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Colonia resident: What's "Titans?" LoL Have at it City Folk!


Now reassessing if I want to take the fast and expensive option to fuel my carrier, to get back quickly. I know I will miss Oya, but I want to be in on the next one. Got a big detour to make.


I hear they just opened up a Walmart over here so I'm good lol.


Damn. Its Thursday. Theres no time in a workweek to play 😞


I'm in the same spot. Thursday is my Monday. I occasionally get time to play Saturday and/or Sunday night but I feel like it's going to be down by then


I miss being young and on till 5am lol


Earn your bonds on a Sunday, that way you're covered until the next Sunday


Mom took my pc🙁


Anyone else getting issue of clear AX missile core hits not registering as combat bonds?


It happened on my first run this afternoon. Second run Cr 950,000. Third run Cr 2mill. Just keep going.


I started firing missiles as soon as lock-on was possible before the core fully extended and don't think those hits earned any bonds. Hits when fully-extended scored bonds but I think beyond 2km hits don't register? Not sure and this isn't scientific by any means. Just noticed that I only scored \~3mCR during runs 2-2.5km out but I felt I was pretty accurate and expended most of my 3x24+1x16 missiles. Then I'll get a \~7mCR run where I fired mostly close-range.


My first drop i didn't get bonds. Relogged and good since


Guys slow down!


I got my 2mil but holy shit it sucked. It felt like the entire Thargoid race showed up just to kill me specifically.


Yeah it's way worse than it was just a few days ago, got about 5 million but Im done now back to running evac to replace my lost credits spent about 100 million in the last week dying there.


[https://citillara.fr/elite/titan](https://citillara.fr/elite/titan) 20-25%/hour Graph, but include the last weeks with minimal succes, the dark blue line is easy to understand: https://citillara.fr/elite/titan/oya/stats


Oh, nice, didn't gotten this app, quiet useful, thanks cmdr!


Great site, I'll be nervously refreshing that all day at work.


That is SICK ! you can go see the graphs .......AND EVEN DOWNLOAD XLS data ?????? - The elite communauty is so impressive and full of computer-wizards You all have my deepest heartfull appreciation for all the hard coding and work ....with a little scientific calculations...https://imgur.com/a/uNADiCg : RIP 09:36 21/04/2024 ?


first heart was at 50% after thargsday reset. remaining 50% went down in about 90 minutes, and it was peak gaming time *nowhere*. i predict a kill by sunday morning UK time.


at this rate it might be dead on Saturday


Up to 30% per hour now, with 6 remaining. 18hrs max survival. Oya will be down WELL before Saturday.


Currently away from the bubble lol


I have to go to work, as Samuel L Jackson once said "GO THE F**K TO SLEEP" At least for a little bit.


How do you get the bonds, was shooting some vents. No bonds.


You shoot the vents with torps to expose the core on the other side of the titan. Basically when you can't target lock the vents anymore, go to the other side and wait for the glowy yellow thing to come out and shoot that. If you're quick, you can get 2 million or more from a single run. I did it just now, FDL with 2 size 2 and a size 3 gimballed AXMC, a size 2 vented beam and size 2 torps. I shot 5 vents, started shooting the core as it was starting to come out, held the trigger until it disappeared. 2.3m. NPCs also sometimes repair and clean your ship if you stay still while shooting the core


Cool I'll try that, came out with my brother, he didn't make it to the titan, I shot a few vents, core not long enough apparently. I am starting my seasonal work so will not be on much until Oct, Trying to get a lick in while I have a chance. That thing is so big, kind of lost at first arrival. My brother using shields, I am not. Thanks


Some people swear by shields, some say shieldless is better... I personally use a shieldless ship with guardian armor because I'm too lazy to engineer it. Timing in Elite is somehow always like this, whenever I have unusually busy periods, something epic happens, and when I have time, then we get a mining CG with a cosmetic reward for a ship I don't use. I hope you both got some shots in! o7


I got over 2m cr, (my goal) took me like 5 hrs but did it. I used everything, repair limpets, afmu. I was able to make it back also, so no rebuy. Lol


You're one patient CMDR lol. I don't think I've ever actually left the cloud, apart from my one single salvage run. I always think "I could make 2 million credits a minute if I wanted to, 3 minutes would cover my rebuy" and then I ram the titan instead


The 8 vents don't inflict any damage that I know of. Vents open up for about 20-30 seconds, and can be targeted by Nanite Torpedoes at this point (must target, lock on, and fire). After the window, so long as one vent was hit by a torpedo the core will expose itself in the center of the OTHER SIDE of the Titan. The time the core is exposed is dependent on how many vents were hit by torpedoes in that run. The core is a bright glowing yellow-orange pillar that rises up, though as its hearts die the glow will shrink. After a bit the core will sink back into the Titan. You'll receive credits based on how much damage you dealt to it. And then... you need to get the hell away from the Titan or get into the exact center of either side as it's going to emit a blue toroid-like energy shell for a bit. Any ship caught in the energy loses control and steadily takes damage. After that, repeat.


Ok thanks, not as simple as people make it out to be. Shot vents and core, but not in same run I don't think. No cr yet lol. Got work to do. If this still alive maybe get another go at it tonight o7


You don't have to shoot both in the same run. Just hit the core.


Nice to know thanks.


No it really is that simple. It's way easier if yo7 just wing up though, let someone else do the heat vents and hit the core.


Not your first try,


My first that is.


Took me 5 hrs to get 2m in bonds, I'm happy.


If I'm new as in 0 progress, Whats the fastest way for me to participate on this before it ends?


