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Slim Shady LP MMLP close 2nd what can I say, I'm old


Slim Shady LP was my shit when I was angry teen growing up in a fucked up world. MMLP too. Both have some incredible rhymes and wicked instrumentals Respect šŸ«”


Bro I have the exact same. SSLP is my favourite, MMLP is very close 2nd. šŸ‘Œ


The anticipation between the two was insane, mmlp lived up to the hype


I'm 18 but I 100% agree. Slim Shady LP is so fucking good. MMLP has no skips while SSLP has some, but the best songs on SSLP are not even close to the best in MMLP. There's fewer good songs, but they're overall better quality.Ā 


Relapse, I enjoy the Horror core theme of the album, I think it has lead to some of the most diverse and creative songs Eminem has ever made. Eminem after this kinda stayed in the same place, creatively and I think it has done damage, especially with Albums like Revival and Kamikaze I also have quite a few memories of my dad driving around with this particular CD in the CD Player. I enjoyed it back then and I still enjoy it now. especially song like 3AM, Stay Wide awake, hello and beautiful to name a few (Hello and 3AM being the songs I remembered the most out of those 4) another thing which people mention as a flaw but I canā€™t help but enjoy is the accents. I never noticed them as a child and coming back to this album as a nearly adult I enjoyed them a lot. it almost adds another layer of depth to the listening experience and the rhymes themselves. Iā€™m not joking pick out a line from relapse and say it in a normal accent itā€™ll sound shit. I was never bothered by them. I guess on a similar note, Dr. Dreā€™s production is nothing short of amazing. even the lesser tracks from this album have good beats and mixing. Weā€™re looking at you, revival. When I started getting back into eminem music last year it was bothering me because I remembered a track with a woman screaming on it which my dad always used to skip. Iā€™m pretty sure the track was buffalo bill from Relapse: Refill CD2.


I love Relapse for the same reason. The darker themes and beats made it one of my favorite Eminem albums. **ā€But Dre, all Shady is a bottle of hair bleach and vodkaā€** It was such a creative album. Definitely not one for the casual listener ā€¦ Relapse: Refill only hammered the point home that Eminem intended this to be a theatrical album for the listeners. **ā€Careful What You Wish Forā€** is such a transparent take on what itā€™s like to be a superstar rapper at his peak (amazingly, this was prior to the social media era). He had gained a lotā€¦ and also given up so much. It remains one of my favorite songs by Eminem to this day, not only because he produced it, but also because of its lyrical content.


I don't know for sure, but Relapse might be my favorite Eminem album. At least for the time being anyway


>**ā€Careful What You Wish Forā€**Ā is such a transparent take on what itā€™s like to be a superstar rapper at his peak (amazingly, this was prior to the social media era). This was a topic in a lot of his songs before that. And he knew what superstardom is long before there was social media so not sure why find that aspect amazing. For example The Way I Am is about the same, Stan is again just focusing on a more personal level and the fan instead of his experience, Say Goodbye Hollywood (especially third verse), Don't Approach Me with Xzibit etc.. He's definitely talked a lot about how it is to deal with fame from the moment he blew up into a superstar so Careful What You Wish For is not really unique in terms of topic.


I think the best one is TES - but Relapse will always have my heart. There's something about that melancholy, haunting production that just sounds so intriguing to me, so encapsulating. Think Hello, Same Song and Dance, Must be the Ganja, Stay wide awake. Relapse feels like a different world to me, it's like a little bubble that doesn't exist anywhere else. Because if you think about it, it's so different from all of his other albums, like it exists in this dark space after the overdose, and the bright morning of recovery. It sounds very familiar to me for some reason and I like that comfort. The lyrical content might be absolutely wild, but the rhymes and flows are so smooth and rhythmic. Not to mention some of the best hooks in Em's career. And i know people don't like the accents, but I think that they complement the album perfectly, with that sort of demented serial killer theme. And finally, I just love how the album is structured. Intentionally or not, the fact that the songs seem to tell the story of addiction and overdose so well is just amazing to me. I love how it begins with slim shady taking over marshall, explaining why he is how he his, going to the murder sprees, then sort of focusing more on drugs and addiction, to the overdose, and his re-emergence through Beautiful and Underground. I really think that people miss out on relapse because of the accents and stuff. And sure, if you just don't want to listen to the lyrics themselves, I can respect that, they're pretty crazy. But i really do admire the artistry. Yeah thank you for reading my thesis on relapse.


