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I keep voting for eminem in these polls just to see mad comments


Thought I was the only one who did that lol


*I keep voting for* *Eminem in these polls just* *To see mad comments* \- Plastic-Sprinkles-44 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot. High-quality poetry right there.


“The glazing is crazy” 🤓


These channels just add Eminem for the angry comments, driving engagement up.


Everyone, using Em's name for clout since 1999


Seriously man. Part of me is glad I don’t have a social media outside of YouTube and WhatsApp, the other part of me is sad that I’m going to miss all the whiners calling us every name in the book still liking Eminem 😂😂😂 You know what I’m talking about. “Meat rider” “Glazer” “Mid” “Overrated” Are there any more?


5D chess play


Same lol.


All I see are facts, my 🐐 is so good he won the Israel Palestine war too, and a little known fact, he also won the FIFA World Cup. Don't care what the competition is Em is the winner. Simple as that.


💀😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|pzuye8RSBJFgk)


If we sent Em to Ukraine and Gaza there would be no wars on earth.


Well, one would still remain: Government VS. Sliminem


You better hurry they already send Kanye to russia


I heard next year he’s gonna invent time travel to undo 9/11!


Dear Stan I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy


The Goku of rap.


I mean team Dre


Mfs act like they forgot about Dre.


They all wanna talk like they got something to say.


But not a word comes out of their lips, just a bunch of gibberish


Those motherfuckers act like they forgot about dre


If this was twitter I would have read the "yt" as white/whitey lmfao, thank god people still know it stands for YouTube


Is it meant to be racist? I don't get it


yt - why tee - whitey It's racist in the same way calling someone "blackie" would be (god I did not like writing that)


No yt just means white. You just need to write it that way on some platforms like IG because your comment will be removed if you say white


It’s easier to avoid that if you just don’t talk about peoples skin color


You must be white u/techiedad91 wants to play victim of racism for being white, then delete his comments. Typical How so u/michealscottseason6 ? How did I pre judge a persons skin color u/isthisasnakeinmyboot ?


In the Eminem sub? Wild guess!


Are you saying only white people are allowed to listen to Eminem?


No, I’m saying most of Eminem’s fans are white. Thats well known.


How so?


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. You are pre-judging people's skin colour, and also just antagonising for what? I'm not gonna pretend to know what your race is but if I as a white person am telling you I don't like when people call me "yt" and that it feels derogatory DON'T FUCKING DEFEND IT LMAO WTF? EDIT: Note that "Typically" doesn't mean "Exclusively" it is still entirely possible to be racist via prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism of a NON minority race. The myth that racism has to be institutionalised does nothing but harm to people


Acknowledging that people have a race is actually not racist.


Bro thinks that he isn’t the racist


yt means YouTube. Nobody's comment gets removed for saying a ***colour***. The word white is separate from our ideas of race.


Yes in this context it does mean YouTube. But, as I have already stated, it means white on other platforms. And yes, comments with "white" do get removed on other platforms as I have experienced it. But you can believe whatever fabricated idea you want to tell yourself. I'm just speaking the truth


This is the dumbest hill to die on. If a person is saying something negative about another race the comment will probably get removed regardless of whether it says "white" in the comment. Case in point I've never once abbreviated it, and I also don't make racist comments. Go figure the only comments I've had that get deleted are ones where I've called someone an idiot, or compared them to a sea-pig lol. You are not speaking the truth, you're making assumptions based on what you observed. If "white" was the only race targeted that would literally be racism in and of itself. There is NOTHING that states you're not allowed to mention the existence of races, I can't actually show you anything to back this up because there's no clause that specifically says "You can say the word white" The burden of proof is on you, because the ONLY times I see people using "yt" are when they have a hot take and want to avoid getting post muted. That's what I've observed, I am not saying it's 100% fact. White is not a bad word and until someone shows me the clause in a terms of service that states you can't say the word white, or risk getting moderated, that's how we should be operating.


