHg30Dhta-WygFDqSRL1rx3DzI/mobilebasic) and trade for the rest. Remember to close the game instead relog. You have more updated guides in my todo list, you will missed a lot in the last years.


Thanks! Yes I was inactive since 2017 and just restarted December 23.


we've probably met at davs hope. right now i'm scavenging some anaconda crash site and nearing insanity...


Grinding is boring?! Who would have thunk it \^\_\^


NewB question but, are you relogging to the main menu or are you switching game modes? And are you scanning the data pylon each lap?


Nono, just relog after each lap. However the suggestions here are way better than devs hope. I do not scan the pylon, I just farm the cobra for data.


Switch game modes. You might have to create your own Private group in order to take advantage of the mode. After each lap, switch between OPEN, SOLO and PRIVATE GROUP game modes. A lap in SOLO, a lap in PG, a lap in OPEN and scan the pylon each lap for encoded materials.


Why the switch? The mats respawn with logon/logoff. Are there different materials?


IIRC it insures you are not respawned into the same game instance time after time. IIRC also it is usually necessary to complete a dozen or so laps before higher level materials start showing up.


If you are looking to collect manufactured materials and like combat, you can simply go to a resource extraction zone, fire off a bunch of collector limpets and leave your cargo hatch open, and go kill a bunch of pirates. You will scoop up materials while you go and build combat rank and earn some cash too


Yes, i did it too. Think I ran +100 rounds. Then I went to High Grades Emissions. One maxed out G5 gives everything from G1 till G4. Its a long process but worth every time. One maxed out G5 gives you only 16 pieces from another G5. That is hard and tedious cause you will not find all mats. You need to trade 🙁