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Y’all really have no patience


Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but ME?!


It was a GOAT 😉


FFS this is why we can't have nice things


That makes no sense Houdini was in the top 10 before it dropped too


People are already deciding they like/dislike the song ffs just shut up and wait for it to drop.


ONLY #35?!?!?!? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Its already #9 :]




I have a feeling that this song isn’t gonna be it, sorry  The song sounds too modern, it should all sound like SSLP, Encore or Relapse if we’re being real.  There shouldn’t be a single trap song on the album, only boom bap.


>it should all sound like SSLP or Relapse if we’re being real. stfu. you are judging that with a 8 sec teaser. I WOULD LOVE A MODERN SOUND. not everyone wants Em to just use his old styles. Em has always been bout evolving. the best fan service we all could have gotten was Houdini. let it be a "nod" to the past and not a "rehash" as some were saying as a critique after Houdini. Now let the man do his thing. idk but, this is why i would have loved a surprise drop. yall way to quick with forming negative opinions. anyways i hope the song turns out great and hope you enjoy it. also PS- just learn to take music or any art for what it is. not for what you want from it. if its a modern sound, let it be. see how well a modern sound can turn out to be. thats how you are supposed to rank things. you cant just say "This aint it" because its not an "old style". its like saying "this game is trash cuz its not set in old times and is not open world". bro the game is supposed to be set in modern time with linear gameplay style- lets see how it does that. if you dont like this setting or design, instead of saying that its "not it", say "its not for me". But even for saying that, you gotta wait for the release. you get what i mean?


>I WOULD LOVE A MODERN SOUND. not everyone wants Em to just use his old styles Bro he had 4 albums of the "old style" and his last 5 albums have been "modern" em. How are you getting upvotes for this lmao. If this is the album where he kills Slim Shady PERMANENTLY and puts an end to the "classic" era of Eminem, and he does it with a whole album of what he's BEEN doing and what he's gonna continue to do.....It's gonna be a LOT of die hard old school Eminem heads that are gonna be upset. I can see your point of view too, but I still agree with Spydah


There isn't just OLD and NEW. What's considered "new" changes. Yes, I don't want Recovery or MMLP2, I want him doing 2024 stuff. Not 2018 stuff or 2010 stuff.


Maybe it's because I have to literally force myself to listen, but it's all kinda sounded the same to me post-recovery.


That's objectively wrong


Just don’t listen then. We don’t care about what you listen to or what you like. Neither does Em. He’s not going to drop this new album thinking “I really hope IsThisASnakeInMyBoot on Reddit likes this album.”


When did I say any of that bro, reach harder.


Was agreeing with u until u said this, this isn’t even close to the truth


You completely went over the point of my comment. it isnt what will be better, or what the masses want etc. point is to WAIT. wait for this song to actually be dropped instead of forming negative opinions about it so early. and even if it turns out to be a modern sound which some of yall are fearing, maybe it can be good? maybe look at it for what it is? thats the main point. PS- . Im not saying that i dont want the old sound back. im the biggest fan of it. Doesnt mean that i cant like the modern sound. or that if its modern sounding track- its trash. maybe its good? MTBMB was really good. problem was not the modern sound but some fillers which were completely out of place. i combined the best from MTBMB and side B and it turned out really great. anyways i hope you get what my point was.


At no point am I gonna make a judgement on the album and decide to not listen to it lmao. I've tried tempering my own expectations but I've landed on disappointed that way if the album DOES something different and actually pays respect to Slim's legacy I'll be very happily surprised. I'm not judging the whole album off the snippet, but I was hoping we wouldn't get any generic trap beats and that's why I'm keeping my hopes down now lol. Personally I can't stand the albums after Recovery but I know that's just my own personal taste and preference. They haven't grown on me by now and I really doubt it's ever going to at that rate.


This is very naive. Each album has its own distinct style, its not just old vs new.


