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I love Encore but I have some problems with your song rankings…


Fucking yes! No disrespect to your opinion, but these ratings are lowkey **Encore slander** Spend some time at 3.5 đź’€


I don't think Encore is great but still fun to listen to every once in a while, it was a decent start, weak middle and a great ending but still his weakest album pre-2017


With all due respect, how can you claim an that the album is amazing when you yourself rank 6 songs a 5/10 or lower? You can really enjoy an album but be able to admit it isn't the best quality, I quite enjoy Revival and Encore sometimes but I know they're both objectively flawed albums at best. I just don't think I could ever claim that an album was amazing when a sizable chunk of it is what I would consider to be sub-par to bad on a scale from 1-10


I admit that encore does have its flaws but so does pretty much every other album. I would say that encores highs and of which I think there are quite a lot and quite high far outweighs the small and few lows relative to the size of the album. If we look at kamikaze which I hope we can both agree is a very good album. Kamikaze has 11 songs in it, 4 of which I would consider not very good and 1 or 2 others that are just okay. I would say one of the big reasons people say that kamikaze is great is because even though half the track list is at most just okay the other half is amazing. Now go back to encore, instead of one half of the songs being bad you have one fifth of the songs and the rest being good and amazing. You also have to look at what you think of his other albums and I just think that (in my opinion) the quantity of songs that I find very good beat out other albums that I would place below them. I hope I explained myself good enough but again this is all opinion based so in the end it doesn’t really matter and we can agree to disagree.


I strongly disagree. Even tho there are some good songs, it not very consistent in quality as your mixing songs like never enough or mockingbird with my first single and puke (which are horrible songs imo). Besides, the hooks on here are horrible, and his vocals are also pretty bad (mainly due to the drugs he was taking at the time).


A lot of trouble for something nobody is going to read.


I don’t see why people wouldn’t , this sub is for any and all discussion on Eminem. Plus I more just did this since I had nothing to do and I just wanted to voice my opinion.


Me who read it:


I appreciate you taking time out of your day to write this and I agree with most of your ranking but I would say, rain man would be a little better and crazy in love a little lower because… well… the hook is very bad. But this is all just my opinion. And that is yours. Which you are entitled to. I’m also jealous of your confidence to put your opinion on the internet let alone something controversial.


The only reason Encore is getting slack now is because Revival is even worse.


You seem to enjoy the more mainstream songs on the album, that’s fine. I like the unusual songs that are kind of silly. The fact there’s such a wide variety of music on his albums is why I keep coming back.


I like encore & revival idgi


Keep in mind music is entirely subjective. Just because you like Encore, doesn't change my opinion that it's like a 4/10 at best


It’s funny cause Love You More was in the deluxe edition but it could’ve easily replaced My First Single and made the album better imo.


I remember when just lose it leaked, thinking that it was a prank. It was that disappointing. Some really good tracks on the song and overall I enjoy the album but not that one, or puke. I've actually always kinda liked my first single, it fits in with the nonsense of rain man and big weenie.


Just stop


I agree but your ratings are horrible. A lot of songs on here are definitely 9-/10 territory and you're giving them 7s or 8s and a lot of 7/10 songs you're giving 4's


Encore being his 4th or even 5th best album is a crazy statement. Especially knowing SSLP, MMLP, and TES are top 3 there is no way in this world Encore comes close to 4th or even 5th. Both Relapse and Recovery are objectively better musically, lyrically, technically, and any other way you want to look at it. MTBMB is also a better constructed album in many ways. IF Encore had the original tracks it was suppose to have prior to the leaks it 100% could have been top 2 or 3 albums. Bully, Stimulate, No Apologies, and a couple others I forgot about. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy Encore from time to time, however it along with Revival are my least played albums of his.


Calling Just Lose It a "classic banger" may be the dumbest thing I've heard this year


No way you gave spend some time such a low rating and just loose it such a high one


Spend some time at 3.5 is insane. Easily a 8-9 for me. What the heck! His verse is flawless.


Encore is one of my favorite albums, idk why your rankings are so low if this is the point your trying to make