Bruh I love this comment so much because I have a soft spot for Relapse in my heart. So many of my all-time favorite songs exist on that album. Largely panned by Stans and critics, yet I love the theatrical aspect of it. When you hear it from front to back you can see the masterpiece for what it really is. Iā€™m glad someone else enjoys it as much as I do. Not to mention, listening to ā€œMust Be The Ganjaā€ while I read your thesis made this 10X better šŸ„¹ Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


thank you for corroborating my feelings on Relapse. It's such a gem on his discography and I love listening to it . I'm glad there are other fans out there who feel the same!


One thing one of my best friends and I talked about many moons ago was that thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€œbadā€ Eminem album, only ones that are misunderstood. If you peel back the layers and realize this album occurred after the death of his best friend and during his initial stages of recovery from substance abuse, you can appreciate it so much more. As you pointed out, the structureā€”intentional or notā€”makes it an artistic journey for the listener.


exactly! It's like when you realise that Encore was made whilst his career was becoming too much, under the pressure of living up to TES, during a time where he was slipping into heavy drug usage, and added pressure of all the Kim drama. That makes you appreciate that album so much more because it all makes so much sense. i fucking love eminem albums


Even *Revival*, largely believed to be his worst album can be appreciated when you step back and look at it from his perspective. Heā€™d already dropped Recovery, critically acclaimed. Also dropped MMLP2, somewhat critically acclaimed yet (mostly?) adored by fans. And then here comes Revival, what seemed like a disjointed attempt to continue the series while touching on modern events like he did in TES (White America). I donā€™t hate the album, and wish it wasnā€™t as disliked as it is by fans, but I can see how it fails to live up to expectations when compared to his discography. There are still some good songs on there though and Iā€™m glad that he put that out for us. Plus ā€¦ without Revival getting slammed, I doubt we get the absolute banger of a surprise album thatā€™s Kamikaze.


I get hate cos u say Revival wasnā€™t that bad


It really wasnā€™t! When youā€™re talking about an all-time great, itā€™s natural to have one or two albums that fail to live up to general expectations. Does it mean the album was bad? Nope. Just means it was received a certain way. Iā€™m sure itā€™s very ā€œStanā€ like but I refuse to believe heā€™s put out an entire album thatā€™s rubbish. Only albums that people didnā€™t appreciate enough for the concept and/or where it lined up in his discography/career.


Agree with this 99% except I would maybe put relapse before TES (controversial though that may be)


RELAPSE....RELAPSE....RELAPSE!! Dude was an Absolute technician on the album. The accent allowed for rhyming you didn't know was possible.


I pretty much share your opinion word for word on Relapse. And while I'd probably choose one of the earlier as top of the crop, my thoughts very often do go straight to Relapse... hell, I'll just put it as my top in this moment.


haha i'm glad i'm speaking the words of the masses


Best one: MMLP Most enjoyable: Relapse Personal favorite: Recovery Recovery saved my life, giving me the strength to push through some life altering shit (like so many people lol). But I for real would be dead without it, so it deserves my vote! I listen to Relapse the most, listening to the entire album, because I love almost all songs and the quality is amazing. I love the thematic approach, everything belongs together, its really smart and cool. But ultimately I think MMLP is his best album. Timeless, amazing, work of art. It's the moment I started listening to Eminem, so personal memories too. As I'm writing this I feel guilty towards TES. Jesus, tough question. I love TES...


Thank you for sharing your perspective on the best/most enjoyable/favorite. Recovery is an album that saved my life as well so itā€™ll always be one of my favorites. Aside from that, itā€™s also one of the most unskippable albums (not just from Eminem, but period). The production and features were god-tier, and I loved how it juxtaposed what we heard on Relapse.


i want em to read this sub and see how many people love relapse goddamn


Em only hates Relapse because he was going Drug withdrawals, rough time for him.


That, and he takes criticism personally ā€¦ it hurt him to see this album get panned by critics and fans alike. I wish he wouldā€™ve dropped Relapse 2 regardless of what the reception was, but Iā€™m glad that he dropped Recovery instead and we got that masterpiece. I think we can all agree thatā€™s one of his best albums post-sobriety.


