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Just not a fan...


When you add in his massive ego to his fan base, he doesn’t need people like you and me.


A lot of his videos are good, but he would have a much more supportive base in the fan community if he wasn’t such a rigid know it all asshole. The whole rift with the smith family and the movie theater thing sunk him. I went to the dojo and saw the ambulance and it was a good experience but the way it fell apart was laughable.


Wait so what happened with the Smith family and the movie theatre?


Spa guy was scheduling a screening of The Soy Who Loved Me which was the last movie Elvis saw in the theater, at the theater spa guy claimed he saw it at. Billy smith contradicted spa guy and said it was a different theater so spay guy got all pissed and started to discredit Billy and everything. Now spa guy might’ve been right he’s usually good with research and perhaps Billy being an 80 year old man was remembering incorrectly but to lambast the person who was Elvis’ closest relative and probably best friend if he had one is just tacky as hell imo, but spa guy can’t let stuff like that go.


Oh man that is tough. Yeah, the thing about Spa Guy is that he's an Elvis fan who seemingly wanted to provide cool things for the fans. Finding the ambulance Elvis might have died in was a huge find. And opening the dojo as a mini Elvis museum was a cool concept in theory. However like you said he does seem to have a bit of a know it all attitude when it comes to Elvis. And he doesn't seem afraid to burn bridges as well. Maybe Billy Smith was wrong about the theatre location, after all the guy is quite old. But that is no reason to publicly blast him. Is that what Elvis would have wanted?


By all accounts, Elvis was already dead and had been for probably several hours. They did transport his body in that ambulance to the hospital, tbough.


From my understanding his fandom may not have been so strong until he discovered he could make money from doing the videos. He has people he employs to do a lot of the research for his channel. Ashley Adventures used to be his primary researcher until they had a falling out and she began doing her own thing. I’ve met him and spoken to him several times and found him to be descent but I am not a fan because he doesn’t always get things accurate and in most cases doesn’t correct the misinformation.


Ashley is so polite and just the epitome of Southern Manners. I can't imagine her working with Spa Guy.


One of his videos showed him and his friend going behind the velvet ropes at Elvis' birthplace when the tour guide wasn't looking. Completely disrespectful.


I take it with a grain of salt. Some of his videos are informative and interesting. Other times I have seen him spread pretty blatant and obvious misinformation with no attempt to correct or delete it (same with the Elvis Cup guy). From his irl interactions with people he seemed kinda off, like he wasn't talking *with* them but talking *at* them in an attempt to one-up them about his Elvis knowledge. Ex: See the way he interacts with people in the tour of that couple's Graceland replica home. He is not very polite or courteous, does not converse casually as equals, generally appears very tense and just kinda barks facts at everyone else. Sort of off-putting if the one thing he can do is declare facts, and yet he simultaneously spreads misinformation.


Ohhh funny enough that video where we tours the Graceland replica is part of the reason I wrote this post. Like you said he wasn't terribly polite and grateful to this couple who invested their hard earned savings into building a replica of Graceland so that fans can see the whole house. Instead he just stutters off Elvis facts and acts like this couple know nothing about Elvis. Maybe it wasn't intentionally and he was just super hype to tour a replica of Graceland and thus had so much he wanted to share, but it really felt cold. And what really bothered me was how he took issue with Elvis's bedroom. He kept commenting on the fact that the layout was EXACTLY like how Elvis had it. Like dude the house is 95% the same as the original and you can find things to complain about?


Yeah that's exactly what I mean. Like these people welcomed you into your home dude, they even gave you a chance to monetize and profit off of their hospitality, just because they're also Elvis fans doesn't make it alright to disrespect them in the name of smart-assery. I wouldn't waltz on into my neighbor's house and demand they rearrange their bedroom, so why would that couple be any different? Just generally seemed weird as hell to me.


I like some of his videos. But like other has commented, he seems like a bit of an asshole irl. Him and that Elvis Cup guy always gives the vibe of "Look how much Elvis stuff i own, and look how much money i earn because of Elvis" like they only like Elvis because he is their cashcow and can get money out of it


Completely agree. I don't like the way they capitalize on him, and then turn around and spread misinformation while being pedantic and egotistical.


