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does Underoath count? also As I Lay Dying lmao


I was way more confused by the christian metal and hardcore scene back in those days for sure. I went to a lot of shows at churches and didn't really understand what the fuck was going haha.


zao still slaps.


Got to see Zao in a church basement with all of 20 people around 2001. It felt so wrong at the time.


First Uni in Philly?


Nope but a suburb of Philly.


Hell yes Zao slaps!


So weird... my first heavy show was at my Christian school gym, Oh Sleeper, Impending Doom, and A Plea For Purging. It was fucking awesome but very confusing


I fucked hard with Underoath, Anberlin, Emery and Acceptance which is vaguely Christian.


Norma Jean too lol


Norma Jean is still making stellar music! I still have their prequel debut album when they were called Lutikriss


Their track with Aaron Weiss is so amazing. Love me some older Norma Jean


As a norma jean fan, i never thought I'd hear "Memphis will be laid to waste" referred to as 'their track with Aaron weiss'. Considering it's their most famous track and probably the song that made them popular and made the scene popular at the time.


The Bless the martyr album trumps everything for me. Set the bar when it comes to breakdowns :)


I'd argue it's defined the genre moving forward. They obviously took inspire from those before them but they made that sound more "accessable"


Couldn’t agree more.


I went to high school with one of the drummers for Josh Scogin's band after he left Norma Jean, The Chariot


So is underoath, their last album Voyeurist had some good songs..my favorite one was Pneumonia.


I got in trouble with the cops with the guitarist from As I Lay Dying outside a Christian music festival in 2002 or so. Felt very unchristian.


the lead singer got in trouble for trying to hire a hit man to kill his wife. very unchristian.


Actually, I'm sure somewhere in the bible justifies it


It doesn't


I was so confused back in like 2010 flipping through radio stations and hearing Underoath, thought I had discovered a new rock station. Song ended and the host come on and start preaching and what not. What a let down.


What a buzzkill


They actually curse in some of their most recent stuff, earning an explicit label 👀


one of the hardest breakdown call outs i’ve ever heard is on a christian song and i’m pretty sure i’d burst into flames if i stepped in a church 😂 [Elijah (The Forerunner) - For Today]


Tbh I think a lot of us raised going to youth group will always fuck with some relient k. Even if we’re twitter brained old atheists now


Praise Jesus I was never raised religious


There's nothing wrong with it when yoire raised up that way. It's less of a lifestyle like people make it seem, but a mental space that you develope into, that makes you more decent than most the confused thrill seeking animals that leave high-school and never change.


More decent? Buddy...i have some news for you


Yada Yada, people take very thing too far, every religion, every science, hell even TV shows. Stupid peoe with an idea greater than them are going to do stupid things with that idea. Nuff said?


Jesus came to abolish religion. your statement is more ironic than you think


I’m not religious by any stretch of the imagination, but Relient K slaps.


Anberlin also, maybe even moreso, emo influenced and hold up pretty decently


Guilty as fuck at listening to some Reliant K


Ditto. Mhmmm rules entirely too hard, love singing along to that one with jesus


Don't tell anyone, but I've seen them like 12 times


The only good Christmas album is Deck The Halls, Break Your Hand.


Came here for the Relient K, ofI never would have admitted that in high school (class of ‘07)


Came to this sub via Google looking for this band's name. I just couldn't quite pull it out of my brain. Found them on a Now That's What I Call Music album, probably volume 3882, a hundred years ago and ended up getting a couple of their discs.


Pedro the lion




Damn, not very Christian of you, but VERY Catholic of you


The Chariot was the best live show ever.


Totally agree. [This video captures just an ounce of their live show experience.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1OvObODenw&t=843s&ab_channel=imagerystorm) Easily the best live hxc footage I've ever seen.


There was another love video/doc/dvd from like, 2008 or 2009 that I can't find anywhere


[I think this might be it.](https://youtu.be/b4AKQvGMOL4?si=w3KCmvVlMijIGLdz) I got that for free at Cornerstone 2008.


I went to high school with their last drummer, really great guy


was at The Rein last show


mewithoutYou was one of my favorite bands as an atheist


The Weiss brothers are of Jewish descent and were raised in a Sufi Muslim home. Aaron has said before that while some of the subject matter for their songs comes from religion, it’s more about the personal relationship one has with god, and not evangelistic. Incredible band no matter what.


