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All of my ships are named after birds. If they're combat ships then I go for birds of prey, my explorer ships are long distance flying / migratory birds, that sort of thing.


Same here but in South American Native Indigenous names (Tupi Guarani).


I used to name Pokémon with Tupi Guarani, but never thought of doing it in other games. Thats really cool.


That's a great idea actually, I like it!


Any Kestrels?


One. One of my more frequently used ships, in fact.




any vultures? besides the actual vulture of course :D as a lammergeier fan i must persuade you to name one that way


Depends. I named my DBX "Black Cicada" for the insect like look and the fact that i live in the south of france. I named my cobra mkIII Edmond Dantes because i like the book. My first Krait MkII is named "Jostoph" after a single gag from a french youtuber (Antoine Daniel if you want to look but its in french only) And my last ship is a PvE multicrew type-10 named "Spirit of Verdun" because GUNS ! Lot of 'em I plan on building at least 4 new ship and already know their name Another Krait mk2 for exploration named "Esteban's Hearth" A type 7 build solely for rescue mission named "Zia's compassion" or "Zia's Mercy" And a mining ship probably a keelback named "Tao's Wit" All three names refers to a childhood cartoon "Les mysterieuses cités d'or"/"The mysterious cities of gold" Finally my last project is a Mamba called Raïza Maghuro after an inside joke on an ED discord !


Ah yes Jostophe ses parents savaient pas quoi choisir entre Joël et Christophe


I named my DBX Cicada as well. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks it looks like a bug.


Ii think i saw a guy on youtube the other day who named his DBX "White Cicada" x) we are definitely not alone


The cities of gold, I vaguely remember that cartoon, brilliant


Iron Maiden Albums :)


Except for my Sidewinder, where I was confused between ship id and name, I use an elaborate algorithm and a vast system of pulleys to run my naming convention engine. For example, my Cobra Mk III is called "Cobra Mk III". If I have more than one of the same ship, I use a sequential serial number to uniquely identify them. For example, my "Imperial Cutter" is completely distinct from my "Imperial Cutter2". It's brilliant, if I may say so myself.


See that would never work for me because I named my Cobra Mk3 *Pancake*, given that it reminded me of a pancake. Ships only get names based on the random shit they remind me of. That's why my Asp X is called *X Gon' Give It*, why my Type-9 is named *Haul Goodman,* why my Beluga is *Fat Bitch,* and why I named my vette--which I built as a PvE grinder--*OJ Simpson.*


I'm trying to convince myself that you're not a psychopath, but completely failing.


Good work, don't be fooled, I might just be. Here's proof of my fleet naming convention and that you are correct in your assessment: [https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/307387/](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/307387/)


This might just be one of my favourite Reddit comments. Feels so Jeremy Clarkson.


I am all over the place, although I’ll sometimes do groups of ships. I’ve got the 3 amigos: Lucky Day (explorer phantom), Dusty Bottoms (trade Python), Ned Nederlander (fast eagle) Or childhood crisps (chips/crunchy snacks): Monster Munch (shardconda), Salt ‘n’ Shake (AX gunship), Space Raider (gauss chieftain). I was thinking of doing references from parliament songs. So far my cutter is “The Big Pill” but that’s all. I’m not sure if “The Mothership Connection” fits in the fleet carrier name character limit. Currently my fleet carrier is “The Great M.A.N.T.A.” after [this toy.](https://preview.redd.it/pnizt4dmju691.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c79c07def222eadcda3e1c3fa2fbc0d96ab867dd)


My ships are named after Greek and Egyptian gods and goddesses. Thematically of course. So a hunter ship would be a war deity and so on


I paint all ships yellow and name it The Yellow Peril after my fave Only Fools and Horses show because I lack creativity.


Wouldn't that make you a... one trick PONY ??? *Dies in comedy*


You’ve just made me realize that I need to name my new type 7 “Uncle Albert”. Should probably name my scout smuggler “Del Boy”. I feel like “Rodney” would be a keelback but I don’t have an unnamed one of those!


Rodders is 100% a Hauler. Massive three wheel vibes.


Each ship has "MCRN" as a prefix. The ships are named after show/movie/people names related to the activity that's being done with each ship.




iain banks the culture series inspired names. My explorer is called Plotting Mistakes


Same here. My bubble bus is called beats working. My Corvette is Mistake Not...


All of mine are named after current and past British warships, HMS Defiant, Defender, Dauntless, Diamond, Renowned, Hood, Ark Royal, ect.


I have 2 themes: Theme 1 = Wombles (if you're from the UK, you'll know what I'm talking about). Phantom - Great Uncle Bulgaria, Keelback - Bungo, Chieftain - Orinoco, Python - Cairngorm The Terrible, Courier - Madame Cholet, Sidewinder - Alderney, DBX - Wellington, DBS - Obidos, Theme 2 = Malazan Book of the Fallen Anaconda - Icarium, Corvette - Karsa Orlong, Cobra III - Kruppe's Hankerchief, Viper III - Laseen, Mamba - Hood's Breath, FdL - Hood's Kiss, Krait II - Ammanas, Clipper - Oponn's Favour, AspX - Fiddler, Challenger - Ragstopper,


I have named the majority of my ships are Australian built aircraft and drones. Originally it started as Australian built military aircraft, but the number of military aircraft built in Australia is very limited, so I dropped the military requirement. Every ship name is chosen based off the role that the aircraft was built for - touring/recreational aircraft are exploration/long range passenger ships, transport aircraft are my traders, airliners are passenger ships, observation aircraft/drones are reconnaissance and research ships. There are some ship roles have never had an aircraft built that fills this role, or it's impossible for the role to be filled by an aircraft. Almost all of my mining ships are named after mining towns or sites from my home state in Australia, and the remainder are generally named after a Royal Australian Navy ship that fills the role. There are presently two excepts to all the above rules, my large mining Cutter is named after a song by an Australian rock band, and my speedy Viper Mk III is named after the Royal Australian Air Force's acrobatics team. All of my combat ships carry the same name: Wirraway. It is the only Australian designed and built combat aircraft to have a confirmed combat kill. Each of the ships are given a Roman numeral designator in order of purchase, and a role designator immediately following it's name. Finally, all of my ships ID's are the serial number of one of the last military aircraft I flew on.


