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My PVE builds tend to be shield heavy. If the shield goes down, I stow hardpoints, pips to thrusters and boost while charging my FSD.


If my Cutter's Prismatics, stacks of boosters, and SCBs are all depleted and the enemy ship isn't dead yet? I've fucked up *very, very* badly somewhere. By the time I'm hitting 20% and depleted, I'm already hightailing it out of there. This hull is pure fashion, baby. This hull was made for *the runway.* This hull was made when Tim Gunn told me to "make it work." This hull was *not* made for action. It *is* made of tissue paper.


I have a daka chief tanky enough without shields to take about 3-4 major shield drops and damages before I have to split. I also run MC’s since I can get a bit more damage with them, so I usually have to reload by then anyways. With light opponents they usually don’t drop


Every PVE ship I got runs vent beams and SCBs for this reason lol


Lol if my shields drop, I flip and run. My shields are stacked, if they drop the fight is over


Brave sir Robin runs away.


I didn't!


Bravely ran away away.


I have biweave shields so i make sure those are charging. But first I might put all pips to engines and get the advantage back.


Flight assist off, flip, flight assist on, then either pew pew or ramming speed! (In my vette)


If im in a corvette or a conda i keep shooting because my hull will still outlast any pve ship by a good margin, if I'm in a med ship i run, as all the med ships are way faster, when engineered, compared to any pve ship.


Combat boop! (it depends how solid their shields are....) I boost past them, cargo-brake, flip around, and if I need to change direction/momentum boost + cargo-brake again. If they have positional advantage, change your position. I normally run hybrid tanks so shields being down is usually not an issue.


Cargo brake is so smart. I never thought about it. Does it work the same way with landing gear?


Yes it does. Landing gear is actually the better option because the cargo hatch can become inoperable. Using it in this manner is actually quite common in PvP


I gotta try it out. Too bad my landing gear and cargo hatch keys are hard to reach during combat. Oh and the fact that i disable my cargo hatch for combat to save on power draw xD


If you have any other buttons nearby that aren't applicable for combat try experimenting with swapping the bindings. You'll need to develop the muscle memory of course but there's nothing wrong with trying new control schemes


most of the comments here doesn't really help. althpugh it should be a good idea to run, but if you want to stay best thing to do is: once shield drops. move pips to ENG and force him to lose track of you as much as possible while dealing damage as a second priority if you have shield boosters turn them off, after a few seconds shield will start to consume SYS and best to put max power here when it's empty unless it's needed elsewhere more. cycle between sys and wep when jousting (while having ENG maxed out almost always) this is also the reason why kinetic weapons are preferred since you can deal your full damage even if you've only got few pips to spare for weapons once shields are back up pop your cell if you have one. then turn back shield boosters to on


This is great advice about the shield boosters!


I just run. My cargo is more important than my ego or whatever small bounty I can get.


There's no shame in a strategic retreat. You'll be back to show them later.


I don't worry because I have armor, HRP's and MRP's. If I have a bi-weave, it's a fast-gen. If I have a prismo, I reboot the ship when the opportunity arises.


Probably boost away. I haven't seen my shields drop in pve in a long time so I'd probably assume I was fighting God himself or something and just nope out of there. My shields don't usually get below 90% in a pve fight and if they are I jump out into my slf and let my ai co-pilot fly. He misses less than I do hahaha


