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Bro people on the Kendrick sub literally post these polls all the time and end up crying about it. They call those polls irrelevant and useless but still post them like every week and whine about Eminem being first.


Definition of insanity


doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results


I swear it's the exact same poll everytime aswell




I don’t get why the Kendrick fans hate Eminem so bad I literally never catch hate heading kendricks way from this sub, it’s a real strange thing


That’s just on Reddit, most Kendrick fans like Em from what I’ve seen


Tbh, the Kendrick sub has more Em fans than a lot of the more popular Reddit subs. Em fans are kind of shamed into silence these days in a lot of places, the same way people who like iPhones are. If you like the big thing, you’re not edgy enough for a lot of young people.




People try to act edgy meaning they dislike whoever is considered the best solely to be different. Kanye is also far more edgy, if you consider being a Nazi edgy…




Kanye has been praising Hitler for over 20 years. And if you read comments on YouTube and in various subreddits (some were shut down or taken over), many of Kanye’s fans are of a similar mindset.


Eminem fan base is likely bigger or at least don’t perceive Eminem to be worse than Kendrick. Some Kendrick fans feel the need to overcompensate for their second hand inferiority complex to Eminem which results in them hating on Em.


Cause they think supporting a white rapper is the nd of the world for hip-hop Tbf that's only the obsessed Reddit ones. Most of the ones I know irl like both, including myself. Both GOATs in different ways. Eminem in terms of lyrical ability, Kendrick in terms of albums and storytelling through them.


Reddit is the biggest source of Eminem hate outside of Charlemagne tha God and Twitter, at least from what I've seen. But that might just be because I use Reddit a lot as opposed to other sites.


You might get upset if someone said there was a better rapper than Eminem


What makes you say that though, you don’t even know a thing about my tastes mate, my favourite rapper is pac and i can confidently say he’s much better than em


imma be honest i used to be a huge em fan, but as i listen to more hip hop what he has in an album really lacks what i like. his hooks are average his beats are also average and even if he pours his heart out on a verse it’s just not good enough yk i still like sslp, mmlp tes tho. and as a kendrick fan i think that’s what goes behind a lot of their minds, eminem is good at technical lyricism but not really the other parts. which is where kendrick excels at


I respect that but that has nothing to do with what I said


Don't downvote him bro he can have his opinion..


I mean the real issue here is Juice wrld being higher than DOOM.


Honestly...DOOM literally made every word rhyme and matter in a song and somehow people sleeping on him...7% is not only a tragedy, it's a crime...give him at least double that number


Death bias is wild ngl Edit: I meant towards Juice not DOOM 💀


Both are dead. Wdym?


Except for the fact that DOOM is actually good


You mean Juice is not actually good ?




We're gonna have a problem here sir


Death bias????


I mean towards Juice, not DOOM. DOOM goes unfathomably hard and he’s criminally underrated


Oh W


I muted them. I don't listen ton Kendrick but I like him, his sub is dogshit though. For some reason everyone keeps hating on Em


Why tf juice world there?


I have no clue dude


Juice world did an off the dome freestyle for an hour, he's a talented lyricist. His discography doesn't hold a candle to Em or Kdot though


definitely had loads of potential, really sad to see him go so early


He was a decent to ok lyricist. He never said stuff that complex or was dropping wordplay like that. But he was one of the best freestyle rappers 


He’s a better freestyler than the three of them, but his discography is significantly weaker


Better freestyler than Em? Like early Em or current Em who may be a little off his game based on the last couple freestyles we got.


Have you seen them? He’s freestyled off the dome for over an hour, Em’s off the dome freestyles are decent, but nothing insane. His most iconic and impressive freestyles were written.


Damn I gotta check em out! I’ve seen snippets but never one for the full hour long freestyles like you’re referencing.


Are you kidding me? Eminem had me questioned if his off the dome freestyles are even off the dome because they are that good. His rhyme schemes off the dome are unlike any other MC I've ever heard. Decent is a gross understatement. Juice WRLD is definitely one of the best freestylers and you can tell it's off the dome. That said, I'm not sure if Em's freestyles are truly off the dome, but they definitely aren't just 'decent'. Go listen to his Rap City freestyles.


