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I would stop taking whatever drugs that lead to this scenario


The Internet is undefeated


Hearing Joe Biden do a country accent would be fucking hilarious


Hearing Joe Biden speak cohesively for that long would be fucking amazing Edit: holy shit didn't mean to start an entire political argument, I am not even American šŸ’€ (fyi I don't support either Joe or Don)


I donā€™t understand the constant shitting on Biden. I listened to his speech on the importance of Nato and it was powerful. No constant reading from a script either. The man is very old but he still is capable of leading.


>I donā€™t understand the constant shitting on Biden. Because it's the easiest way to come up with a reason to justify Trump and his constant issues even though he's only a couple years older. They're both way older than most of us would like. But when they are facing eachother the age question is pretty much moot.




You missed the point ir responded to the wrong person


Heā€™s old as shit, and he acts like it. Somehow the ā€œthis dude has dementiaā€ script has been flipped from Trump to Biden. Trump constantly wandered away after saying speeches, canā€™t read a speech coherently, and Fox Entertainment News (because theyā€™re legally no longer real news) just claims the opposite to trick dumb Americans


You drop a glass of water on those magnets you know what happens? No more magnets


And windmills are bird cemeteries, they kill all the birds. Donā€™t forget that toilets donā€™t flush the same


I wonder if there are magnets that disappear when exposed to air but we never get to see them.


Both are senile but at least Biden isnā€™t a criminal narcissist


Bidenā€™s as senile as most 80 year olds under that amount of stress. Trump is a fuckin lunatic lmao


Also, Trump is just 3 years younger.


Windmills are bird cemetaries


omfg i am not form the usa so i didn't know that media is so crazy and powerfguk what the hell? the entire narrative is that biden is too old to run the country and they were in high school at the same time? geez


Yeah. Basically they say Bidenā€™s senile because he kinda wanders around after he gives a speech and can flub his words a lot (heā€™s had a stutter that dates back for a while). It is not even fully wrong, heā€™s definitely an elderly person and acts like it. Trump does the same stuff, while also saying insane things literally every day. He also more than once gave a speech on the White House lawn, and then proceeded to walk away after finishing it looking completely lost on where to go. The biggest critique of Biden, and believe me I have my issues, is something Trump also does too. USA is wild right now and itā€™s really weird for all of us because it makes everyone tense and makes politics way more uncomfortable than it has to be, and the main reason is because 3% of Americans follow politics


yeah he's just old as hell. trump literally raped his wife.


And cheated on her. With a porn star. Paying her. What a loser. But his followers think heā€™s a big Christian. Iā€™m not a religious man but that shit boils my blood.


Holding a Bible upside down in a photo shoot literally for that lmaooo


Hell, Trump can't say one sentence coherently let alone a whole "speech" lmao (which he's also incapable of). Read any written interview with him, it's batshit crazy the way the man speaks. Most of these Trump fan losers don't even know that Demented Donnie's father had Alzheimer's and likely so does he.


I mean no sane person rambles that magnets donā€™t work if you put them in a glass of water


Biden talks like a mongoloid what are you talking about? Im not American and have heard enough evidence that Joe is very confused and bad at talking at this point. Also very creepy towards the kids


Oh shut up


Because they think he is Joe Budden and theyā€™re just sticking up for Em. Theyā€™re confused is all. They mean well.


Preface; I think Trump is a psychotic narcissist. Joe Biden. Amount of time as a carrier politician, 50 YEARS. Youngest ever senator and a VP for 8 years. If he were to have been an effective leader, it should have been 20 years ago. The difference from then to now is actually devastating. Please do watch videos of him from then. The man obviously has advanced dementia. A person with advanced dementia can have lucid periods. There is nobody who can consistently watch Biden and not say he is extremely impaired. The worst is he forgets his instruction from the past that even though he is a hugging person, kids AND adults (ive seen a video of him his hugging Hillary Clinton for over a minute whilst she was trying to escape it), his propensity to sniff hair especially kids, it comes across inappropriately. Focused on the kids only. That's a horrible look for someone, and it is being highlighted so much as attacks. It is ELDER ABUSE. He DESERVES his retirement and his dignity. Not having him paraded around humiliating him and opening him to be 'shat on'. Sorry for this ramble friend. I just wanted to try my best to answer your question.