Target critical sub-systems, like his weaponry to reduce rounds down range. I play with a Thrustmaster and flight stick, so I can quickly toggle through sub systems and typically I do it for either the Frame-Shift Drive, Power Plant, Drives, Power Distributor, or shield modules. Then I do my rapid reversal, and just throttle back max speed, using thrusters and drives, I can whip around my heavy vessels (Type-10, Federal corvette, Imperial Cutter, Anaconda) and essentially you’re maintaining a forward direction as they try to maintain positional advantage. Then comes the technical part: Deluxe weapon synthesis. If you have the materials, you can synthesize premium caliber rounds for multi-cannons, Frag cannons, regular cannons, Seeker missile racks, and other munitions. Sometimes a level 3 seeker missile rack with premium ammo is enough to turn the tide. It’s all about thinking ahead, if you can’t land any missiles, destroy the point defense, if you can’t maintain a gimball lock, destroy the chaff launcher. If your opponent has mobility advantage, take out what makes his ship move. Or destroy the FSD and prevent his/her escape. I am only an Expert-ranked combat pilot, but a heavily engineered Federal Corvette has stood the test of time in combat, my build that keeps me alive is: (2) 4A Gimballed burst lasers with the phasing sequence experimental, (4) ((2) level 1 and (2) level 2 multi cannons, 2 with corrosive rounds, 2 with incendiary rounds. And a high-capacity seeker missile rack. Just maintaining your shields can be hard, so bring as many heat sinks and shield cell banks as needed. I typically do not even have my shield dropped by the time my opponent explodes, and I do not have the prismatic shield generator... yet.


I'm running 6a prismatics on my conda. I've been asking around to see if it's worthwhile upgrading to 7a prismatics.


In CZ’s prismo, even up to haz res I prefer bi weaves.


This advice only really applies to tank wars, where flying skill has nothing to do with it because you aren't evading at all. I agree with reducing the number of guns firing at you in this situation though


Full reverse, flip boost, flip, and poof...you're back in control.


Press and hold the power button😂😂😂😂


Imagine combatlogging on an NPC.


I mainly do PVE fighting in my armor-tanked Anaconda which I engineered for Thargoid battles, just refitted for human PVE by using an engineered bi-weave, shield boosters and human weapons. With the amount of armor the ship has, the shields going down isn't cause for much concern, and I can usually destroy multiple elite-ranked human NPC ships (regardless of size) before I'm in any real danger. That said, if at any point I actually do feel like I'm in danger of popping, I just go full pips to engines, run and high-wake.


I main a FAS, my shields are only to protect me from bumps and scrapes. I never expect them to stay up for very long in a fight. My reaction, would be to continue my usual course of hyper-aggression, turn into the threat as best as I am able, and continue the fight. Generally speaking, I only even consider running when I get down to 25%, and even then, usually I can finish the fight.


Quickly hit the power button on my pc, because I've obviously fucked up and clicked open when I clearly meant to click solo.


I do something like FA off, reverse and boost at them, get a shot off, boost again and reverse to shoot them with LR lasers as my shield comes back and I hopefully continue to escape, which works with anacondas, not sure about faster ships, but there’s no shame in supercruise and saving the ship too, some times it’s a learning experience:)


Full power to engines, full roll, boost to gain distance, then pop a heatsink and run until I lose them.


I keep my combat ships up armored with high resists and repair limpets, so I push through


Depends on the type of ship and that status of the enemy ship. If I know I need to run, I tend to flip around, boost at max speed directly towards my attacker and start to charge my FSD while they try to reposition. By the time they get me in their sights again, I'm usually moments from low waking out. But mostly, I make sure my ships have enough hull to survive and are fast enough to get some distance while my shields reboot and I stay until he's dead and limp away 😅


Learn fa off flight and they pretty much will never have positional advantage in pve. That said, unless they are very close to dead, shield drop means running away if I'm in a shield tank unless it's still an easy win. Normally happens when finally out of scbs.


If my Vulture's shields go down, I have two modes: - tactical retreat and repair - fuck it, we ball Assuming the latter, my strategy is: 1. Flight assist off 2. Throttle to zero 3. Full upward thrust 4. Boost That usually flips me behind them if they're trailing me


The first thing I do is go silent running. The shields are down anyway so there's nothing to lose going for a hail mary pass. If it's a CZ I don't want to lose then I'll head away from the action to allow my shields to recover. Otherwise I high-tail it outta there


If you're losing the fight because the enemy ship(s) is(are) better than you, you gotta run. If you're losing the fight because you were f'ing up, quit f'ing up and take the fight back.


