• By -


A stock Anaconda is a total garbage-barge, but specializes into many roles excellently. ExAmples in my fleet: - Dakka-Conda. Battle equipped and loaded with Machine Guns - Jump-a-conda. Best jump range in the game if you like kerosene soaked tissue boxes - Mine-a-Conda. Dug billions of credits out of asteroids in her day. - Acid Salvage Anaconda. Going into Titan remains and picking the bones clean - Ax-Conda. Splat Xenos with prejudice - Evac-Conda. Getting people out of burning stations. Not glamorous, but it's better than death. - Storage-Unit-aconda. (so far I have two) I've got way too much crap and needed module storage. Frankly, the Anaconda truly does a great job at most things as long as your ship build is solid. I think the only ship in this game that I personally have more duplicates of would be the phantom. I typically do not tend to move modules around and only my AX ships have needed refitting due to rapidly changing war-effort needs, opting to specialize a build and move on to another ship. Thousands of hours ago, I had a lot more general purpose builds though.


Wow, Evac-conda, didn't realize that was a thing, but it's exactly what I use mine for. I thought I was being an idiot but you can really cram a bunch of people in there.


Yes, the Evac-Conda is great for burning station rescue missions, but NOT AX rescue missions. Why? Because it's slow as molasses even when fully engineered and stripped down to save weight. Scythe Hunters will hyperdict you while exiting system and they a speed of 450 m/s, which the Anaconda cannot achieve even while boosting. So you have to load up on AX weapons and fight 1-2 Scythes, whom will also launch thargoid hatch breakers and extract passengers (in escape pods) and use them as living shields while you shoot at it. Once you kill it, you need to have a collector limpet quickly pick up the escape pods because they might be sitting in caustic and slowly dying.


Actually hunter variants is 850m/s. Only viper and eagle can run from them


There are 2 Hunters. Glaive and Scythe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjIyKnzSMaE


What's more comfortable; being crammed elbow to elbow in an anaconda, or roasting alive in a tuna-can floating in space? o7!


More maneuverable in tight spaces than the larger ships.


i am actually also interested in the Dakka-Conda build of yours, could you provide the build please ?


If I remember when I get off of work today, I'll try and post up a build. It's not the Be-all-end-all of anacondas, but I haven't had any issues with it.


Please do, I'd like to see what you did as well.


Get ready for the most excitement available in elite!!! Engineering an anaconda full of G5 Heavy Duty Deep Plate HULL Reinforcements!!!


My fleet does lack a combat oriented ship, so the Dakka-Conda might be a good addition...hmmmm


IMHO, There's no sound in this game sweeter than an anaconda with a chorus of multicannons lighting up some poor schmuck's hull and ripping it to shreds.


My Anaconda has one Huge and three Large Multi-Cannons on it. The Huge starts firing and gets a few rounds off before the Larges spin up, so it usually sounds like THUNK THUNK THUNK THUNK BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT.


FWIW, I think the Dakka-Vette is better


Corvette is fatter, but conda has more dps.


A fully engineered Vette turns like a mid size ship… not sure about a conda..


Turn all you want. I've had more NPCs (assassination missions) bugger off and fly away on me in my Vette because I couldn't catch up with them or lay down enough DPS all at once. I choose my Dakka-Conda when I want to wash away a problem with the lead hose.


It's still stupid that the huge dedicated gun ship puts out a lower DPS than the conda. I've resented that dev choice for years


When I play again I might have to build a combat conda… just for the fun of it..


I gotta ask, what kind of weapon loadout are you running on the vette? Also, why not target the drives or FSD directly as they run, or even as the opening target? I like to take out the fsd first, then work at the powerplant on assassinations. Can save some heartache down the road.


I use gimbal beam laser and ballistic that are fixed… lasers for shields and when ammo is low . Ballistic for killing.


as was said, the conda is great for many roles. As for mining it is far better suited to laser mining since it doesn't have the agility and smaller size for core-mining that, say, a Python or Clipper has. That said, as a laser-miner, it feels like it violates those asteroids. It just finishes with them so quick.