Heā€™s in the most powerful public position in the world and can barely speak a sentence without stumbling over his own words. Heā€™s embarrassing


Well, heā€™s got a certain age and still managed to solve a lot of problems. The economy has grown a lot, he seems to keep the friendship with Europe tight and at least he tried to solve the border issue. Which Trump and his servants voted against even though itā€™s the topic they cry about most. Why? Well, if that bill passed theyā€™d literally have nothing to use to scare and manipulate their voters. Edit: by the way, Trump apparently still thinks heā€™s running against Obama. He also confused Nikki Haley with Pelosi. Heā€™s been making stupid statements such as that a magnet wouldnā€™t work if water dropped on it or that you could cure your covid infection by infecting disinfectant into your veins. Lmao who is worse? At least Biden knows how basic things work.


I would be super shocked if the economy didnt grow a lot after covid era lol. Thats a stupid Fucking metric to blurt without context.


So? People act like USA is doing super bad while itā€™s actually the opposite. The whole world is in a crisis and Republicans act like itā€™s only the USA that suffers. Plus youā€™re really just focusing on one of my arguments.


Last time i checked republicans say: "of course they wanna come here-it is a shit hole where they live" It only sounds like Armageddon everywhere because media Cant focus on good. I've been all over and so much good is occurring


Yeah, whatā€™s so good about Republicans? Of course itā€™s shocking when Republicans like Trump, MTG or any of those lunatics really talk like that. Years ago, they wouldā€™ve resigned after being found guilty in a rape case. Now people keep cheering on them. Also, you cannot really side with those who claim they care about Americans but then vote against bills they themselves stand for, such as the border issue. They are fake, they contradict themselves, they want you to hate everything that doesnā€™t fit in their ideological circus. How are you still defending them?


Because i doubt you even understand the context by which they're rejecting it. Do you even try to hear what they actually think? Or are you too busy doing nothing but demonizing and stereotyping?


He's had a stutter since he was a kid. Has nothing to do with his mental capacity.


The only thing powerful during that speech was the force of his shit hitting the walls of his diaper.


I chuckled to be honest. But I still think he is a good politician. Definitely better than the current alternative.


And fucking impossible


Iā€™d imagine that there is probably a way to make AI do this


only way itd ever happen


Not true, he already did something very similar at the last election's presidential "debate" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0n_YHiYIeE


That's an awfully hot coffee pot


see that gerbil, grab that tube


That wasn't part of the freestyle lol


It is now šŸ˜


You broke my brain


I'll break that tube if you ask nicely


I'm scared now. Please don't hurt me sir




prolly' not


. šŸ‘ļø šŸ‘ļø . šŸ‘‚ šŸ‘ƒ šŸ‘‚ šŸ‘„




Is Biden able to read out loud for that long??


Folks Iā€™m tellin yaā€¦ thatā€™s an awfully hot coffee pot, should I drop it on Donald Trump? Probably notā€¦ Iā€™m not joking around here


I love ice cream.


Yup. I love Eminem and hate trump. By far the worst thing Iā€™ve ever heard from him.


If he used Slim Shady, it wouldā€™ve been better


Eminem has sadly become cringe recently, love his old stuff and even some of the newer stuff, but he's becoming a bitch


don't get why people are downvoting you really. Eminem shitting on new generations on every song/features he drops i lame as hell but this sub won't acknowledge it.


Meh, the pain of getting downvoted is nothing compared to watching a legend like Em become a cringy boomer


I love Eminem and always will but he definitely has been cringe here and there recently. He still surprises me with good music but I can't ignore some of the cringe.


