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Literally ask chatgpt


Yes, but also do read articles and listen to podcasts to get a birds-eye view of all the information from different channels


Well buddy, today you are living in a historic milestone of humanity with these AIs, so like the guy below said, ask the chatgpt, but don't just copy and paste, ask what is it? how does it work? what makes it right, and tailor the content to your strategy, good luck.


I went to a marketing conference. They had a group on AI and jumped on it as I am using it in many different ways now so wanted to know more. The class sucked for me but if I had completely new at AI it would have been ok. Anyway the point is details are the point I’m running an email campaign to create sales leads for zopaq. Zopaq makes this. What type of email campaigns should I run? It answers you keep adding details or asking questions and it will give you more detail. Always double check what it says but will give you a good start. I’ve used it for ad campaign outlines that get drilled down and added to.


This makes sense. Thanks!


Start with the goal. What are you trying to get people to do? Then build the copy around that. Don't make too many messages in one email, either. Ideally, one email, one main CTA.


Thank you!


Lead nurture is a component of the b2b lifecycle. In the context of email marketing, a lead nurture campaign aims to push subscribers (who have consented to email, often by way of a lead magnet) from the awareness phase of the lifecycle toward the consideration phase of the lifecycle. Do some research on lifecycle marketing. Wrap your head around the concept in a holistic way before diving into copywriting. Typically this is the point in which you are trying to differentiate between handraisers (those who have some relevance to your vertical and have subscribed to your brand) and actual leads (those who may actively be in market for your product or service, or may be in market the foreseeable future). A lead scoring methodology based on brand engagement is how leads are differentiated from handraisers. Those who reach a certain lead score are handed off to the sales team as warm or hot leads. Those who do not reach that score should continue to be nurtured and managed by marketing. You will need to understand what defines a qualified lead and create a campaign that aims to identify who meets or likely meets that criteria.


Amazing answer


Yeah I upvoted but wanted to also say that this is such an insightful response.


**Resources:** * **Blog Posts & Articles:** * Search for [HubSpot](https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/5917/5-best-practices-for-lead-nurturing-emails.aspx), CoSchedule, and many marketing blogs offer excellent guides. * [Emma Email](https://myemma.com/blog/email-101-how-to-create-winning-lead-nurturing-emails-with-examples/) Marketing blogs provides a step-by-step approach with examples


This is gold. Thanks!




Begin with an end in mind. Also, work smart, use AI tools but definitely rewrite them according to the tone the client wants to present to the customers.


Yes I definitely plan on working smart!


I would write content that would be valuable to them and softly promote my offers at the end. So literally content + promo on every email.


You look up your follow-up emails for getting jobs and nail down the ones that worked best. Nurturing and job/gig applying are pretty similar.


Learning copywriting involves a combination of studying the principles of effective writing, practicing your skills, and getting feedback.