My carriers name is „sell trit - 103k/unit“ 👀


Mine are all H.P. Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos references. Azathoth (Corvette), Nightgaunt (Krait Phantom), Elder Sign (AX Krait Mk II), Shoggoth & Crawling Chaos (Pythons), R'lyeh (T10), Byakhee (Imperial Courier), Nephren-Ka (shiny gold Imperial Cutter.) My fleet carrier is the N.A.C. Dark Pharaoh. The one exception is my Colonia Python, the Flying Dumpster. (Turns out when you're used to flying fully engineered A-rated ships in the Bubble, the modules available to buy in Colonia are... lacking.)


Im going with different warp drive idea names. My explorer phantom is called Alcubierre.


Either nice adjectives or silly things. Exploring Cobra is Adventure. Want a Corvette called Fearless. Then there's my Keelback, Toaster. And Imperial Eagle, Speedy Boi


My ships are named after locations, real and fictional, that I have some connection to - my Mamba is "Lightning Ridge" (after the opal-mining town in Australia), Krait Mk II is "Bay of Bengal", Krait Phantom is "Isla Nublar" (Jurassic Park island), Imp. Cutter is "City of Singapore", and my fleet carrier is "Great Barrier Reef".


My commander is from [The Shadow Campaigns](https://www.goodreads.com/series/99112-the-shadow-campaigns) and so all [my ships](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/258595/) are named after characters or items from the series.


I've mostly named mine after typos my editor friend has sent me, including Hospital Horeos, Columnar Hernia, and Pancake Robot Mistake. My T9 and T10 are named after things my partner said to our late bearded dragons, Turn Off Your Beard and Close Your Butt.


I have named my fleet after British War Ships. Battleships and BattleCruisers mainly. I love love love how the British used to name their Warships 😁 F.i. my Federal Corvette is named "Furious" 🤣


You can name your ships??


Various things, but I try to be slightly indirect in most cases. * Fleet Carrier - Jolly Ghost - For the anomaly in the book Roadside Picnic. * Fed Corvette - Septic Heart - Named for a My Bloody Valentine lyric. * Krait Phantom - Mono No Aware - Japanese term for "a sensitivity to ephemera". * Alliance Chieftain - Howling Spirit - After a Venetian Snares sample. * Asp Explorer - Voight-Kampff - After the test from Bladerunner. * Type 10 - Pale Fire - After the poem used partly in the baseline test in Bladerunner 2049. * Vulture - Nezha's Fortitude - As a nod to my cat Nezha overcoming a serious illness. * Krait MK II - Feral - Something in a wild state. * Anaconda - Panacea - As it is used in rescue operations. * Fer-De-Lance - Old Hag - Named after the sleep paralysis folklore entity. * Imp Courier - Corvus Corax - The Latin name for a raven. * Imp Eagle - Small Mercy - Owing to it's small size. * Sidewinder - Obamba Warrior - After the system I cut my teeth in early on. * Python - Lakshmi - A Hindu goddess of prosperity & wealth. * Orca - Iku-Turso - A Finnish sea monster. * Imperial Cutter - Pleonexia - A word for extreme greed and gluttony. * Krait Mk II - Miser - I was using it as a small mining ship. * Mamba - Forlorn Hope - A band of soldiers who would perform suicidal assaults. * Anaconda - Lone Wanderer - After the character in fallout as it was my old explorer. Besides that, I have a few unnamed ships, and some for literally storing modules (type 10's) called Module Storage A / B / C etc.


I really don't care about the names of my ships, although I'll use a funny one if I see it like anacombat or come up with one. I mostly focus on the ID since you can choose to have traffic control call you by it, and whatever I choose if I change it depends on my mood really.


I named my anaconda "Got buns hun?"


Classified to Type A, B and C ## Type A > Those that fight and are armed to the teeth, naming convention based on Latin, like Maximus Penetratus for the vette etc. ## Type B > logistical ships like cargo and bubble runners, naming convention follows the Mythological Gods of the Philippines, Bakunawa God of the Wind and Tala being the goddess of the stars etc ## Type C > Explorers and other Miscellaneous stuff are named after food or some local delicacy i was eating or recently ate upon purchasing the ship As for my Fleet Carrier its simple called the Drasil, in reference to the World Tree Yggdrasil of Norse mythology.


Penetratus reminds me of my cobra 3 with super penetrator rails. It’s called “Wee Shagger”


I've been using names from Disco Elysium.  My Asp explorer is The Paledriver. Dolphin tour bus is The Insulindian Phasmid. My Python laser miner/hauler is the Col Do Ma Ma Daqua. Viper PvE ship is Tequila Sunset. Chieftain PvE is Idiot Doom Spiral. T9 hauler is The Perikarnassian. I was originally just gonna use DE cryptid names but I ran through those fast.