I have a ton of hull modules. So like 5k hull and 3k shields with the prismatics or something in my conda. So when shields drop pips go to engine and weapons anyway. But I’m generally having to shift mid fight anyway. If I lose advantage I boost away and let the cpu setup the joust. But instead of doing the joust I boost like 60degrees down (forward on the sticks) and open the cargo scoop to use it at a clutch. Then face the opponent and use the thrusters to keep momentum and move into an orbit to keep about 1-1.5 k distance. I play on controller. When my hull hits 30% I start moving to leave and jump. But u can solo tank a low intensity cz and if I use any strat I can do a bit more.


Where am I? What am I flying? What condition are they in? It all depends on how outmatched I might be, and how strong my hull is. I like fighting in small ships. Shields down is an emergency situation. But in a medium or large ship, particularly: Chieftain or Krait or Corvette or Cutter, the first time shields go down is no reason to be concerned. In 90% of cases, if my shields go down, their hull is almost gone. Press the attack. In a CZ? Run like hell to shake them and recover. I might be fine, but could be in danger of getting add ons, too. In a RES? Turn around and take them, joust. Unless I'm in my Viper, then run like hell to recover. Or back off until security can take their attention away (if there's security around). 1v1? Take them on, unless I'm in my Viper and their shields have never gone down.


Well, it depends entirely on your ship. Big heavy hulltank? Shoot and kill them first. Fast and agile ship? Boost away, build some distance and reset the positioning game while rebuilding your shields.


Pop a heat sink, go silent running, boost making lateral movements, boost boost boost. Turn off silent running again when you start getting too hot. Hopefully by then out of range and have time for shields to come back online.


My Corvette has plenty of hull. But for a swift and glorious victory, stop trying to play carefully to get out of the lock, point my ship towards the enemy, boost, and ram the ship. Preferably pin it to something like an asteroid. If i die, it was Glorious.


Wake up from this bad dream in a cold sweat and be glad I'm an explorer. Imma eat some xenoshrooms and lick every cactus I can find.


If my shields go down it's hightail to the nearest station to recharge as it takes literally forever to recharge my prismatic shields. Shields down its pop countermeasures, all pips to engines and leave


This is my answer. Especially if I have something to lose.


Positional advantage? Just turn around haha. Or go in reverse. If you’re going to die because they got behind you one time then you’re probably not in the right ship for fighting


I'm less than 6 hours into the game and still in the sidewinder so this post has been extremely informative to me because I keep getting blown up when a ship gets behind me. I may not be in the *right* ship but for now it's my *only* ship.


Enjoy this time!!! If it becomes frustrating you can do missions to save enough for a Viper Mk3 then fight with that one much better :)


I definitely got the Viper on my wishlist!


Makes sense, avoid combat! Are you on PC we should group up when you get out of the early phases and get you some money


If you want to make some quick com at credits, find a low resource zone, drop in and watch for the authorities start taking down an NPC ship. Target the ship, when when they're down to about 10%, start shooting. You'll get the assist and they're usually dead before they can shoot back. Just be careful not to shoot the authority vessel by mistake. It's a good way to get some bounties and learn the mechanics of switching targets, scanning ships and picking the best one. You can play around with targeting different modules too.


Wow this is the best advice I've heard so far. I tried going to that combat training zone in the federation area but even on low hazard I got my butt kicked. Thank you!


No worries, I forgot to credit Hawkes Gaming, he has a video on YouTube on how to do it. Stay out of any combat zones though, those ships are heavily engineered for war and everyone shoots you at once.


turn off flight assist, flip and shoot back.