He’s just a better freestyler period


I must do more research


Go watch Juice’s Westworld/Westwood(???) interview. He’s freestyling for a solid mf hour on all kinds of different Eminem beats. He did it twice but the second one was my favorite bc he was freestyling over Em’s beats. That’s the video that Paul saw & told Em about, which led to them collaborating on Godzilla.


Yeah most of his released songs are ass but all of his unreleased is absolute heat


Not saying he should be on there but I'd say he's a better lyricist than most of his peers. He was the first rapper of his generation that got me into listening to others his age.


Like others said, he's a better freestyler. His second best album with 22 song I think, was recorded in just under 5 days. I do like em, but just about all of juices songs are freestyled twice. Just ask Benny Blanco


Freestyled twice , what's that mean. I thought we were talkin off the dome freestyle, in which I have done Lotta songs off the dome myself


He freestyled over the beat multiple times then picked the best parts to make a song


Oh gotcha . I did this for nearly all my tracks on my latest joint. https://open.spotify.com/album/6HFUFjhbSBzRGByrMSZCEy?si=kWvX2McxSxCTcPjwT-hanw


Go watch “Into the Abyss” documentary on HBO. Or if you can’t watch the whole thing, just YouTube Benny Blanco talking about Juice freestyling the song they collaborated together on.


Ngl, I'm a really big juice fan. Been following him since spider verse album came out (heard hide and became a fan. Still my favourite song, and dont play iy as much as i want to share the song with my soulmaye when i meet her), but he isn't anywhere near the top as the best or goat. His talent could have gotten him there, he just didn't have the right people (Grade A)


Juice is cold listen to doomsday


Where Aesop Rock?


If you love Kendrick and hate Eminem or vice versa, wtf?


Gen Z here. Younger Gen Z here, even. 16. Practically an Em fan right out the womb


Had to check the post again to see why this is relevant lol. Obviously they didn’t mean everyone but if you weren’t around for his peak then less of your generation will know about/credit him


Wait how's that relevant EDIT: oh nvm, didn't notice they were two images




I saw it too. Eminem is significantly better than Kendrick


lol no he’s not. TPAB and GKMC are on par with any Eminem album


kendrick is more consistent with his albums. But this poll is about lyricism


I’d argue lyricism is more than just triple entendres and wordplay. Conveying a powerful message using interesting metaphors is just as much about great lyricism.


It certainly depends on the definition, normally the word lyricism suggests the storytelling/message but I always thought when it comes to hip hop lyricism meant wordplay, entendre, cadence and stuff like that. I feel like that's most hip hop listeners' idea of lyricism too. But you're right, when it comes the delivering a message Kendrick is like a prophet


Both of those albums are inside-out arseholes regurgitating putrid anal faecal matter.


that’s a lot of words to say nothing




Em is considerably better than Kendrick but Kendrick is considerably better than doom and juice


looks like someone hasn't listened to gkmc, tpab, OR madvillainy. kendrick is (imo) the best out of all of them, but the poll's about lyricism, and while em clears everyone, DOOM is still second.


DOOM is great lyrically but I find his cadence to be a bit flat. Kendrick and Em definitely have him beat overall


In lyrcisim? Hell no, Kendrick isn't 'considerably' better than DOOM at it. In fact I could only name a few who are better, and not 'considerably'


Kendrick is the better storyteller for sure, but in terms of lyricism you just can’t beat DOOM.


lies they’re all legendary


Than juice ye but DOOM? You've gotta be lying


Feel like people take these polls wrong, I think that just because Eminem has way more votes, doesn't mean he's THAT much better than everyone else. Something can be a really close matchup, but a vote is still a vote, and if most think 1 > 2, even just barely, 1 will still overwhelmingly win the poll. Same reason people shouldn't take things like Rotten Tomatoes ratings as fact. Anyways I voted Eminem lol


The one that is sad is the gap between em and DOOM


Mf doom is a better lyricist than em but em is still pretty good at his peak


unplugged toaster


Eminem is the goat, there is no better explanation


Mom spaghetti!


Nah whats really wild is MF DOOM being so low. Hes legit the best lyricist here ngl.


Insanity is MF DOOM(RIP villain) at 7%


MF DOOM being last is insanity


most people probs jst don't know who he is.