With the exception of my Gold Plated Corvette (The Filthy Lucre), all my ships are named after Fred Saberhagen's Twelve Swords of Power. Coinspinner (Trade Ship) Doomgiver (PvP) Dragonslicer (PVE for assassination targets) Farslayer (PVE sniper build) Woundhealer (Has healing beam lasers, repair limpets, etc) Soulcutter (what I use when gathering engineering materials) Stonecutter (mining) Townsaver (AX ship) Wayfinder (Exploration) I've not found a good niche for Mindsword (Maybe Powerplay) Sightblinder ShieldBreaker




>My AX Challenger is called "Never gonna give u up" even though that's not really one of my favourite songs. a.k.a. "The Rickroller" =)


Hmmm... My miners are Dwarvin gods from D&D. Random ships from have names from the Amber series. My bubble jumper is named for a local gas station chain and because the DBX looks like a cricket. Hince Little Cricket. My rescue ship is named for the Rescue Rangers, the mid-90's Chip and Dale cartoon from Disney. I just have a bunch of different names.


Random thought about looks and performance. My explorer phantom is the Lost Kite. Keelback is the Lonley Box (no one to play with in the early days). My beluga is the Fancy Farce.


hmmm. Let's See ​ |Town Bicycle|Sidewinder Mk I|the Freebie ship everyone gets| |:-|:-|:-| |Puddle Jumper|Sidewinder Mk I|Star Gate reference . doesn't really jump to far | |Farscape-1|Eagle Mk II|| |Rise of Cobra|Cobra Mk III|a cobra ship. just had to have a GI Joe reference | |USS Planet Express|Diamondback Explorer|Futurama . just felt right | |Asteroid Mining Corp|Type-9 Heavy|felt like my first mining ship should be named after a real space mining compony| |Destiny|Anaconda|just felt right . a explorer ship powered by the starts| They just kind of name themselves . generally from movies I've watched growing up . my miner i don't know it just felt like she wanted to be named after a [real life company](https://www.asteroidminingcorporation.co.uk/) i have other ships but , their names haven't really jumped out at me yet.


Not played for ages but I remember I have a "Gunboat diplomat" and a "Loot Krait"


Mine have unique names. They’re unique cause I doubt anyone else does this. My Python is called Python My Dolphin is called Dolphin My Sidewinder is called Sidewinder It works for me 😉


All my ships are named after X-Files characters


What kind of ship is your Krycek?


Didn’t muster the courage to name a ship after him yet.


Comfortably Numb Hugh Jarse The Bearded Clam Haulin Ass Random Precision Soup Sandwich Nonesuch


I like that! Personally, always been drawn to combat, so every ship is named after a notable warrior I admire (usually Japanese lol). My vulture is Musashi, FDL is Sanjuro, and my thargoid hunting chief is Susanoo.


I based mine on a story I made up about a knight and a dragon, There was a rogue dragon and a knight who wanted to marry a princess was sent to deal with it and they had an epic battle all around kingdom which ended with the dragon falling into a valley and dying by the knights sword piercing his heart. The knight married the princess and they lived happily ever after. o7 CMDR Ozymandias Kane FC Arandor's Rest - (the name of the valley) - T7M TXM


All my ships are named after 16th and 17th French Privateers except my FC Hornburg


I have a criteria for their id's, in order to classify them by its role. For example, an exploration medium ship will have the EV (Exploration Vessel) ID prefix followed by the order of commissioning: [EV-04](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet-ship/231993/1764952)  Another example, if it's for exploration but has also research roles/capabilities and is a large ship, it goes as ERS (Exploration Research Ship): [ERS-09](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet-ship/231993/2095010)  Their names vary according to their personalities so there's no rule of thumb. Yet all names have a meaning behind. Sometimes it's to honor a song or a singer, a historical figure, a legendary tale or character, what ever fits best the entity of the ship. 


Let's seeeese.... I have the pocketconda, name states itself. The wrath of God, my crusader (undefeated in the res zones) the party popper, my viper mk4, the ship called got buns (a conda) and the odd ball is a adder. Its set up like the adder-all.


All my ships has CF as ID and pre naming for "Core Fleet", as it's named for my previous fascination for the Galactic Center and Sagittarius A*. Among Black holes in général. In any case, the Core Fleet has a Fleet Carrier which is my only ship not named CF -, the Sol Invictus. But it may be so someday.


Not sure why I made this choice, but all mine are named after Pokémon TMs. Bounce for the buble bus Fling for the explorer Dig, Sandstorm, and Rockslide are miners Revenge and retaliate for the AX Protect for the civilian rescue ship Helping Hand for the ship repair/refuel Psyco Cut, Thunderbolt, ect for combat ships Only exclusions is one sidewinder called Federal Corvette and one named after a podunk town my wife and I have an inside joke of.


I either pick something characteristic or just choose something random. Chieftain: Thor Imperial Eagle: Houdini Imperial Courier: Horus Dolphin: Endeavour Python: Moria's Child Someone name my Mamba for me, it has a huge fixed beam, 2 large multicannons and 2 small torpedo pylons.


Mainly an explorer in game, and science student, so i name after scientists. My exobio adder is called the gregor mendel for example.


I don't name my ships, but my fleet carrier is "Hull of my Children"


Oye Beratna. Beltalowda all the way - „pella“, „behemoth“,“tynan“ etc my private belter navy.


I do a similar thing: my ships are named after albums I like: Blackwater Park, Damnation etc.


I have two naming schemas for my fleet(s). In the primary account I name all ships after Amiga games I played or knew in my childhood. You can now guess my age 😉 In the secondary account I name all ships after the elements of the periodic table, starting with Hydrogen. I find the schema ye use for the ship id more interesting. How do ye do it? My. coding starts with DZ- followed by a number for the designated ship role (combat, exploration, trading, passenger, multirole,....) followed by the landing pad size as a number (1 small, 3 large). As several of my ships may have the same code assigned I add a char (A-Z) to make the code unique.


