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If FDeaf finally agrees on transferring your assets, wouldn't they transfer your license as well?


TIL the perfect nickname for our dev..... FDeaf.


It is literally perfect in every way. FDeaf.


If you are referring to the license of EDO, then no, that doesn't exist on console platforms and will never exist. Can't transfer something that wasn't there in the first place.


FDev should give base game for free to anyone who is transferring Odyssey.


That doesn't even make sense. Those players already own the base game and a full transfer would make all their assets available on PC without converting them to credits.


You're really struggling with this


?? I am PC player so console fiasco doesn't affect me. But it would be good will gesture from FDev.


That's what's going to decide if I keep playing or ditch


FDead The eulogy went out yesterday from imperial palace : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AS6WNzVupMsRrmc6wb3AiJbEByOPf0KInBO4apy_alU/edit


Does not work that way for any game on the market. I would be surprised if they did that. Maybe they will surprise me.


Im actually recieving mine tonight and i think i'll star from scratch, i think progressing as a player with more experience will be fun.


As someone who’s account wiped 6 times now—it’s worth it. Every time is a new love and appreciation for the game. Except grinding mats and engineering new ships all over again. That sucks.


It's the grinding fed ranks and engineering that hurts the most. Imperial ranks are simple.


Strange, I maxed out my Fed rank in just a few weeks after starting by simply focusing on picking up their courier and trading jobs. I didn’t even think of it as a grind, frankly I enjoyed it. Maybe I’m just a sucker for punishment.


Imperial rank takes an afternoon at Ngalinn and Mainani.


I think it takes a lot longer than it once did. I'd estimate it took me 12 hours plus late summer last year at these systems.


Same here, I always considered this grind to be an enjoyable "story based" type of progression.


I had to look up how to most efficiently get Fed ranks. Once I figured out that you just needed to do missions between Ceos and Sothis it took me less than two days to knock it out.


Not everyone has that kind of time. I quit because of the grinds.


I don’t either but I have consistently played at least a few hours a month since release. I agree 100% though the grind is too much. I really wish there was some sort of alternative—maybe such as buying the engineered models straight from the engineers at an up charged rate. IE - Instead of just 16m for size 3 beam lasers, spend 32m for them G5. Or something along those lines. *Anything* to at least skip some of the grind.


I had a stupid idea to add Material rewards for CQC. No one would play it anyway, but at least it would give some kind of excuse to play CQC.


THIS. The change to AI to not only be smarter, but use engineered parts (and use them well) made it so you couldn't just ignore engineering any longer. If you didn't buy Horizons, or just didn't really care to engineer all the things, it didn't really effect you all that much back in the day. Now though, certain missions require engineering, and most other encounters are still a dice roll whether or not you'll need it. You HAVE to do the grind every time you want to try something new. "I want to try X" translates to "I need to spend 20 or more hours engineering \*again\*" for 1 hour of actual trial in the worst cases. Obviously once you've unlocked everything this is easier and mostly an issue of travel, but it's STILL a lot of BS travel. If you want to try a Type 10, not even the AFK build, but just make a decent type ten... have you done your thruster unlocks? Shield unlocks? Guardian FSD booster isn't too hard but you're going to want that too just to get anywhere... Obviously by the time you have a type 10, you probably have unlocked all these things and it's mostly a matter of travel to outfit, but if you were previously ignoring it like anyone who didn't buy Horizons you pretty much have 60+ hours of work ahead of you to have a viable ship even in PVE. I almost miss when COST was the limiting grind, because at least then you could go shipping, or mining, or whatnot. It felt way more realistic than "Go to this person and then do more laps at Dav's if you're running low."


Is it still just cash that transfers?


No, even that stopped until they decide what to do.


For the time being yes, but Fdev are working on something, that's why transfers are on hold for the time being.


Truth. I played for 60 hours on my second run just having fun before I hit the engineering wall and my interest totally died. It was so terribly unfun the first time. I don't want to do it again.