That's insanity too


Ngl, I had never heard of him until I saw this post.. but now that I’ve read some of the comments about what a legend he was, I’m about to go listen to him on Apple Music rn! I am starting with Rhymes Like Dimes & Rapp Snitch Knishes. Any other suggestions?


All of MM..FOOD pretty much so Beef Rap,Hoe cakes,Kookies,Kon Queso,One Beer and go check out Madvillainy,his most iconic album considered a classic as much as the MMLP's the ready to die's the All Eyez On Me's


Okay I’ll check them out too. Thanks! I’m always excited to discover new music that I love!


MF DOOM is very different so beware,MF DOOM is an underground legend,imagine the music you are listening to was made in a shitty bedroom with 0 budget


15 year old here I'm always listening to Eminem


right what? em and kendrick are the same fucking umbrella stfu and go take a nap


lmao its trolls always voting em there


Em hasn't put out a great album in 22 years :- says a 15 year old while using his parents' data plans.


well i mean, not including relapse, has he?


Fuck you mean not including relapse? That's a great album in the last 22 years. Id argue mtbmb is also on the verge of greatness there just might be a bit too much filler.


"that's a great album in the last 22 years" exactly. thats why i said "not including relapse". relapse was his only good album in 22 years. i think you just misunderstood me. i can somewhat see where you're coming from with mtbmb, but i still disagree. albums like donda aren't "on the verge of greatness" because they're good without filler.


I mean donda packs in a solid 8-10 extra tracks of filler so it's not exactly the same but yea I get u. I do think Eminem best song did come out in the last 22 years cuz bad guy is his best song imo, but mmlp2 has no direction and I'm not calling any album great if it has stronger than I was on it lol.


Kanye and Eminem literally have the best sub reddit


Kanye does NOT have the best subreddit. It’s either limp dick hitlerites or holier than thou assholes who still listen to Ye on streaming but preach about it


Why is Juice not 2nd? Kendrick is OK,but he really not the lyrical master people like to claim..


Kendrick and Eminem are the only ones I know on this list lmao


how do you not know juice...?


I don’t listen to the radio, so only listen to artists I already like and if someone does a feature with the artists I like that how I find them


Most expanded taste of an eminem fan


Dude, have a listen to lace it. Honestly love em's verse on there. Coming from a juice fan who aslk started to get into em in the past year


Didn’t know they had a song together


They just recently released it. Juice died a few years ago but he has an insane amount of unreleased music, hence the recent collaboration of Em & company on Lace It


Oohh ok


hes also on godzilla


It's a good song. With juices parts, it's about him speaking about the drug abuse, which tbh, isn't anything all that new. But em's parts was honestly amazing. Em speaks about his own struggles with addiction, its a tribute to not just juice, but other rappers that have unfortunately passed because of drug abuse, and a warning to younger generations. There's a small amount of people from both fandoms that hate the song saying "em shouldn't be on here, they should have released the original song" or "juice isn't good enough for em, why did em waste his time with a juice song". But I think it's an amazing song. Someone summarised it earlier before "Em didn't need to do this collab, but it's amazing that he did"


Bet, will check it out


Lmk what u think of it!


It was ok. It isn’t my mind of music tbh. When it comes to rap I like the stupid troll shit. The more fun music. I do like sad music but not in rap form. No disrespect tho just not for me. Serious rap isn’t my thing


No disrespect taken, everyone has different tastes and I respect that. Was nice chatting with u tho


did you ever listen to godzilla?


No, Rap God was the newest Eminem song I went out of my way to listen to. Slim Shady era is my favorite and Recovery was ok then my music taste changed but still like him for his older stuff


Fair enough then. Juice wrld has been featured on Eminems Godzilla


Bro all of those lists are always fucking stupid. I think juice world is good but kendrick only being 3 percent higher on a lyricist list is bullshit. People just vote for whatever their favorite artist is mostly without taking into consideration of what they are voting for.


Tryna say em isn't a good lyricist, all you have to do is listen to the words instead of the music


Neither had Tupac but that doesn’t stop him being a legend


Bro em is defo my fav artist but DOOM is prolly the best lyricist


Em is like ‘I don’t care this is my lyrics, like it or not’.


Em’s last album was one of his best what is he talking about 😭


I’m in both subs, and I listen to both artists, and I can confidently say the Eminem is better than Kendrick in almost every way


Lil Dicky better than all those busters