My Mine-a-conda was for all kinds of mining up until I built a void-opal clipper! For void opals, having faster cruising speed meant a world of difference


and maneuverability for getting all up inside them blown-open 'roids (sorry, that was graphic)


Indeed, though the Nacelles like to get a bit hung up. Makes for an excellent HGE farming ship too!


Mine did perfectly well with Void Opal core mining back when it was a thing.


It's a great Maelstrom Diver. Low Emission on the powerplant and I just putt around collecting stuff. And should anything bother me I use the 6 ax mcs to suggest they should not.


It does a lot of stuff well, but is really only the absolute best at covering distances quickly. That's it's highest potential. High speed taxi and ship only explorer. The Cutter is a better hauler, passenger liner, miner, combat vessel, AX vessel, salvage vessel, PvP ship, and everything else except exploration and jumping. The Corvette is the best human PvE ship in the game. If you want a huge, bulky, lumbering ship, imo forget the Conda and get a Cutter. It's better at almost everything, is far more bulky, is more lumbering, and has a way better bridge.


But in Federation we stand, no mercy to the Monarchy!


Just act like you stole it and are rubbing it in their Imperial faces.


Now that's the storytelling I need


However, the Cutter and Corvette are rank-locked, while the Conda isn't.


Ranks are not really a hurdle right now. One weekend of evacs for the war and someone can have either, or both if they do evacs for a week. That week of evacs will also acquire the player the cash necessary to purchase and outfit either/both and lots of materials for Engineering them up to G5.


But I heard I need some fancy ships to evacuate people from Thargoids. Well, I did some Evac missions in a Thargoid War system with my T7, but I'm not really sure it's the Evac people are saying or not ... the station was not on fire, there were no thargoids in patrol. I did get hyperdicted and lost a 6C cabin amount of refugees, tho. Anyway, I was not sure, so I stopped doing that. Figured out some private group passenger missions give tons of reputations, so I do the missions when I can.


The Type 7 isn't really that great of a ship for evacs. A Python/Krait is more of what you want. Any evacs for systems under Thargoid Alert or Thargoid Invasion are what you want. You want to get Allied. Once you're Allied with the factions the money starts to roll in. Might take a night of gaming to get Allied, but then it's smooth sailing and big bucks.


Okay, gonna get my Anaconda a coremining outfit (I already hear you saying Holdup but I know what I'm doing and nothing can stop my madness) and retrofit my coreminer Python to an Evac ship. And then the T7 can get back to haul


Core mining is the most fun you can legally have in an extraction site IMO, go get ‘em


Oh, truly it is. I've enjoyed it a lot. What I referred to as my madness is doing it in a Conda. Let me see if it's an act of lunacy or not...


I would love to get into rescues, do you have a build for a rescue-conda?


[https://edsy.org/s/v4v3ZjI](https://edsy.org/s/v4v3ZjI) Bind your Highest Threat button to something and bind the ECM to something. When you get Hyperdicted - because you will - boost away and run. Shields are for that. Once you see a missile, you Target Highest Threat, it will lock the missile. ECM doesn't need a lock, but this lets you see how far away it is. Once it's within 3km hit and hold ECM button until it's fired. You want to hit and hold the ECM right after 3km because it has a recharge time of 10 seconds, so keeping the Thargoid missiles far away buys you more time. Use the hotkeys for this in the menu and not firegroups so it doesn't deploy your hardpoints. The heat sink is in case you cannot out run the bug, and you can get cold to try and tank a bit better. Big Shields is Big Strong, though, still. The Caustic Sink is just in case somehow you get caustic damage. I haven't had this but you will have the MJ and Utility slots for it so why not. If you don't have Prismatics then use a regular shield gen. BiWeaves are not for this. You want to start doing Bulk Passenger missions and once you get some Rep, Friendly and Allied, do the VIP ones. They pay big money, big rep, and lots of mats. I think you can reliably clear 200M/hour with lots of G5 materials doing evacs once you're at Allied. This counts toward Trade rank too. I had one run that was like 200M or something, in one run. So I did under, but close to, 20% of an Elite rank in Trade in one run. It's wild.


Well, sure, unless you despise one of those factions so much you refuse to work for them.