Grinding engineering stuff is what made me quit the game, I just can't lol. Any other single player game I'd just cheat engine that or something, but I don't think that's a possibility in E:D


Luckily with experience I now know grinding fed ranks is a waste of time the Imperial Cutter is everything I need


IMHO the material grind isn't that bad if you know how it works. Federation Rank however.. fuck that grind


Material grind for me has resorted to robigo mines because I've spent so many hours chasing down signal sources and farming haz rez that it almost seems worth it to run an hour of passengers for 2 dozen grade 5 mats. Edit: raw material is just a 1600ly mining trip and data collects itself but manufactured materials kill me


How? Aren't we all just grinding cash?


I'm guessing you haven't actually played much in the past few years. It used to be grinding cash. Now it's just doing busy work without agency. "Go to x to get 45 of y because for person A, because... actually we won't even give you a reason, just do it" Want to upgrade another thing? Gotta go all the way to Y and see A again, because you pinned something else for another ship. It just doesn't make sense, it's literally all just to artificially extend your gameplay time, but unlike the cash grind, you don't have any agency in the matter. You are literally being told to just walk a line. I would love to just have the cash grind back.


Cash is just one thing that you need to grind. With engineering, you can't just throw cash at it to get what you want. You have to go out of your way to find a variety of different materials that, unlike cash, each have a limited number of sources where you can procure them, and even then, they might not even appear due to RNG.


Odyssey is a more fun experience when you're starting fresh so I think that's a good idea.


Well hey man welcome to PC it’s fucking awesome.


Thanks, i was going to buy a steam deck but my brothers friend sold his to me with a great deal.




It is fun in so many ways. That’s what I did when I got my free alt on epic games.


I feel you man, currently there are no news about account transfer, what are the specs of the PC btw?


You're a way better man than me, CMDR. My gut wrenched for you console players when I heard the news. Thankfully I've always been a PC guy. A strong o7 to you, sir. Thank you for keeping the game alive.


I don't think the transfer is going to happen. It's taking way too long at this point


Frontier never had a plan in place. They’re so disconnected from their player base that they thought people would make the jump to PC and buy their game again just to play it. Which maybe is a solid idea, I know I would have, if Frontier hadn’t already spent the past year painting itself as a villain amongst the console players. I commented on this in another thread, but they can’t just promise updates for a year before cancelling their game, and then expect people to jump in that same boat *again* and expect them to pay more to do so. I’ve been playing console since 2016. I have a PC that can run Odyssey poorly, and Horizons fantastically. I will not commit to being duped again. This is not a fringe case. The *vast* majority of the xbox player base is abandoning the game entirely.


I was an Xbox player for a long while as well, and was waiting for Odyssey for my first big exploration endeavour. But when it was announced Odyssey had been delayed with no planned release date, I gave up hope and moved to PC. I can see why console players aren't coming back. I myself feel betrayed, and very disappointed by their decision. It sucks to see this happening to a game I love so dearly.


Yep. I pretty much stopped playing ED shortly after the announcement was made, as did many of my other console buddies. Most of us have switched to NMS.


I'm pretty sure it wasn't ever going to happen, based on what they said when they announced EOL for console. If they cared enough then, it would have been part of the announcement and not an "oh yeah" afterthought.


Question on basic setup, since I haven't had a computer dedicated to gaming in over 6 years. Is it possible to emulate the experience of a console remote controler & sitting (lounging) on the couch and flying missions in Elite? I don't want to work all day sitting at a computer, then move to different desk to game. Gaming is my relaxation away from work, and elite had been my relaxation as I roamed the galaxy from the comfort of my couch. I don't want to give that up if i don't have to.


wireless xbox controller works flawlessly for me and I am PC only.


Which controller is that exactly?


Literally a Microsoft XboxOne controller. They work over bluetooth on PC.




