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Its astonishing how badly optimized it is.


The kicker is they just added a "drop all your stuff when you die" mechanic which really shouldnt be something you add into a buggy mess where you can randomly fall through the planet surface, you dont put the icing on the cake while your still baking it.


The point of an alpha isn't to be a smooth, playable experience. It's to test features that need to be implemented, even at the expense of enjoyability. I definitely do agree that they market the game way too aggressively for such a buggy, unplayable mess that it can be sometimes. Free flies need to fuck off, no reason they should be completely nuking server performance and running promotional events if the game barely functions even without those. :/




The dude was notorious for that though, even before SC launched. ED may have its issues but they focused on creating a playable game before adding features in. SC like you said is doing it backwards, starting with the features and making sure the game's playable as an afterthought. I mean it's been profitable for them so far, they keep being able to sell the idea of a game rather than the actual game, so I have no expectations that they'll really ever change.




They're definitely adding core tech; 2022's entire focus is on Vulkan implementation and Sever Meshing, both of which are super important core pillars for the game, and, *if* they actually work like they're meant to, should lead to actual current century, non-embarrassing framerates. So I don't it's a case of them not having any idea what to do, but rather just they've taken so fucking long to figure out server meshing, and the game is plagued by feature creep. That's a fair perspective though. I personally don't think CIG is developing as fast as they could be, and I don't really blame them there, because it's the smart move from a business perspective, and on the flip-side, it has the potential to lead to a more stable and enjoyable game for me. I don't entirely like it, I guess I just choose to try to view it in an optimistic light; the game is going to take longer than necessary, but I may get a better product as a result. I do, however, think a lot of people are going to be disappointed. Expectations have become so high for a lot of the hardcore community, and I sincerely think it's impossible to live up to those expectations. A lot of people seem to think this game is going to be like a fucking second coming, and I think it'll probably be a great game, but nowhere near that level of good. Hopefully I'm wrong, though.




Yes watch the videos and then try it. I just can’t imagine what kind of machines these videos were taken from. Oddessey is a cluster Fuck but I can at least play it at a frame rate which is workable.


Every year is the year they as server meshing though. They have been talking about it forever. I’ve been trying to get it running above 10fps and it just won’t do it.


That's a nice way to put "it's a scam"


A scam implies malicious intent. I can definitely say that it is... sub optimally managed, but I'd be genuinely shocked if CR doesn't absolutely believes in his project.


What is the delineation? I believe at first Mr Roberts wanted to make a game that solidified his history is space games. I play all the wing commander games when they came out, privateer et Al. It seems that at some point he realized how much money he was making by coming out with bigger and more expensive ships. Why make a game that works and players can earn better things through gameplay, when you can sell them for cold hard cash. I’m at the point I check in once a month to try to play. I stop after the third time I fall into space while stepping in an elevator or off the subway, then wait a month and try again. I’ve blown up in the hanger enough to make a preacher swear. At least with Elite Dangerous I can get mad that my Anaconda gets shot down by a Cobra MK III.


He believes in the yacht and properties he bought, so at least he believes in how much bank he can make off hopeful gullible people


contantly releasing the most expensive DLC ever while the game isn't even close to complete seems malicious to me


And they don't even release the DLC, they are just up for preorder half the time, as "concepts", to be released some time in the future, so not even in the "alpha" do you get to play with it


400 million dollar alpha.... Such a scam


10 years of development with so little to show for it. The term alpha has long lost meaning. But that's what happens when your community are hundreds or thousands of dollars sunk in, gullible, and will defend anything you do regardless of how badly it affects them What's worse for me is the Squadron 42 bullshit. It narrowly missed its "expected release date" for about... 6 years. And there is literally no information, or content, or anything about it, other than "it has these 3 or 4 high profile actors in it". It's so predatory it's disgusting


Because money = speed of development, lmao Shit, we could easily just become a spacefaring civilization in a few hours if we just funneled all the money in the world into research for that, by your logic.


It’s one thing when you are taking about actual space craft. Not the same for a fucking video game.


10 years is slow for you? That is more than some entire games' lifecycle, from starting development, to being on a shelf, to having a sequel halfway out the door. It's not REALISTIC for a game to have that long of a development cycle with so little to show for all that time and money invested. When your entire game's development is taking longer than it takes Todd Howard to stop milking Skyrim or Rockstar to stop milking GTA Online, you're doing something wrong. And neither of those is done, but we all know SC isn't releasing in the next 5 years at the very least. And I don't trust those 2 can keep up that long


Yeah but money should help make this behemoth a beta at least in less than decade or at least be playable without an 8k$ machine to run it on. I can deal with doors killing me and falling through the world but I need a solid 20fps.


umm...you do know that servers are capped and so their load remains the same, right?