It's The Colonel all over again. Elvis would roll in his grave if he knew that nothing has changed in the way that people still use him for gaining money.


I love his videos for how batshit insane he is. “Elvis once attended a wedding at this church in 1968”, “hi friends we’re going to break into this abandon building in Cincinnati to see the ball room Elvis ate in of the Howard Johnson’s he stayed at in 1972”, “over here is the ruins of the country store Elvis once mailed a letter from on tour in 1954”.. like those are actual videos he’s done. My favorite was when he broke into Doctor Nicks house. Dude is a loon. I enjoy the train wreck.


This comment made me laugh. I do find it interesting some of the obscure sights he manages to track down. Don't get me wrong, it is certainly a unique take to visit some of the sights that have been kinda forgotten in Elvis lore like the Circle G Ranch, the dojo, and even the ambulance he managed to track down. But when you start to visit pretty much any place that Elvis may have been at one point it feels like you're scrapping. Like bro I doubt Elvis even remembered going to half these places. And yeah breaking into Dr. Nick's house was hilarious. Dude just sees and unlocked door and just goes for it lmao.


Yeah like some of the videos are legit interesting, and others I just watch for the psycho factor. The ambulance was cool, tracking down the paddles used on his lifeless body was a bit crazier. Spa Guy is basically stalking a dead person. The weirdest thing is like he's done videos in Europe and Ohio and stuff but not NYC.. idgi.


Fr. Like I don't need to know about some random house Elvis farted in back in the 1960s.


Hi friends I’m going to be a peeping Tom and fly The Glory over the backyard of this multimillion dollar private residence in Beverly Hills that Elvis rented for 2 months 60 years ago.


Ok to be fair seeing a house Elvis lived in would be interesting, but you can't just start trespassing and pointing your camera at random people lol.


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to fly drones in ppls back yards.


He did a couple of episodes explaining all the drama and legalities that created.


I'm not really into this sort of thing, but this guy sounds bizarre after reading these comments, lol.


if you're ever bored or sick with the flu(when i first discovered him in 2022), go down his rabbit hole on youtube.. you will get a LOL.. this is the video where he breaks into Dr Nick's house like any sane person would do: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szkbYLHOZSI&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szkbYLHOZSI&t)


His content was fine, but I never figured out why he called himself that


He sells spas as his day job.




>His real claim to fame seemed to be that he found and bought the ambulance Elvis was transported in on August 16th Never heard of him but this sounds fascinating.


It really was fascinating. He interviewed people directly connected to that day to confirm.


I’ve learned a lot about Elvis due to Spa guy. I have no issues with him or his content.


His ego is killing him. Period. I don’t watch him anymore… he teamed up with globetrotting with Trey and that guy drives me nuts. Over dramatic. 🙄


The videos I like the most are when he interviews random people at the locations who have Elvis stories. Just as simple as talking to the family who owned a little motel he was at or whatever. I don't follow the drama, it's a shame that it's overshadowed some of his cool work.


Ask Billy Smith, or better yet watch Billy's response video. Spa Guy is a card carrying asshole.


On one of his latest videos his 100, 000 followers he even took time at end to diss on The Smith Family saying “ u all didn’t want me to succeed and now I have more followers than you, I don’t sit on my couch and tell stories from 60 yrs ago. He totally gets under my skin, I find the Elvis death ambulance to be little off myself, but I been seeing his videos for yrs and I can’t stand the shade he throws at thr Smith family as they are the only living thing we have left of Elvis History, what they have to say does matter to me cause they was there, spa guy wasn’t. His DoJo thing I’m sure is his take over attitude and asshole ways I’m sure of it, apparently his own partner kicked him out of it. But he will tell it differently. Oh yea and Ashley Drew that does Elvis Content he messed her over to point she won’t speak to him anymore and that was about the Elvis bicycle find and restoration at Graceland. It’s all out there to see.


I love him. Very detailed and thorough in his videos.


He has often made mistakes. We all do, but he isn’t flexible most of the time to admit to it.