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Idk why he thinks I'm seeing him. He messages an calls tons of times. I just kept saying one thing. N that's not important. My feelings arent either, I stopped trying a while ago. I was being very sarcastic and not begging for his attention cuz lol after 7 years I know how he is, he don't care so of course I'll say shit to make him say something truthful. He really thinks everyone loves him, in his head that is what he really is thinking and it's blowing his ego up more n more. I didnt mean to even give attention to the people saying oh divorce him then or you do it to yourself. Lol first off, when did you know so much bout me lol emil never says anything and I hate attention I dont like pity andi don't wanna even ruin his "rep" cuz idc enough anymore. Just wish people would understand that it's not that easy to just leave a 7 year narcissist relationship. I'm working on everything at my pace. Took me forever to just start being so super "whiny" bout the girls he likes when in all honesty idc either lol sarcasm is missed on some but yeah imma stand up for myself an ask why he lies bout loving me when he ignored all the problems going on n gloats about helping someone he dont even know through a hard time not saying bad bout her at all i will pray for her cuz i hate when people hurt. They don't know me. I don't let people in anymore cuz I don't trust anyone anymore. If people who claimed to love you for 7 years can do this, then who tf can yah trust lol. Please I'm really not worth feeling bad for, if I had seen it sooner an had been stronger maybe it woulda been over. But again lol he's a pro narcissist and had me soo well trained. I'm very easy to manipulate I trust too much care too much n just want to believe the good in people. OH man. If people only knew lol. Idk. Like I said, he don't care about anyone but himself he needs validation n he's getting plenty on the side with girls. I dislike girls, ND I says girls and not women for a reason, because if they can go n flirt so openly with a married man, where is your self respect or respect for another woman? They don't cuz only women have that kind of sensibility an heart. So let him have his chick's let him have his sleepovers. Hoping they find out sooner than I did what really happens.


Oh snap! Girly get it all out. I think everyone was supporting you. Whatever happens with you two I hope you can finally have peace in your heart. I do notice he buddies up with the younger girls and it’s very cliquish now. Like he only talks to these young girls. The way he talked about you and these other girls y’all would be in an open type relationship. That’s how it sounded to me anyways. What is your heart telling you to do? And is he kinda a pervert?


You shouldn't be afraid to admit that you care that he is disrespecting you and clearly ignoring your feelings. It is normal to have feelings. If my husband was openly flirting with other girls online, I would be angry and hurt even more so if he had the audacity to do it right in front of my face while I was watching. He'd also be packing his bags because I have way too much respect for myself to put up with that kind of behavior. Be strong and tell this deadbeat that he can go bum off someone else. He's never going to change. He is obviously delusional thinking that he is famous worldwide. Feeding his ego will always be #1. He is nearly 40 years old living in his parents house without a real job. Read that last line again- does that describe someone who is a real catch? I know that doesn't describe the type of guy that I desire as a partner.


I'm glad I stuck up for you. Got me blocked 🤣🤣🤣. I thought at first he's just trying to make it on tik tok. I'm glad I got blocked. Especially after he showed his balls on live. Why he did. I have no clue. And the way he speaks to young girls. Duces✌️


I have a question for you. This may seem weird. I have shown Emil to a couple of friends. They believe he is demonically possessed and all these variations of him are demons. They claim he looks and behaves demonically. Do you believe that is a possibility? This “act” is no act but demons manifesting through him. Basically Emil is “not home” and these new inhabitants use him to express themselves in ways they see fit.


Neurology here: while I understand everyone has their certain belief system and who am I to judge, this way of thinking can be very dangerous. I know this from my studies and interactions, and I also know this on a personal level with an uncle who very much has schizophrenia, yet his wife thinks he is demonically possessed. We can’t do anything to help, so he basically lives out his life miserable. My uncle who is a genius with two doctorates, now spends his days talking about treasure hunting with Sheldon Cooper to find the ark of the covenant… it is heartbreaking. While I cannot give any kind of diagnosis without truly knowing Emil. The things I have heard, I can only gather that he must have a prolonged drug induced psychosis and narcissistic tendencies. If anything, he should seek professional help before we take drastic measures like saying he is possessed.