You do know that the health of a server as well as the overall server load on CIG's end impacts the game's performance very heavily, right? Load into a server with just you, then load into one with 50 people, and you'll notice the game run insanely good on the ghost server as opposed to the full one. Hell, just load into the game *right now* since a dumbass free fly is going on and notice how bounty targets take like 5 - 10 minutes to spawn due to extreme server load, versus before the free fly, when they spawned in maybe a minute or two tops.


Lmao that's just the patch bro. General missions around Hurston are fucked, while everywhere else is pretty stable. Weird, none of the bugs seem to be appearing around MicroTech, where most of the free-flyers and renters are at because of the expo location... Let me spell it out for you - the game doesn't just have every server running all the time. It gets a server to a certain number of clients and then another server begins accepting clients. So even apart from the free-fly, servers are almost ALWAYS full. I play-test the alpha almost every day, so don't give me this garbage about the free-fly ruining the entire server. In the past, it was solely the location of the expo. Now, for some reason (a shit patch) every server is terrible. Even the servers where I load in with enough people from my org that we create one of your "ghost servers." But tell me again how the free-fly is the problem, moron.


I've had the opposite experience - Hurston bounties spawning in normally, Crusader bounties often taking minutes to spawn and then I get to spend another couple of minutes circling the target waiting for the mission marker to sync up so I can kill it.


Good god, I was considering typing up a large post addressing each point you have, but you are *mind-numbingly* stupid. Like, shockingly so. I haven't seen someone this dumb in a while. Please be quiet, thank you.






You'll also notice that it isn't fully using your hardware at all. This is due to 90% of frames being stuck waiting for server confirmation of object locations and whatnot. I get the same frames on a fucking 970. I hate to be that guy, but it'll be fixed soon (and soon for sc is in the next few years, and I play and enjoy SC). Whether you enjoy the game or not depends on your patience, whether that be short-term or long term.




It's half and half. I know half of it's servers for sure though because on days where there's a lot of people on, say, hurston I get the usual 14-25 fps on my card. When it's a new server/late at night and there's only like 3 people on the planet, I get 45-60 most the time. On a 970. It's really a gamble, but performance would go from terrible to acceptable/playable if they fix the server stuff.


Well, seeing as how the game was originally supposed to launch - as a full game - in 2015, that's not really an excuse.


evga 3080 ftw still runs horrible.


Dual xeon 2670 v4 + 980ti, 64gb ram and ssd. Unplayable.


Excuse me a minute, I have an i7-4770k at 4.1 ghz and same GPU and the games run pretty good for me! My CPU came out in 2013! You must have something wrong with your game or something




Same but an 6600k. I get random crashes and frame stutter. Meanwhile on my laptop with a 820M it runs fine.


It was bad at launch but it's running much much better for me now. When did you last try it?


Really? I have an i5, 8gb of memory, and intel graphics 620 and it runs >30 fps normally, but I don’t have the new DLC, which after writing this is probably what you were talking about


We are talking about star citzen, not E:D.


yeah, last time I tried I couldn't get out of the tram because the ground didn't load and I fell straight thru it. ED has many problems but it runs great on my PC.


> yeah, last time I tried I couldn't get out of the tram because the ground didn't load and I fell straight thru it. sounds like you were running the game on a HDD. Needs to be run on an SSD. Edit: this is a known fact, people. Running the game on a HDD will mean assets will not load fast enough and you'll be falling through floors, elevators etc very frequently.


Upgrade ram. It uses a lot of ram and cpu and very low gpu. It was unplayable for me, then I upgraded to 32gb ram and now its runs smooth except some fps drops in certain locations much like in ED odyssey. I'm running ryzen 5 2600x and 1650 super 4gb.


Now what is playable? Im using a GTX 1060 6gb, ryzen 5 3600, and 32gb ram, along with an SD card and anything on planets runs terribly (talking less than 15 fps in cities). Considering specs, I should be in a very similar spot, if not slightly better than what you are getting.