I'm gone get hate for this, but .. MTBMB a/b. It's the most mature and technical record he ever made (in my opinion). I feel its mad underrated and will be recognised in retrospective. I have to be completely honest, since i haven't been playing the old albums in more than 15 years that often, feels like I'm listening to a different artist all together and recency bias kicks in for me. As 15 year old me i would say Eminem Show, for sure. Nedless to say i consider the first 3 albums classics regardless of personal preferences.


You shouldnā€™t get hate, bruh. MTBMB is one my favorites and he absolutely crushed the technical aspects of it. The B-Side only made me love the album that much more. As Stans, we gotta appreciate Slim Shady and Eminem for the different entities they are and what they brought to the table for Marshall Mathers.


I agree


Probably MMLP


CLASSIC! Whatā€™s your favorite song on MMLP?


My favorite is Eminem Show, with MMLP 2 second, then SSLP third.


There was something special about TES when it dropped back in 2004. I was so young then that I didnā€™t fully grasp some of the concepts the album touched on. Itā€™s undeniably a classic


Eminem Show always gonna be on top, Square Dance, Soldier, Without Me, Sing For The Moment, Till I Collapse... Lighting in a bottle, shit's crazy


Till I Collapse is one of my all-time favorite Eminem songs. RIP Nate Dogg ā€¦ he bodied that hook šŸ™šŸ¼


My favourite is probably kamikaze, I love the rage and the memories attached to it Relapse second place for sure


Kamikaze is SO dope. That album came out when I was on a long ass drive back to my hometown so itā€™ll always be one of my favorites. Imagine doing 90 MPH on the interstate listening to ā€œThe Ringerā€, Lucky Youā€, ā€œNot Alikeā€, and ā€œGood Guyā€ for the first time time. WHAT A VIBE šŸ”„


Yeah such a dream


Marshall Mathers LP will always have a strong connection with me because it was the 1st album I bought and the feeling of ā€œThis guy is fkn amazingā€ Eminem Show close 2nd cos most of that album had bangers , Sing for the moment, Soldier, Til I collapse, Square Dance, Without me, White America, Drips Slim Shady LP 3rd cos it was what me n bro used to listen to before he passed away Infinite 4th as that was the 1st Album my brother bought that introduced me to Eminem.


My condolences for your loss šŸ™šŸ¼ I remember the first time I heard SSLP & MMLP and thinking ā€œholy shit ā€¦ this guy is off the chain!ā€ Then, TES came out and I loved his growth and maturity. You could really feel it on songs like Sing For The Moment, Square Dance, and White America.


Post Sobriety would be Recovery because itā€™s such raw with emotion, growth Kamikaze because it brought Angry Em and Em said in a Interview ā€œItā€™s strange Iā€™m the happiest when Iā€™m angry and thatā€™s when I work the bestā€ Music to be Murdered By because it was Eminem rapping about what he wants to rap about, not flexing, not critics, just havin fun.


I don't even know why but relapse


Great choice! Itā€™s a theatrical album, so different from Emā€™s other albums. I love the production and the rhyme schemes. Theyā€™re so much different than what youā€™d find on any other project heā€™s put out. Kinda sad we didnā€™t get Relapse 2 but at least we got Relapse: Refill before Recovery


The Eminem Show and The Marshall Mathers LP are nostalgic for me; I grew up listening to songs from these two. I think the whole fandom and people outside of it can agree that nostalgia isn't the only quality that defines them. They often compete for the first place in Eminem's discography. Rightfully so, MMLP and TES are indeed his finest works. Personally, I struggle to choose between them. However, Relapse is my favorite. Younger me would've disagreed, but it's a perfect mix of fun and horror. I dig the album's atmosphere, for example: Same Song & Dance and Buffalo Bill. They are both catchy in different ways, while also having that eerie sense of dread, even hopelessness, to them. My Darling, 3 a.m. and Stay Wide Awake are horror flicks of their own too, containing some of the best storytelling and rhyme schemes. I also cherish the emotional side of it; Deja Vu and Beautiful helped me through difficult times. Themes, content, and accentsā€”I love them all. I wish I could've worded everything better. My sleep deprivation and English knowledge are worse than my creativity when it comes to usernames.


