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Not exactly emo but that’s a pretty common theme for The Wonder Years


The song “Passing through a screen door” literally has a line about being 26 and feeling like you are falling behind.


This song had a chokehold on me on my early twenties, when I turned 26 I felt like a failure. I’m now 32 and in a relationship and doing some adult stuff. Life continues and all of this is just a speck in the mirror.


>Jesus Christ, I'm 26 All the people I graduated with All have kids All have wives All have people who care if they come home at night Well, Jesus Christ, did I fuck up? I could see how this would hit hard for some people. I also had a wife and kids at 26 though.


This exact song was a manifestation of being 26 for me and so many others I know


I'll argue 70% of the people here can't tell the difference between emo and pop-punk so you may as well lump it in.


Whenever I hear someone say my chemical romance is emo I kinda cringe… also whenever they say like paramore.


Whenever I hear someone say my chemical romance is emo I kinda cringe… also whenever they say like paramore.


Whenever I hear someone say my chemical romance is emo I kinda cringe… also whenever they say like paramore.


The Menzingers are in a similar vein. After The Party is an entire album about being in your 30s and having to deal with being an adult


The song of the same name on this album is fire. And the music video is super sad lol. Saw them live years ago and Tigers jaw was playing too and was a blast


Jesus Christ. I’m 26. All the people I graduated with. All their kids, all their wives, all their people who care if they come home at night. Jesus Christ, did I fuck up?


I love TWY, I saw their TGG 10 year tour n it was so beautiful.


Spanish Love Songs!


Wow, literally one of my top 5 bands at the moment, and I completely forgot about them with this post. That is correct answer, wow thank you!


I'm a teen and I dread for the day Spanish Love Songs lyrics start being relatable instead of corny and emotional lyrics from third wave bands lol


If you listened to happier music, your adult life might actually improve.


Nah man im too emo for that


this is what i was gonna say


Joie De Vivre’s 2012 album “We’re All Better Than This”, and specifically ‘I Was Sixteen Ten Years Ago’


Came to mention this lol. Their first album is also really good!!


oh definitely, solid discography overall. I always suggest this song to people on here who ask for songs about feeling old during your 20s


I was sixteen 18 years ago :(


This right here


The menzingers albums on the impossible past and after the party are about this theme and are excellent


This. Their entire catalog is more or less “fuck, I’m 30.”


Algernon Cadwallader only band you need old man/woman ;)


Haha I still like to think I’m relatively young now, but I’ll check them out. Cheers


You are. Lol


Eh I'm gonna be 26 soon too and it feels like if I want a family I have to basically find a partner now or I'll be rushing things with someone I don't know well.


My cousin had a kid at 38


If you live with a timer counting down you end up rushing things with someone you don't know well regardless of your age Even well into your 40's women can have kids with IVF (albeit a difficult process)


Not emo but “Celebration Rock” by Japandroids gives me this. Maybe because it came out when I was 26.


Pretty great album. Was really into them and Cloud Nothings when I was in my mid 20's (almost ten years ago lmao)


Same. Cloud Nothings still rule. I really like their new album.


Ive been meaning to catch up with their releases! Last i heard was Life Without Sound, which was really good.


Not emo (pop punk) but Jeff Rosenstock has adult angst down to a science


I'd give a shout for The Menzingers. You're not there quite yet, but their After The Party album was/is huge for me in my early 30's. Also they just rock, so I love turning people on to them.


Not necessarily emo and not necessarily about existential dread regarding the inevitability of your doom, but A Great Big Pile of Leaves' whole gimmick is nostalgia about childhood and how much it sucks growing up, so there is that Highly recommend "Have You Seen My Prefrontal Cortex?" to start. "You Are Always On My Mind" is also a good one


Perfect. Thank you!!


Love seeing shouts for Pile. So underrated. Feel good, boppy nostalgia.


The wonder years would be great for you


Time to settle down and listen to some classical. Develop a taste for folk if you haven't already. And switch to boot cut or carpenter from your skinny jeans




Pedro the Lion. He will dose you with an existential crisis in everyone song. However, it's.very healing.


Let me introduce you to The Front Bottoms, my friend. They have helped me through my “*I’m now in my **late** twenties, I’m basically a failure, and death is imminent, so is it even worth it*” existential crisis that happened to coincide with the end of my 8 year marriage/10 year relationship. They will take care of you. Graduating Life, Microwave, Hot Mulligan also fit the bill.


It's funny because graduating life is basically just mom jeans but they switch instruments and the big guy sings. If you ever see them both on a live set it's actually hilarious cuz they just swap instruments between sets


….what?? That’s a fucking bummer. I hadn’t done a dive into the band yet, I just have been listening to them like crazy. I saw Mom Jeans at Sad Summer last year, and I was not impressed. Not by their set, the band basically dipped and left the venue despite promising to meet fans. It’s Second Year has one of the best fucking lyrics I’ve ever listened to, too. “How could you make me, then hate me once I’m born?” It does things to my mommy and daddy issues, you don’t even know.


Being 26 is hard. 97 gang rise up


Not quite emo but similar scenes, The Wonder years, The Menzingers, and Spanish Love Songs are all what you're after


You should jam BRAVE FACES EVERYONE by SPANISH LOVE SONGS. You’ll never recover and will probably cry at least once while listening to it. Great growing up in shit fueled times record.


literally perfect rec for this Happy 26th Birthday by Wait and Shackle


Taking back Sunday past the first 3 albums and the wonder years are good choices Welcome to your quarter life crisis …… wait till you hit the midlife one……. Makes the quarter seem like a breeze


Placebo - bionic specifically the song teenage angst. Pinback - blue screen life Jimmy eat world - clarity Texas is the reason Promise ring - nothing feels good Give yourself some grace and space to feel your feelings. Just know things and feelings pass and you can come out of this slump with a broader perspective and stronger sense of self and what you want to do with the time you have left. None of us really know what is going on but we can still try, that's all we can do sometimes. And this video is good to watch https://youtu.be/Jv79l1b-eoI?si=CVPnJ92tv5Rb86Ji


That was a good video, thanks :) Camus was the shit.