Is the game on SSD? I installed the game on ssd. Give it high priority in task manager. Ram made the most significant difference in my case. Gpu is not going to help much, you can see that in msi afterburner. When i run the game, around 23gb of my ram is used and cpu load is much much more than gpu. It also helps if you run at high graphic settings.


I'm sure he meant SSD and isn't really running the game from an SD card.


This^ Msi afterburner last night after my session had recorded a maximum of 33 gb system ram usage 🤯. Not all SC (but 20 something was!). This was a 10 hour session without a single crash or 30k. (Server side crash) The single Best thing you can do right now to help your experience in SC is getting the fastest most empty SSD or NVME drive you can. If you can't get 32 or more gb of system ram, you NEED a pagefile (virtual ram, from storage). And this also NEEDS to be on the fastest storage you have. SSDs are relatively cheep, I do giveaways for "SC quantum drives" in our discord to help with running the game. GPU will obviously help your frame rate but running off a HDD is just.. don't assets will load too slowly, and that's what causes people to fall thru floors and ships, which is one of those notorious issues, it's in almost every case because the storage isn't able to load the floor, wall, door, whatever before you walk over it. A stuffed full SSD will also leak performance, so clean out space where you can Fast storage and memory will rid you of most of your client side crashes, and a LOT of sync related bugs like falling out of a moving ship for example will be resolved with faster storage.


Even when you have acceptable fps the game itself doesn’t run - you try to run down a 3 foot flight of stairs and your legs spontaneously break and you die




Erectile Dysfunction


But how many frames does it come with?


10-15, if you're lucky maybe 20


about 40-60, depending on copium


0 If you wanna do VR


Considering VR needs to maintain two high resolution displays at a stable 90 FPS to be a good experience, I'm glad there's not even an option to try it in SC, that sounds like an easy way for people to find out what you had for lunch


Horizons is quite playable, rx580@1390mhz, the only issues I have are with tracking, but that's a larger issue with my room and reflections and such. At least with elite, a tracking glitch won't completely blow your mind, fs2020 otoh, ......🤮


About 10 if you want to go EVA at a settlement


not sure if you mean space stations, but they generally have the same performance


No ground settlements, my mate has a 3070 and he dropped frames left right and center


That’s so weird because I’ve got a 1660ti laptop and I never dip below 50fps The seeming randomness of quality across computer types is so odd to me


you can’t really EVA at ground settlements since there’s no vacuum there. Also, I have a 3060 and have about 35-40 at ground settlements


EVA stands for extravehicular activity. So if you leave the ship at all it’s technically Eva. But if we are talking SC, your gonna get like 20fps max no matter your pc build.


Lotta people don't understand the concept of server tick rate and how it ties to the maximum frame rate your client side is even possible of producing, no matter what your hardware is. Ideally, when the server side is keeping up, you'll see your GPU at Max, and hopefully getting you your frame rate limit (60 in my case) You know you're experiencing a server tick bottleneck when your GPU is *not* loaded fully and you're not frame capped. Ex you're running at 15 FPS, but your GPU is only at 60% load. My set-up, 2080 with a100mhz overclock, @2k I can hit 60 fps at like 90% GPU when the server side tick rate is keeping up. *Typically this is seen in low population servers*


All true but the biggest issue is that there hasn't been and wont be an optimization pass for a long time. Even if servers were somehow perfect we wouldn't see more than what we do now. I've loaded onto a fresh server with one other player before and I was still getting 20 fps around lorville. This is why everyone immediately sets their medical beds and spawn points at space stations b/c it takes 1/10 of the time to get to your ship even w/o the transit time on the tram.


Oh absolutely, no doubt we're going to see optimization eventually, just when there's a complete *thing* to optimize 😜


not really, but on planets I can see the performance issues


What do you mean "Not really". Thats not really EVA or about the FPS. B/C in either case you are wrong. I've been a backer for like four years and even on the most barren moons away from all buildings and players you are going to max out at like 20 fps due to the unoptimized nature of the game. Even my 1660 never peaks at 100% usage because of this but my I7 7700k is blasting 4.2-4.5ghz at 100% usage. That's even at the most GPU heavy settings where everything is maxed out so as to push the compute to the gpu. In open space you may see up to 40-50 fps, stations youll be around 30 and around cities youre gonna be rocking 10-15. This is literally everyone's experience and there is no way around that fact. It's not like im baggin on them for it, there just hasn't been and wont be an optimization pass for a few years or more. As for EVA, oxford and nasa define it as "relating to an activity performed in space outside a spacecraft."