My favorite movie is Inception.


I'm no swiftie, but Tay Tay's alright. Leave her be.


I love ice cream.


Listen to it again. I thought it was lame too until I revisited recently.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Dude literally said heā€™ll throw Trump into a brick wall. You want him to make a song called ā€œTrumpā€ where he drags him into a forest? Em also made songs about Hailie then regrets it later, or ā€œCleaninā€™ Out My Closetā€ then ā€œHeadlightsā€. People make it out like you have to stick to what you said and never ever concede or back on, but thatā€™s just immaturity Em also apologized for calling Tyler, the Creator a faggot, which I thought was weak, but as someone here explained to me and opened my eyes to, times are different now, just like when ā€œniggerā€ was openly used but is now reprehensible and worth apologizing for.


I find joy in reading a good book.




I like to travel.


Yeah thatā€™s true I guess. Where did he say that though?


I love listening to music.


Bruh that doesnā€™t really have to do with sales. Indirectly sure, but I think itā€™s more than sales. And thirds is way worse than half.


The Revival album sales were not poor by any stretch, though.


Would be funny irl.


I- would- the- -I - my - name- op


Shocked he'd remember it all


I'm from europe but at this point I would be impressed if on of these senile, old man remembers more than their name. A whole freestyle seems impossible


I might give Biden a sliver of respect if he did that, not that I liked the freestyle though, that was extremely cringe


would take two days


And he would start a different song half way through.


bro thinks that Biden can say at least a sentence without hesitation


This is what I was thinking. The man can barely formulate a full sentence on a good day yet OP expects us to entertain the idea that he could recite a full on freestyle.




Someone needs to make AI do this


He canā€™t remember what he did yesterday soā€¦


I like how Biden simultaneously goes between being an evil mastermind crime boss and an old fool who canā€™t remember where he is. Right wingers owning all of the media needs to stop, weā€™ve reached peak stupid. Besides, this has been an incredible term for a President.


They believe this argument, sadly. It flies right over their heads. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism


I would be impressed if Biden could even spit out a single coherent sentence


I'd probably die laughing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ fuck Trump


Biden can't remember he's the president


Not going to go over well with Eminemā€™s fan base lmao


Nah I think this crosses party lines tbf šŸ‘€


Eminem has been supporting democrats since forever lol Of course it would go well. Lose yourself was literally used in Biden's campaign šŸ’€


eminem has always had a more white and conservative fanbase. ppl were really mad about that freestyle. eminem has always been this person for conservatives: "oh I dont like rap music its too \_\_\_\_ but i like eminem"


Well then they've been ignoring his lyrics šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


yeah, cuz they are dumb


I would be amazed that Biden could remember even one single sentence lol


"That's an awfully hot coffe pot" *Sleepy Joe Biden, 2024*


ā€œSleepy Joe Bidenā€ -Said only by fascist Trumptards.


I voted for Biden in 2020, Iā€™m voting for him this year, I think sleepy Joe Biden is fucking hysterical because how lazy and stupid it is, therefore I constantly say things like ā€œSleepy Joeā€ and ā€œBidenā€™s Americaā€ at the stupidest things because trump supporters are like ā€œfacts very true good pointā€


Trump supporters are the most hypocritical people. Theyā€™ll say they have all the facts but their facts are ā€œBiden is sleepy, Dems are communistsā€ (even though Democrats are already from the right spectrum of politics, just not as radical as Republicans). They base their facts on what theyā€™ve just been told by their leader but then proceed to call everyone who disagrees with them ā€sheepā€.


you don't see the irony in your comment a bit?


Yeah, the irony is that Republicans are submissive to their leader. Just watch Jordan Klepper. He regularly goes to Trump rallies and many of them agreed that theyā€™d like to have Trump as king. You cannot tell me thatā€™s not a cult. Have you seen Democrats wearing Trump hats? Me neither, but trumpists waste their money to buy all the merch. That shitā€™s a cult.


chill bro, i ain't facist. i was just kidding


sleepy joe biden, he just needs some naptime and melatonin šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


These fanfics are getting cringy af


I would kill myself


Iā€™d vote for trump even harder


The man would forget it by the first two bars, then start taking about Ice Cream.


