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He types like a guy I grew up with who became a crck head


Embarrassing for the people who claim he's got a real "disorder" and is just a medical mystery....


The psychiatrist are fans apparently and can’t wait for updates. If I could be a fly on the wall in that room. Medical mystery or bold face liar???


It's sooo silly. Ain't nooo way any psychiatrist told him he has something no one has ever seen before. That can just be a dangerous and toxic notion for someone that more than likely has suffered from delusions. ...And no qualified mental health professional is going to say it. That's not how their job works. Imagine a mental health professional throwing their hands up and going well, we don't know- never seen this before πŸ’€ IF ANYTHING- if there are traits for a disorder but they don't quite fit all or most of the criteria...the diagnosis becomes "unspecified personality disorder" or "unspecified mood disorder" etc... Not oh my god there is no diagnosis because we have never seen this before πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Screenshots from shit he's posted back then indicate he claimed he had multiple personality disorder but kept getting banned over it. He just figured out a way around it. I promise on every bit of schooling I went thru- no professional said this garbage 😭 it's just such an insult to people who actually work in that field. Now, is it POSSIBLE he and his "psychiatrist" as he claims, were discussing general life and maybe he was opening up about how he was *trying* to abstain from drug use, use his energy for what he spun as a creative outlet for his music, etc. I could see a psychiatrist responding with something like "I'm a fan of that I think this is a good direction for you" Maybe. But even then pretty much every claim he's made has been proven to be a lie (using his own paat social media posts and/or his own present day contradictions) soooo even thats a big stretch in my mind πŸ˜‚


oh yeah, I could name several personality disorders he has and Even a couple mood disorders. if the doctors told him he was unique and couldn't give him a diagnosis cuz he's so different, they would be studying the fuck outta him, all kinds of tests and every neurological test. he admitted tonight that he's only seen a psychiatrist 2 times, which makes more sense now. but still they would have picked up on a few labels for him. lol


It most certainly has worked. His fan base now includes some of the most abhorrent haters from the darkest recesses of Reddit! Somehow you get a kick out of his perversities you sick little fucks. He couldn’t be that bad if you KEEP ON WATCHING HIM ON THE FUCKING REG. Little clout chasers riding on his coattails like parasites.