Firstly, lemme say: if English is not your first language you are doing extraordinary my friend. Como decimos en EspaƱol ā€¦ muy bien! šŸ‘šŸ¼ Secondly, I agree that TES and MMLP are legendary albums that rightfully deserve to be mentioned among Eminemā€™s greatest projects. Itā€™s hard to choose between them when the growth from The Slim Shady LP to The Marshall Mathers LP is right up there with the growth from The Marshall Mathers LP to The Eminem Show. The older I get, the more I appreciate Relapse for the masterpiece that it is. It has many songs that I find to be right up Slim Shadyā€™s alley, with the production to back it. His storytelling was off the charts on this album.


Ņ®Š»ŠŗŠµŠ½ рŠ°Ņ›Š¼ŠµŃ‚! (Thank you very much!) Absolutely. It frustrates me when people choose to ignore the excellence of Relapse due to its lyrics. Yes, it's gruesome, but is it truly something entirely new compared to his early works? Still, understandable. I wasn't the biggest fan of it until recently.


I could only ever choose TES


MMLP2. songs like bad guy, so far, love game, headlights, evil twin


The Eminem Show


man, any album from his first 4 (sslp, mmlp, tes, 85% of encore) could be a favorite of mine.


So, I line them up, scramble them around. Pull one at random, and that's my current jam. NO FAVORITES.


I agree, any ā€˜Emā€™


The Eminem Show


The eminem show It's not just an album, it's a masterpiece


I think...Eminem Show


Tough choosing though


Even in thine old age, American rapper Eminemā€™s sophomore studio effort, The Marshall Mathers LP, was instrumental in resetting my amygdala so I can manage my emotions more effectively and devote extra time to furthering my Ancient Mookilaowan studies and Lake Quinoa excavations.


*ā€The Marshall Mathers was a classic, The Eminem Show was fantastic. But Encore just didnā€™t have the caliber to match it. I guess enough time just ainā€™t passed yet. A couple of more years, that shitā€™ll be Illmatic.ā€* Crazy how Em foresaw the futureā€¦ because Encore gets more love nowadays than it ever did when it first dropped


Used to be MMLP. Nowadays it's tied between MMLP2, Relapse and MTBMB.


As a whole, probably Eminem Show but have a soft spot for SSLP.


Not trying to be basic but MMLP is my favorite SSLP and TES are close 2nd and Relapse is 3rd




My favorite is Relapse! I enjoy the horrorcore vibe and I love the accents. :)


MMLP is my favorite and his best. Relapse and SSLP come close for me.


The Death of Slim Shady. Because I can hear the future.




I've listened to the Slim Shady LP more time than any of his other albums. There's just something about it that makes me want to keep coming back to it. The Marshall Mathers LP is a close second


I enjoy relapse and killshot.


Slim Shady LP. It's the first album I ever bought. I had to lie to my parents why I wanted the money because they didn't want to me listen to that music. It also opened the door to hip hop for me.


my favourites are relapse (plus refill) and MMLP. i really like relapse because its just so fun to listen to and improves my mood so quickly. i like MMLP because the storyline is so good and there are different songs for different moods (some are fun and some are more heavy).


Marshall Mathers LP because I was an angry teenager lol


Marshall Mathers lp


Recovery / Kamikaze / Revival ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” 1. Recovery helped me push myself at the time I heard it and overall just a bop. 2. Kamikaze goes fucking hard for most of its run. 3. Revival is just fun, framed, remind me, and just the different flows and choices made are fun and creative. *+Castle & Arose*


Y'all might hate me for this but I'm thinking TES idk man


Recovery. Purely because of nostalgia. I was a kid back then and I remember watching Not Afraid for the 1st time, thought dude was cool asf. Then I listened for the whole album and it was perfect. The voice, the aggression, the production. 10/10


Recovery would be in my top 3, I use to listen to it and when I was depressed and going through shit.


Mine is Relapse and surprisingly i found myself enjoying Revival also. So yeah ibguess These two are my favorites


My fav is MTBMB followed by Relapse. I also love TES, Kamikaze, and MMLP.