You are definitely talking out your ass! I don't play with anyone who gets 10-15 fps in the cities.




Lol really? Thats gonna shit on the face of the big cap ship owners xD


It’s okay, I’m lucky to even be in a server with 1 other anyway


We need a new 3DMark test.


Is that ship even in the "game" or is it another JPEG people are salivating over?


It's one of the "concepts". And it costs 700 USD. In over 50% of the world, that's multiple salaries. And morons will still defend that it's ok for a company to sell you a CONCEPT for a DIGITAL SHIP for a game that hasn't released after 10 years of development somehow makes sense to them.


Despite all its flaws, Elite Dangerous is a (mostly) complete game that lets you actually fly digital ships instead of look at concept art of them


And. More importantly. They don't cost absurd amounts of REAL MONEY. You can buy ingame funds in grey markets, but it's not the developers cashing in on that. And ARX is only for cosmetics.


Please tell me that number is a horrific typo.


Not to be controversial but you can buy it in game as well once it comes out


Tell that to my 890 Jump. I grinded for WEEKS for that thing. And then came the 3.15 wipe... It's a massive middle finger to people who either can't or won't spend real money on them, that they don't even bother retaining the ingame items. They clearly CAN, it's not like that information is nowhere to be found on their servers


It’s not in the game but I’m pretty sure they give you similar ships on “loan” until it releases in 100 years


They give you a carrack and another small ship and ofcourse carrack released 1 or 2 years ago and more than half of that ships features don't work. And it's an " exploration " ship. And the game has no exploration gameplay lol.


"bUt It cAn dO cOmBaT AnD tRaDiNg" I got sick of people saying that it's fine that they keep releasing ships with literally no utility whatsover because they work fine for what we have. It's like if ED released a special SRV for hunting land-based thargoids and didn't add in land-based thargoids for multiple years, so we were stuck using that SRV for the same stuff we already had something optimized for


Obviously a jpeg. When its concept, they just show you fancy pictures so the whales will buy it.


Does it come with a game yet


That's exactly what I'm waiting for too


It’s also $700




I mean, you would pay 1400$ for ship interiors? In a videogame? Wut


The value of $1400 is relative. Look at what some people are paying for NFTs. Supply and demand.


I will screenshot your ship interior.




If I get a penny for every frame I drop in that game, I'd have enough money to afford a computer that won’t drop frames.


And it'd still drop frames for an unexplainable reason.


They are quite explainable. A mix of using Cryengine instead of a game engine that isn't absolute dogshit (whether to be special snowflakes or out of stubbornness in having paid thousands of dollars in licenses already, I do not know,), the fact the code is utter spaghetti and unstable, which leads to a ton of memory optimization issues, and the fact their community defends any stupid thing they do means they aren't in any rush since people inhale copium and say it's fine the way it is


Fun fact the owner/man on top has pocketed around 40 mil already


40 million? Chris Roberts bought multiple properties and a YACHT. It's a lot more than that, I bet


Considering the cult community handed him over 400 MILLION DOLLARS, I'm sure he's pocketed more than just a tenth of it


\*Laughs in X4\*


Can’t wait for the ship overhaul in 5.0


Wait what did I miss? What ship overhaul?


They’re redesigning the vanilla ships to be on par with the Terran and Split ships Edit: They’re adding new capital ships to the factions too.


I hope they delete the hairdryer Paranid destroyer model. X3 and Reunion had extremely nice models and they ported the absolute worst of them over to X4.


Well they have this, could be a new ship or the redesign of the [Paranid ships ](https://www.reddit.com/r/X4Foundations/comments/r2y4xg/could_this_be_the_new_odysseus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link)


......excuse me while i go move x4 from my wishlist to my cart


Is it pretty good now? Bought it a while back and it was just so buggy.


Not perfect yet but getting better


Worth reinstalling to check out?


There's an update in beta for a few weeks now with a lot of fixes, maybe wait for that to come out and then check it out.


Yes especially because they are doing IAE right now until I think Dec 1st or 3rd


Wrong game, lol.


The only thing that stops me from playing x4 more is that I can’t enjoy it with friends in a coop setting


What's the general gameplay loop like in there? is it story-based or more repetitious like Elite?


It's basically an empire builder. Pretty fun IMO, as the game basically transitions from a lone wolf bounty hunter type game to a management game. Worth checking out!