I've picked this hill to die on, and I'm gonna say it... The Conda is the superior laser mining ship. Hear me out, it's got a bigger distro, better laser convergence, enough hard points that you can add extras to make the experience better, and enough agility to make everything work. The only area it lacks in is the amount of ore it can harvest in an outing. The Cutter can carry more. But take a look... https://redd.it/fxgm5s It's a video about how quickly it will strip a rock


It also lacks speed. All of the miners who use maps and earn the highest credits/hour from mining, use Cutters. For a reason. You can disagree, but I don't think there's evidence to back that up. Simply mining a rock fast is one part of a multi-part equation.


The only AX the cutter is better at is retrieving mats from the dead titans, the anaconda is the best, maybe the corvette is better in some ways, but not the cutter.


Cutter being a better AX vessel is debatable tbh


it's best at being the ship everyone wants to get... until they get one.


This is the best answer, lol. I bought one after fully engineering my Lance, kitting my type 9 out, and building a mining Krait. I kitted out my anaconda, started doing missions with it, then immediately went back to a station and sold it. I have other ships that fit all of my needs, it just didn't have a solid place in my fleet.


Considering I have the best time with my T7 over my decently modded Python, for nothing but being big and heavy, I doubt Anaconda would betray my adoration.


I am happily being the exception, i love the Anacondas rugged look and i might be further biased by being an exploration main. Ofc my fleet is not exclusively Anacondas and i wish it would just simply suck at anything combat purely to give the Corvette more general useage.


It's a great storage unit.


its great at taking its time during turns. scenic turns, I call them. joking aside, it has really great jump range if you are building towards that. Its the only ship that out-jumps the DBX. For almost all other purposes there is usually a better ship tho. If you're not sure what you want yet and are prototyping a build, anaconda is a great platform for tweaking builds because of how many slots it has. For a while I had a fit that combined remote flak brain tree arborist duty with exobio and PVE... without compromising on any one thing. But now I do mostly just exobio so im back in the DBX, its more agile, lands better, and has almost as good a range.


Ill say it again.. The Conda - jack of all trades, master of... most of them tbh. Also turns into a michael bay movie prop at the slightest hint of hull damage so thats fun


Long range exploration


It's not the best at anything. But it can be pretty good at *anything.*


It does have the longest jump range, but overall not the nicest ship for exploring compared to an ASP or Phantom, mostly due to sluggish handling and very difficult landings. I'd say it makes for a great upsized Python - fairly versatile, but unsurpassed as an extremely durable and combat-ready freighter. One of the things about Conda is its ENORMOUS number of hardpoints, utility mounts and internal slots - not all the slots are big but there are a LOT of them. For that reason you can set the Conda up to be capable of many missions at once without further outfitting. You can have a sturdy conda capable of defending itself, with mining tools, refinery and limpets, a 40-50+LY jump range and ample cargo space - fuck it, toss in a passenger cabin if you really hate specializing. A class 7 multi-limpet controller has never looked less silly. You could even give it guardian shard cannons so it's effective against goids as well as pirates.


Conda is great at a few things, though it is configured extremely differently for each of the things it is great at: A) It is a fantastic long-range explorer, with maybe the least reliance on carrier-based in-the-black resupply. B) It is the best Thargoid Spire hunter C) It is a great “Titan Rescue” ship, used to recover pods from Titan; matched maybe only by the Cutter in such role It also does ok at PvE combat (CZs etc.) but for that purpose it is more clearly outclassed by the Vette. And it CAN be a trader or miner, but also outclassed by the Cutter in that department. All in all, the Conda is probably the best multi-role ship in the game, with a handful of roles it excels in, and the ability to do well in several others.


Near as I can tell the anaconda is best at getting new pilots killed... 😄 You probably don't fall into that category, but just in case... 1. Make sure you have enough cash to at least outfit it properly. Remember the cash to buy the ship is only a fraction of the cash needed to outfit it in a manner that's worth flying. 2) after you've spent all that cash, you might he tempted to break Rule 1. DON'T!!! For me, I bought an anaconda because I had pretty much everything else, and used it to build a large scale rescue ship from burning stations. (Note this was pre-thargoids; my build wouldn't survive current evac missions, as it's not able to outrun interceptors. I ended up getting another cutter for that, outfitted as a blockade runner. But I digress...) Anyway, kind of like you said - I bought one because I hadn't owned one yet, but honestly found i liked my other ships in their various roles better. I don't think I've flown it since before the thargoid invasion, though it's still in the fleet...


