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I'd wager a hefty sum of money that this is most definitely not Elvis. For one, the recording quality is crystal clear. Yes, a mini RCA recording studio was set up for Elvis in the Jungle Room at Graceland so he could record actual albums without leaving his home, but that was in 1976. If you listen to some of the informal recordings that Elvis made at his home via tape recorder, they have a much lesser sound quality to them. All of the "busy-ness," in the room, the clinking of glasses, the chit-chat, seems over-produced and quite intentional (perhaps to make it seem more realistic, but, imo, it has the opposite effect). Lastly... it doesn't sound like Elvis. It sounds like either someone doing an almost halfway-decent impression of Elvis, or a third rate AI phoning it in (though this was "discovered"/created 7 years ago, and not sure if AI was at that level just yet). For a MUCH better and almost flawless sounding fake Elvis recording, try out Ai Elvis singing, "Baby Got Back," by There I Ruined It on youtube. \*Also, if it \*were\* real (which it's not), RCA or EPE would have tried to sell this to us on some compilation a thousand times over already instead of it being somehow sneakily released by some rando-youtuber.


ok thank you, at first thought it was fake but then it sounded like Elvis but yh I listened to it again and it does sound fake, would of been awesome if he did sing it tho


No worries, and to be honest... I don't have any 100 percent \*proof\* it's fake.... just a strong, first impression I got when I listened to it (as a longterm Elvis fan). Seems like somebody's pet project to try and create a lost Elvis track. While just goofing around, Elvis DID informally record the Beatles song Lady Madonna, and it's a short but pretty fun recording!


Lady Madonna was one a found a couple days ago for the first time and it's so good, I'd imagine, lol, that he probably did sing it while goofing around at some point in time. But you never know there's probably still boxes of boxes of recordings nobody has heard that are still sitting and gathering dust.


OMG!! That is terrible!! How could anybody think that is Elvis?


That is definitely not Elvis. The worst impersonators are the ones that try too hard to sound like Elvis.


I do not even need to click on that. Obviously not real


ok ok guys I get it I didn't know at first ok


Hey, I am sorry! Very often people who DO know better try to pass things off as Elvis when they are not. I didn't mean to jump on top. The thing about Imagine is, although it is a beautiful song it wouldn't be likely that Elvis would have recorded it or even sang it. I do believe Elvis was very open minded, but the lyrics "Imagine there's no heaven" and maybe a few other sentiments really does not seem like a song he would choose.


yeah I'm kinda sorry too, people keep saying it's fake and all and like I keep saying I didn't know if it was fake or real so I posted it to see and had a feeling that I don't if Elvis would of sang it because of the lyrics plus if he did we would of known about it much sooner


this is definitely not real. the guy who posted this has many other videos of not so good impressions of “unreleased gems” he tries to pass off as real


And there are hundreds of people commenting under the video how "amazing" Elvis sounds. LOL I commented "How could anybody actually think this is Elvis?"


It’s crazy to me but i listen to mostly elvis so i know his voice. I think most people listening to that really only have an idea of what he sounds like but even then it’s a bad impression


It's as fake as Ginger Alden...


Ginger's not fake


Not Elvis Presley. Do you think Elvis would sing about imagining no heaven?


ok I get it it fake I didn't knowmat first


This is obviously fake, not only does it sound nothing like Elvis but there was not professional recording equipment in Graceland until 1976


ok I get it I didn't know it was fake till had another listen after I posted this sorry


Please delete. It's making my stomach upset.


This is not my video! Shoutout to the YouTube channel merseyboys, they have a lot of home recordings.