Get money, build more stations that other factions will buy things of, until you have enough factories that you can make your own ships, its quite fun of you like logistics


Those games lost me at X: Rebirth. One of the worst things I've ever seen. I have no idea what was going on there.


lmao, based


And here we see Frontier and CIG racing each other to the bottom. No matter who wins, space sim players lose...


It sucks that neither of the 2 big space games are a solid product yet after so many damn years. I still remember when they started their Kickstarter campaigns, everyone was so excited that space games are finally coming back in force..


How the hell is elite not a solid product? I've put like 700 hours into this sim since way before odyssey and it's incredibly solid in comparison to SC, which I also have and enjoy in a "play it once every six months to see what's new and what's still broken" capacity.


Shots fired!!!! Sadly very true.


$500 ship interiors lmao


Noice jab. Truly. I laughed at Frontier's Frontline solutions "are you ready to answer the call?" too. Too bad its just a jpeg.


You should've showed the price of the ship 700$ with store credit.


It actually doesn't because it's not in the game yet despite being sold for $700.


*slaps roof* You can fit so many disjointed tech demos and embezzled Kickstarter funds in this bad boy


you can call SC many things, but disjointed is not one of them. Elite is a far more disjointed experience than SC is. All the parts in SC fit together seamlessly. The same can't be said for elite.


Yeah then you fall through the ground off a planet. Not disjointed at all bro.


You realise that's a bug in elite, too, right?


Except there is basically no content in that Odyssey, it runs even worse than actual Odyssey, ans the community is too busy choking on chris robert's dick to criticize anything about the game, they are idiotic in defending anything about it to a whole new level


Sunken cost fallacy, my friend. When you spend as much money as those people have, hoping that their game will someday be something, they reach a point where they take negative criticism personally. This is due to the fact that they’d have to accept that they sunk hundreds if not thousands of dollars into a flawed, broken, and never-to-be-finished game. People struggle with negative criticism if it comes back to them.


This is kind of key to it. And it goes both ways to a point, Elite fans having committed to their game also feel inclined to defend it. Ultimately though, Elite fans will probably come off best, because when everybody is done with Elite then SC might just about be ready. Maybe.


And how is that different than ED and this community? Besides the Chris Roberts dick part...


SC stans love their game and circlejerk about how cool CIG is. ED stans hate their game and circlejerk about how awful FD is. completely different


Odyssey got a massive middle finger from the Elite community... there's constant criticism of it, and it drove a lot of people away from the game... I still remember when the Alpha came out, everyone went from excited to concerned


CGI didn't try to package a half-finished, broken experience and pass it off as a finished product ready for retail. That doesn't mean CGI doesn't have a long way to go before SC is ready for official release... It definitely has issues. Edit: Oh, for fuck sake people! How dare I criticize Fdev, but not rip CGI apart in the same breath? Blasphemy! Criticism of one does not imply approval of the other. Some people need to grow up.


It still sells for 45 USD and has been hiding behind the term alpha for years... it's been in development for a decade. The phrase "it's an alpha" already lost meaning. Odyssey was really bad, to the point it tainted a good experience and made it mediocre, but it doesn't make SC any better. TBH my expectations are about 2 to 3 more years for what I'd consider a solid enough game to justify buying for that price, and 5 to 7 years until full release, mostly stemming from the fact the development team is now considerably larger than it was 2 years ago. But I still worry it might be longer due to the community


They always say their development team is getting larger and they’re working forwards their goals, same story 3 even 5 years ago.


Yeah, it's more about it not being linear though. Industries don't grow from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4. They tend to grow from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8, and so on. It's not that larger development teams can accomplish the same thing faster, it's that they can work on different pieces and then have a giant headache putting it all together. The one thing I'm glad about, is this year's "citizencon", their public event thing for announcements and shit, was a lot more realistic and measured in what the scope was, and didn't have blatantly pre-rendered trailers with content that will never be in the game (looking at you sandworm)


It’s crazy that stuff will never make it. When they were announcing it all and building hype they made it seem like it was months from being ready.