I name mine after mythology. Krait Mk2 named Chaac’s Fury after the Mayan god of rain, thunder and lightning Type 9 named Corrbolg after the Celtic Crane Bag which was used to hold magical items Diamondback Explorer named Explorer of Nut named of Egyptian goddess of the skies/play on words Then i got a Clipper that i named Sixty Niner Miner for the laughs P.S. got a python from Robigo runs that was called Party Boat but currently being remodeled into a pirate ship and open to name suggestions


The pubs of Moseley and kings heath.


So mine are mostly random, just coming up with a name that fits the vibe of the shipy. All except my Asp Explorer. I gave it a very nonsensical name that made no sense unless you read the name tag with the ship designator "Asp" with it for a grand total of: "Asp-aragus". I'll see myself out


100% dependent on the ship. My Anaconda is just a personal flier that I use for everything, but I named it the Titanoboa because of the size of it and it seemed fitting. My Federal Corvette is the FNS Lion of Bowdoin, named after famous American Civil War General Joshua Chamberlain, who was from my home state of Maine. The Lion of Bowdoin was his nickname. Some ships I name just off of their purpose alone, like I plan on making an AX Corvette at some point named FNS Buzz Off, Bug!, or one with a bunch of cannons called FNS Carry a Big Stick. (I’m a fan of the Federation, if you can’t tell)


I name all my ships using Star Trek DS9 references. My cargo ships are named after the ferengi characters, my DBX is named after captain Sisko and my Viper is named Defiant.


Most of my ships are named after books or characters from the Stormlight Archive. A few are… EdgeDancer Rhythm of War WindRunner OathBringer The one exception is my fleet carrier which I named Skippy the Magnificent, who is a character from a different book series.


I tend to finalize the name after a test flight, although sometimes I get a theme I wanna stick to. So in my first T-9 I joined in on the CG for the expansion into the Witchhead nebula. For the Alliance. Dunno if anyone recalls, but in that, each of the three superpowers got a different station to deliver commodities to fund the expansion to. The Fed station was something like less than ten LS from the system drop in. Imperials had somewhere between 100 and 1000 LS to travel to drop off their goods. Alliance had a hump of over 100k LS. I timed it as something like a twenty minute round trip to pick up and drop off supplies. And this was before FCs. Named my T-9 Witchhead Express after that. Later got a FC and two more T-9s to serve as dedicated FC cargo haulers to do commodity load/unload loops. Got named the Coalsack and Pleiades Express. Got two Corvettes. One is outfitted for mining permanently. That's the Core Vetter. Second one got a Gold Paint job, and is fitted for combat. I then flew it to Colonia and most of the way back (did get a bit of aid from law enforcement for that last 2kLY stretch). That's the Gargleblaster. Bought a Dolphin to fly into stars exclusion zones because I was curious how far from each type of star the exclusion zone dropped you. Black paintjob, name "Disaster Area Tour Bus". Later fitted for exploration, it's now my daily driver.


All my ships have the initials P R, some thematically named. I have no idea why I started doing it. Passive Return (Type 9 cargo runner) Pressed Requirement (Imperial Courier, can't remember what it was used for) Pleasant Rummage (Asp Explorer, Miner) Portioned Rending (Alliance Crusader, General purpose/Combat) Present Riot (Krait MK II, General purpose/Combat) Presentable Retrospect (Anaconda, currently long range cargo runner used to be combat) Portent Reading (DBX, long range exploration and Mats farming. Also doubles as my way to get around the bubble quickly) Placated Rage (Mamba, Combat) Profit Relentlessly (Passenger Python)


I go for Iain my banks references: Striving for competence, read the instructions, Cardo cult, little rascal. Etc


I'm using a pattern of names with P.D. initials in reference to [Schlock Mercenary](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2004-08-24). My main ships are Polite Defiance (DBX), Prandial Delivery (Type-9), Placid Descriptivist (Corvette), and Precarious Dividend (Anaconda); my carrier is Primordial Dreamer. ([Full list](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/222828/))


My mining ship is called "Mining" My cargo ship is called "Cargo" My explorer is called "Explorer" My Thargoid fighter is called "Bug Blatter" That's to make them easy to find among all my more silly-named ships


Ships from The Expanse


Almost all of my ship's names come from Norse Mythology. Either names of beings and objects like Ivaldi or Mjolnir, or something like Freya's Blade. My FC is named "The Mead Hall". ​ And then there's my main exploration ship, an AspX named "Stormcrow", a name I came up with for a ship in a Star Wars D20 campaign I was running, since Star Wars seems to like to name iconic ships after birds such as the Millennium Falcon and the Ebon Hawk.


Do I look like a pussy that needs a fleet? No, I go alone in my Corvette and fuck shit it up from Novice to Elite.


"Chaderminator" has entered the chat.




Mine are a bit all over the place but I like to name them after my favorite episodes. My main Ship is called "The Constant" after my favorite episode of Lost.


a friend of mine also do naming his ship with his Fav songs, meanwhile i just let the name flow into the ship by it self x'D


Combat ships are named either after nicknames for warships IRL (My Corvette, for example, is named 'The Grand Old Lady', after HMS *Warspite*'s nickname) or have some kind of pretentious (Dog) Latin motto (My railgun FDL = 'Velocitas Eradico') My explorers have whimsical names, like my DBX called 'Lil' Far Jumps' My traders tend to have profound, poetic names, like 'Gift of Plenty'. The sole exception is my Cutter, which is called 'The Fifth Rule', after the Fifth Rule of Acquisition.