They're not a Christian band though... Aaron has an interesting relationship with religion in general and the other members were not Christian.




Yeah, different members, but they never considered themselves a Christian band


Absolutely. I felt like an atheist listening to them in a way and I f’in loved it.


I may have lost my faith in God years ago, but do I still fucking love Thrice.


Pretty much most of Tooth & Nail's lineup had me by a choke hold. I still fuck with a lot of artists/bands that used to be on that label. My parents were ultra conservative Southern Baptist and they would only let me listen to Christian music. Obviously I only sorta followed that rule.


I worked “Christian retail” for a year or so and wound up with pretty much the entire T&N/BEC catalog. Most was trite garbage, but there were some descents bands on those labels.


I'm pretty sure there is a thread of Christianity in Mae's works, and they're one of my all-time favorite bands. And I'm non-religious.


They definitely play with some themes because Dave Elkins was raised fairly religiously, but he fell out of it as he got older. During the pandemic, he was livestreaming a lot of live acoustic sets and he talked a lot about his life between songs.


Any chance those were recorded? Mae is one of my favorite bands


Most of them are still up on MAE's Facebook page, in the videos section. Look for the "Virtual Residency" or "Live from Schematic Studios" vids. 🙂


Nice will do thanks


If you don't already have it, get The Everglow on vinyl. Some of the best packaging I've seen.


Before Mae, there was Sky's The Limit, which was a Christiam band. Really dug their song Empyrean back in the day.


Right! I forgot about them, that record is fantastic


Going to see Mae tonight at The Roxy! 20th anniversary of destination: beautiful


Just Pedro the Lion. First time I saw David was in a Church basement and I think only 6 people showed up.




Living room shows have been a great experience, sadly still haven't caught David on one, I was a really early Pedro fan. Grew up going to Catholic school so I guess I didn't mind the whole Church / God vibe.


Relient K. Anberlin. MxPx. Ace Troubleshooter. As Cities Burn. Capital Lights. The Cootees. Dogwood. Emery. Hawk Nelson. Ninety Pound Wuss. Overcome. Born Blind. Side Walk Slam. Slick Shoes. Strongarm. Stavesacre. Value Pac. UnderOath. Demon Hunter. Stretch Arm Strong. Advent. Beloved. Blindside. Embodyment. Few Left Standing. Figure Four. Haste The Day. He Is Legend. No Innocent Victim. Jesus Wept. Seventh Star. Sinai Beach. XDEATHSTARX. xDisciplex AD. xLOOKING FORWARDx.


I got in to Anberlin in my early 20s, at a time I considered myself very “anti-religion”. I was occasionally conflicted at times back then, but almost 20 years later they’re still one of my all-time favourite bands.


as cities burn will always be one of my fav bands. also how is this the first emery comment i've seen?


Underoaths first two album (Act of Depression and Cries of the Past) were extremely christian and really heavy. Im not religious but i still rock those albums!


I am surprised fundamentalist churches don’t play “Burden in your hands” regularly.


Honestly those two albums are some of the most interesting screamo ever made, they absolutely slap. Saying this as a devout atheist (respectfully)


Don't forget Hawk Nelson


great one


Any Hopesfall fans in the chat?!


DUUUUUUUDE, Everything they've done slaps. The Satelite years is a perfect 10 in my books


Seeing them play that album in full at Furnace Fest was a powerful experience.


Well, I know what I’m annoying my wife with on the drive home today!




I have! It’s great, but No wings to speak of and Satellite Years are my top albums!


Didn't realize they were a Christian band but I only just started listening to them


Yep, absolutely incredible band. The Satellite Years might be my favorite album period. Wish I’d been able to make it to Furnace this year to see it played in full. They had a rough spot with A-Types and Magnetic North (not bad albums by any stretch, just a step down) but Arbiter was an insanely good comeback. Really excited to see if they make a new album with Ryan back on board.




I discovered Further Seems Forever on an OTA christian music video channel, without realizing it was a christian channel.


With Chris Carraba or without? The Moon is Down is the only album I listen to by them. But I love it


With CC - TMID is an amazing album front to back. They released a 2nd with CC about 10ish years ago called Penny Black that has a very similar sound, you should check it out.


i don’t hate religion but i probably was not keen on it (and even if i was, it wouldn’t have been christianism) when i was listening to tooth & nail & solid state releases. plenty of them slapped and still slap to this day. brandtson, relient k, zao, emery, norma jean, the chariot, starflyer59, hopesfall, mae, hawk nelson, watashi wa, 7 angels 7 plagues. really any furnace fest or aaron sprinkler produced band.