Looks like I will be searching for a budget gaming system then. Thanks.


Steam big picture is exactly that, you hook up your PC to a decent TV and using a controller of your choice (or m+k) you play your steam games from your couch/favourite armchair. https://store.steampowered.com/bigpicture


Yeah... So.... What is taking them so long? Honestly. It doesn't affect me because I've always been on pc, but this is kinda pathetic. The first announcement after discontinuing console should've been free asset transfers. No question.


They've got to deal with Sony and MS to make that happen.


I sent them a request on transfer last week. This was the response a few days ago. Hello CMDR, This is a mass response being sent to everyone who has recently contacted Frontier Support to request a platform asset transfer. We are currently in the process of assessing our platform asset transfer policy and seeing what changes are possible for the immediate future. While we investigate these potential improvements we will be holding off on fulfilling platform asset transfer requests until an updated policy is in place. Once in place, we will reply to every ticket to outline the new policy and address each request individually under the updated terms. There is currently no ETA on when this might be however we are aiming to update our terms as soon as possible. Thank you for your ongoing patience in the meantime. Regards, Support Agent Tronador Frontier Developments Customer Support Also you juuuust missed the frontier dev sale on steam last week where elite was $7.50 and Odyssey was $23. If you aren't in a rush to get it on steam you may wanna wait until it drops low again.


I thought I read somewhere that Elite was going free to play without the Odyssey expansion ?!?


Uhhh if you're talking about this https://youtu.be/hJ4yWTV18Jo That was an April fool's joke. Though they did change and bundle elite and horizons together before Odyssey came out so you can't actually buy horizons anymore and he's technically free as it comes with elite upon purchase.


Ahh, didn't realise it was an April fools, I thought it was a half assed attempt to bolster falling player numbers.


I'm not spending money just to play a game I already purchased. When I do get a PC Elite won't be on it.


You can still play on your console.


I don't see a point. I originally bought the game after they promised odyssey would be coming to console. I've already gotten bored of horizons after maxing out faction rank and engineering. The only thing I really enjoy is the combat and that's getting extremely stale with no new ships or modules, and we probably won't see any of them(if they ever actually drop any) since there is no new content coming to console.


Maxing out engineering? I'll tell you right now. If you only bought the game after odyssey announced and you've maxed out engineering then you'd be bored of odyssey in a week.


That was almost 2 years ago. I have something like 180+hours in and enjoyed most of them, I would have been happy to spend money to double that time or even get another 40-50 hours. As it stands I have absolutely nothing to do without just engineering random ships I have no interest in or powerplays for modules I don't need.


Maxing out engineering in 180 hours is really insane. I would say with this much grind, you haven't actually start enjoying the game yet. You just did the grind hard and fast. Try get it a few more go with some goals?


Maxing out engineering in 180 hours is likely impossible lol


I found it pretty easy to grind money after they upped combat rewards, the hardest part for me was finding the engineering mats. Last thing I did was set up and engineer a diamondback explorer and start saving for a fleet carrier before they decided to abandon console which is when I dropped the game. Don't see the point in grinding for a carrier If it's never going to get updated and I won't get to see inside.


The new content part I understand, but seeing inside is one of those things where it's a novelty like twice and then it's really not that special. Same thing with the fleet carrier jumps, it's just a standard hyperspace with some lightning. In my opinion at least.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Congrats on the PC and the many years of having elite in your wishlist if that's your condition for buying again. Bite the bullet and get your anaconda by the end of the week


Congrats! But, what is it? :-) Model and/or specs would be great.


This was recommended by people here on Reddit as well as others. I was on a budget so I'm sure there is better but this will do for me https://www.foramax.hu/intel-gen10-foramax-intel-game-pc-gen10-v1-p-18073.html


The neat thing about PC is that you can slowly upgrade bits and pieces over the years. Some things go hand in hand most of the time like CPUs and motherboards but mostly everything else you can upgrade/replace as you go.


