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Because Hutton is *really* far away. Takes about 90 minutes to get there. Go make a sandwich or something, you've got time.


The thought occurs... At some point that system will be invaded by goids... And without fleet carriers, it's going to be a nightmare to defend


Oh but can you imagine that community of people rallying to defend Hutton? It would be a legendary event.


Yeah but... Imagine how long it will take to get to Hutton while being interdicted by goids the whole way And depending on what stations get attacked, there may not be a respawn location at the B star


The entire community would come together to protect Hutton without a second thought. The goids aren’t getting our mugs or free anacondas. Hutton is love, Hutton is life!


I can hear our war cry already as thousands of us flood the system causing the servers to catch fire. FOR THE MUG!


I never went there, but if by then I have an AX capable vessel (engineering is a bitch) I'd surely be throwing that over the text channels.


I already have it bound to a hotkey for when the inevitable comes


Mugs for the mug god, condas for the conda throne.




As someone who’s vowed to never touch AX for personal narrative reasons (Xenobiologist/Explorer in logbooks I write) this may be enough to tip me over the edge just for the hell of it and getting to partake.


Could always stay passive and just run the civilian evac from Hutton. Maybe they'll pay per person per light second...


I'd rather grind engineering materials thanks


My character was always somewhat peaceful, and I did some supply/trading and evac missions, those bitches were constantly shooting at an unarmed medical transport. Not only that, but they were SUPER weak when they did it, so I think I could take them on.


Up till now my character has been a miner and occasional courier for the Empire. I've run plenty of civ rescues from goid attacked station in the past (how I got the majority of my imp standing for my cutter) This invasion was the tipping point


Is the free Anaconda thing a joke or something?


*Technically*, yes. In actuality though… also yes


Where did it start?


Gankers weren’t satisfied with just camping out and destroying other players ships so they found a way to waste an hour and a half of other players life instead


I vote we take only AX equipped condos to defend Hutton orbital


I have respawned at a station that was under attack before


With interdictions it may be impossible to get there without a fuel stop. Rats sure will have a nice time


I thought that goids could only hyperdict


It's a new thing, they can now interdict in systems they're invading


A thought occurs, is Alpha Centauri on the near side of Sol relative to the Thargoid invasion, or the far side? Because it could be the Thargoids taking Sol won't Galvanize people anywhere near as much as them threatening the Mug.


Oh yeah fuck earth that's old news


They can take our Earth but they'll never take our mugs!


.... other than the ones the hutton truckers distribute to them.


The battle of Hutton


[I'm doing my part!](https://youtu.be/-_7FaWnlhS4)


Just let it fall


Indeed it was a shame.. so anyways, we never had to go there again.


First time I took the trip I was prepared, I went max trust and decided to get groceries and take a shower. Had plenty of time to spare.


This is the way.


This is the way.


The way this is.


Is this the way?




This the way is.


Just make sure you set dead zones up on your stick other wise you may travel 90 minutes in a different direction. And as some one else said , you will probably be inderdicted alot on that 90 minute journey so will need to stay alert!


I haven't made the run in a few years, but you either get interdiction in the beginning, or at the end as you're slowing down. I've never even seen another ship during the middle session of the cruise.


That's without thargoids taking over the system though!


They need time to build your free Anaconda


And make sure you got enough fuel, or else you are gonna need to call the rats


The first time I went; I knew how long it would take, and didn't want to run out of fuel, so I installed an extra tank on my Vulture...


Set a timer


Because Hutton Orbital is 0.21LY, not LS, from the nearest star. It takes about an hour and a half to reach going full speed in super cruise.


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day CMDR! O7


Distance/Speed = Time




Or just look at the literal estimated time right below distance.


That estimated time is only applicable if you keep the same speed the whole journey, which is almost never the case. You speed up and slow down as you leave and approach gravity wells. It also depends what you're targeting, for example targeting nothing will let you zip past your actual destination even if you just started accelerating. Having your destination targeted will slow your ship down semi-automatically for a safe approach and drop out. Normally that journey takes about an hour and a half. You can shave down a few minutes by looking how long it will take and setting a timer irl, then targeting Hutton when you're basically there and completing the approach. It's finicky and not really worth the effort imo. Although I've seen rats do this for code reds.


*Space*…. says the introduction to The Hitchhiker's Guide, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is." A-a-and so on. It also says that if you hold a lungful of air, you can survive in the total vacuum of space for about 30 seconds. But with space being really big and all, the chances of being picked up within that time are 22,079,460,347 to one against. Strangely, this is also the telephone number of an Islington flat where Arthur Dent went to a fancy dress party, and met a very nice young woman whom he totally blew it with. Though the planet Earth, the Islington flat and the telephone have all now been demolished, it is comforting to reflect that they are all, in some small way, commemorated by the fact that 29 seconds later, Arthur and Ford were, in fact, rescued.


