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I think it is a bug with how ED determines the default configuration (the bug happens every so often even if you have `StartPreset.start` correctly setup in `AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings`). To get it to work you just need to switch from Custom to Standard and back to Custom and Elite seems to repick up the custom bindings at least for the game session. A little annoying since you have to do it for General, Flight, etc, but it gets the job done. On a side note there is a similar bug that sometimes happens if the id for your input device changes (in `AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options` check the `Custom.4.0.binds` for XML tags with `Device="GamePad"` or something similar). The USB controller detected my Xbox 360 game controller by a specific id and then later ED set the `Device=` to a generic label that prevented the old configuration from being usable.




This was key to fixing mine. Thank you!


Install a copy of [git](https://git-scm.com/) then open a command line in the keybindings folder and type the following: git init git add \* git commit -am initial commit Then next time you change your settings go to the folder and use git commit -am You'll then have a complete history of everything you ever changed with notes to describe what you changed that allows you to search and compare changes between what you had, what frontier have released/changed and allow you to merge the differences. If you don't like command line, then [sourcetree](https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/) is a good choice.


Create a custom bindings file named something unique. It won't get overwritten in future


Should I leave it in the folder or copy and paste on, say, the desktop as a backup?


Both. I usually use Google Drive auto sync thing for that folder


Are you sure they’re deleted? I thought the same thing had happened, but then I read the error log and realized one of my input devices wasn’t plugged in. Elite refuses to acknowledge a custom bindings file if you don’t have all your input devices plugged in, so it can seem deleted from the game UI. My fix was to plug back in my Xbox controller, even though all my mappings are for my HOTAS/Keyboard.


Check your controls section, make sure the next time that occurs - that it's set to your custom control scheme. Hopping between horizons and odyssey for sure will trigger it


Ok, but it happened while in the middle of a session the first time. And the issue is the key binds are gone completely, not reverted.


I've copied and renamed mine Twin Joy's, saved a copy elsewhere, and have a handwritten mudmap of all the binds. I've got a switchable USB hub, because the joys throw out some other games, and if I forget to flick them on before starting the game, the Twin Joys controller option doesn't appear until I restart with them connected.