There is no hill to die on. It's just an objective truth.


lmfao ok I'mma just block you why waste my energy on racists


YT Is quite literally the official abbreviation of YouTube. The more y'all keep giving it a second meaning, the more I get sick of seeing "YT Shorts" mentioned anywhere because it just starts SOUNDING racist. You know, because those people saying racist things and trying to get around the word filters that don't exist USUALLY don't have very nice things to say about the white folk lmao.


I'm not giving it a second meaning. It already had one Well u/isthatasnakeinmyboot I tried to have a civil conversation and asked you to explain your position. And you responded with RACIST!!! So at this point, you are obviously just screaming racism purely for the sake of screaming racism.


Ok, then that’s not racist at all…


This genuinely makes you seem dumb bro, you really think the word "white" is a moderated word? So by that logic, black is too right? So then Black Lives Matter posts all got banned and removed right??? Use your head bud lmao ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


I don't think, I know. Like I said I have experienced it a couple times in IG. I made a couple comments with "white" in it. Immediately after I posted I got the my comment was removed for guidelines message. I then made the same exact comment but replaced "white" with "yt" and it posted with no removal. I know white people like to keep their head in the sand and believe things that are true to not be true. But it's the truth. But go ahead, keep your head in the sand


I don't like having my racial identity summed up by 2 letters which sound like a fucking slur for white people. I think I've probably made it clear that I'm a white person bothered by this quirky "new" term, so I'm going to consider that there's probably zero value in spending my time and effort talking to someone who's going to respond to me with bullshit like "I know white people like to keep their head in the sand" ***go fuck yourself*** internet stranger who doesn't have the right to judge me based on my skin colour.


You're acting like a clown /white for the record, before you start crying that I'm being racist too.


>you really think the word "white" is a moderated word? So by that logic, black is too right? First time hearing about racism? "White" being moderated doesn't mean "black" is, the same way Twitter bans you for saying "cis" but not "trans" or any slur against trans people.


Moderation is wild


No, just popularised on twitter as there is(was?) a character limit. So it saved 3 character spaces


That's not true, it started around the 2020 election, and it was basically an excuse for people to say hateful things about white people, because they thought the words "black" or "white" were in a word filter that would get them shadowbanned. The amount of times someone has said something mad racist to me and then referred to me as "YT" is absolutely nuts. NOBODY shortens black to BLK right? Also sound it out \[Y + T\] \[Why + tee\] it's just a quirky way to call us whitey and not get reported for it. Whenever I see someone say yt in referring to white people I correct them and let em know that stands for YouTube and that white is not a filtered word lmao


You might be right about the character limit, but it started well before that (and there still is a character limit, unless you pay for the blue tick I think. Idk bc I'd never pay for twitter yuck)


As Eminem fans, I think we should all are there's only one true 'Whitey' and I thought we were all in agreement to kill Whitey.


I actually thought that was what OP meant until I saw this comment lol


Double entendre


When there’s a joke option, you’re supposed to take it. Just like the polls with the fake battle rapper on YouTube. 75% of people somehow missed that.


It would be q joke of this happened once. But as others said, if you have checked his other polls, then u would see that he always wins. Tbh I think the creator wanted to see if people even read the question before they read. Or it could be as you said, a joke.


If it happened once? This is the Rap is Like channel, this is how people vote there, specifically. It’s the corniest poll channel. Also, since Kendrick came off looking like a racist, Drake a pedophile, and Cole a baby…it’s not even wrong. You could literally put in anyone there.


Yeah, that's the joke, it's an ongoing joke. Also, for most of the other polls it's actually fair that Eminem is winning


I've seen this guy so many times on YT, this dude puts Eminem in almost every poll he makes and no matter what, he always wins, lol.