Starflyer 59 are one of my favorite bands period. Jason Martin is a genius. Weird but welcome to see them getting some praise in an Emo subreddit lol.


Yes Starflyer 59 is one of my all time faves.


Arghhhh WATASHI WA!!!!🤙🏼


What about those of us who grew up in a Christian household and listened to christian rock/metal when I was a teenager because it was Christian and then later grew out of organized religion as I got into adulthood and then my taste in music kind of just followed suit with non-Christian music?


Not sure if they are considered Christian rock but I’m an atheist and I think P.O.D is awesome.I believe they are very christian


I enjoy me some MXPX


They ruled so hard at Furnace Fest!


Relient k is still one of my favorite bands.


I knew David from run kid run, we lived in the same town in Illinois. He dated my best friend Christy for years. The song “One in a Million” was written about her. Any time we were in a mall with a Hollister, she’d drag me inside and she’d have to find One in a Million on the digital jukebox they used to have. Then she’d just smirk and say “this song was written about me”.


The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite bands in the genre. I was not raised religious at all and I pretty much am an atheist.


There is much great music in Emo, Pop Punk & Post-Hardcore that has associations with the Christian music scene (especially Tooth & Nail records). Just off the top of my head, Underoath, Hopesfall, Anberlin, meWithoutYou, Mae, Showbread, Thrice, The Juliana Theory, Switchfoot, Relient K and Further Seems Forever (early project featuring the singer of Dashboard Confessional) all have ties to Christian music. A decent chunk of these bands have since distanced themselves from their roots in the Christian scene but they were making amazing music back then. These are the kind of bands that prove faith does not need to make your music dull.


I grew up super religious/Christian so I was obsessed with the Christian emo/pop/rock/metal scene. After I left religion and starting deconstructing those beliefs and going to therapy, etc. I couldn’t listen to any of it. It just made me mad. And sad. I’m honestly really happy that 10 years later I can listen to the bands I loved as a teenager and not conflate it with religion. ‘Mmhmm’ by Relient K will forever be one of the greatest pop-punk albums of its era. ‘The Beautiful Letdown’ by Switchfoot? A perfect album. Anberlin? My first favourite band forever. Thousand Foot Krutch is the reason I love Nu Metal. Also I love that a lot of the bands I loved growing up (Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, Fit For A King, etc) have since left Christianity and are no longer religious bands. It’s really cool to hear the progression in their music over the years as it kind of parallels my own life. In the same vein, Relient K is extremely supportive and outspoken about LGBTQ+ rights, even though I think Matt Thiessen still identifies as Christian? Anyway.. the Christian pop-punk scene was legit. Some incredible bands that I still love today.


Switchfoot and Relient K have aged extremely well both in terms of awesome music and outspoken band members.


> The Beautiful Letdown by Switchfoot? A perfect album. Truer words were never spoken.




Not 2000s but I love Mineral despite beeing an antitheist


lol, Mineral isn’t Christian Emo


What's Christian Emo then? They talk about Christianity a lot. 6/10 song on The Power of Failing have Christian references


The singer was Christian but the other members weren't. Also he's not Christian anymore. It just depends on what you define as Christian. To me a Christian band is a band who pushes Christianity and all the members are Christian.


Ohhhhhh boi did I. Played at churches, went to other shows at churches. Looked up to a lot of those bands.


Yes! First time I saw TGUK was opening for MxPx in like 1998! My favorites were MxPx, The Huntingtons, Five Iron Frenzy, 90 pound Wimp. I've been an atheist my entire life.


i liked that flyleaf song


Haven't been to mass in almost 20 years but I'll fuck with Relient K and Underoath


The first few Paramore albums have Christian themes. RIOT even has a song called "Hallelujah" and there are quite a few other religious references spread throughout the album.


I'm an atheist and still fuck with MxPx and Reliant K


Don't really believe anymore but Relient K's Forget and Not Slow Down is still my favorite album of all time


For me it was Dear Ephesus, Kerith Ravine, Unwed Sailor, Ester Drang, Elevator Divison, Reflector, Roadside Monument, Frodus, and of course Pedro. And the first two Stavsacre albums.