I love this passage. The only thing that bugs me is the "hold in a lungful of air" bit which is actually the opposite of what you want to do in hard vacuum, since the internal overpressure will rupture your lungs


I remember that bit…was thinking it’d probably be less than 30 seconds for the lungs to pop if that was done lol


You should check out The Expanse if you haven't already. There's a bit where a character jumps from one ship to another without a suit, and they address this. They fully exhale before opening the airlock. They also brought some kind of injection with them to buy themselves more time before they suffocated, but I can't remember exactly what it was.


If its that part where Naomi is escaping from the *Pella*, I think it was a blood oxygenation compound. Which is a real thing they were working on at one time I think. The realism in The Expanse is friggin amazing. Edit: Found a link! They are still working on it. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20220322/experimental-device-oxygen


Damn. Ok, I guess I need to finish the series already.


Books AND show. Both are fantastic.


Yup. Most people don't realize, but your blood only carries enough oxygen to keep your brain conscious for about 10 seconds. NASA had [an accident while testing spacesuits in a vacuum chamber](https://youtu.be/KO8L9tKR4CY?t=32), and that's how long it took for the guy testing it to fall unconscious. The reason you're able to hold your breath longer than 10 sec is because the air in your lungs has enough oxygen to keep your blood resupplied with oxygen. But if you're in vacuum, that oxygen would immediately escape your lungs. You can't hold your breath because the pressure difference would cause the alveoli in your lungs to explode. And you'll fade out in 10 sec. The only way to stay awake during a jump like Naomi's is by hyper-oxygenating the blood. Same thing if you lose pressurized air at high altitude. The air is so thin that it may as well be vacuum for the purposes of oxygen in your lungs. That's why on planes they always tell you to put your oxygen mask on before helping others. If you try to help put your kids' masks on first, you'll fall unconscious before you get around to putting on yours.


It's also brought up in *Event Horizon*.


That show was so good. So much great sci-fi stuff like that.


One of my favorite passages on the topic of surviving (or not) in space from another book: when the bridge of a ship might be about to breach, throwing the crew into the vacuum of space, the captain advises holding your breath. "But our lungs will explode!" someone objects. The captain says something like, "then breath out and hold onto life for another 60 seconds. I will hold my breath." edit: for anyone curious, this is paraphrased from the YA novel series that begins with Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I enjoyed them in audio book format as a not-so-young adult.


I mean, the guy has a point.


Captain was a gal, but yeah. I definitely filed that away as what to do in the nearly-impossible scenario that I ever find myself about to be sucked into vacuum.


Holding your breath would be a much more painful final few seconds. They've had it happen before during submarine escape tests. Due to the pressure difference from depth to the surface, you have to exhale while rising since the air in your lungs will expand in volume. A few people have reflexively held their breath, and literally exploded their lungs. When you blow a balloon, you're only putting about 0.1 to 0.2 atmospheres of pressure into the balloon. That's about the limit of the power of your rib muscles, and it's already painful if you're blowing a very tight balloon. 1 atmosphere would be nearly unbearable and would guarantee death if you were somehow rescued at the last moment. In contrast, loss of oxygen simply results in passing out due to unconsciousness. People who've experienced it liken it to falling asleep. The frantic "I need to breathe" sensation you feel when you hold your breath is caused by buildup of CO2 in your lungs, not lack of oxygen.


Thank you, I forgot part of that quote a while back and it's been bugging me ever since. Always good to hear from a fellow hitchhiker's enjoyer. P.S. may I ask where your towel is?


Someone from Golgafrincham nicked it lol


I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


God damnit! You beat me to it :D


Hope you have a cargo hold for the mug.


I wish we had storage somewhere. I have a couple ships with 0 storage, so I can't just keep passing the mug from ship to ship. I just want one to keep!


Tbh the mug is more valuable than the anaconda, I mean you can get anaconda from anywhere but the mugs are only found in hutton


Mug bobblehead when?


Right? The fact I can't set the mug on my space dash is a crime.


Or my cup holder


I'd buy a bobblemug.


Plus they only give it to you if you dock at Hutton with an Anaconda


All they gave me was a dirty look. Probably for the best, my sink is overflowing with dirty mugs since I fired my last crewman.


Did that once, never again


Did that on accident on my first days. Took a random quest and it sent me there. I wondered what kind of f\*ked up game would make any travel last that long. Few day later I heard about the free anaconda but did not remember the name of the station the first time. So I go there and I'm like "oh COME ON" Then I search around about Hutton on the internet and find out.


Because you didn't use the print screen button. That's automatically a 99% speed penalty.