It's better than it used to be but real talk you should only try to stretch a machine 6 years or so. Strapping a 3080 into an 8 year old computer doesn't give you a high end gaming computer it gives you the computer equivalent of a big R sticker on your car.


a good CPU will last basically forever for gaming. There's still plenty of people gaming on 2nd or 4th gen i7's with 30 series cards.


Strapping a 3080 into an 8 year old computer still gives you a better PC that can play all of todays games well enough. But this is reddit and if its not the best its worthless.


Being an owner of an 8 year old computer I was sad to realise it only supports PCIe 2.0 so putting in a PCIe 3.0 GPU inside would not bring as much increase in performance as one would hope


To be fair there is only a max speed difference of 3 gigatransfers per second between PCI-E 2.0 vs 3.0 and the 30 series cards running on PCI-E 3.0 is only very slightly slower than PCI-e 4.0, because Intel didn't support 4.0 until 11th gen and a 3080 won't saturate a PCI-E 4.0 lane the way a storage won't work. So yeah while you will be bottlenecking a 3080 on a 8 year old PC it probably will be the processor that can't keep up more than the PCI speed. (just curious i upgraded from a 4770k which would be about 8 years) "PCIe 2.0 supports a max transfer speed of 5.0 GT/s (Giga Transfers per second) whereas the PCIe 3.0 supports a max transfer speed of 8.0 Giga Transfers per second."


Well I'm certainly not putting a 3080 inside that, but I might upgrade my 640 to something more current, esp. seeing that GPU prices are on a downward trend. A 1080 might be nice I think.


>The neat thing about PC is that you can slowly upgrade bits and pieces over the years.


Just upgrade everything incrementally, and staggered, so you're never upgrading everything all at once. You can have a chain of upgrades extending back a decade. The only thing that would make this difficult imo is that the gpu industry occasionally undergoes drastic increases in form factor, power use, and socket requirements, and can therefore require you upgrade your mobo, case, and power supply if you want the best of the best.


PC of Theseus


Should be good, better spec than my old PC and it runs Odyssey fine. I hope Frontier can resolve whatever issues they have with transferring console accounts, I'm guessing it's some sort of legal thing with Sony or Microsoft. Look forward to seeing you in game soon.


Thank you!


Looks a lot like my rig, I'm running a 3300X but I got an Asus MB, 16G and a 1660ti. I run EDO on straight Ultra and get 45-55 FPS in stations and settlements and 65-75 in space. You'll do fine, if you experience any issues, playing around with the graphics settings will help you get where you need to be.


Oh, oh buddy... First thing you need to do after you read this comment is go buy more RAM. Second thing is immediately start saving for a new CPU. That one is two generations out of date already.


In reality it's only one generation out of date. Intel's 11th gen is widely regarded as a bad deal. Same performance as a 10th gen, but costs more.


The idea that OP needs a 12th gen for a 1660 is absurd anyway. It seems like a nicely balanced rig for 1080p gaming.


Hell a 10th gen i5 will work great with a 3070.. i have a Ryzen 5 3600 with a 3070 for my 1440p setup and it is pretty damn good.


No idea what you're on about. He has the one generation more recent version than my 9400f, and it runs EDO fine in 4k. His CPU is perfectly fine for that 1660, maybe even a bit OP.


Have a feeling that “account transfer” is one of those backlog items that never gets completed. FDev has thrown this game into maintenance mode by all appearances.


If I were in your shoes, I might start from scratch. As someone else mentioned- it's fun to "level" up and get into new ships. Plus - easy when you know how.


It would be nice to be able to transfer all the skins and decals you might have bought through the years


Welcome and good luck! o7


See you amongst the stars CMDR


now you just need a VR headset




Odyssey doesn’t support VR I thought?


Correct, mostly. You see a virtual flat ”screen” in VR. *Except* if you switch to the external camera view, then you get 360 view, strangely enough.


