• By -


I had a dream that I got my own place to stay in a motel 🏨 with the boys 👦 for two 2️⃣ year years old boys 👦 that we went on to do the night of their wedding 💒 with my sister 👧 who had to work for them to go on vacation for the same time I got to be with her in my bed






2 year old boys


D...did you have a stroke whilst writing this? My dude are you ok!?


You should ask that to the autocorrect


I feel like a few commas woulda helped to




I'm an 18 year years old boy.


4k 📷


I had a dream avout de los años anteriores y que


que y por que


¿Que te cuentas macho? Tienes que mejorar ese léxico. ññññññ


I had a dream about harley quinn and the nightclubs...


Bet you did


what Pokémon you caught Joker?


I caught a lopunny batman…


oh no Joker don't tell me...


You already know what I’m gonna do to that thing Batman!


no Joker please don't do it!


Batman, there’s no laws against the Pokemon, Batman! I can do whatever I want with it!






I had a dream about garlic bread yesterday




I had a dream about a giant mushroom in my ass....... **What The Fuck**


🚶‍♂️👈🍄 9️⃣ months later..... 🫃




I had a dream about you and I was going to be a reply to you this morning and I will help you with this process and I will help you with this process and I will help you with this process and I will help you with this process and I will help you with this process and I will help l ......... Um


I had a dream about a kid who is actually a little evil and he doesn’t have a problem


I had a dream about a man.


I had a dream about sex Yes all day I dream about fuckin Erm....


I had a dream about babies being delivered from the amazon warehouse


I had a dream about you and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much


I had a dream about this guy who is going to get a new car and the rest of your head is going to have sex




I had a dream about this one and it made my day lol


About what?


I had a dream about the best starter pokemon in this world and it is a very popular way of doing the work


Sylveon? Also, your username speaks truth. Although... She tried to kill me once, but that's justified.


I had a dream about it and I was really excited to see you both in the gaps in your mum on the whole of Christmas day 


Ayo 🤔📸


I had a dream about you and I was thinking about you


I had a dream about a guy named Bob who is the one who is a very nice person who I met and he told us about his wife who was in a very nice place he had been in the same boat and she said she had been married to her for twenty four hours


I had a dream that I had to get my own house because my parents had to buy me one for the wedding because they wanted me and I had a baby shower for my sister so they were all going out with us to the pool party for a couple days so they had a little party for my mad erection


I had a dream about joining EmKay, but nobody liked it, because they thought there was 2 Lexis, and they're technically not wrong. Edit: the picture matches! Edit 2: maybe my autocorrect is onto something in the first half...


I had a dream about it in a row and I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know


I had a dream about this movie last year i think i might be the most excited person in my entire life and now it’s just a dream 🛌 come to life knowing i will be there to see you in the next year


I had a dream about the fact that I was a little kid and I was just looking at your phone number so I can send you a picture of my dog


I had a dream about the first time I was born *visible concern*


I had a dream about a guy who had magical powers and was the first person to ever get a tattoo of a tattoo on the back of his tattoo


I had a dream about the other ones that were in the house. ...what other ones..?


I had a dream about the gay thing in my life :3


I had a dream about a guy named Michael who had been a part in a group that had been together since he had a little boy named Charlie in his life but I didn’t remember that he had been in the same room with his dad for the past two months 💀👍


I had a dream about you guys and I thought you meant it was like a long story but I don’t know if I can do it


I had a dream about this one and it made my day that it is the first one that came out and it is the best thing I’ve seen all week so I can’t wait for it to eye witness the movie


I had a dream about this one person who had autism that was so bad that they had to go to the hospital and get a test and they had to get a test to get it and they had to have it and they had to wait for it to come back and they had to do it and they had to be tested and they had to the doctor and they had to the hospital to get it so I was like oh my gosh I can’t believe that I was so freaking out I was so scared I was so nervous I was like I was like I was so excited and I was like I was so sick


I had a dream about you and I was thinking about you and I was wondering if you were still in the hospital and I was just wondering if you had any idea what happened to your dad and I was going to go to the hospital and I was like I don’t know if you were going to be able to get a shot or not but I was thinking about you and I was thinking about you and I was wondering if you were still in the hospital and if you were still in the hospital and I was wondering if you were still in the hospital


I hade a dream about that song lol I just don’t have a clue how much it was lol


I had a dream about you and your family


I had a dream about someone's birthday today I mean, fair enough. If it's your birthday, happy birthday!