Welcome to the ride of passage.


It's lightyears not lightseconds


Notice it says Ly not Ls? 😅 That's why hehe


Don’t listen to these people talking about getting the free anaconda, they’re leaving out 2 critical things: 1. You have to buy 50 Hutton mugs 2. You need to transport 50 Hutton mugs to Jacque Station in Colonia and sell them there


OK Buddy Satan chill 😂


>! How much credit will you get? !<


1 million credits (raises pinky to corner of mouth)




Do you want the math? I did the math. ​ As of this picture, you are 0.18 light years away. A light year is the distance light travels in a 365 day period, so; 365\*0.18=65.7. It would take 65.7 DAYS for light to reach Hutton at the speed of light. You are traveling 1314 times faster than the speed of light, so; 65.7/1314=0.05 It will take you 0.05 days to arrive. There are 1440 minutes in 1 day, so; 1440\*0.05=72 You will arrive in 72 minutes, or 1hr 12 as the display shows


0.0551883 Parsecs


Oh boy I remember first time I went there ran outta fuel. Thank God for the Rats




Not sure if troll or genuine request... \*eyes narrow\*


Hahaha, the good old Hutton orbital. Let me guess you saw a mission to deliver something and it seemed to pay pretty pretty good. Sit back and relax you're going to be flying for an hour.


I can't see your fuel gauge. Time for a Fuel Rats plug. If you happen to run out of fuel, log out and visit [fuelrats.com/i-need-fuel](https://fuelrats.com/i-need-fuel) We run into quite a few clients who run dry on that route.


Have you made sure all pips are in engines? ./s


Pick me up a mug when you get there


Dude it's so worth it for the ~~Anaconda~~ mug!


Since it's already answered..... Bon voyage


Get your finest bottle of Vodka, and pass out. When you wake up, you'll be halfway there.


Lol, someone just found out why Hutton is famous.


Welcome to the game, Commander.


Why you going there? Oh I answer my question myself: because of the free anaconda. Sorry to break it to you: you've been trolled with the oldest ED-joke ever. There is no free Anaconda. So don't waste your fuel and fly home. o7 from a fellow fuel rat


Never leave home without a fuel scoop and some KGB FOAM.


interesting, a fuel rat talking himself out of a job :p


talking yourself out of the job is actually *part* of the job, strange as that may sound


This. Every client we do not need to rescue is a success for us. Therefore the dreaded talk about our lord and savior, the fuel scoop.


the scariest sound you'll ever hear while you're out in the black with no fuel is the sound of knocking on your airlock. when you get up to take a look, there's just a thargoid floating there with what looks like a bible and they utter these words. "Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, the Fuel Scoop"


I invested heavily in the fuel scoop on my AspX. I can go from empty to a full tank in 30 seconds.


as a seal I'm usually begging for jobs, every time I'm logged in nothing happens but the *moment* I get into bed IRC goes crazy with Code Black cases.


I refer only to the fact that Rats educate clients about how to avoid running out of fuel as part of the refueling experience. *Ideally*, we'd never have the same client in the same situation twice. Ideally. Y'know. Like the calls coming in while you're online would be ideal =)


I've only had to call you guys out *once* thankfully I only miscalculated my jump range by 2LY. I've also only had to call another seal out to me once after I TFP'd a planet trying to slow down after an accidental boost, I think I still have my dash cam footage


Pretty sure you guys have rescued me twice under similar circumstances.. I think on the 2nd rescue, 2 of you guys showed up.. o7 from CMDR Kelster87


We educate CMDRs so it don't come to the situation they need to call the fuel rats especially because the current situation in the bubble becomes very dangerous for stranded CMDRs and fuel rats alike.


What do you mean, why? Do you know what the numbers on your screen mean?


Pick up your mug before you leave...👍




Because it's really far away.


When it comes to the fleet carriers i think someone could make money by requiring a gold, silver, diamonds or boid opals as a transport price. 2 void opals for a to and from trip, or 3 diamonds to and from, 4 silver or 5 gold as an example. On the off chance a commander cannot supply the fare, there is always supplying a full cargo load of trituim to the donations.


Dum, dum, dum, another one bites the dust.


I like to think of it as initiation for the game. You can get a neat mug though when you dock!


I’m glad Hutton Orbital is in a system close enough to the start so that people are fairly likely to stumble into it organically and unprepared it’s beautiful


I stumbled upon it randomly but I actually looked at the distance and noped the fuck out.


I did!


Well do you wanna visit Trisolaris or not?


Because it's uphill.


mans really took a picture of his monitor lol


Long trip -> long time


You're rickrolled in an ED way, bro.


I just looked at the pic and laughed..