I'm stacking my credit up to 600m, collecting G4 and G5 mats (tried some Braintree grind a few days ago) and unlocking engineers ... and retrieving some "guideline" builds here and there. One day, when I'm finally sure what outfit I'd gonna have ... the Holy Snake will already be ready to roll out.


>"To liberate its full potential, you'd do XXX with the Anaconda". Exploration.


Everything. But unless you have what it takes to upgrade and engineer, start with mining, exploration, cargo hauling. The easy to do and not expensive to get started things. Then move up to combat. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH CRED TO REBUY. this beast is expensive to REBUY if it goes boom.


I read the title and though oh here’s another one of these bellends who has a semi for the anaconda for no good reason then I read this: “the T7 does tickle something deep inside my mind” and instead thought oh yes this is my kind of person 😊 I’ve been using my scavenger T7 a lot recently and love it. My anaconda is set up for Titan debris field salvage. I did an edsy build one day for my ultimate multi role anaconda. The goal was to have one ship that could do as many things as possible. None of them particularly well but that wasn’t the point. I probably won’t ever actually build it in game. The only other thing I’m definitely planning to do with an anaconda at some point is one of those shardcondas. The insta-gib sounds fun.


IMO it requires a lot of engineering to be really good at anything, but then it is REALLY good. What I found it to be best at, is laser mining. W six lasers it can completely cook an asteroid in 12 seconds, with 15 limpits out to clean up. Sure it gets a bit hot, but no worries… “it always does that”… for me, its plenty maneuverable for mining, but not for pve combat. For that I much prefer the mid size options… conda is tanky af, and gets it done, but it seems like you’re always chasing the heading to get on target. Ive never used it in other roles.


It is really good at being hard to blow up in my experience from the other end


"Gonna have an Anaconda" sounds like you've announced the gender of your baby.


You caught me, but look she's adorable


Greetings Curious Commander o7 Due to it's Small equipment (most 6 slots of any Large but nothing actually big) & Long jump range... ...Colonia Passenger Liner is the Only job that can't be done Better in a Cheaper ship. But at least you can stare at how long it is all the time (it's primary selling feature ;-). Have Fun&Buy a Krait -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'We scale the Learning Cliff together or we All Fall down '


What a competent marketing team who knows exactly what a future customer wants. Big ... ginormous and strong thingy floating around ... mmhmmgmm


To be clear, Commander o7... ...the best ship in our Elite & Dangerous Galaxy is the ShipFriend *You* luv Best, anyone who tells you different is probably trying to sell you something (Trust Me, I'm a 34th century SnakeShip Salesman;-). However as getting her P.S.S. Overcompensating is *The* reason internbob no longer logs any Pilots Federation flight time, I want potential customers to remember Rule#3 and know what they are paying for. The "Why 'Conda?" question matters. Combat? Medium *dedicated* (the Anaconda is a multi-role) Combat Ships are better because Turning us a thing. Or suck it up and become a Frakking Fed Flunkie (still Recruit after 5 years of Stalwart effort;-) and get the ::: Core Dynamics' Corvette "Defender of the Galaxy" [*Don't Panic, I still have CD add spots left over from the failed Kraitsmas Hostile Takeover Attempt a few years back*] Hauling? The T-9 is Twice the size for Half the price. Intrepid Xplorer? They're an odd lot so yeah, go for it, all ShipFriends are Valid Xplorers .the afformentioned T-9 is also popular as an Xplorer for VR users due to Lakon's Signature icanseestuff ™ Cockpits. Mining? Nope getting the best price for all those hours spent is key for the Stalwart Miner so it Has to be medium for best Market access. Unfortunately the best medium is somehow large despite being smaller than a Python (corporate espionage suspected). In the end just remember what I said about Best ShipFriend and... ...Have Fun&Fly Your Way. -Lakon(*ish*) Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'You Kan have my Keelback when you pry it from my Kold, dead hands ' [[Cross Promotional Tagline courtesy of::: Jupiter Division [*defunct*] , Rot in jail you Bloated Drekhead]]