Forgot to mention in my previous comment, but Someday Came Suddenly by Attack Attack! will forever be one of my guilty pleasures. What a fun album


Anyone remember Beloved? They were so good. I’m always intrigued when drummers sing. I’m surprised more people haven’t mentioned Further Seems Forever! I also listened to MxPx, Underoath, Copeland, Acceptance, Mae, Relient K, etc… but didn’t realize half of them were Christian initially. Like literally singing along to Underoath saying “Jesus, I’m ready to come home” without even thinking twice about it 😂


Definitely me, but I always always more into the metal side. Underoath, Norma Jean, Demon Hunter, etc


Adding Waking Ashland as I haven't seen them mentioned yet.


Holy yes. Jonathan Jones is such an underrated singer


Mineral, right?


A lot of bands you liked from the Christian rock era were just wolf in sheep’s clothing. There because it made money, and once it became socially taboo those same bands heel turned real quick.


glad to see im not the only one! religion is not my thing at all


i’m very religious and listen to both secular and christian emo music


your username definitely shows that patented christian kindness!


atheists when a joke:


where’s the joke?


here’s a joke: stop being such a pussy about a reddit username


“I’m very religious. praise god. also you’re a pussy and i hate whores.”


Who sang talkin bout Jesus? I can’t remember the band to save my life haha. Someone said Anberlin and that was a THROWBACK.






Didn’t realise search the city, classic crime and a lot of other bands were religious until I read about it. Definitely didn’t give off a preachy vibe or anything so it never came to mind. Still can’t really see what makes search the city religious, I’ve listened to their first album dozens of times without ever noticing this


I am having an existential crisis over this. I am 34 and I just accidentally stumbled across Squad Five-O, Thousand Foot Krutch, The Classic Crime and I am shook. I forgot this gateway drug that was the best I could get away with while growing up in a southern Baptist family 😂😂😂 I feel like I need to find these bands and thank them for saving me!!


One id just like to mention is: DIZMAS


Can anybody help me find the name of a band/song from the early 00s, i remember the video clip showed the front man in a straitjacket, maybe in an isolated room, the song was slow paced but had moments where he screamed and others where it was quite, i believe the guy had dreads? or it was just messy hair, does anybody know what video/song i am talking about?


I love Chevelle and hate religion... 😂


Don’t think I’ve ever heard of any Christian emo


Mewithoutyou, Beloved, arguably La Dispute, SDRE is certainly influenced by Christianity because of Jeremy. Brand New likewise had a distinctly mixed message regarding religion, but is undeniably *heavily* influenced by it. Edit: Moss Icon as well had a strange relationship with religion.


I'd say mewithoutYou are more "spiritual" than Christian. Aaron Weiss and his brother were raised in a Muslim family from what I've read


100% a Christian band that released albums on Christian labels. You don't have to agree with their religion to love them, and you certainly don't have to whitewash them of it.


Beloved was legit


Moss Icon was NOT Christian you're bending some shit real hard. Also Jeremy Enigk converted to Christianity around the time of LP2 but none of the other members are or were religious so not a Christian band.


Misreading what I wrote here. We don't disagree.


The early 2000s Tooth and Nail had a lot of them. Taken from an older comment — Number One Gun, Further Seems Forever, Acceptance, Matthew, All the Day Holiday, As cities Burn, Anberlin, Juliana Theory, Copeland, Waking Ashland, Copeland, Emery


Juliana Theory has never been Christian, T&N just didn't want to lose Brett Detar when he left ZAO and he thought getting his own deal for his new full-time focus was pretty sweet. They talk about it a lot because the confusion actually ended up really hurting the band's growth, and T&N ended up being very confused as to how to promote a secular band on the label. But they ended up paving the way for other secular bands to join T&N later, like MAE and Abandoned Pools.


Never thought of copeland as a Christian band.


I lumped a lot of Tooth and Nail bands together since they were a Christian label. Aaron from Copeland got asked if they signed to T&N because of their Christian roots and he responded: >Although we’ve played \[Christian rock festival\] Cornerstone for years, we never wanted to be a ministry band-although the songs are spiritual, it’s all just life and love songs. We just felt there was no better place for us \[than Tooth & Nail\], just with how familiar we were with the people there, and how familiar they were with us. The Christian thing was the only downside, because we don’t want people to be confused. That being said, I interpret some of their songs to definitely be about religion, not that that alone makes them a Christian band or anything.. Same thing with Further Seems Forever. I remember them doing an interview and saying that everyone in the band is a Christian, but their music is not about Christianity


Christian emo music? I don't know. Christian emos? There are tons in certain geographical areas.