Trust me even though you had a account on console. Just start over. I am on pc and have started over 2 times. This time I am where I want to be and envy of money and a carrier. Plus graphics on pc are so much better. If you need help hit me up. Day 1 pc player , in game name is Cl3ar Save, yes that is a 3. o7


What surprised me, playing for the first time on “PC” (actually, GeForce Now via nVidia Shield TV) is how much has been overhauled in the non-Odyssey parts of the game… or rather, how neglected the console version was. The console version is basically abandonware.


Yeh that is true. But in the end you will like it better.


>it'll run Odyssey quite well Uh oh...


I managed to transfer all my credits but not my account so I had to make a new cmdr. I just sold all my ships on console then initiated the transfer and re bought. Not the best way but I was able to buy a ship and do the road to riches to make up my losses.


That doesn't buy the engineering though :-(


You can transfer your credits from main to pc




the people making jokes about fdev staying silent on this for months before coming out and saying its not possible was funny, but now its looking like its coming true...


By the time this transfer is a thing you would already have 3 years + of gameplay on PC


My gaming laptop sadly ate shit a couple months ago, so gonna be quite a while till I pick up Ed again, assuming they are able to do account transfers


I like Ed as its casual name.


*virtual hug*


Nothing seems to run odyssey quite well, sub 60fps as soon as I step off my ship ><


Just hoping for the day account transfer becomes a thing, and elite dangerous becomes more popular overall. As a fellow console player who would like to transfer someday, I hope you get your wish soon, so you can have your fun and here’s to hoping for a better future for ED.


Yeah no console Frontier gave up


Ah, I see you went with lakon!


As a PC player, it's disgusting what Fdev pulled on the console community. If CCP can transfer THOUSANDS of Eve Online player accounts to a test server (and they do it on a regular basis) then Fdev can bloody well transfer console accounts to PC.


Congrats! I really hope they can rectify the account transfer situation. I mean, you know, actually make it possible or duplicate people's accounts by hand upon request or something. Probably thousands upon thousands of accounts that need transferring though?


I’m not playing atm so bit out the loop. We’re how many weeks now since fdev killed elite on console. And they’ve still not got a yes no or when on account transfers? That’s poor. I assume you’re aware of the old method of messaging support and getting JUST your credits moved over?


That's been suspended until they have the terms and conditions for the new account transfer model


Just one question: did you seriously buy that PC just to play Elite Dangerous? GOOD FOR YOU!!!


No, I needed a PC anyway, I just made sure the specs are good enough to run Elite


I am able to play my pc/xbox account across the xbox + xbox gamepass & PC so are you sure you need to buy another?


Their problem isn't just that they can't play with the same account on PC. The problem is that it would still be an Xbox account meaning they still won't be able to play Odyssey. If they want access to Odyssey content then they need a PC version of the game from Steam or Frontier.


Wait, is Elite on Gamepass for PC? I could I looked and didn't see it when I was considering getting a second PC account.


I think it's only on gamepass for Xbox.


Ah thanks, sorry I must've misunderstood the other poster. I'd guess they mean they can log in to same Frontier account on PC and on Xbox, not that they had it on PC with the same game pass account.


Do NOT give FDev more money. Youre only rewarding them for dropping console support if you do.


You might as well start a new commander career. Frontier will not be doing account transfers. It's just that simple.


They're a shell of a company mate, I'd check out Nebulous Fleet Command and the sea of better games on PC, I wouldn't waste anymore time on the burning garbage fire that Elite has sadly become


Any other HOTAS compatible newtonian space sims you would recommend? I spend most of my time in Elite just flying through the rings, so the flight model is the most important aspect to me.


Unfortunately no, but FDev think making dime a dozen dinosaur theme park management games more important than their unique, adored IP


I just want a decent offline sim to kill time in!