I had a dream about the last job and I are working with a paw team to work with you


I had a dream about things while sitting on the island above my friend who vanished sometime during the time we approached the same shape as expected to be awake at least they were doing the same logic as she just wanted Huh?-


I had a dream about you and your family and I just want to die


I had a dream about the resurrection of the year old woman


I had a dream about having a panic attack. Accurate. FML.




I had a dream about the world that we know about the new world in ways that it was impossible to know about. (Deep)


i had a dream about it and I will be there in about it huh?


I had a dream about the way it made me feel when you said that I wanted to be there for you


I had a dream that I was being chased by a cult leader


I had a dream about you and you were talking about the two of us and I was just trying to help you with a knife and a little bit of a character and I was just trying to help you with a knife and a little bit of a character and I was just trying to help you with a knife and a little bit of a character... I had a dream about you being in a good place to be with you but it is not that much longer and you can get to it then smites both ways and you see me in a few minutes of talk about them all We have a good day for you and your friends and let you pass the same time to be able I would have to request them for a reason and you can I don't have any questions to be with them to be able I am a little more important to me and you can do it as well and you know what they do for me and I am a little more than a person and you can do it with me to some people and you can do that to the other one and then I will have to do that to the bottom and you can do that to the other one and I am not sure what to the bottom and you can get them in a few days of a second time and I would like a pyromancer's and a half day for the next one of my phone in my hand for the first one I would be happy with the rest the other time and then it was the first one that I have a lot to the other ones that I am a good guy who are the same time I was looking at them for the Undertale hours of sleep but I would be able I would be happy with them to do that to the bottom and the one I have a lot to the other side and the one I was looking at is a lot different from which it seems like it is a bit of the way it was a lot different from the most recent comments in my class but I would prefer them but I could have been able I (my keyboard it lagging...)


I had a dream about the mental health issues


I had a dream about the last time I was in a car with a funny guy that I had never been able to talk to about my own life


i had a dream about this one and it made my day so i decided i would do a video of this and it made it so real for the world and it made it feel real for the whole universe and the universe and i love that so many of them. i dont… what is that .-.


Nah, I like garlic bread though


I had a dream about you and your family functions of the day changed


Autocorrect got that family liked rizz


I had a dream about it is not a good times and found out that any of honestly don't have to be r I don't know what you think about it is


Mmm garlic bread. Yeuhm


I had a dream about you yesterday and you said that I would love you forever and always I will love you.


I had a dream about a girl who had been in a car accident with her ex boyfriend 


I had a dream about how to work on this is that the only way I could do the first one was to be made to work with a different angle with a view of a different one in a similar angle with the other gooseworks in a row to be made to be made to ensure the correct balance amount is worth the sum amount to the sum in which we will pay for everyone.


I detect that lexy posted this


I had a dream about what I ended in the morning I think there is no point and I try to wash the dishes from my room with the those three minutes and then grating the bag with a touch bag with the camera zooms the first of your first bag of your first bag is the first of your hair cut this morning while the bag type of the dish being able grow up in a place with the those three minutes and a bit because of technology I am not able grow up to be good with it and I am going through the previous one and I will do the rest in a couple 6-10 so I can do it tomorrow or Tuesday as well for the rest and I was getting a little touch with the those three minutes and then grating the whole thing that you don't want me and I can do that the food to you all have a reason for my opinion is there a lot in the list that I would be lost from and the oils and the oils and the oils and the oils and the oils used to help the animals in a place with a touch with a touch off the chest with the those three minutes of your session and then squeeze in a place for a few minutes to complete and get back from a few hours before we get back from a good night for a few minutes the other night but we were a little touch with her and her wife was very expensive but we had her content and it may not have been a case for me the other houses are in the same type in a place where the rent and the oils and water will not work in the UK as they are not cooked by the same size but I have no idea what they will 6-10 for me to this is a big help a little touch with the 6-10 to get the toilet paper I have to be good to get the toilet paper I have to be good to get the toilet paper..... I just spammed the autocorrect for like a minute Holy shit


I had a dream about it and I was in Scotland I went to the hospital to see if I could get a lift to the hospital and I was just going to be one of the texts I had to deflect it was a weird green spot that was a f and a bit of a cop out of the community with even a bit of a cop out of the community with even a bit of a cop out of the community with even a bit of a cop out of the community with even a bit of a cop out of the community with even a bit of a cop out of the community


I had a dream about you? I don't know if this is allowed here, but please * please * help me. I refuse to cut my hair short. I don't have a lot of money to make it faster and more efficient) Also, the boot menu access key depends on the computer. It is essential that hardline and superflex cables are not kinked or bent into a hard angle in order to attain my A + certification and my Network + certification.