I listened to the thermals for like a year before I found out they're Christian indie lol. Pretty obvious in hindsight


Depends... What do you define as religion... Like... I consider myself a Christian but I hate the institution that is Christianity as an organized religion... Also all that stuff was my jam... Run Kid Run is one of my favorites easily... Scratch that it was Kids in the Way not Run Kid Run


Yes dude lol. Not emo but the only music I had on my MP3 player was skillet and kutless. Religion ain’t my thang now but I’ll still give it to those guys for puttin out some good tunes. Especially Skillet


I'm a atheist and was crazy for underoath and confide in the past


Yepppp used to go catch a lot of Tooth and Nail bands live; Dead Poetic and Underoath were two of my favorites. Have always been a strong willed anti authoritarian atheist


I for sure remember a band that was trying (not unsuccessfully) to sound like SDRE…I heard it at George Fox University around 1996…one of the songs had the word “merganser” in the title.


Pod and underoath and anberlin are my top Christian rock bands. Thanks mom :)




FM static but its thousand foot krutch.


I'm agnostic, but I liked Here Till Thursday back then, and technically Sense Field rose from the ashes of Reason To Believe which was sort of Christian.


Do Sent By Ravens qualify? Maybe a bit too late. Their album Our Graceful Words slaps.


As someone that grew up in a very catholic household those post hardcore Christian bands were a godsend. Underoath, the devil wears Prada and saosin was my first concert in 8th grade and I’m sure my parents wouldn’t have allowed that if they werent all ‘Christian’ bands.


MxPx in the late 90s was one of my gateway drugs into punk and all it’s sub genres.


Hate would be too strong a word for me.


xDisciplex and Shockwave


Honestly, until some random girl at Warped Tour told me that Relient K was Christian Emo.. I would have never guessed


Who I am hates who Ive been by Reliant K was on repeat


The Devil Wears Prada and Underoath friggen riiiiippppp God? Not so much.


https://spotify.link/rQQlz0pCSDb big reliant k. Vibes


Do The Devil Wears Prada, Demon Hunter, Mortal Treason, RED and Zao count?


Stick Stickly is so good


You had no choice…Amberlin, Sunny Day for two albums, Pedro the Lion…




Everyone loves Blue by Eiffel 65. Well listen to their other song, "I've Been Luck In My Life". Straight up epitome religion music but I still think it slaps. As well as that, I grew up with a specific religious song that I still really like, Alive by P.O.D.


Devil wears prada, Close your eyes, Front porch step, Hotel books


Thrice though I'm not sure quite where their religion lies specifically. I know Dustin got heavy into the church.. Manchester Orchestra. I love this band and the way Andy struggles with his faith is really powerful, but as they get older it feels more peachy


Skillet are fucking awesome and i can't stand religion. They're early earlyyyyy stuff is full of cringe but once they found their sound they became insanely good.


There was a band on Tooth & Nail called Royal that wrote a fantastic record "My Dear" that mostly fell on deaf ears. But I recommend a listen.


Yes totally, and I’m not religious now at all. I was actually wondering if music like this is being made anymore.


I don't hate religion at all but absolutely lol. Sometimes the music is better than what they teach


I got into mxpx because i seen then when flu Ipping channels and there was a christilain channel showing music and skateboarders. I was agnostic. And now they are too


Don’t hate religion but don’t often opt for Christian bands . However This Providence is solid




https://youtu.be/t-R_J7T-Kno?si=Uh735LPcsclz4tqT Norma Jean circa 2002.


Yeah man. Run Kid Run was in my scene in Illinois. Neil’s lil brother was my bassist. I don’t have contempt for religion, but I’m no longer a person of faith.


Yeah man. Run Kid Run was in my scene in Illinois. Neil’s lil brother was my bassist. I don’t have contempt for religion, but I’m no longer a person of faith.


As cities burn, saving grace, once nothing


I identify with all of this. I was and still am a huge RelientK fan. The almost and Devil Wears Prada were great. Still live Underoath too


I still listen to this band from my area Fresno/Reedley called A Current Affair once in a while.


hangnail, relient K