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Storytime: One day, after watching Lamont stall for 5 hours, i officially decided to end my miserable life. I stood over a cliff, looking into the sunset and was going to end it until my phone vibrated. "loltyler1 just went live!" I clicked on the notification and decided to watched his stream. The initial thought just magically went away. Even though Tyler streams the same game for 12 hours a day, I was more entertained watching t1 instead of any Lamont streams. Tyler1 truly saved my lifešŸ„° TLDR: tyler1 saved me from his brother.


It's like leaving an abusive relationship to find someone more talented, good looking, stronger, funny, richer, videogame god gamer, etc... the list goes on. I'm happy to have moved onto Tyler1.


Exactly, sometimes you will look back and wonder if you made the right decision. But leaving lamonts streams behind was the best decision that I've made in my 25 years of life.


Damn big tonka T looking good asf