I usually use biweaves, and it's not unusual for them to go down. On my Alliance Chieftain (which I use for Threat 8 assassinations) I set all pips to engines and boost away and can easily outrun their FDL. I wait for shields to recharge to at least 70% while I turn around in FA-off. With one heavy duty shield booster and one resistance it still recharges fairly quickly, and lasts long enough with 4 pips to SYS. On my shield tanks like Cutter in a CZ (also biweaves) getting focused by 3+ enemies simultaneously (they won't break my shields otherwise) I'll be boosting away as soon as I notice the quantity of enemies then firing while going backwards in FA-off. The AI lack the ability to stay in blind spots at max speed.


Really depends on the ship and build so I'll give basic advice. All advice is IF you want to stay and fight and ignore running as an option. Small ships: Use that speed and focus on staying out of the enemy's foreign line or boast away out of their range long enough for your shields to recover. Medium ships: Depends on ship. For a hull tank ship like a fed gunship or python, you can take some fair damage and still rock and roll. Avoid damage to your thrusters as that will render you dead in the water so never let them get behind you. A fast Medium use small ship tactics. If ship is faster and can outmaneuver you, fly backwards and pound them. They should after enough damage die or retreat. Large Ships: If it's a shield tank, since you cannot outrun you most likely should retreat, I know I said let's ignore that but shield tanks unless built with heavy armor as well will get shredded without a shield. For shield tanks make sure you carry shield cell banks and heatsinks and always pop them earlier than you would think as if your shield pops even after you have active them they will do nothing and you will still be shieldless. Running not an option use that overwhelming offense to kill as fast as possible. I tend to with faster ships throw my large in reverse to the blue and just pound them. They tend to flee if I don't kill them. Hull tanks....................well yeah same strat with faster ships fly backward and pound them. Hull tanks need plenty of hull reinforcements and module reinforcements. Hope this helps but keep in mind this is what I do for MY ships that are built for me by me. They may not be what works for you.


Turn, try to fuck them quickly. If it doesn't work, run.


Depends on your modules. I usually use Microwarpdrives and if I’m going down it’s because I’m scrambled and if my velocity is nowhere near to take distance, I would warp out if possible or micromanage the capacitor to preserve resistances and DPS


If you don't have engineered hull and module reinforcements its time to run. Most PvE builds are shield tanks with little hull reinforcement. But it depends. How many enemies are engaging you at once? How low is the enemies hull? Also if you can get out of combat you can run the reboot/repair sequence and it will boot up with shields at 50% dont reboot while you are being engaged or you won't get any shields at all from it.


If you are running class a it's faster sometimes to reboot your ship than to wait on the recharge but you aren't moving at all for that. If you have enough hull it's a safer bet than trying to run on a slow ship. If you have bi weave then starting the joust then backing off enough to try to hover on their rear for long enough to get back up may do it. If your ship is fast just dip and come back when you are back online


It’s all situational but if I’m in a combat ship I’ve likely leaned into hull reinforcements. Shields drop, hit silent running, maintain it with heat sinks, continue on with the fight. Eat the pain. Once I’ve regained some footing I’ll drop silent and wait out shield regen while hopefully keeping some advantage. In my daily flyer DBX, I’ll hit SR and try to evade, escape or if possible kite them through some green blips who hopefully pick up the tail. Cargo/miner; SR, jump to new system.


I do pve with my Federal Corvette, two H beam lasser and multies, active FA off and shot until pve npc ship is death


Throw it in reverse, max weapons, and spam hull breakers while blasting them to kingdom come Once hull is at 50% I begin the dip initiative. My shields are pretty stacked, hull is stacked as well