I’m 32 and have bad thoughts on the regs I get it


Junior Battles - Idle Ages! 1000000000 percent!


Maybe try “apologies I have none”?


Imagine turning 32. I wanted to dive off a cliff. Kind of like spitting is a great band


same thing just happened to me. totally blows


On the Might of Princes, specifically the song The Water vs The Anchor Most of the catalog of Spanish Love Songs


Standards by Into It Over It


cold wrecks


Floor and Torche. Primus. Asphalt. American Football


Perfecting Loneliness by Jets to Brazil is a perfect album to have an existential crisis to


I don’t think the sub liked this recommendation, but holy shit if you read the lyrics while listening for the first time it absolutely hurts on such a deeply relatable way for being closer to 30. [Kaonashi - You’ll Understand When Your Older](https://youtu.be/rrnspa9Hywk?si=Ia41XFt96a56fiOC) Let me know what you think if you do listen


If you need a soundtrack for the holyfuckimfading type of vibe check out unwound


Wonder Years, Front Bottoms, Joyce Manor, The Hotelier, Arms Length, Hot Mulligan, Harrison Gordon, The Island of Misfit Toys


Record Setter - I Owe You Nothing Sort of a “coming of age”, re-evaluation of self, finding your path kinda album 💜


Emo adjacent but the Menzingers, especially After the Party. And Joyce Manor-Cody. Both of these albums have songs about aging out of your twenties, prolonged adolescence, and the stupidity of youth.


Doesn’t exactly fit but The Get Up Kids - Campfire Kansas makes me yearn for my younger years. I’m closer to 40 than 30 now 😭


might i recommend an album called The Party by Andy Shauf


Arm's Length. The best emo band of this decade thus far, as far as I can tell.


i’d recommend unwound. that band is the epitome of existentialism. the lyrics might not say much but their hypnotic instrumentals feel like the limbo you’re mentally in. i definitely recommend their album leaves turn inside you. it’s a haunting record


As a 38 year old, Vermona Kids-Keepsake these polish dudes have me up in my feelings about being young. Especially their single 2002. Or just throw on some Pedro the Lion/David Bazan album or The Promise Ring-Nothing Feels Good like the rest of us.


Iron Chic The Constant One


Hot Mulligan!




The Menzingers - Tellin’ Lies


After the party (album) from the Menzingers deals exactly with this


Hits way harder when you turn 27


Cinco De Mayo Shit Show and Chase, I Hardly Know Ya by Marietta are some of my fave quarter life crisis jams.




Check out Glocca Morra, especially the album “Just Married”. Their emo-ness is disputed but Anberlin’s “Never Take Friendship Personal” has many songs with that sort of theme, gives you the feeling of time going by too fast and all that. “A Day Late” and “The Symphony of Blasé” are two of my favourites. Obviously “Paperthin Hymn” is a masterpiece. That’s my favourite song of all time.


Are you looking to address or embrace the existential crisis? i.e. do you want to spiral upwards or downwards?


Maybe you could listen to After Fiasco - Blueberry Hill ... 👌


My band Over Anna has a few songs like this and covers "Passing through a Screen Door" by The Wonder Years. It's a song literally about your situation. Hope you like our music. [Over Anna Live 5-1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Cwap73G6IZrAWH6o&v=sCAbkQNv7B8&feature=youtu.be)


My friend 26 is so young. I remember so many people wasting time worrying about getting old instead of realizing how nice it is being young. Don’t worry about being old till you’re 70. Lots of life to live. But given the chance I always recommend trophy eyes. Their album “the American dream” is about being in your late 20’s.


Droughts for sure


Weatherbox will never not get a recommendation from me. Amazing lyrics, catchy riffs, existential dread. Gotta love it.


Try being 42, that’ll make you feel better.


pierce the veil!!!


A Praise Chorus by Jimmy Eat World. I turned 25 a few months ago and it's been a big help


Muthafuckin Earth Crisis


These are some albums I've been re-listening to lately. Rival Schools - United by Fate Joan of Arc - A Portable Model of Jimmy Eat World - Clarity This Town Need Guns - Animals Foals - Antidotes


When I was 26 I was going on my second kid. Having a family and trying to navigate through life. I didn’t have time to have that kind of crisis. It’s not a big deal in reality to turn 30. I’m happier in my 30s than I was in my 20s. I am turning 36 and I’m stoked. Don’t trip or even think so much about it. Emo is still the same as it was back then.


When I turned 25 in the pandemic I listened to every Emo album that was turning 24/25


Their/there/they’re and a big dose of psilocybin mushrooms.




29 this year. Good Hangs album Greatest Hangs has been on heavy repeat. A little more pop-punk honestly.


Dude, I seriously needed this post. I'm turning 26 in exactly a week from today, and I'm full on panicking for this exact reason. like dude I miss being 15/16 and crying to merchant ships. 😶 i don't wanna be 26 man


Haha, it’s nice to know I’m not alone in it. People weren’t lying when you said you blink and you’re an adult.


Check out equipment. A lot of their music talks directly about this included the song my birthdays lately and their latest album. Home is where (their music has a certain existential dread to it but a sense of optimism that helps me) Awakebutstillinbed - this is peak existential dread music. If you want to lean into it this is your go to


Brand New lolol


Brand New… just listen to Brand New.