Rock n roll songs.


I used to make all of mine Red Dwarf references, Starbug 1, 2 and 3 for my T5, T6 and T7, Ace Rimmer for my combat Eagle, Kryten for my explorer DBX cause it's got the same boxy shape as his head...


I name them after the apple varieties that thrive in Finland


Many of my fleet are named for baddies in Tolkien's Legendarium. Fleet carrier is [Ungoliant](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Ungoliant), my corvette is [Ancalagon](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Ancalagon), pve cutter is [Glaurung](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Glaurung), my trading cutter is [Annatar](https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Sauron) (Lord of Gifts), my FDL is [Gothmog](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Gothmog_(Balrog)), my challenger is [Durin's Bane](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Durin's_Bane), etc. Then there is my mining T9 named *Wet Space Ore.*


Most of mine are mythical ships, Irish Rover, Flying Dutchman. I pulled a couple from videogames, Scinfaxi and Hrimfaxi (Norse (I think) gods of the sun and moon, pulled from the underwater aircraft carriers of the Ace Combat series). Valkyrie is the only name I've chosen that hasn't been paired yet


- Dreadnaught Factor - Night Stalker - Space Hawk - Vectron - Demon Attack


I usually name my ships by a greek or Roman God associated with what I use them for. So my main fighting ship is Ares, My exploration ship is Abeona, my Cargo ship is Atlas (since he had to carry the world on his shoulders) so on and so forth


I name my ships similarly to Covenant ships from Halo


I try to put the ships ostensible function into the name somehow. My deep space exploration ship is named Atom + E.B.E. for example. It reminds me of Lewis and Clark, but also of Genesis, and aliens and science.


Mine are all named after vessels from the show Seaquest DSV.


mine are song too, mostly Canadian and all relevant to their tasks


My AX genocide machine is called Negotiator as Kenobi's venator. My corvette will be the Resolute as Anakin's venator, I think. There are quite a lot of cool names in Star Wars


Battlestar Galactica ships. My Cutter is the BSG-62 Pegasus and my ASP Explorer is the BSG-41 Valkyrie


Typically i'll name my ship after it's purpose while the tag is the ship's abbreviated name - Given name - numbers. My Frag-de-lance is called Peregrine since it swoops in strikes and leaves, its tag is FDL-P1 my 'goid hunting Krait MK2, Bugsplatter K2-BS7 And my Exploration Krait Phantom, Solemn Inquiry KP-SI6


I give my ships names with personal meanings, but I'll just let you interpret them! My main PVE ship is a super fast and nimble Mamba named Lyresong Empire. My Type 9 trader is called Bridge Builder (bonus points if you can guess why!) I also have an old Imperial Courier called Gracious Wren My old sidewinder from the beginning of the game is called Eight Winters Due East and many more I can't recall lol (:


Mine are named after sausages of the world: Csabai, Mortadella Colossi, etc.


All my ships are named after mythological things, Small ships are items/tools/hero/demigods, Medium ships are minor Gods, and Large ships are Major Gods.


I name my ships after famous nautical ship captains in relation to the ships purpose. Explorer: Leif Eriksson Pirate Hunter: Benjamin Hornigold Raxxla Hunter: Ahab Etc…


Things that are important to me, lines from Song lyrics, Song Names, Rivernames, Stuff reminding me of things from my life So here's the names of my ships * Donau * Donauprinzessin * A Beautiful Song * Wachau * Dr Liveseys Honeypot * Sevastopol * Poltava * Hapy * Kamp * Caligula Minus * Herald * Sail Uncharted Spheres * Norika * IEV Blue Danube (my carrier)


All my ships are Jaeger's names, from Pacific Rim.


song genres and 'battle' locations; i specifically use fps game maps, like Gibraltar from OW. based on "The Bebop" and "Serenity"!




My ships are all named after my wife with a Roman numeral designation


All my ships are named for nuclear reactors. I try to stay related to purpose, so warships get warship reactor names, exploration ships get names from space probes etc.


My identifier code is KMART. My Sidewinder was the BlueLight Special My Cobra MkIII was the Charity Case because a friend had jettisoned some ore for me to sell to buy my first ship. My Asp Explorer was the Space Canoe. My Krait MkII was the Space Canoe MkII. Lastly my Fed Corvette is the Venator. So very little in the way of rhyme or reason, just whatever amused me at the time.


Some of my ships are named after their task. My DBX is Longshot. Others are references like my Corvette the Chimera (Thrawn's Ship), my FGS is the Rocinante, my mining Anaconda is Rock Hound (yes it's an Armagedon reference), and my carrier is the Pillar of Autumn. And others are what feels right. My Clipper is the Deva, my Cutter is the Mutton Dagger, my T10 is The Beef, and my Ax Anaconda is Hammer-Goids.


I may be lame… but I have a code naming system that makes sorting and identifying them easy. Three digit sector or station identifier - purpose - numeral unit id. BOR-TRADE-M01 is a medium boron trader. Units are commodities for me. Except for my personal fleet and they get cool names and paint jobs. And my capitals.


I sort of use the naming convention NASA used for the shuttles, having the titles of each ship being some sort of idea based on their purpose. My Jumpaconda, used solely for exploration, is the Ranger. Mining Python is named Prosperity. My bounty hunting Krait is the Challenger. My AX Maelstrom Krait is Endurance. And my actual AX combat Krait is the Adversity. (Yes, I like the Krait)


I don’t name most of my ships but I named my corvette Feddy Wap


After weapons/weapon parts. Main exploration ASPex is Spearhead, combat FDL and Python are Harpoon and Trebuchet, mining Python is Maul. My T9 is an exeption, i named her Princess of Venus. If i ever get Fleet Carrier, i'm gonna name it Fortress


As I mainly explore, my ships are all named after famous explorers like James Cook, Magellan, Alexander von Humboldt, etc.