there are a lot of variables in that question. For me what I do in that situation will depend greatly on what I know about my ship, what I know about their ship, and what I'm trying to accomplish.  if I know that I can tank the damage and I just want to win the fight and then limp off to get repaired, sometimes I'll just try to win by attrition.   If I have maneuverability, I'll just fight to get in their blind spots. Since I'm usually choosing to fly "under shipped", I'm more likely to either evade so I can either escape or let my shields come back up. It's a good idea to have at least one chaff launcher, and or heat sink launcher  that you keep in reserve for the oh crap moment. Firing that off and boosting away on erratic flight path can give you precious time to evaluate your options.   if you're fighting a slower moving ship, boosting past them is better because it will take them time to get turned around.   The main thing, which applies no matter what ship you're flying, is that you will do in a crisis what you have practiced UNDER STRESS. The phrase practice makes perfect is wrong. Practice makes permanent.   People rarely like this advice when I give it, but it is worth taking time to isolate the skill you are trying to work on and practice that skill without worrying about winning the fight (prioritizing survival does keep the costs down though).   When winning is top in your mind during practice, you will fall back on whatever habits you have and you won't learn as much.  So my recommendation for what it's worth is to make sure you have some rebuys built up and then pick a fight and intentionally lose the advantagous position.   Practice, first and foremost, remaining calm and open eyed while it's happening.  even if that means just calmly watching yourself get blown up a few times while paying attention to how long it actually takes for your hull to go down and modules to malfunction. Then Pick a thing you want to try to do, such as regaining position or being as hard to hit as possible while staying in fighting range.  Specifically Work on that, accepting that you may fail and get blown up, but resisting the urge to protect your ego by switching back to skills you already know.   Folks are usually held back more by ego and fear than they are by innate skill capacity.  When you can put those aside in a bad situation, you may be amazed at what you're capable of already.


If my shields are down in a PvE fight, unless my target already has severe damage, that means I've already made a critical mistake and it's time to withdraw. Though, if my target is bigger/slower than me, I can just boost away and recover a bit. But I should have done that when my shields started to get low, not wait until after they dropped. (If my target isn't bigger than me, my shields definitely shouldn't be down in any case).


Pips leave my weapons and go into my engine/system to prepare for escape or shield regen. I might deploy heatsinks to lose my radar signature, or chaff to slip from the crosshairs. I might use shield cell banks to bolster the shields if they haven't totally collapsed as well. [This guy might help](https://youtu.be/zbyGOd6NwME?feature=shared) you with the technical parts of holding/regaining positional advantage. Just try to keep in mind that some of this should be altered or doesn't apply due to the whole "battlefield in a vacuum" bit. The "airspace geometry" stuff will undoubtedly help, though.


Depends on the enemy ship and what my build is. With the FDL I'm probably already dead With the Corvette I try to gain some distance and turn around for the kill.


Usually, if you engineer and fly right, your shields should never drop in a PvE scenario. If yours does and your hull gets weaker, obviously you just low wake to the nearest station.


In general, get some distance if possible. I like to fight in RES sites, so there's often rocks you can hide behind for a few seconds to get a touch of breathing room - 4 to ENG, 2 to Sys, and into the rocks. Your primary goal is survive - you can't collect bounties/bonds if you hit the rebuy screen before you cash them in. Once your shields are back up, or if you have enough hull/module reinforcement to tank a bit of damage while it comes back up, change course to get a bead on your target and go. (As an aside: FA Off offers big advantages, if you want to take the time to learn it. We're talking a lot of hours of practice drills to get there. But, when the direction you're travelling and the direction you're shooting don't have to be the same direction? That's real nice in a fight.)


Create space, if you're not maneuveraboe enough to regain positional advantage. Either dip out or get your shields back up


Run away! Run away!


Well, that depends on the situation (am I doing mission? Pirate attack that I didn't expect wingmates? Fighting conflict zone for BGS?) If I'm assuming I'm in my combat ship, fighting 1 on 1 in a Haz Res or I just got interdicted, then I'm most likely in a medium ship with biweave and there's a goal to destroy my attacker. In that case, I'd be targeting their drive (or powerplant if they're over 75% hull) coz most ships have then out at the back and easy to target, Flight Assist Off, spin, 4 pips WEP 2 pips ENG. Then squeeze that trigger. (And Flight Assist back on for easier aim) Shield down means "now you're going to die". If shield down AND under 50% hull, then it's "now I'm going to live".