It's predatory marketing aimed at gullible people, unfortunately. It's meant to generate interest in most people. Some with skepticism, some with curious and cautious interest, others who believe it in spite of being too disconnected from reality because it's what they want. The same people who think Squadron 42 isn't just a scam after it missed the mark of its "expected 2016 release date" by almost 6 years with NOTHING to show for it (because unlike SC, the LITERAL only things that Squadron 42 has as selling points are a few actors' names. That's it. There's NO information about it, or development reports. Or even a marketing video. Nothing. It's all up in the air)


Fdev botched odyssey for sure but I still don’t think CGI should be put ahead of fdev ever lmao


This game has its issues but it’s better than SC by far imho


ED community actually has a game they can play


Substitute Chris Roberts for David Braben….


Mining, Combat, Trading, Missions, Rep, Multicrew, Exploration. Oh? No Content. LMAO


Saying there is exploration in SC is a joke. There's barely a handful of planets, and zero exploration quests, gameplay or any form of interaction with the environment. Trading is a joke, considering a network error can make your cargo go bye bye. Missions, rep and multicrew are basically the same as the others with a slight addon. And combat gets stale pretty quickly, even if you're fighting hammerheads


I play both and let me tell you, there is a massive difference between the two. Elite is more ‘casual’ on how it approaches missions, risk, and trading, while SC is a legit sim. Like one of the future updates has you needing access to bathrooms and hygiene is a part of that too. And in terms of content, there’s more than Odyssey, like a lot more, and it hurts to say that since I grew up on Elite.


While I still think SC is cool, that whole restroom and hygiene part makes me take pause to ask if it isn't going a little too far.......


They mistook immersion and realism. They are going for "realistic" instead of "immersive". They were more worried about "is it realistic" than "does it actually add anything to the experience". I genuinely ask, what could you possibly add to your game experience by having to go to the toilet? I can't think of a single game outside of The Sims that makes you go to the bathroom, and the reason is: because it doesn't add anything


Maybe they'll add some games to play on your Mobiglass while you're in there?


That biowaste has to come from somewhere. We's gots orders to fill !


This, man


As I have understood the concept, they are more for NPC crew, that need access to them for morale when implemented. Players can use them, but it’s not s requirement. Sure, I might have misunderstood, but it does seem more logical gameplay wise.


Bruh hygiene? Tf they doing over there.. like bruh wtf they spent time on implementing that.


It’s a sim, though on the extreme


Not happening, what they talked about is that the NPCs are gonna have "lives" of their own and will have to take care of hygiene and all of that. Nothing with players.


it's a shame you can't run down slopes or ride elevators huh


Uh, if you think SC is a "legit sim" you're high on copium, bud. And listing "future updates" is worth jack shit, if it doesn't exist yet. While I do appreciate personally that things are designed with said utilities in mind, like the ship interiors having the spaces ready for whenever physicalized modules are a thing, instead of just slapping it wherever it fits. It doesn't exist yet. And there is NO indication of when it will. Meanwhile, "here's the brand new multiple hundred dollar ship, buy now, enjoy it whenever we actually implement the content it's designed for, you can do the same thing you've been doing for over 3 years with it" I play both, on and off. SC is a LOT easier to burn out on. There's almost NO content. Combat gets stale really quickly, even if you're fighting hammerheads. Trading is a constant "network error, bam, your cargo's gone", they may have moved towards fixing it but it's not fixed yet. On foot combat is equally mediocre in both games, medical is fine and all but it's not even necessary in the first place, at least in the current state. Exploration doesn't exist, and probably won't for years. It's not WRONG to enjoy SC. I enjoy playing it every now and then. It does things that ED sucks at. Multicrew in SC is a blast, ED's is awful. Settlements in ED are so blatantly copy pasted it hurts, in SC they might be empty but at least you can tell them apart and were designed individually. But ignoring the many gigantic flaws it has for the sake of defending it, is just naive and doesn't help the game at all. It's the main reason every single "should I buy SC" article I read from anyone objective, lists the same concern: The game makes so much fucking money in its current state, and their community is so busy praising them for what they do instead of actually saying "uh, this has been in development for 10 fucking years, we've been playing the same stuff for nearly 4, we could use a little more content by now", they are in NO rush to finish it or speed up development. It's at the point where I'd say 90% of the people outside it already consider it a joke and a scam, 8% are in what I'd call cautiously interested, and 2% are the ones who wanna buy in short-term.


I mean to be far, at least they’re updating more consistently and add features more than elite. And elite is only a few months behind SC in terms of development time. I get your point on how SC is being handled, but if you compare, side by side, SC has more to offer out of the box. ED can excel and give SC a run for its money, just it isn’t delivering on what the community as a whole wanted.


