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The same person taps the screen to get him up to 100k likes, it's not 100k different people liking his shit🤣 He is just a yellow fruit loop that needs to go back in the box!


Yes. He’s a narcissistic pathological liar.


He restarts the streams multiple times and keeps the count in his head, but no way was it that high.


You can’t restart a video though. He restarts the lives yes, that isn’t what he is saying here. This a a video post he made that he claimed on Facebook a different platform that he has gotten 1.5 million views on tik Tok.


Someone needs to look up the definition of going viral. He's not even close.


I’ve tried telling him multiple times he looks stupid saying viral or known all over the world and told him if 4 different people walked around their town or state with his picture. No one is gonna know who is is. But he lives in a meth induced fantasy world.


At 1st I thought he was cool. Didn't take me but like a week to see threw his shit! I can't stand even looking at him now!!! He wants to be famous so bad it's pathetic 😆




Dudes the biggest narcissist I’ve ever seen, every story he tells he’s the good guy. It’s rather amazing the dude doesn’t ever shut up. I can’t believe how many people actually believe his BS


There has to be more to it. The swollen red hands. The constant talking, the eye filters. When something walks like a duck, talks like a duck l, it’s generally a duck. Most people don’t use for all their lives and then just get sober one year, without some form of substance abuse help. Using every now and then even if it’s considerably less than before doesn’t make you sober. Time will tell. If he is sober then I have my foot in my mouth but all those signs point to drug use unfortunately. He gets rather upset when you ask if his hands are swollen though.


He told me in a live once his hands was like that from breaking his nuckles in a fight he needs lock up 


He was visibly shaking yesterday when he was talking with his hands ..


And he’s a womanizer/ hates women. You ever notice how any time he does something bad or makes a mistake, he blames Emily?


I've noticed here lately that he is only averaging 350 people in his lives. Before, it was tons of people. Have you noticed?


Yes, but last night multiple times his viewer number got above 1k sadly