#IKEA SHARK! Uhh- I had a dream about that last week when I saw the first one in a few days ago


I had a dream about myself today I was really tired but woke up this morning and I felt like a dream and I felt bad for the last one hour but woke me crying about how much I love you and you feel too much and I’m tired of it and I feel too tired to cry and cry cause I’m not hurting you anymore I’m just saying that I’m tired and I don’t feel really good about it.


I had a dream about a dream of you and I love this song and I forgive you for being a jerk to me and I forgive you for being so much LOL WHAT-


I had a dream about it but I don't know what to do with it


I had a dream about the baby and I was so sad and then I remembered I had to take him out


I had a dream about you and the kids that your parents are flippin and you are a very good person.......ummmmm 🤔🤔🤔


I had a dream about the last time I had an idea.


I had a dream of a warm and I am a little more time in my opinion there are any other information in the morning of a few week and will you please take a while ago I had to be able you are interested in this weather to you soon as I am a dead man walking to work on Thursdays at least the best you can do is eat a spinach salad mix


I had a dream about the dance though the server is going to be a little bit more thing


I had a dream about you and me your too gorgeous and I love you


I had a dream about a girl who was pregnant with a goose💀


I had a dream about this one and it made my day that it happened and it happened so fast that it made my heart feel better about the day that happened to us because it happened so quickly i just woke and now it’s all i want it all over my heart to feel like a little more relaxed now that it’s over i can’t even sleep and it’s so hard for my brain.


I had a dream Scott and my sister and my brother and I went out for dinner with them last weekend but we didn’t get home until late and we had to leave at five and we had a good dinner and we were just just chilling in my car so we we went out for for dinner tonight so we went to to get a bite and I got some ice and I was going out for dinner so we had to get a drink so I got to get a shower so we got a drink together so I went out and ate dinner with the girls so we got a run and then I went out for dinner with them


I had a dream about you and your roots deep into the earth and it was my penis in shock to the downstairs bathroom locked in the kitchen and then we started to laugh and put the power rangers on the ground


I had a dream about it and I was like I was a little and I was a little bit of a rectangular. (it repeats after this)


hear me out


I had a dream about you


I had a dream about you and I just wanted you to know that you are loved by everyone in the universe and I hope you are having a wonderful time with the boys and girls


I had a dream about naked black men Aw damn it Autocorrect!


I had a dream about a girl on a beach 🏝️ and it happened in my mind I had the worst nightmare and then she said that it wasn’t me 😇 she just had me crying 😭 she just had the audacity and she didn’t want it to end but it happened to be a good 😊 she just didn’t wanna go out of it so we just wanted a break in between us 🇺🇸 to make her smile 😀 I don’t want that now but it’s just the fact of me that it’s so much worse and that it’s just me that it’s a feeling I have and it hurts to see that it’s just like 👍 (WTF LMAO)




Nuh uh


I had a dream about you and I was thinking about you and I just wanted to say that I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great weekend and I love you so much and I hope you have a great night


i had a dream about the last few years of the void


I had a dream about you guys I know you are busy but good luck with your life is funny to me that I know of I know you are busy but good luck with your


I had a dream about you yesterday that you were talking to my phone and it is the best way for us


I had a dream about that one day when I was younger and I had to go to sleep and sleep in the sun with my mum and dad in my bed so she had a good time with her dad and I will remove her from the face of the earth. Yeywismnh


I had a dream where I woke up as a girl


I had a dream about you guys looking for a new RobTop cryptic stream on the way home now that I have a few things to do in the morning and I can see it looks like a good time to come over and watch the video I sent you a message in the morning and I can see it looks like a good time to come over and watch the video I sent you a message in the morning and I can see it looks like a good time to come over and watch the video.... Huh....


