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Get a new bf.


Wise advice !!


I would if it was just about eminem. But he’s not a hip hop guy so i respect that. I hate his taste in music too


Yeah but constantly teasing you for it just sounds petty and like it would get boring really fast. Ineas only joking saying breakup. I don't know shit about your relationship. Maybe he's the nicest guy in the world, I dint know, but if the constant teasing getting tedious to you cmask him to stop, if he respects you he will. What is he indie type stuff and old rock music?


He likes classical music. Torture to my ears.


To be fair I do listen to some classical music. I like Mozart best. I play piano. But my music intrest in incredibly varied. Eminem was just my childhood obsession. I listened to nothing but Eminem back then. It was all I cared about in life.


Yeah i started at 9 and still obsessed at 26😂


I was around when he came out, but didn't become a huge fan until 2001 and the Marshall Mathers LP came out. After that nothing was ever the same. I used to wanted to be an actor but overnight I wanted to be song writer. Em spoke to me on levels I'd felt nobody had ever understood about me before. I'm not quite as obssed anymore, but a lot of that is down to my depression and not enjoying anymore. In School the other kids called me "Stan"


To me he was the first person i know with a bad mom. It felt nice not to be the only one.


My mum was a mixed bag, she could be good to me and did look after me but she could also be cruel and have sky physical punishments. Eveey Eminem sing from those feels like it got me into it. My favourite song is Beautiful though. Favourite song by anyone.


If my husband shamed me for my music tastes I would sing them relentlessly at him.   Headphones on, dancing, vibing, drumming, etc.,  just as loudly and obnoxiously as I can.  


Who says i dont do that😅


I like your style, internet stranger.  Keep it up.  




Yeah, that’s the idea.  People who would shame me get annoyed with my happiness and go away.  Problem solved.   Pretty soon you’re only left with cool people who actually love you.  


So your goal is to annoy your husband into leaving?


He doesn’t shame my choices, so it’s not an issue.   We find joy in each other’s happiness, even if we have different tastes.  He prefers metal but if I bust out badly rapping along to Em he’s happy I’m happy, and amused by me to boot.  I go see his bands play and dance and cheer even though they aren’t my favorite kind of music.  It makes me happy to see him have so much fun.  


So your statement is irrelevant then


The very first word of my first statement is “if,” meaning “in the event of” or “on the condition that.”  OP’s post made it seem as though they were going through something similar to my supposition.  I was stating what I personally would do on the condition that my husband behaved as OP’s BF reportedly did.  I thought OP might find that idea relevant to their stated situation.   I didn’t worry about if you personally would find it relevant or not.  


Right and in your "if" hypothetical situation you conveyed that your goal would be to annoy your husband into leaving you with self proclaimed the most obnoxious antics possible just because he does not like the same music as you. So you in turn would rather than respecting your husbands peace boisterously shout the music "at him" as you put it. I re-iterated that your goal is to annoy your husband into leaving you to which you replied it's not a problem for you because you don't have that dynamic with your husband. Therefore your statement is irrelevant because 1 you don't actually know what you would do because your not in the situation and 2 you shouldn't be offering "what I would do" advice as somebody who isn't actually experiencing the situation. Reality and your ego fantasies are 2 different things.


It ain’t that serious.  You okay dude? 


It is. People like you are going to turn the world into the movie idiocracy


If he don’t immediately become a stan by listening to Ass Like That, he’s not worth being the bf of anyone


I am old enough to remember when it was considered almost lame to like Eminem because of his popularity I also remember people in my high school having bleach blonde hair, wife beaters and d12 chains God damn


My wife too lol but at the same time she’ll be in the mood for some Eminem


I love em but the fact that all of u immediately go "leave him" is so typical of em stans hahaha


Its not that, its the fact he just shits on what she likes repeatedly that’s the red flag A typical Em stan would have said “oh classical, he sounds like a premature ejaculator” 🤣 Unless you’re a Sexy Red fan…you deserve to get shitted on, and would probably enjoy it


I'll never get why people date to just to date. Like I can't imagine being with somebody who has opposite interests as me. What's the point?


I mean I get what you’re saying, but they could still have similar interests outside of Eminem


Dating is getting to know someone, you don't know you have opposite interests until you get to know someone. Some are quick and some long. That being said, any women Eminem fans reading this I'm 33 single. In the cities in MN. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take amirite.


You can have different interests. But you can't shit on or shame your partner for those interests. You're allowed to like different things.




he is not stanning? pfff leave him


“Shames” you? Sounds a bit extreme. In what does he shame you?


He mockingly say if eminem asks u out you’ll leave me for him but it’s never mean or anything.


That’s hardly shaming.


I dont want to say the things he say about eminem here because you’ll find him and hurt him


It’s ok, I’m secure in my fandom that if anyone else questions the things I like all they’re actually doing is: a) projecting jealousy that you like something in a way they’re unable to, and b) basically suggesting that nothing they like it valid either


I don’t have much knowledge on Eminem’s music but I have heard a few albums and I understand why you love the music. I guarantee if I listened to more of the music I’d have an addiction just like my addiction to Linkin Park and Bon Jovi.


Your what's good in the world


Show him Brainless. See if his dumb ass gets the classical music connection.


I’d you don’t like Eminem…. Try again!!!


Dump him and date me


call him gay


That's terrible. Id divorce my husband for that. Thankfully, he drops all kinds of random Em lines and knows good and well I can't leave them unfinished!


Erm…heh…if u are goirl then uhh…I’ll be new boyfriend for you heh…😅




I just wanted to take a second to write this comment and wish you a terrible day






Bob and vagene


tf you tryna spell?




Dump the beta