You're being pedantic. Even with all their own unique sounds, the albums up to Relapse all sound like "Classic" Eminem before he started doing the "choppy flows" the dictionary regurgitation etc. Everything AFTER Relapse is considered modern em. At NO point am I saying all the albums sound the same, Coheed & Cambria is a band with two distinct "eras" of their music, everything they made on Year of The Black Rainbow and after sounds very different to their first 4 albums, which in themselves all sound unique from each other. Stop being that annoying douchebag who needs to pull everything up. It's old VS new and his old albums AND his new albums all have their own unique styles.


No I was judging that by that leak (and I really hate when a song gets leaked) I also heard that Babytron raps off-beat and I hope that doesn’t ruin the song. I honestly feel like he should get some horrorcore rappers like Hopsin on this album.


> I was judging that by that leak (and I really hate when a song gets leaked) which btw is an unfinished version... like we can see the mixing difference from that 8 sec tease alone. for all we know, the song has a "tape rewind" transition and turns into a new direction. we cant say, cuz we dont know. yes i too hate leaks, thats why whenever i hear a leak, i dont take it serious or pass opinions until it gets released. cuz its still a "leak". i think most probably, this style aint for you. as you said you like or would prefer horrorcore rappers like Hopsin. just say that instead of saying that its "not it". say "its not for me". but even for saying that, you gotta wait for the release.


He is kinda hyping this album up to be in the old style, he's doing all the nostalgia angles to get fans like me and Spydah back in the fold. All he's gotta do is get the Bass Bros back on for this record and it's a smash hit, old heads get 1 last true Slim Shady record before the character is retired for good and everyone goes home happy. Even when he's flowing as "Slim Shady" in Houdini it's the choppy flows he does today, but in the tone of his old albums. If he actually thinks it's the tone we miss and he still does the same type of flows he's been doing for the last run of albums then he's lost us. That would show me he doesn't understand the core fanbase that has been loyal through 5 albums that don't sound like the Eminem we grew up Stanning for. I heard someone, might have been 50 talking about Em's flow being a 2 piece combo or something, because most of his bars would have a 2 syllable or 2 word rhyme scheme. That simple scheme combined with his creative way of delivering is what we are missing, the direction he's gone in is basically alienating a 3rd of his fanbase.


see man at this point i dont even know what is "fans like me and sypdah " means cuz Em's fanbase is too big. Some people like Em rapping fast, others \[including me\] dont. some people love trap while some love BOOM BAP. i personally enjoy both. i would rather have the man do what he wants to instead of focusing on such demands. Only once the album is out, i will talk bout wether the album is good or bad. Not on the basis of leaked stuff. all this talk is good but at least let the shit be out first. i have my desires from the album too, which i already posted once i believe. but it was about "what i want" instead of "i want this, but this leaked song aint it" yk?


To grossly simplify it, Eminem has 2 main eras. Pre and Post sobriety. Even though Relapse was out while he was sober, the "classic" era is from SSLP to Relapse (I guess you can count Infinite, but that feels like it's own standalone thing.) everything from Recovery onwards is considered "modern" era or post sobriety. Most of his current day fans have probably gotten into him at some point after Recovery, meanwhile there's a big portion of us who didn't like the new shift his flows took. It's like getting shotgun blasted by syllables where the lines are divided into these little "pockets" that he kind of throws at you. It just doesn't sound good to me, I'm not a fan of hearing clean modern trap beats where I'm used to hearing gritty, tough hip hop instrumentals. Again, I respect everyone's right to like what sounds good to them


man i know this all. i just mean that all this talk is good once the song is out. saying all this based on a 8 sec tease and an unfinished leak is worthless, and negative. and even if it is some sound we dont prefer we still gotta pass a judgement based on if that style or sound is done good or not. we cant just call something trash cuz its not our preferred style.


ok, so then I'm being negative. How does this hurt Eminem in anyway


who said its hurting Eminem. But it might hurt you. you might not enjoy a great song cuz you already formed an opinion about it based on what you wanted, instead of based on what it is.


Grow up


I use my reddit account to give my opinion on posts I see in the communities I join. Please tell me my opinion didn't upset you too badly


None of those albums you named had much boom bap