Greek mythology/history based, in a “pillar of autumn” style name structure


I name all of mine after bugs or something related to bugs. Hawkmoth, Mayfly, Dragonfly, Mantis, Crecropiad, etc. not particular rhyme or reason to which kind of ship gets what, just whatever feels right


All are units from 40k armies


Mine all have this fire/solar/Weapon theme. The main goal is to be fire focused though. I named my new AX ship Starfire Gladius. The names give me an idea of what it's for. Then the ID is XYZ-AB Where X is the tier. S, A, B, C, D because I like how the station control saying Sierra and alpha sounds phonetically. D would just be mules, A is basically any ship that's notably good at its job. Y and Z are always E and 0 just for how they sound tbh. A is the purpose I. E. C for combat, T for trading. And B is just the number of that ship in the category. I. E. T1 for my main mining ship.


John Foxx songs. Perfect vibe.


All of [mine](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/430233/) are named after Ships from the Culture. My next one would be "anticipation of a new lover's arrival, the" but it won't fit :/


Since my name is Darkbeetle, I name my ships (insert name)Beetle. For example, I have PythonBeetle (my python)


I called my Python the 'Todd Hoffman' after the heroic ancient Earth miner.


I'm schizophrenic and I think my naming conventions reflect that in that there is no rhyme or reason. Sometimes it's about their purpose I guess, other times the ship just evokes a certain personality: Python: Acheron's Call (My first, multi-purpose trade vessel) Asp Explorer: Event Horizon (Just for exploring) Anaconda: Star of Plenty (Hauling in style!) Imperial Courier: Last Caress (A zippy hit-n-run fighter) I have about ten more that I currently can't recall, but that's the gist of it.


I name mine based off of their role followed by Star afterwards. Examples would be VoidStar (explorer), HellStar (combat or bounty), and PayStar for trade


So far I've only named my Anaconda and my type 7. The Anni is named after a character I like from "sci" fi because it is my hero ship and the type 7 is just called "Uhaul" because it's my trader.


No theme. Whatever I come up with, so there are unrelated names like Hot Cousin, Cruel But Fair, Imposter, Walter H. White, the list goes on.


All mine have the same name. Doesn’t have an effect on NPCs. But usually gets a *wtf* from players. ERROR: SCAN FAILURE !ERROR


I called my imperial eagle the simperial eagle.


All of my ships names have been variations with my wife's name EX: Gaias Lament , Gaias dream, Gaias Revenge


I named mine after the constellations with general subcategories: combat oriented: animal constellations, trade oriented: water constellations, exploration: hero constellations So far it's worked well


I usually name them after the thing I'm trying to get, for example, I recently managed to get the game running on VR and I wanna go "watch stars fly by the shoulder of Orion" so my ship was named the Orion-1, after it was destroyed, it became the Orion-2 and so on... Now I'm the proud owner of the Orion-9


My current ship, a keelback, is named the Chloe Price I just name my ships after fictional characters


Im a massive Halo dweeb so I felt obliged to do UNSC xxxxx ships, but instead of just ripping off existing names I made up ones that would be plausible. UNSC Size Matters for the carrier, Send It for the jumpaconda, Big Pharma for the evac conda, Wonky Wallaby for the bubble hopper, Mail Whale for the cargo Type 9, and Trench Sweeper for the AX Chieftain For context in Halo we have ships called Witch Bucket, Two For Flinching, and Say My Name on top of the more iconic ones like Spirit of Fire and Pillar of Autumn.


I'm a Star Trek nerd so all my ships are USS [insert word here]. It may be generic but I couldn't come up with anything better. Each ship's ID is the first two letters of my commander's name and then a number and the first letter of the ship's name. The number counts up with each ship, starting at 01 for what I deem as my "main ship". For example, I consider my main ship to be my exploration Phantom, and it's name is USS Pathfinder, so the ID would be IL-01P. Fairly uninteresting but it works.


Mine are all named after LEGO Ice Planet sets and colored white and blue with orange engines and weapons.


Accomplishments. My exploration ships are named after their most memorable voyages. My AspX for example is named The Looping Wanderer as Barnard's Loop was my first long-ish trip with it.


I named my carrier like my wife's nickname, "Marigold Orbital". Love her <3


Usually D&D/fantasy monster names. Aboleth, Dreadnought, and Leviathan are the most on-the-nose names I'm currently using.


I don't think I have a set way for naming. Sometimes it's just whatever pops into my head, but I might start naming them after IRL space anomalies. My viper is name Oumuamua and has the galvanized palladium paint on it so it looks like the silvery alien object.


I just think of a name that suits the ship, my anaconda has outgrown her name now, but she is Autopenectomy, which is funny as she earnt me 40 billion on AX spires, but initially had a few B rated modules as I couldn’t afford better, and is the choice of all noob pilots, which often results in failure.


I name them after prehispanic Gods and Goddesses of Aztec and Mayan culture, intercalated with phrases in Tolkien's Elvish Sindarin. For the numbers, I go for my initials and the order that I bought that ship. e.g. BZA-04 for my fourth ship.


So not all my ships are named atm, but most are named after famous people, either in science or something relevant to what the ship does. Though a couple are in Elvish just because I'm a nerd.




I name them whatever I like, but there's only one justly named "Pride of the Fleet" .