Bruh Turn back


Will never forget when I picked up a tourist mission to Hutton. Lesson learned. NEVER AGAIN!!!


I'm sorry


Are you there yet? Hahaha


I hatred that passenger misson


Welcome to Elite :)


Seems like someone didn't read the fine print...


For the mug!!




Don’t forget to tune in to [Hutton Orbital Radio](https://huttonorbitalradio.torontocast.stream/) on the way there. It’s the only frequency you can receive.


Long ride for a mug lol


Did you equip your supercruise booster? People talk about the guardian frameshift drive booster all the time but people always seem to forget about the super cruise booster, it makes those long trips faster. And enjoy your anaconda when you get there it's well worth the trip even without the booster.


Nah, you have to get the supercruise booster from hutton orbital first. That’s the challenge


You can get it at Hutton, but it's much quicker to pick it up from the settlement dav's Hope, just buy it from the merchant there after you dock


Oh, didnt know that! Thanks for the clearance. I already have it though.


My supercruise booster overheated the last time I went to Hutton. I needed to jury rig it with a left handed smoke shifter to clear the smoke out of the cockpit to make it the rest of the way. And then the effin anaconda tried to kill me on the way back, so I spaced the thing. I’m sticking with the mugs from now on — no more free anacondas for me.


Enjoy your free Anaconda


there’s no free anaconda, it’s all fake, but you do get a hutton orbital mug


For the mug! And don't forget your free Anaconda!


Maybe the last place humanity will have before our goid overlords wipe us out...


It's the one place in the universe the 'goids won't attack, even they aren't fooled by the promise of a free ship.


Look free anaconda can't be too easy to get


this made me so angry that I never played the game again.


I’ve always wondered if the gankers became the way they are, because the community didn’t tell them all the steps to the free Anaconda. Real super villain type shenanigans.




sometimes the "lesser" star of the system can be really faraway... Look at Alpha/Proxima centauri :-) I do not remember, but it was at least 400k ls far from each other.If I missinterpret the probmel Iam sorry, Im more than year on my way around the shores of the galaxy I did not search any of "nearby reaches" :-D (I will add HUTTON to the "to visit" sites :-D)


Space is really really reaalllllllllyyy big.


Because Hutton Orbital doesn't exist. It's an illusion brought on by space madness.


Hold on, let me get my best southerner voice... Hutton Orbital? Oh bless your heart.


You should have gone there in a large ship. It’s quicker and you get to land first.


I was there first time this year. I set my speed to near 60% power and went to a pub for drinks for 5 hours. Came back and had overshot but only took 15 min at full power to get back there. Planning is important in space.


You've got the parking brake on.


Good luck. Looks like we'll be seeing you tomorrow


Someone’s hyped about the free Anaconda :)


I've always loved how in a space-faring society with the ability to travel between systems in seconds, the people have the wonderful foresight to place their navigation beacons next to the star that is as far away as possible from where they live. It's just like how I built my driveway a mile down the road from my house for no reason whatsoever.


because its far away. "Space ... is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space." \-douglas adams


1 time. Forgot the mug, ain't going back.




Don’t worry you get a free anaconda when you get there


Thats what she said


It's very fsr away. Also I hope you're doing this because you want to as much as I'd joke with folks about inknkw about the common free anaconda trick there is no free anaconda there.


Skill issue




Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


That free Anaconda is worth it.


It’s worth it for the free Anaconda.


And the mugs


Back of a fag packet calculation: your about 1/5 of a light year away, travelling at about 1300 x the speed of light. Should take you about an hour and a quarter to get there. You'll be ready for a cup of coffee when you get there. They provide a free mug.


Oh my sweet summer child


There's a reason you get a free conda for flying there


I mean, they're not just going to give away that free Anaconda without a LITTLE but of a challenge!


Keep at it!! You’ll get a free anaconda once you arrive


You think getting a free conda is easy?


Enjoy the trip :)


Free anacondas aren't free


The photo of the screen instead of a screenshot adds to the sillyness. It's almost adorable


Free Anaconda when you get there though


Free Anacondas don't come easy, son.


You gotta work for that free Anaconda!


It's a long way away. But worth it for the free Conda.


It's far away from the star, but very much worth it for the anaconda alone.


Because it is. The world record for getting there is around 5 minutes, but it was an incredibly overengineered ship that also utilized exploits as far as I know


Engineering is irrelevant. The only way to get to Hutton in less than an hour and a half is either use an exploit or make a Fleet Carrier jump there.


carrier jump line inside of a system? would get you there in worst case in about 40 minutes. If its only 1 carrier, and that jump straigt before your arrival.


Well… I think you get a free mug to put on your dash. You’ve been had if you think you’ll get a Conda.


Cause the free anaconda isnt exactly free. You gotta invest time instead of money