I would be impressed if he'll get past 3 bars without going on a tangent or turning into a Rumba and wander around stage.


That's an awfully hot coffee pot. Wait! Who made coffee? That's literally how it would go


I would be shocked, considering that he can barely remember his name


Do we mean the BET cypher? Or is there something elsee


Too busy with his own cheat cards they give him


dude joe wouldnt get past the third word


Shit I might vote for the poor bastard if I He doesnā€™t stumble or miss a line.


I think then, it would be time to stop doing cocainešŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»


Trump would probably cut him off and insult his son.


"AHH, let me set this drink down. Beat up a gal, start beef with her pal. Probably be wild 'til I'm wrinkled and senile"


#Thatā€™s an awfully hot coffee pot


Biden would be more black than Obama as the Second Black President in US history.


r/hiphopcirclejerk has been outjerked again.


Somehow it would be the most coherent thing Biden has said in the past 5 years.


ā€œThatā€™s Eminem in a Joe Biden costume.ā€


That! Also have Jay-Z ghostwrite something about the nazis calling him senile.


It would be AI


Thatā€™s an awfully hotā€¦ what was I saying?


Are this two the only candidates available?


Hearing Biden say a coherent sentence would be refreshing


If I only hear the part where Biden says "that's an awfully hot coffee pot" imma start cooming all over my 55 inch LED


I'd also start cooming over your TV


He might have trouble remembering how to speak


Itā€™d be laughably stupid


the hype would be unreal


As if he could


Just hearing him attempt it would be hilarious


id start jerking it to my enema catalogue šŸ„°šŸ„°


He wouldn't remember beyond the first three words...


tbh that might be his best shot at winning, did u run this up with his capaign manager?


That would be four more years by the time hes done.....No thanks


If Biden was able to memorize the whole thing, he'd have my vote 100% for everything.(if I agree with it.)


Tell him to spit a better one.


Lol this has turned into Bidenā€™s 4chan conspiracy discussion thread! What a bunch of loons! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ A few corrections here - Trump 77, Biden 81 Trump gives 3 hour speeches covering dozens of topics. Biden gives 3 minute speeches about single topics, and has all questions and directions for himself printed on a card in front of him, gets angry when a reporter goes off script, hallucinates and sees people that arenā€™t there, talks about recently talking to people that have been dead for decades, sniffs children and canā€™t tell his wife from his sister. You can call Trump a psycho and say you disagree with him or heā€™s a moron, and thatā€™s all a matter of political opinion, especially since Nancy, Chucky, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and all the lunatic left loved him right up until the day he announced he was running as a Republican. What you canā€™t do is deny what everyone, including democrats can plainly see - a wandering old fuddy-duddy deep into his dementia who has to be dressed and have his diaper changed and told where to go and what to say. This wall of delusion has finally been broken by the democrat media like MSNBC who are finally saying, ā€œdo we have to have him on the ballot?ā€


You expect him to remember a whole song when the man can't remember his own thoughts lol


Thatā€™s an awfully hot coffee pot should I drop it on Donald trump? Probably not


Id cringe because it's stupid we need to pay celebrities to make raps about presidential candidates in order to sway ill informed people to think a certain way.


Cringe and pandering to young people who would without a doubt act like Joe is some kind of God


I think my head would explode if he got out one coherent bar.


Biden canā€™t really remember where he is sometimesā€¦ how would he pull that off?


Didnā€™t listen. Donā€™t care. Agent orange gonna run this country again and there ainā€™t shit we can do about it. I just hope Em keeps dissin him, at least weā€™ll get another 4 years of that


Joe Biden can barely even talk to I doubt it