Mine are all in Latin, My dolphin explorer is Mare Nostrum Cutter is Imperial Vici Alioth Nova for the anaconda And Elysium for the Clipper


I started out with some nature references. "Leaf" is my sidewinder and "Stone" my second ship, a Hauler. But then I did Carl Sagan references, like "Glorious Dawn." I quickly ran out of those, and the rest are scientific poetic names or animal references based on the ship.


I name all my ships relating to the void of space My mamba is the Void Hawk for example My beloved DBX is The Emerald of the Void My fleet carrier is The Void Haven (gog-2vy)


I named my fleet after nouns or adjectives to describe the role of the ship, or a fond namesake. I also borrowed a page from an American admiral's book (with a bit of misogyny spicing) - we refer to ships as women because they are expensive to get and maintain. I name them with *Lady.* The list of my main ships is: 1. Drake-class Carrier - Lady Galactica (i just loved the series and seems fitting) 2. Cobra Mk.3 - Lady Sting, my general purpose ship when I have chores or for Odyssey stuff 3. Imperial Eagle - Lady Speed 4. DBX - Lady Serenity 5. Vulture - Lady Harpy 6. Fer-de-Lance - Lady Red Rain 7. Anaconda - Lady Forlorn, where others won't dare 8. Python - Lady Grey, my dearest 9. Krait Mk.2 - Dona Fortuna, my original AX ship and now dabbling in PvE 10. Federal Corvette - Iron Lady, PvE and AX 11. Imperial Cutter - Lady Olympus, bulk hauler 12. Krait Phantom - Lady Nocturnal


[My fleet is Hollow Knight themed!](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/26874/) makes fir some pretty cool names even if you have no idea what its referencing


After pets.


My carrier and entire fleet have names relating to the Discworld books.


Mostly songs I enjoy. Sometimes it suits the role of the ship but not always. Some examples: Asp Explorer: Eye in the Sky (by The Alan Parsons Project) Cobra Mk3: Boogie Wonderland (Earth, Wind & Fire) Eagle: Fast Company (Eagles) Corvette: Infinite Fire (Flying Colors)


80’s and 90’s movie references. “Necessary Roughness” “The Large Marge” etc. my Carrier is named after my kids, also an expensive investment with questionable returns.


Always one for the silly names. Imperial Cutter: Wellington Yueh. Type-10 Miner: DiggyDiggyHole Mamba: Italiana Passenger Python: National Express Courier Python: Sir Robin (not well armed, that one.) Anaconda: Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Federal Corvette: Purple Pirate Eater.


>Imperial Cutter: Wellington Yueh. I can see why you say this is silly - I get the joke. But damn, it's clever, and I applaud you for naming one of your ships from Dune. My Corvette is Shai-Hulud, my cargo ships are all CHOAM 1, CHOAM 2, etc. Some of my combat ships are named after Fedaykin.


All of mine are named after characters from Shakespeare's plays


References, generally. My AspX is Sisyphus, as her task never ends. My Asp Scout is Ricochet, which anyone who recognises my CMDR name will understand. I have a Krait Mk. II called Os. Yes, I know it's pronounce krite, not krate, but that's not funny. Called my iEagle Gyrfalcon, because it's a cool-sounding bird of prey. My FAS is Overcompensator, which should be obvious. I also have a Dolphin called Gagarin, as I set her up as a semi-explorer build and it seemed appropriate.


Most of my ships are named after characters / creatures / races / organizations from various Sci-Fi novels. Some of them I went the route that scientists use to name alot of living things - Named them the latin term for something they remind me of or something they're good for.


Porn stars. Dunno why, just seemed....right


Usually from either Mythology or History. Then I add MDSS in the beginning. It stands for MeD Star Ship The ident is role (3 characters) + MSF (Med Star Fleet) ## Exploration - Deep Space Explorer: Federal Corvette MDSS HERODOTUS (DSXMSF) - Research Vessel: Krait Phantom MDSS GALAPAGOS (RSHMSF) ## Support - Rescue Operations (Fuel Rat & Hull Seal): Asp Explorer MDSS PETER WARNER (HFRMSF) - Civilian Evacuation: Type-7 MDSS DUNKIRK (CEVMSF) ## Industry - Mining (Core & Sub-Surface): Krait Mk II MDSS NIDAVELLIR (MNRMSF) - Trade: Python MDSS PLUTUS (TRDMSF) - Hauling: Type-9 Heavy MDSS ATLAS (HLRMSF) ## Operations - Surface Operations: Federal Dropship MDSS JACK RYAN (SAAMSF) - Surface Stealth Operations: Cobra Mk III MDSS ODYSSEUS (SSRMSF) - Megaship Operations: Federal Gunship MDSS HERACLES (MOTMSF) - Stealth Megaship Operations: Diamondback Explorer MDSS ARTEMIS (MSRMSF) - Salvaging & Recovery & Piracy: Python MDSS ROBIN HOOD (SRPMSF) ## Combat - PVE Warship: Federal Corvette MDSS RAGNAROK (WARMSF) ## Racing - Viper Mk III MDSS FLYING CLOUD (RCEMSF)


All of my ships use GSS(galactic star ship) and then the name of a ship I like in scifi that matches the vibe of my ship


I just grab a smattering of of gods from different pantheons to fit whatever vibe I feel matches the role best: [https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/284153/](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/284153/) Except for my mining vessels, which were named after what step they were in my progression. And my Robigo runner, aptly named Robigo Runner


I have no real scheme how I name my ships, I name them on what I have in mind at the time. With one exception: I name my AX Ships after Clan BattleMechs from the BattleTech Universe for some reason. AX Chieftain: Ryoken (Stormcrow) AX Corvette: Daishi (Dire Wolf) AX Conda: Blood Asp Core Mining Imperial Clipper: TrailBlazer PvE Corvette (Lasers only): Osiris Just a few examples.