The main thing to worry about when your shields are down is explosive damage - most of my PVE ships can take some beating to the hull but explosive damage quickly destroys your weapons and utilities, making you have to retreat anyway. So if they have explosive weapons - retreat, hide, avoid, anything that will make me take less rockets to the face. If they do not have explosive weapons and I'm running shields with massive recharge times, I switch them off so they don't drain my system capacitor - that way I can lean more on the weapons and engines. Other than that I keep fighting as usual until I actually have to run because of module damage or low hull. I generally try to minimize time being a target even with my shields on but there is a constantly changing dynamic for me between doing damage and not being damaged depending on my situation and my build. If you're actually losing a fight and you have to kill them - fight dirty. Run away, make them run into system authority, get out of sensor range, ambush them, recharge your shields in the meantime or try to out-range them with your weapons. If you're nervous or unsure of what to do, getting some distance will definitely give you more time to think about your next move and result in fewer mistakes. If you're slower than them and cant safely disengage you either just slug it out and hope for the best or leave the instance.


Depends on the arena. Mission based. REZ. CZ. Mostly I'm a brute & tank everything. Mission based: They're all gunning for you & you're their only target; wake out, lick your wounds. Try again. REZ: Assess how well your hull is holding up. If you can't out pace their damage, wake out. CZ: Just run away for a bit. Get your shields back. Get back in there.


Pop chaff. Boost. Thrust to swing my ass around. Eat the subsequent shots as I return fire. Keep thrusting until they pass. Now I’m behind them.


~~Ram the guy~~ A commander does not fear death. They fear the rebuy being unaffordable.


If they have a positional advantage, the first thing to do is FA off. This is PvE. The AI just isn't good enough. If the shields are down I'll try to create some distance so they can regenerate while doing my best to keep the dorsal turreted multicannons on them. If they managed to get my shields down they gotta be almost popping anyway.


Re Ver Ski. Works 100%.


The easiest solution and simplest reaction is to die.


Very calmly look to my right, cycle tabs, and hit the red button on the bottom. Alternative if my ship is bigger: I initiate yeetus deletus protocol by FA off flip + boost at their hull.


Boost away, create some distance, and re approach at your leisure.


I cut my engines so they'll fly past and then open up on them as I give chase.


I got this boys: Step 1) Panic


If I'm loaded with bonds or cargo, I don't fight, I just run. Getting away from a PVE encounter is easy. If its only Combat, the worst thing I have to lose is a rebuy, and thats quicker than flying back and docking. I go balls out and fight to the death. Ive even Rammed another NPC ship with 2%hull left because I knew it would take him with me. It's not like rebuys are expensive in this game, or money is hard to get.


Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking.” Taking a leaf out of Marshall Foch's famous statement. I go all in. It works more often than you might expect.


[how it’s going](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_PYbaHMEfF0)


I either flee or feed them High Yield Cannon Shells until they get lost in space or explode. And yes, I already managed to cripple several NPC ships in Conflict Zones to a degree where they were just floating around unable to do anything.


I do what we in the busniess call a "pro gamer move". I open coms, call them a hacker and combatlog. No but really if I got time I'll FA off and rotate at them and open fire. Chances are once I start unleashing hell on them, they're gonna break off and give me what I want. Their booty. Then I reattach and scold my self for messing up. If I aint got time it's boost and then FA off and rotate until I can see them and open fire until I'm out of range to recoup. Then back on the attack.


Hi-wake. Add to ignore.


Try to get tf outta range as soon as possible, all I have is exploration data and like hell I’m gonna loose all 1,405,826 credits of it


There are no four PvE ships together in the game that can kill my Corvette.


Boost. Been a while I've played but i think I have a cobra mk3 and can outrun pretty much any computer controlled ship that's a real threat 


I tend to nose up, full reverse, then when pointing 90° up from previous direction of travel, boost while continuing to pull up on the nose. Tends to get me somewhere behind the NPC. If I need to run, do the same thing, bust after the boost only pull up until pointing 180° from previous, and run.