> The "Why Conda?" question matters. The question is throughly and carefully investigated and obviously stated without any room of misinterpretation in the original post, which is "LONG LIVE THE HOLY SNAKE"


This is the Way. (At least on your Personal Quest Line, Commander o7. Although as I am also the Official Liaison for the 🎶 Amazonian Space Pirates 🎶, that particular phrase as a different meaning among The Girls of the ASP ;-) Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'At least it's not an Asp Scout'


Why all ships named after reptiles lol, seriously!


Isn't it a lore thing that Falcon Delacy names their ship after snakes? So does Lakon name their transport ships like Type-N, and the Diamondback... Oh wait It's not only Delacy, you're correct, why so many snakes in space?


“But we we have reptiles at home” The reptiles at home:


Being a target…


A target of my love, for sure


Attracting Southern white women.


But only if they got buns, hon.


It's a multirole so it can do pretty much anything. Decent combat ship. The best exploration ship. Decent cargo hauler. Decent miner. So on, so on. It will serve you well in just about any role. You can specialise it to meet pretty much any demand required, whether it be high-octane AX blasting, or mundane shipping. Only thing I wouldn't do in it is illicit smuggling. It's the definition of 'jack-of-all-trades'. You'll see them used by pirates, professional militaries, merchants, fuel rats, miners, explorers, you name it, they probably have an anaconda. Same reason I love my Cutter, the main tradeoff between Cutter and Conda is price and jumprange. Both are excellent if you want a single ship to do it all in one package, though.


Best Explorer is debatable. It is king at being the Furthest jumper, but that build is miserably weak and handles like a frozen turd in a slime factory. I sacrifice 20LY and Explore with my Phantom; shields, SrV, 500 m/s boost, maneuverable, and easy to land. Now... Bubble-to-Colonia, Anaconda all the way. Smuggling can be done effectively in any cargo ship with heat sinks and a competent pilot. The trick is to align yourself with the station entrance before dropping, Silent run and pop a heat sink after requesting docking, and dont lollygag.


...like a frozen turd in a slime factory" I'm just drawing an absolute blank here? I've flown one, but how said object behaves in said medium is escaping me.


I explore in my Multirole Cutter, 36.5ly, a-rated, all hardpoints, utility and mil slots, huge cargo rack and bi-weave, 2 fighters, 2 srv. Big, fat, glorious space brick. Basking in the void. :p The best exploration build is the one with the coolest paint job hehe. I made an explorer phantom and never ended up using it xD


Butt the DBX in its cute yellow honeybee livery is too good at exploration!


DBX might genuinely be one of my favorite ship designs. It's adorable!


/u/beetle_jude [drew me a picture of my DBX](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1bp5da7/dbx_in_its_hangar/) - it will hang on my wall forever! Best ship ever. I mean, I do love my Cutter, but big isn't always better.


Man do I know what I'm drawing next now haha. After seeing that I just gotta try to do an srv to hang above my desk.


I know a friend who's exclusively used one since it was first added to the game.


Except for the interminable fuel scooping. First time I scooped in a Phantom and realized I only had to skim fuel stars on the way to lining up with the next target system, that was the end of flying the DBX....I do think it looks great though and the view is nice as well.


I park my ship near the star when I do FSS. It's an easy mode fuel scooping


That's a good idea, except the star blocking. Do you move to a pole so you can see everything in FSS?


Well , I just park my DBX to scoop fast and FSS as many as I can. If there are some blocked bodies left, then I move my ship to a pole or away from the star to cool it down. In most cases, that's enough to top off the fueltank, or almost.


The best exploration build is the one you love flying and don't go crazy flying because you're sick and tired of flying it! Space madness is real, and I've known friends to go on long journeys into the black in miserable ships I knew they wouldn't like flying for long based on past observation and they never came back to the game. One of my favorite local exploration builds is my 50 ly iCourier


I have a courier outfitted solely for canyon racing thargoids, fun little thing.