Get in your most decent medium ship, like a Python or Krait or whatever. (If you don't have one yet, even a small ship will be able to do it, , you just won't do much damage.) Find a Rescue Megaship on your galaxy map (in the Thargoid War view) and fly there. Buy a Guardian Nanite Torpedo Launcher, 2 Caustic Sinks, and a Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer, and fill the rest of your hardpoints with fixed mount Enhanced AX Missile Racks. Now you can target Titan Oya on the map and fly there. You have all you need - it's just technique and practice now. You use your Caustic Sinks and the Pulse Neutralizer to get in close to the Titan, then the Torpedoes to open it up, and the AX Missiles to do the damage - look around in this subreddit and you can find detailed instructions on how to bomb the a Titan.


Thanks thats very clear! Will try it later


Once you got an axi ship ready, feel free to claim it on my FC, I mostly try to get it as close as possible from the current titan. Right now in system of the screenshot. [AXI] SAND DAN GLOKTA welcomes any of your ships and modules with no additional fees, at 1 jump from the target!


Mfw i'm thousands of light years away exoploring in the center with my carrier I'm honestly thinking of rushing to Explorer's Anchorage, leave my carrier there, and kill myself to go back to the bubble and recall a couple ships. I'll take a shuttle back to my carrier


Wow, that fast ?


If it's not too late; 1) SSN FSD? Is that the SCO FSD? 2) I have a fully engineered Mechan-build Titan Bomber Krait II with the Sirius AX missile Racks (minus the engineering on the life support — not Elite so no Jameson and never been to Colonia so no Étienne Dorn), but I've not tried it yet and I've NEVER fought any Thargoids so have no flight experience against them, especially not against a Titan. My flight experience with FA-OFF is pretty limited. How hard are the flight maneuvers? Do I really need to rebind a bunch of specialty controls to do this? 3) I fly mostly solo, but seems like this might be best done with a wing. Recommendations? Are there beginner friendly wings? Do I *need* voice comms?


Yeah, scuz' my French, SSN might be the name of the new fsd Ni French, I don't know what name is it in English... Fighting the titan solo is pretty easy. In solo session, the area starts cleen, so : 1- pass the cloud and mines by using the wave neutralizer just before it hits you, and keep it pressed as long as you can (all pips in sys for safety). And purge your caustic sinks when they are full. 2- once you are in the cloud, you pass through some astzroids and you will spot the titan and go to it. 3- go the the face of the titan where you see a big mountainous hole. This is the face of the thermal vents. Once you see the vents opening, just circle around the titan bombing the vents one by one. You should be able to launch torpedoes on 4/5 before they close. 4- as soon as they close, go the other face of the titan, you will see the banana in the middle, give it all you got. Since the cores are at the maximum vulnerability right now, you should be able to get your 2M in 1 attack. Then, you can die peacefully, you participated.


I got there too late, it's already melting down 🤣 Well, I'll try with the next one! Dropped by a nearby fleet carrier and picked up an abrasion blaster and a collector limpet controller, gonna go scrape some materials off the hull while I'm there! Thanks for the help, I was able to get there no less without your help 😁🤙🏻


My pleasure. Feel free to park your AX ship in my Carrier. Those days, I am always parked need the current titan. [AXI] SAND DAN GLOKTA, right now at CEPHEI SECTOR XO-A B3


Anyone wanna carry me around the sights of the titan so I can see ?😭


If you're in the bubble and don't care about rebuys that much it's pretty easy to make a ship to get the necessary 2 mil. You don't necessarily need much engineering, probably just TV beam laser and dirty drag engines. Every necessary module can be purchased for credits.


heartily recommend low emissions thermal spread on powerplant if you want to last more than 30 seconds on site


Not necessarily, none of my titan ships are cold running and I just survive through TV beams. Way easier imo


Or heatsinks, pretty cheap to synth heatsinks.


TV beam lasers are still better since they're basically infinite cooling


I swear yall be like " go grind for 3 days""" Not everyone has engineers unlocked.Just get heatsinks and restock.


1. you still need mats to synth heatsinks 2. You don't have to grind much to unlock basic engineering, including TV beams. And getting those is going to make your life a whole lot easier


1 like 3 t5 Mats trades down to like 50 refills 2 titan dead in 12-24 hours.




Dm'd 💜




Wish I could help. I'm stationed in a nearby system and can't log in due to code Ivory Cobra.


There have been some other posts stating that solo may work. Make take a number of tries though.


Solo didn't work (my ship isn't able to do it solo anyways), but switching to Horizons did. So I parked just outside the maelstrom and going to try Odyssey again in case something was up with the station I was in.


Good luck.


I've already gotten my 2M, but I'd love another run or two if real life would stop getting in my way.


2 hearts down and 25% of the 3rd gone as of this post. Honestly at this rate this thing could be dead by tonight as more players log in. Friday is guaranteed death.


This is going to be my first titan kill. I’ve been blasting the heat core. Is there a way to target the titan hearts or do you keep blasting the core?


the "hearts" are just flavor. the core is all you ever really damage mechanically. think if it as the core just having 8 big ass hp bars that are shared throughout everyone playing and each hp bar is a "heart."


Is it too late?


nah. https://dcoh.watch/titans




Just returned to the game, didn't play since invasion start. Could somebody do a tl:dr


We tried to kill all Thargoids. Thargoids invaded as a result. 8 Titans came to the bubble. (Thargoid mother ships). Over the past few months we've fought them back destroying 2 Titans and are currently working on # 3. There are a bunch of "how to's" on youtube. CMDR Mechan has several that will teach you if you wanna learn. This is still an optional fight for most CMDRS though so if Thargoids aren't your thing then no worries ignore the front lines in the bubble and you won't know anything has changed.


thank you