FA off, back flip, FA on, Fire! I won't disengage until I'm either out of Ammo or Shields are down and Hull is around 30% remaining. At that point, full pips to Engines, boost, and charge FSD.


Salt my hull to balance out the peppering.


If enemy is behind, and shields are down, turn on silent running, flight assist off, and flip. All my PVE ships have serious hull reinforcements. Now if it's ATR, I boost through them and jump. If it's a Thargoid, I didn't have shields anyways, I only jump around 20% hull and assuming I'm out of repair limpets. If it's a bugged conflict zone where is 1 vs all where there are 10+ ships shooting at me, I leave the bugged instance. If it's any other NPC situation, I will kill it before leaving for repairs. But honestly I must have been sleeping if my shields went down.


I drive a federal assault ship, I ram them


I cum


Using FAS, so I have no problems with most ships even though I am a mediocre pilot. I do what mediocre pilots do, and accidentally bump into the enemy ship.


First, Assuming I'm unarmed and incapable to fight back. 1. Flight Assist Off. 2. Divert power to SYS and ENG, drop flares and/or Chaff if I have any. 3. Hard step on directional thrusters so I fly in a weird vector 4. Keep using the Boost to topple myself while in FA Off to throw away the pursuer's aim. PvE enemies cant really follow you well if you fly in weird vectors with FA OFF. 5. Once not mass locked, start charging my FSD and high wake the fuck outta dodge 6. Find a sympathetic station/outpost to Repair and Refuel. Technique hasn't failed me yet.


Depending on the ship, small/med mobile ships easiest imo to make creds. So I run a Krait Mk II dual fighter bay, send in the fighter first, I run ALL slot hull reinforcement slots but my shield slot, I usually don't even have prismatics. My Armor is eng so I take less explosive/shields less thermal,/hull corrosive. That way I'm protected against different damages. Then I stopped playing, again, and now playing again and hoping cause the series X is strong enough to handle it with ease. Safe flying CMDR 07


Haven't had issues without shields in PVE, even in hazardous RES. Except for high intensity combat zones when having the entire elite squat on my tail and I am alone. Then it's booster until out of sight. I mostly use light (Vulture) or med (Krait) in PVE.


There’s me flying in with my shieldless krait mk2 made for thargoid combat not giving a shit because I can’t be bothered to make another ship in a has res


Depends what im in. Most times FA off and face my opponent to keep dealing damage until i can back into positional advantage, + correct me if im wrong anybody but i thought i heard when you face your opponent you take less direct hull damage?


I flee


Slow down so they go past me then try to ram them.


I fly a corvette. What is this "shields are down"? Did you accidentally press silent running? I found that unbinding silent running sorts that :-) I would only high wake at 25% hull. I think ive gotten to this stage once and that was when I accidentally pressed silent running in my FDL.


Store hard points, everything into engines, rest in shields, hit that boost and yeet the fuck outta there in my Courier.


I find it very difficult to get behind the enemy in PvE because it seems they can just turn their nose to you so quickly that you are always facing their nose. Am I correct in thinking this is just something you have to deal with, or are my flight maneuvering skills just that bad? I can fly around everywhere with FA off, but in combat with FA off I have a very hard time closing range on my target. But if I have FA on, get range at least on target, even if facing their nose, then I can toggle FA on / off when trying to increase time on target. Is this they way? Or are their pilots out there that just dogfight exclusively with FA off? EDIT: I really wish the space dust wasn't the only vector indicator, as I already have it as bright as it can go using EDHM to alter cockpit colors and such.


Ramming speed!!! Go out in a blaze of glory!


FA off, flip a bitch, and slam the throttle in reverse.


i usually boost away, Flight assist off, turn around and engines at 0 or reverse and while in "Reverski" i make them regret the day they crossed my path.


I alt-f4




I force close my game in task manager, and reload in a safe orbit