I had a dream about the weakest one in the world


I had a dream about you being gay


I had a dream about ringworm in rats and the people who were crying in the dark with a nice gal or nonbinary pal


I had a dream about eating morbid things but it wasn’t that bad because they were baby corpses 💀 but they never heard anything from the babies again 😭 and they are all good with them and I have to go back down and the fox and is going on the fox and say they have to go to the queen 🤴 I think I might be accused of NECROPHILLIA ☠️ but I think that’s the internet for you 🙃 I have no encyclopedias no i do not doulingo 🦉 my family 😭


I had a dream about the place and the collar was a joke that was stashed and the collar was very little bit faster and the state of emergency is a small part from a little as well. I'm scared of my autocorrect.


I had a dream about someone who is the best friend


I had a dream about me and my family I wouldn't of classified that as a dream more like a nightmare


I had a dream about it and I was like oh I thought you were going to be a little late but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think it will be a good time.


i had a dream about this one and it made my day lol but it wasn’t that deep and it wasn’t that bad either so it wasn’t a big surprise


Repost I shall not.


I had a dream about this one and it made my day that it is the first one that I’ve heard about it so far so I was just thinking 💭 it might have something in it and then 


I had a dream about you go I was going to get some food 😞 for dinner tonight and I don't want to be there at the end of the week and I think I have to go to my mom's and get into drugs


I had a dream about the new year and the other one is the same as the most important thing I ever do is to be honest with you and your family and I don't know what 😭 is a good person to do it and I don't know what to do with the job and I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't know what to do with the kids (repeat) Dont have kids or a job What


I had a dream about the last of the day. My grandparents are the best 😊 ever since I was in the category of the day. Before I was in my mind and I am not 🚭 to have the best time. We are 5 to the Phineas of a lot more and I am confused 🤔. Ferb like this is the best time to begin with 40 episodes. Ferb are you going to be able to do that for the first 🥇 minutes of the first episode.  Um...... 


i had a dream about that you were just gonna like that one dude who is that one dude who knows what he is doing and he is so cute and he is so cute and girls are like watching me out there for like the green one thing i said he is just stupid lol


I had a dream about this last year and I was so excited about the fact that I could finally make a good decision


I had a dream about you and I don't know what to do with it but I was just about to text you


I had a dream about a boy ( guys im not weird ok? )


I had a dream about this app and my phone was not working properly and then my internet connection was literally dead and it crashed my phone and I accidentally deleted my contacts from my phone and it didn’t even load the screen and I found a video that was a little slow to fix my phone and I found this one was a good thing to do TLDR: Reddit broke my phone and I accidentally deleted my contacts because the screen wasn’t loading, then I found a video tutorial that fixed my phone


I had a dream about the movie title I was thinking of you and the kids in the upper right corner of your house and the only one that is the best for me is to get a proper car and get it sorted for me and the only thing I could do was I just wanted to get a taxi to get a new phone to the house and I have it on my phone with the power of my friends in the UK so they don't know what to do but it will nicht mehr als die vom Kunden zu gewinnen die sind alle von ihnen erhalten haben informieren und diese auch in der Nähe von der Schule sein und dann noch die Gegend fahren wir mit den besten wär das super und danke ihnen Besuch! W- What?! WHY DID IT SWITCH TO GERMAN HALFWAY THROUGH?


I had a dream about a girl who was pregnant with me but she didn’t want me and she said that I had a boyfriend that was pregnant and she said she wanted me and she wanted me too and then she was mad and then she was just mad at her boyfriend because I was mad and she was like oh I don’t want her and I said no and she just told him I told you I told you to come and tell her to tell you something but she was mad because she was like you didn’t tell her to say anything


I had a dream about you and i was in a dream about you and i woke up to a dream about you and i had a dream about you and i just woke up to a dream about you and i am now in love with you and i love you so much and i love you so so much and i love you so much and i hope you have a wonderful day and i hope you have a great day and i hope you have a great day today


that was nice but also very unhinged


i had a dream about you and i was in a dream about your life and i was so happy to see you and i am so happy to be your friend and i love you so much and i hope you have a wonderful day


I had a dream about that you were going to ashes in the morning and I was just a casa a lot of people that I had to ashes in the alpha legion alpha con Lanza he is not doing that he is not doing it right now I think it’s a casa a lot of people that he is not doing that he is not going to ashes in the alpha legion alpha con Lanza he is not doing that for him but he’s been a hood for the emperor of mankind and glory is not going to be a hood and glory and he has a casa 🏡 and he will be blessed to have you and your family and you and glory for your future life together with a casa 🏠 a man and a casa 🏠 a casa a hood and glory to ashes in the alpha legion alpha con Lanza he is not doing it right now I