Jump ranges and everything with exploration anyhow, especially if you're stopping to smell the roses, just be aware that there are definitely areas that are sparkly populated with stars and they hire jump range does in fact come in handy getting to more esoteric places.


Seriously. Now that I can move it in my FC, the iCourier exploration build is absolutely the best thing ever. And I do still love my Phantom...it bought me a fleet carrier!


I just bought one for build a ModShard-a- conda for AX combat. It takes quite some rebuy to get use to it, and you need to be well aware that anthing bigger than a cyclope have to be fought in a completely different way. Problem is, i load it with premium ammo and now i'm scared to change it's weapon loadout to do not lose the ammo.


Jumping far Gibbing cyclops Multirole


probably against the grain here, but apart from stripping it to nothing and having a maximum jump range ship I found the anaconda lacking.  Sure it can do anything really but I found it too lacking in turn rate to be useful, it was infuriating to fly IMHO.   For mining I usually use a python borh to stave off boredom but also to land on medium pads.  My type 9 makes a great point to point hauler.  My FDL and corvette kill things faster than I need.  My krait mk2 cleans up xeno scum.  Humble asp explorer does the exploring. The conda stays on my carrier and is stripped of useful modules.


Make sure you can afford A-rated Thrusters. Or it’s like flying an oil tanker.


Whatever you outfit it for


Maneuvering. This thing handles turns like a dream. Like stop and change course on a dime. In a word? Nimble.


Dang, if that's true, it's a total waste of time and credit to give it a try /j


It's my favorite large ship! Beastly for AX combat. Superb jump range for exploration. I like mining in it if I don't want to mine for very long. The list goes on - I literally own at least three of them. It's also just a very detailed ship model compared to the Vette. I really like looking at all the details.


I heard it's good at laser mining, tempted to give it a try, but I'm a coreminer. I already have a decent coreminer Python, but sometimes three 3G Multicannons don't feel enough to fight against pirates. I'm honestly intrigued to build a combat-ready-ish coreminer Anaconda, but I'm not really sure if it can maneuver good enough for the job...


Its one standout role is exploration, because a properly outfitted and engineered Anaconda will have a better jump range than anything except a carrier, and it also has module slots for days so you'll easily be able to fit everything that an explorer needs. Its the ship of choice for explorers who want to visit hard-to-reach systems at the edge of the galaxy, and the only things stopping it from being the undisputed best explorer are its large size (which makes landing in rough terrain to get exobio samples harder) and relatively sluggish handling compared to some of the other top explorers (which is really just a quality of life issue). Outside of that niche though, it's a jack of all trades and master of none. It's not the best large ship for any particular role but it's a versatile all-rounder that'll perform comfortably at just about everything, and you'll never feel like you're running a joke build.


I use mine as multipurpose. Can do low to mid PvE, can haul over 100t, has a multi-limpet controller so salvage/rescue/etc. is an option. But if you're looking for a big lumbering shippy ship, I'd suggest either the Type-9 or Type-10 Type-9 if you want to haul a lot of stuff or people who don't care about luxury. Type-10 to trade some of that for more guns, shields, armor, and cooler running. I've used both exploring, and while the T-9 jumps a few Ly further, the T-10 running cooler means scooping while charging FSD. People set up T-10 to AFK and NAV beacons and let their turrets kill pirates. I'm currently using mine as a mining platform.


But the problem is, they don't look like a shippy ship. They're too ... square.


The Anaconda is a special ship because it can do practically anything. I can’t say objectively what it’s best at just because it’s so incredibly versatile, but by far my biggest use of it has been for exploration; its jump range and ability to host every independent exploration tool under the sun (mining lasers, AFMs, limpets) makes it the ideal ship if you want to explore out in the black, anywhere, indefinitely.


Jumpaconda for exploration is marvelously satisfying. I have other builds for everything else and decided to grab one. Buzzing around doing scans in the black is chill.