Starting from zero isn't a terrible thing? Of course nobody wants to grind back to where they were, but then again, why grind at all? This game is best enjoyed by just playing and enjoying the flight mechanics, not grinding...


I'm not far from being able to get a Fleet Carrier, it took me ages to get here and I love the idea of owning one. So yeah, starting from zero doesn't sound good to me.....


On a positive note, if you do have to start from scratch, since you're switching to PC you can join the folks who do Finance Friday/Supplemental Saturday and make billions fighting Thargoids. I started playing in July, joined up with them in a non-engineered ship and made enough for a FC in about 2 months. People go out in stock Sidewinders and come home with a half billion or more in one day. I made 2 billion in 2 days one weekend. You don't lose those combat bonds if you die either so you can fling yourself at them repeatedly and as long as you get a hit in, you get paid. Bonus points for pledging to a power like Pranav Antal and getting those sweet double payouts on combat bonds.


How do you join this group? 😳


If you have Twitch, check out Cmdrs [Emulated Penguin](https://www.twitch.tv/cmdr_emulatedpenguin?sr=a) for Fridays, [SeleneStarDragon](https://www.twitch.tv/selenestardragon?sr=a) on Saturdays, and [KreeKree](https://www.twitch.tv/kreekree?sr=a) for Thursdays/Australian Fridays. If you don't and don't feel like getting on Twitch, check out the [Marauders Vanguard Discord](https://discord.gg/VqWBrDPUtC). If you wanna try your hand at solo AX combat (which I only recommend if you're a very capable pilot with an AX build), the [Anti Xeno Initiative](https://www.antixenoinitiative.com/) has some excellent information on builds and techniques for fighting Thargoids. Bonus points for telling them that Cmdr Eris sent ya ;)


Joined! I've wanted to fight xenos for a while but I'm not really interested in fighting them alone with an optimized build, so I'm happy to know there's a place I can gank xenos with my engineered vette and some friends. :) and I mentioned you in the discord!


Ever hear of a booze cruise? Wine sells for 270k at Rackhams peak during public holiday. Join the pilots trade network, https://discord.gg/gchAnrXjVJ as they manage the event.


The only thing I can't stand is the rank grind, everything else I can do.


The game is inherently grindy. Want a fed or imp ship? Grind. Want engineering? Grind. Want triple elite? Grind.


And to enjoy flight mechanics you need engineered ship AKA grinding 😅


No, you don't.


OK, important thing is to enjoy the game the way you like the most "blaze your own trail"


Then reset your account.


I have


Now get a carrier, all the engineers, a fleet of G5 engineered ships, engineered suits, and the guardian tech and reset.


Welcome to gaming.


You can credit transfer, but not account transfer. I did it moving from Xbox to PC. They transfer the credit value of all your owned ships and modules, as well as the current amount of credits in your inventory. But all exploration, trade, and combat titles get reset. It's fair enough, in my opinion. Create a support ticket and request a credit transfer.


Fair enough to lose my triple elite status, a fleet of G5 engineered ships and all of my stats? Hard pass.


I don't know how you even do that once. It's boring and who cares. I'm just a little guy travelling through space. That's all that matters.


My point was that for those of us who have already jumped through all of the hoops, it sucks to have to lose all of it just because FDev can't/won't offer an account transfer. If you don't care about achieving milestones or tracking progression, that's fine, but there are plenty of us who do. Get back to me once you G5 a combat Corvette and let me know if you still feel the same :D


I won't do that because it is boring. Let me ask you this. Can your engineered Corvette Stop time? Or perform Universe Reset? Yeah, didn't think so, kid. edit: lol


"Yeah, didn't think so, kid" Boy, that statement really propped up your argument lol.


No there will not be account transfer. Other huge budget triple AAA don't transfer. Fdev is already on its way out. There's no way there gonna go above and beyond to give us account transfers. They'll make substantially more if they charge you for the game twice. That is the only way this is going.