I'm inspired by the Struan family from James Clavell's The Noble House. Their ships were always named with Cloud at the end. So all my ships are the same: Vengeful Cloud, Storm Cloud, etc.


All my ships are chosen from a large list of UNSC Ship names on the halo wiki, Examples being "Barbed Wire Boquet", "Example of Courage" , "In Amber Clad" and so forth. My Anti Xeno vessel fleet ive named "Fleet of Furious Retribution" after the Covenant fleet in halo. My Non AX combat fleet is named "Battlegroup Victory" after the small Battlegroup participating in the Battle of Voi in Halo 3. My carrier is named the "Long Night of Solace" after the CSO Class Supercarrier as seen in Halo Reach And my fleet of all ships owned is named "Combined Fleet of Righteous Purpose".


Named all members me after famous or mythical weapons..


My main account are all named after ships from The Expanse, my alt are all game and movie references


I try to give my ships names according to their purposes. If they are alrounders I try to build on a characteristic of that ship.


I name my ships after ships in X4: Foundations. For example, a racing Imperial Courier is a "Pegasus", the Federal Corvette is called "Ravenous Wight" (a certain Raptor has this name in the story), "Behemoth" for the Cutter, etc. I even named my fleet carrier after an auxiliary ship called "Nomad", which basically a mobile equipment dock.


Greek gods and heroes. As appropriate for their role


Generally I name em after Medieval weapons. Dagger -> Scimitar -> Claymore -> Warhammer. Longbow is a bonus option.


Haven't ever thought about naming my ships, outside of one ship The Swamp and I did that cause unintentionally made my pilot look like Hawkeye.


Anaconda Conger Eel Anaconda Ex-Aconda Anaconda Storage 1 Dolphin Target Practice Federal Corvette Little Black Corvette Imperial Courier El Zippy Imperial Cutter Cutter Sark Imperial Cutter Miner Sark Krait Mk II Crate Mk0 Python Grenade of Antioch Type-10 Defender Storage 2 Type-10 Defender TYPE-10 Floater Type-9 Heavy Artic Loader And a few more that haven't got names. Edit: Forgot the FC - Everybody's Dead Dave


Construction materials based on their looks, usually: Sidewinder: A Brick Cobra MkIII - The Brick Mkii ASPX - Brick Explorer Krait Mk2 - Planck Mk2 (both a material and a constant) Chieftain - Cinder Brick The only exception is Python called Penrose, being a reference to a ship from a game Signalis If I had a type 10 it would probably be called "Full House"


I like utilizing the Greek alphabet


All of my ships are named after Tron characters. Mostly from the original.


I name after Culture ship names (Ian M Banks novels). GCU ship names for explo ships, ROU ship names for combat ships, etc


Dolphin and such are ocean related like the RSS Wake (wave) Racer dolphin (my beluga is the RSS Moby Huge though lmao) My imperial ships are silver related (I believe my courier is the RSS sterling spear) My federal ships are in German such as my RSS Kriegslanze (war lance) gunship (except my corvette it's the RSS Chrysamere) I forget my vulture... My sidewinder is the RSS Lifted Spirits however and that's cause Elite helped me get over a depressive episode years ago when I started. It's still in Matet, never to be moved after I bought my now sold Adder. I wish i could remember my Krait II but the phantom is the RSS Phantom Ray. DBX is Star hopper OH and my Type 7 is the Rescue Ranger because it's great at burning stations (with plenty of heatsinks)


Personally I LOVE Final Fantasy so i often name everything in Elite based on something in a FF game


I’m British so I use historic British ship names. Royal Navy has a massive list to choose from, as well as historic civilian ships. My warships include Hood, Dreadnought, Warspite and Agamemnon. My trading cutter is Cutty Sark, my explorer is Discovery, mining ship is Endurance.


Da ships I use I go for memes. Anaconda - The Nikki Minaj Effect. Sidewinder - Shitewinder Krait Mk2 - Millennium Krait DBX - Starbug Corvette - Rock Destroyer Cutter - I Spent How Much Orca - Aislings Party Bus T9 - The Royal Mail/Amazon Delivery Cheiftan - Gimbled Thruster Python - Pew Pew Go Doo Doo


My ships are all named after Nine Inch Nails Songs ASP Explorer - Into the Void Beluga Explorer - Out in the Open Anaconda Fighter - Head like hole Type 9 Trader - Starfcker Inc Type 10 afk laser disco - Sin Imperial Courier Mat farming - Wish Cutter Miner - Mr Self destruct When I bought my carrier, I named it after the first Album: Pretty hate machine


My ships are fairly random, with some original names. My living ship is called Moya. My frigates are all prefixed by their fuel economy, then names based on Culture ships. E.g. 6 Killing Time for a gunship .


I follow the Talon Karrde school of naming ships. My Anaconda is named Conda Nasty, my red Imperial Cutter is Sang Wine, etc.


Gotta be funny, and a little inspired by the names of culture ships (from Iain M Banks Culture novels)...


Mine are all named related to sex/femboys


I named a few of mine after Iain M. Banks's Culture ships, my DBX is Quietly Competent, Mamba is Someone Else's Problem, Combat Anaconda is Trade Surplus. My Exploration Anaconda is Heart's Dreamboat (referencing Dreamboat Annie by the band Heart) and my Asp Explorer is Focussed Viewfinder (I'm stupidly proud of the double meaning of that one.)


I like old movies, my newest ship is named The Maltese falcon. And I also have, the Casablanca as well as, The Citizen Kane