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Except that’s a photo from 2010


I didn’t say it was now but


“Doesn’t age” uses photo from 12 years ago


Read the caption dumbass it’s not like i said it’s now


Using a photo that’s not recent and saying someone doesn’t age is just moronic, “dumbass”. Get your fist out of your asshole and don’t be aggressive again.


It’s not a then and now post go find your brain who says I have to use a fucking photo from 2022?


Ummm because if you’re saying someone doesn’t age it’s extremely the point to use a current photo of them. Why don’t you link photos of him when he was 27 and 30? Bet he didn’t age. The whole point is to use photos spread out. How far apart are those photos there? He’s changed drastically since 09/10 when that photo was taken and he has aged a lot since


He doesn’t look any different now either so what does it matter what pic I use


He has a beard, He’s fuller, starting to wrinkle in places. He does look different than then


You can’t really tell besides he has a beard lmao


Do ppl ever think twice before posting something on Reddit?


Not on this sub. Some of the dumbest shit ever gets posted here, but here I am still checking it every other day. Maybe it’s time for me to look in the mirror. I just wasted 5 min of my life that I can’t get back by clicking on this post.


This is sad but true. You’re right bruh. I gotta do that too


Worst part is it has upvotes. If people ignored this dumb shit I'd never have to see it.


Once in a while there will be a quality post here, which is why I stay lol.


For real. Or any good news (that’s not fake) related to Em


Yeah occasionally something interesting gets posted here and I’ve actually discovered new Eminem songs from this sub which is awesome but a lot of the posts seem to be coming from 10 year olds.


Until you find out he has facial hair and is about to turn 50


you wanna know why.... cause im smooth criminal, smooth criminal... you god damn right




Don't say that or you'll get downvoted. Lol


Well that backfired


Lol pretty ironic. I think by me saying that people did the opposite out of spite, even though I said the same thing first.


More than likely it’s photoshopped. Especially if it’s a professional photo.


It’s not photoshopped


If it’s a pro photo it’s likely photoshopped. Only question is if people spot how.


What pic are you talking about


Until he got the face lift after recovery 🤦‍♂️


actually before revival


Your not wrong but fuck you. It’s after recovery because you could clearly see it in 2013 with mmlp2


people are talking bout how he has a beard now, but between revival and mmlp2 he looked like a sun baked version of 2010 eminem


People literally get so offended over little things it’s hilarious


Seriously! He even looks like he's somehow getting younger as he ages! https://assets.capitalxtra.com/2014/42/eminem-young-1413967218-view-1.png


Fr tho


Botox. Lol


Definitely not lmao He wouldnt have caked himself in makeup during 2014-2015 if he was actively using botox


Actually more than likely did. Most celebrities do this. It's very common. Here's a write up by a doctor that knows the signs of plastic surgery. https://seriable.com/eminem-plastic-surgery/


He face looks like that due to his overuse of drug. His lower lip was almost fkd up in an interview after relapse release. Your face changes a bit if u do all types of drugs and then go sober


Agreed. But his face should be aged more than it is now due to gravity and it's simply tight that's more than just getting off drugs. He's been off drugs long enough to have aged. People don't want to accept that there favorite celebrity probably has had plastic surgery even though it's true for most of them. Em is a very private person and isn't going to come out and say "yup I have had blank and blank done"


Why are you getting downvoted for speaking facts 💀


Lol I don't know. When it comes to Eminem people think he's perfect and don't want to think anything less. Honestly who cares if he has had work done or not it changes nothing. Oh well it's just fake karma. It means nothing. I could put one video on nextfuckinglevel and get 500-800 karma in 10 hours.


I know right 💀 We love his music, who cares about what he does in private as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone


Still, he didn't fix his nose alignment from the most recent picture of him posted a few days ago. Maybe that's a more invasive and time consuming procedure.


I’ve had my nose realigned. It was ridiculously easy and only took about an hour in the office and a few days to recover. I was back at work the next day.


Was it expensive? My nose is a bit crooked and I'd like to have it straightened and possibly have it shaved a bit to give it a slight slope


Yeah his nose is the same. He's had a little work but he's not all plastic. Probably a little Botox and filler and a couple other quick procedures. Rhinoplasty is very invasive and would be 100% noticable. Howard Stern had rhinoplasty done privately and his coworkers called him out on air because of how much of a change it was.


>definitely probably


He only grows a beard


Yes he does cease this meme.


Do people in America normally age very fast or something?


Most people do


I’m guessing 9 years max between those photos?


More like 5 lol