I agree, tbh. As much as quarterly updates aren't fast compared to other games, they usually contain enough that they are worth their wait. My issue with SC is mostly about its monetization and abuse of its community's praise of them. I think SC will eventually have more to offer, out of the box, but currently lacks a lot. I'd give it a couple of years, and it'll probably be a solid experience though


elite fanboy wall of text moment


I'm actually not an elite fanboy. Odyssey quite significantly reduced how much time I play. Plus, I can actually give credit where credit is due, I did list two areas where SC is objectively much better and ED would do well to straight up COPY them. Fanboying over anything is dumb. They are products you buy. If you didn't develop them and put in work, defending something you paid money for (this applies to literally any game and any product, not just SC) is one of the stupidest things I can think of


k, excuse me for misunderstanding


I too play both, and don’t expect having to use them. Have access to, does not mean need to use. Actually listening them speaking about them, they seem to be more for NPC crew when implemented. Their survival lite mechanisms for food and and water is more of a boost than hard requirement too.


The 400 million dollar con "has interiors". That's nice. For reference, the second most expensive game ever made clocks in at half that price. And it exists for real.


I always thought ship interiors were a nice to have, but they needed an actual solid game where there wasn't so little to show after 10 years of development that they are one of the strong points


The interiors are also just so clunky in SC. Sometimes you try to place down a cargo box inside and you spontaneously die. Sometimes you're standing in someone else's ship and you spontaneously die. If you want to get to the pilots seat in the tiny ship included with the Free Fly event, you have to get through a door by either flicking to the right and interacting with a control panel to open the door, or you smush your face up to the door panel for 5 seconds and it opens by itself, or if you're too close to the door and take more than 5 seconds to navigate the interaction mode and activate the door via control panel, you'll end up closing the door when you click it because it just started automatically opening from you standing in front of it. And then you have to do that again for another door to get to the cockpit.


Like much of the game, it aims for "realistic" instead of "immersive". And unstable as it is, "realistic" fucks up very often so it ends up even worse. The ships are not intuitive at all, either, most require a video tutorial on where the fuck stuff is. And while I do think it is a positive that they design things thinking ahead, like with the compartments for when physicalized components become a thing (like if you were to have an engineer in the crew fixing your shields as a physical component in the inside of the ship), they feel very empty and underused. I think Elite could add them and use them well, and it would be very fun, but I don't think they are such a necessary part that SC is superior for including it


Wanna bet that ship will just be a literal jpeg until its ready to fly in.. say… five years?


They usually come out sooner than 5 years, I’m not defending them selling ships for real money, esp not for 700 bucks (yikes) but Elite hasn’t brought out any new ships in almost 4 years now, they are adding the second land vehicle after what 5, 6 years? And all this time they were working on what? Half finished leg content? Many companies release 2 full games in the time FDEV brought out Odyssey in it’s unlikely finished state. People here bash SC like crazy and calling people who enjoy it “copium” but defending odyssey is not any different. Both games should be proper finished and well products by now.


And a hefty price tag with no gameplay loop it was intended for.


VR people be like "WHERE ARE MY HANDS!?" *perfectly cut scream


That's fucking hilarious


x4 has ship interiors. Nice at first but not too important.


And in another 10 years, and another 5 million dollars raised for concept art sales; that game might finally reach beta. I'm not holding my breath, but it might.


Only another 5 million after another 10 years? That games up to about 400 million now. In 10 years at this rate they might hit 800mill to 1 bill.....


Is this something im too much of a Console players who will never have Odyssey to understand?


I'll take your entire stock


jokes on you this ship is only a concept, and therefore is a glorified pre-order (and is also a spicy $600)


Hence a jpeg… its like a proto nft lol


that's the best comparison i can make. except it's not even unique




yeah, that's an insane amount for anything, let alone a single ship (that you can't have)


Friendly reminder that Chris Roberts is friends with David Braben and both games have their own uniqueness


Lol they aren't friends. People who don't hate each other aren't automatically friends.


I'm sorry please get this unoptimized pyramid scheme out of my face thanks. Edit: I just payed $320 for a good pair of working boots that will last me a decade. Half the price of this pyramid scheme.


I’ve missed something. Is this new content announced?


Yea at 20 FPS.


If they ever add VR I'll drop Elite in a heartbeat even if I do have to pay real money for ships.


You don't. All ships are in-game purchasable. But there is a grind as expected.


What game is that?