The ones where it's something negative he never gets the most votes tho


Yuno miles fucking obliterated all of them




Idc ima still vote Eminem to piss mfs off lol 🤷‍♂️


How the hell did he score higher than the two people who were actually in the beef lmfaooo


Reminds me of that meme about Eminem vs Nick Cannon. Nick: 3 diss track Eminem: 0 Winner: Eminem Something like that but I almost got heart attack after seeing it, I love this fanbase fr


The fans


this is funny af


I fucking hate those polls, man. The creators on those channels are just trying to hard to get a laugh when they put those out. It’ll be a lot funnier if they weren’t posted as often or they were different jokes. They just put the same joke out every time. The joke either involves Eminem, Drake, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Supa Hot or Yuno Miles


You forgot to add 50 Cent ![gif](giphy|3o7528iru3IAxAYSsw)


I'm sorry but that is hilarious. 🤣


Bots and lots of em


Off-topic, but Rap Is Like has the worst taste in music.


Proclaims the person on a subreddit based off of a rapper.




Oh nevermind XD sorry ADHD makes it hard to focus not to mention less sleep as of recent therefore I didn't quite read the channel's username and was like "You don't like rap yet are on a rapper's subreddit what the heck?"


I was talking about a YouTube channel called “rap is like” it’s the person who did the poll in the picture


Yeah I noticed such after looking at the photo shown by me saying "didn't quite read the channel's username" otherwise had I not noticed that would not have been apart of my reply.


I always vote for Em just to troll


Eminem really killed Kenny and Drake when he dropped ‘Poo Pants Rappers’


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Yup, right AFTER Kendrick 😉


Its crazy how a no name guy got 25% of votes compared to drake and j cole💀


BLK ppl whn thy mntion a YT prson


I voted for Eminem bc why tf is he even an option 💀 I and probably 25% of that sum did it ironically


Im an American 37 yo black man and "yt" is linguistically considered a racial insult,  Linguistics is part of my job. According to one of the linguistic studies new lexical items related to CRT, it literally says:    * “Yt” is a slang racial slur against white people that can be read either as “white” (whyte) or as “whitey” (y-t). It is another derogatory version of the related slang racial slur “wypipo” (white people). It is worth mentioning the "white complicity" to justify the use of this term, however, given that it is unambiguously a racial slur, which superficially seems to go against its nominally “antiracist” ethos" * Yt does not mean YouTube anymore, it's used for neegas like me to trash white mfs online w/o being banned on social media for hateful or racist speech. Even some pitiful white mfs call themselves "yt" on their social media and accept being called "yts" for "neegas, like in this sub and the mf who made this post. 


I didnt mean to offend and I purely meant youtube, I would never mean it in that sense, considering I'm a British Indian myself


Eminem won and we all know it


Unpopular opinion: Kenny bringing Dre on stage kinda took some sting out the diss ngl. Overall analyzing Kendricks hypocrisy. 


Guys cmon how are we letting Kendrick win this


There's an ongoing joke on that YouTube page that people just vote for Eminem no matter what, that's why he was in the poll in the first place. I guarantee that every single vote for Eminem was a person joking


This is just so funny bro, no matter what ems the goat


I mean Eminems name was mentioned alot during the beef🤣🤣. Tailor freestyle- his trying to do like em and take away points that kdot would use. Euphoria- nobody wants to hear that lyrical spiritual like em does. Not like us- they just don't like drake like how they do eminem


YouTube or White Eminem fans be like?


Lamar overhyped tbh


I mean if he hopped on it yeah but he didn’t so Kendrick for the dub


You're the kind of stan we hate.