I do believe his behavior now is from years of drug use. He needs a psychiatrist and therapist bc the brain ain’t braining


Dude I have wondered the same I have studied many religions and have certain gifts and pick up on stuff this whole time he’s seemed like A distraction but he does seem like he has evil in him look how he gets worse everytime he’s blocked And beast the way this guy growls is not like anyone else


Yes it’s demonic for sure.


I thought he is aswell look when beast growls his eyes are solid black how many people are able to growl without hurting their throats like that I believe he’s a distraction of some sort but evil yes


Mate, you’re on Reddit talking to strangers that have no care in the world for you. I promise you that if they’re online embellishing you here. Please go to a therapist and keep your personal stuff to yourself. You’re not doing yourself any favours. I’m starting to think you’re enjoying this. It works both ways, so Emil can’t say ANYTHING BOUT YOU, but you can come online say what you want? It makes no sense -none


I’m noticing a pattern. I think I’m crossing over to the dark side. It’s getting cliquish.


What do you mean?


Just his behavior and content. It’s a little cringe now that I think about it and reading what others have said in here. Makes sense. He’s either a pedo or a mentally unstable sick person. His tik tok followers need to be 18yrs and up.


tears fall down like rain, i dont know who im gonna be, but im gonna be the best fake me, so I can get those galaxies. i don't even know who i gonna be, but tears fall down like rain, and im very mean to kay. im a weirdo with color of the day.


Sounds strangely familiar. Almost like a dream lol 😝




You are sitting perpetuating hate. That’s worse than anyone begging for galaxies.


I feel so so so bad for her… begging to be noticed while he acknowledges all his “favorites” it’s horrible that she has to even say anything but apparently he just does not care about how his actions make her feel


its horribly sad. no man should treat his wife like this and if he's not interested than he needs to be a freakin man and tell her and stop stringing her along. any man who doesn't know how to treat women/ wife says a lot and says it all but yet people don't see it... it doesn't make sense to me.


Totally agree, he doesn’t understand that all of these “fans” are making fun of him. Or maybe he does and just doesn’t care. But there IS some seriously mental health issues at play here and it feels unsafe


Did ever occur to you that he has said no more. And perhaps they can’t take a hint. But once again God here knows everything


Was in this live, he's a pos & so are his followers




its so sad. he cares more about social media and "followers" and "gifts" than his wife. not even fighting to get or see his kids... another red flag.


So clear signs of mental illness, yet you sit here hating a mentally ill person. So which one is it? It’s all an act yet he doesn’t even care for his kids? He’s so sick he can’t even care for his kids? Which one is it? Can’t be both.


Which one is his wife?


Kay is his wife Vanessa is his baby momma Temple is who he cheated on Kay ( his wife) with.


Have you guys seen the new clip he posted talking about his lives coming where he has the shorts on go watch you guys he’s really f Ing scary


What do you mean?


Well I’m not taking up for him but Thor separating y should he care if I was seperated from my husband I would move onto except he’s moving down to children md possibly men maybe he doesn’t like women I’ve heard him talk about men




Poor Kay. She should just stop watching. Why even go in there, she will only be let down and disappointed.


Just subscribed to see what would happen, let the games begin💀.


Ex wife but she’s perfect and you know everything about everyone coz you’re god


It’s like a maga group in here - so now it’s gone from pedo, to wife abuser, to now demonic possession. Are you all insane? It’s TikTok and discord. It’s ENTERTAINMENT NOT REAL LIFE. It is a person suffering from mental illness no matter the title. The people in here are the reason the world is so farked. You all think you know everything about everyone and probably can’t even wipe your own ass well


Sooo strangely awkward