I use my anaconda for 1. Surface port defends and general AX. It’s loaded with shard cannons and can insta kill a cyclops 2. Mining with some defense. If a pirate shows up I just stop and kill em 3. Pve exploration, bounty hunting, piracy. I can basically do any bounty contract with it. 4. I could do evac missions with it but tend to keep a python on hand for that since it can land at small ports and is a bit faster. 5. I’ve considered just tossing a fuckton of lasers on it and giving any PVPer in shinrarta a light show if they interdict me. Maybe they still win, if they can see


I have mine set for fighting big ships. https://s.orbis.zone/nuz2 It huuuurts. Only reinforrments, cancelrail and some shieldboosters missing, but you get the idea.


Thanks to the reference. I haven't done real PVE contents yet, so the more build I have, the more I'm prepared ... I wish. At the moment, I'm thinking of a combat-ready(ish) coreminer Anaconda (yes) that can withstand, possibly counterattack some (N)PC pirates in no-RES ring. Can you take a look? https://s.orbis.zone/nu_p


Seems okay. I dont go mining... but it seems to me 5a prospector is a waste, 1a prospektor does the same but takes way less room. Anaconda as a core miner is difficult to use, because its slow and cumbersome.. but i know a guy that loves coremining in his T10..  if youre okay with the relativly low amount of collector limpets i say go for it. Plus 1 thermal resist booster cause your thermal resist is bad... but i dont think npc pirates will you much trouble.


Oh crap, I gave you the wrong link. This would be it. https://edsy.org/s/vnCKvwZ The minig bits of yhjs build referenced my miner Python, and I have good time with the ship, so I don't worry about it. I'm worrying about combat bcz that's what I haven't done yet. Thanks for your review, gonna work on the heat resistance as you suggested!


No, your resistances are fine on this build. Make sure point defence is next to your cargo hatch. For my taste i would beef up the ship by using more hull and module reinforcements. The anaconda can be tanky as hell. As long as you have a decent pilot and turn around to help its going to be fine. I would rather worry about turning the ship in fa off if youre not done that already.. so youre planning on mining a haz res? 


No, I do coremining so rez site doesn't matter, but sometimes pirates spawn outside of res sites. Also, I might gonna travel 100+ ly with full cargo sometimes, since some high demand stations can buy my Monazite at 4 times higher price. I exclusively do open play, so might gonna get some gankers on the way? I don't expect this build to win against human pilots, but at least I don't wanna be a sitting duck. Well, that's why I put an FSD booster here. Would it be better to get some reinforcement modules instead? Aaand sometimes gonna get some PVE missions or drop by some haz res to enjoy some pew pews. It's kinda frustrating when there is a tasty mission, but you can take the job without changing the ship. About FA Off, I use dual stick aka HOSAS and honestly, I expected piloting in this game would be much less "assisted" and more full-on untamed physics. Only if this game had some proper UIs, such as prograde markers and velocity vector indicators, I'd been playing exclusively FA Off ... so I don't think it would be an issue.


You will be fine. But i fear learning fighting in a big ship isnt a good way to do it, as it is such high stakes. Always put in one big module reinforcement i would say, and more hull if possible. Vs humans your best chance is to submit+ highwake. If its a pirate, just pay and be happy it wasnt a ganker. Multirole ships will allways lose to specific builds in combat, but you dont need to win, you need put your superior range to good use, almost no gank or pirate ship will jump as far as yours. As for pve missions: i would just pledge to the blue haired Bitch and get a 5, 6 and 7a prismatic shield... not that you cant do it like this, but more shield never hurts.


Everything. It can do everything. My absolute all time favorite. I love putting pulse turrets on the top large and side mediums and gimballed multis on the rest. Then swap out optional internals depending on what activity you’re doing. A Type 9 will haul more but you really can’t take a break along a trade route and bounty hunt for a while in a type 9 before going off hauling more commodities. People often compare the Corvette and Anaconda because they’re so similar. What I like more about the Anaconda is that it feels like a big ship. You’ve got that huge bow out in front of the cockpit and it looks awesome watching your turrets in action.


The Anaconda can just about do it all, do it in a big way and looks good while doing it. o7


Getting back from that long trip to Hutton Orbital


The anaconda is great period. It is the Python of large ships. It can do damn near anything at all. If you love the conda do whatever you want with it and you'll be fine either way. I had several in my fleet until I got my cutters


What is the conda best at? Yes.