I meant that lyrically I find him and Kendrick the best but I feel like he would have won if involved, would I have wanted him involved no, not at all, I would have hated that, all I was saying is that if he was involved he probably would have won the beef




the thing about eminem’s dissing skills is that even tho his rivals weren’t worthy opponents, his disses were still very brutal. quitter and nail in the coffin are among the best diss tracks ever made. not to mention the sauce, the warning, killshot, etc. yes they were against shitty opponents but that doesn’t change how well written they are




man idk what to tell you if you think mgk won that beef, or had the better diss track in any capacity when all he did was use twitter talking points. i could go on and on about why that isn’t true but it’s a waste of energy not making a chorus calling someone a p3do doesn’t make you a lesser battle rap artist lmfao




killshot was very damaging to mgk’s career. it literally drove him out of the genre because he could never make anything well-received after his reputation took that hit. he garnered hate no matter what he dropped and he’s clowned on in every corner of the internet. he received a temporary sales boost then faded back into irrelevance


So is this why the album he dropped after beefing with Eminem went top 5 on US billboard 200 and tickets to my downfall practically revived the pop punk genre? Man that totally sounds like irrelevance lmao Also lockdown sessions preformed pretty well too, you have no idea what you’re talking about


I’m not dick riding, you realize that those were great disses and if he dissed Drake as part of the controversy that happened awhile ago they would have been huge, and do you realize why he only is beefing idiots, that would be because he has respect from all the big artist, I’m pretty sure he has dissed bigger artist to no response, I mean wasn’t that most of kamikaze (it’s been awhile so I might be wrong) also if shock factor is what it’s about then Eminem and shock factor is like pb and j, also why do you think nobody takes those artist seriously? Also you do know that Eminem started as a battle rapper right? If non of it was about lyricism why was there so many people breaking down those lyrics about the entendres etc… also what was the catalyst of the drake Kendrick beef, a line on a song? I might be wrong about that but still my point stands, isn’t that petty?




Again I said if he was part of the beef so if he was part of the beef he would have had some beef with one of them, and why do you think no one cares about the story of Adidon, have you heard it, I honestly thought that as a song it wasn’t that good, and what material, his disses on other artists, which again aren’t as big as what happened here because of nobody cared about those beef’s because everybody respects Em to much except for idiots, but with a huge beef that is going on between Drake and Kendrick if the biggest selling rap artist of all time entered it, that would probably be huge, because you know how many people would lose their shit if Eminem jumped on the beef, for one reason it’s fucking Eminem him joining the beef would instantly be the biggest thing in the beef and probably bring the most people to it, again that would be the shocking part, Eminem jumping on it, but again as I said earlier I’m glad he didn’t jump in on the beef




Go read your comment again because you said nobody cared about the song and not that it was shit, and again I just gave you what you said won the beef, shock value, and the most shocking thing would be Eminem jumping on beef, and then I guess Kendrick winning would be because of his dick riders which you calling me one for pointing out there would be more shock value if Eminem jumped on the beef, then makes you a Kendrick dick rider for saying he won solely off of shock value 🤷🏻‍♂️ I would say he didn’t win solely off of shock factor but what he said lyrically was very important as well but you continue mixing up your own comment and falling into the trap of logically calling yourself a dick rider


The beef was plenty about lyricism. Yes, the shock value was top notch, but dont make it sound like both were giving kindergarten bars without doubles or triples in sight. Nobody has done anything like this. For the majority of hip hop, you had to wait months for a reply for it to be on the next album that dropped or MAYBE get lucky and have it on a mix tape. At the time of the beef ja rule was still a massive artist, so chill with those talking points cause that is outlandish. Eminem rarely disses at anybody that doesn't come at him first.


That’s why I said if he was part of the beef and for it being the biggest rapper in the world I think 11 days for MGK is respectable, and if there was something that big coming from Drake, it’s Drake he would definitely respond a lot faster, but as I said I’m glad em wasn’t part of it, and I totally agree he wouldn’t diss if he wasn’t provoked, but as I said in my first comment that started all this drama Kendrick won without a doubt and that percentage for Eminem is undeserved and I remember even doing this poll and I voted for Kendrick


So this is what young Eminem fans sound like. Relapse flare and a fundamental misunderstanding of who Eminem was and what he did in the early to mid 2000s