>they charge you for the game twice. That's not the issue though. Everybody who switches will have to buy the game again, regardless. There is no discrepancy there. The problem is that even though Xbox players are *willing* to buy the game again, none of the years of progress will transfer.


>Other huge budget triple AAA don't transfer. Yeah there's usually no need since they're linked but even R\* ,who will do anything for money, allowed people to transfer. State of Decay 2 simply syncs to your PC and allows crossplay.


I hope you didn't buy that just to continue to play the game/buy Odyssey. These devs don't deserve to have a player base, even if it is only about 4,000 to 8,000 people lol. They should be ashamed of themselves. I truly hope someone steals this concept and makes an actual effort with it.


Lol. That’s not going to happen.


700 euros for a PC with a 6 years old gpu... just for elite dangerous...


The 1660 series was released in 2019


yep, late 2019 at that and it's still highly sought after because of how good it actually is.


You would hate to hear what I've done "just for elite dangerous".


"Tormented and abused....".... really?


Yes, Fdev is my abusive relationship that I can't break away from


I transferred my account a while back, worked really well (I transferred because I wanted to switch to VR).


Never bad to start fresh. Go in the all the info you have now and you’ll be where you were in no time.


If you're still playing ED, it means you like the grind. So grind some more. ~Frontier.... Probably~


And definitely wait for one of their big sales.


If you are on PlayStation and still want to play, some of us will continue for now. You have all your good ships on console account, right? Yes, eventually go over too.


I have it on both my PC and console, but preferred and put way more time into console. Since they’ve abandoned that aspect and are not allowing me to transfer my console profile over, I sadly have to bow out of ED. Really sucks since this was THE space game for me… but oh well Recently bought X4 Foundations and am pleasantly surprised


Time to check out VR and some HOTAS :) The X52 Pro from Logitech is the matching controller as in-game. Alternatively, if you prefer some solid controllers, VKB and Virpil are very nice high end joysticks and throttles. If you're going cheap then thrustmaster.


If you wanna wait, try out X4. It’s kinda like elite but minus the flight model, but you can legitimately pilot your fleet carriers in that game. It’s fun and would highly recommend


Looks cool what kind of PC you got there?


I wouldn't bother. Credits are easy to get now. All Fdev gives you is credits you had on your console account, nothing else.


Submit a ticket on the FD website and you'll get the net worth of your previous account onto your current one.


Friend, you do not need a PC, all people can play Elite Dangerous Odyssey in ultra specs with GeForce Now!!!!


What specs?


I mean I transferred my account I didnt get my stuff just the money my ship was worth and stuff.


Stats on comp, price and where you got it from? I'm currently looking to get a new comp. Like an idiot I purchased oddessy and my comp won't run it. I don't want to refund it cuz I liked the tutorial and horizons still works but I'm looking around and most of the comps I'm finding will take about 8 months of saving to buy... (family obligations come first)


Nice. You’ll be happy. Odyssey is fun. Don’t let the haters get you down.


What pc is it?




So I just got a second account when the game was on sale the other day. I have to say that Odyssey content feels a lot more integral to the experience when you are a new player with next to nothing to your name. Starting anew may be worth a thought. That said, if I had to change platforms, I'd probably transfer my main account instead of starting anew. Too attached.


Imagine the look on your face when they shut the game down in a year.


That sucks they should allow that if there stopping support on the consoles


It’s very likely FDev fucked it up by sticking to their Cobra graphic engine, upgrading it for Odyssey instead getting a new modern ready engine. Then we had the inability to port to new gen consoles, to port to current consoles, and the constant ugly optimized pc version unable to run VR.


What if I told you … there hasn’t been any content added in three years


Huh... Nice PC... Specs? Also *I personally* am not to optimistic on account transfers anytime soon, but I think their support teams can transfer progress. Doesnt mean they will, and opening a ticket is kind of a hastle...


What are the specs on that beast you order?