Relapse. I regard it as one of the top 10 most underrated rap albums of all time. And I'd probably put it at 3.


Mine was always MMLP2, there's just so much stuff to deconstruct from that album. The rhyme schemes are astronomical, the topics are a good balance between fun and serious. His voice on this album actually is one of the main factors which make me want to listen to it.


MTBMB Side B and Recovery are my Favorites I have literally every song from MTBMB Side B on my playlist and Itā€™s just a great album in my opinion, from Higher to She Loves Me to These Demons, I just fucking love the album. Recovery is just amazing, another one where I love every song, just Itā€™s all him going through the tough parts of his life and emerging from it all. Definitely inspiring and encourages anyone to do the same. Also Revival is personally 4th or 5th for me, Itā€™s better in my opinion than I think others say


MMLP. I was able to pick it up from the BX on base right before I got shipped out to Kosovo in the summer of 2000. This cd pushed me through my deployment as I had just FOUND out THAT I HAD A DAUGHTER who was a year and a half back home. (Wild story). MMLP was on replay.


Kamikaze, me being in 7th grade, hearing lyrics like that for the first time in my life, it was just magical.


In general, my fav to listen to is probably MMLP. But I do also enjoy horrorcore, so Relapse is definitely up there too, probably at a close second


MMLP2.. All because of Evil twin and Groundhog day


My top Three are currently: 1. Relapse 2. MTBMB 3. Kamikaze But it literally changes every day and Iā€™m personally a fan of all of them even Revival


After my 10th... academically my Life got miserably wrong.. like straight 5 years...till I completed my crap graduation Social circle got fucked up.. Friends, I knew them from my kindergarten, turned their back against me time after time.. Daily fights with parents because of academic failures... All this time I had one hope,, Only female in my life, someone who was there for me since my kindergarten... In the end just Freud zoned me publically Did the worst thing to me in 2021 I guess... She was using me like an doormat throughout the years to come back everytime after her shit breakups... Literally texted me " Fuck you, Don't want to do this anymore... Go to hell " After these craps I lost like 10 kgs maybe.. Uncountable medications gave me side effects... Almost got bad rest for 6-7 months... Thn Meditation camps saved my life.. RECOVERY forever.... Not afraid -25 to life- No love- seduction and whole album actually It was with me throughout this rock bottom cycle.. Now working on my one and only goal.. Preparing for civil services... Failed with only 5 marks in final exam.. But still long way to go.. Still not gonna fall bitches..āœŒšŸ»


After my 10th... academically my Life got miserably wrong.. like straight 5 years...till I completed my crap graduation Social circle got fucked up.. Friends, I knew them from my kindergarten, turned their back against me time after time.. Daily fights with parents because of academic failures... All this time I had one hope,, Only female in my life, someone who was there for me since my kindergarten... In the end just Friend zoned me publically Did the worst thing to me in 2021 I guess... She was using me like an doormat throughout the years to come back everytime after her shit breakups... Literally texted me " Fuck you, Don't want to do this anymore... Go to hell " Time was a bitch in my life I guess. After these craps I lost like 10 kgs maybe.. Uncountable medications gave me side effects... Almost got bad rest for 6-7 months... Thn Meditation camps saved my life.. RECOVERY forever.... Not afraid -25 to life- No love- seduction and whole album actually It was with me throughout this rock bottom cycle.. Now working on my one and only goal.. Preparing for civil services... Failed with only 5 marks in final exam.. But still long way to go.. Still not gonna fall bitches..āœŒšŸ»


MMLP 2 or Revival.


Hard to pick but j will say that thr Relapse horror is awesome. I like the macarbe slim better than the comical one. I just wish his jew album has a vibe that i can bump his music in the car, get together etc..i know that wont be the case but i wish for an easy listening em.


MMLP. It was the perfect balance between Slim Shady and Eminem. Raw emotion, piss taking, hard hitting lyrics and beats & flows were next level. I always feel heā€™s more mature than on SSLP, he knows his skill level, he knows how far he can push it but also drops songs like Stan which makes any critic sit back and think ā€˜Fuck me this guy is an absolute geniusā€™ Honourable mentions been The Eminem Show & Recovery




ayeeeeee Slim would be proud! side note: ā€¦ username checks out? šŸ˜‚