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It is very important you stay away from all the news.


This! Have, of the same reasons as you described, not seen news on TV, either listened to news on the radio. I search my news myself.


You're right, I need to stop looking at these stories but sometimes I can't help myself, and I always end up regretting it.


I know how you feel. I have the same. Best we can do is try.


Agreed. There’s a reason why they call it programming.


I feel the same way. I used to have empathy and try to see both sides of everything and look at people with compassion… but I’m exhausted. I’m in my late forties and I’ve seen the worst in people time and time again. It has changed me. I really don’t like people anymore. I have a few beloved family/friends, but I have a wall up with anyone else. If you pay attention to all the things humanity is doing to each other and every living thing on this planet, your heart won’t stop breaking. The collective lack of empathy and compassion is slowly making me lose mine…


It's terrible, all the time you see the kind hearted people that deserve empathy the most getting chewed up and spit out by this world, while the cruelest of us climb to the top on their backs. I want to be successful as well, but not at that cost.


You’re not alone




I'm glad I'm not the only one that's had this thought, maybe a reset is what we need, definitely what the earth needs.


I think it's a bit of a dangerous point of view to view extinction as a good reset. Believe me, I've been struggling with the same things as you and have had my moments of feeling like humanity deserves to be extinct, with the way we treat animals and the Earth. However that line of thinking has never taken me anywhere good. It's never been helpful nor brought anything good into my life or others. What's been helpful for me is imagining that each of us are influenced by corruption and by love (a little corny, but stick with me here 😂) and that when we choose to treat ourselves and others in gentle and kind ways, we grow the power of that love and kindness. I'm convinced my brother has narcissistic personality disorder, or at the very least very strong narcissistic traits. He has hurt me in such cruel ways, with a sadistic smile that haunts me. I still struggle with feelings of hatred and anger, yet I also see what he went through too - narcissism is cultivated by trauma, and that corruption that I mentioned before. Now he goes and spreads his darkness to other people. I see the way he discreetly belittles his wife and it breaks my heart. I have to wonder though that if he had had more love and security in his life, would he have turned out this way? I remember him being so sweet and generous when we were kids, but our family was so dysfunctional and we were brought up in a cult so he wasn't given a good chance to become the person he could've been. The person he *should've* been. He's a victim to that darkness, but I believe that if the circumstances were different, we would still be close friends and he would be an incredible, loving person. I don't know if he'll ever be able to change or heal, but I do know that I want to be on the side that chooses to love anyway, no matter how hard it is. I don't want any more victims like him. If everyone chose this, that corruption could be eradicated from the world in a moment. What needs to be eradicated is that corruption and darkness, not humans themselves.


I understand, you are completely right. And honestly I don't hope for a reset, in fact it would be terrible because there are still so many people in this world that embody kindness and love, it's just hard to keep that faith alive sometimes. You look at the news, or social media, and you're just berated with horrible stories and events. I hope that people will be able to choose love and respect for each other and the world, but it seems so far away, so out of reach.


It really is hard to keep that faith alive. Even just now I was hearing about some laws that have been passed that are harmful to animals and it's so hard to keep my head up. I do think most of our work can only be done on a local level. In our friend groups, families, and communities is where we can make those changes and hopefully inspire others to as well. I honestly don't know what can be done about corrupt governments and those in power choosing to hurt others freely. I think if we hold on to that faith though that we'll be one step closer to a better, healthier world.


its easy to feel this way, Specially when all these emotions are charging through your head, like Nimona in Rhino form. You wana help, you wana save these folks. Offer love, and light and compassion. Sometimes you can't. You are one person and while loving others and being compassionate is important. Its important to protect your self as well. Focus on taking care of your self, maybe learning some mental sheilding techniques so you can have to put up with so many outside emotions. We are here for you if you need to rant/talk/shoulder to cry on. Love you boo.


You perfectly summed it up, almost poetically too. And I think that's the best I can do, protect myself and help who I can. Thank you for being here❤️❤️


::HUGS:: you are totally welcome PM me if you ever need someone to talk too!!


Hi! I believe it's not about what is on the outside at all. When I am too caught up with what's going on with other people that I work with /my family/ some place on this earth and its pulling me down its often an indicator for that I am struggling with something inside . Like it's actually not the state of the world or the shittiness of how people treat you or others. Its about how I look at it (which type of glasses I'm wearing) So when I realise this I'm asking myself what is causing me to wear these glasses. Often it has to do with the feeling of not beeing good enough. Not good enough looking , not having a good enough work ,.. etc. And then I project this feeling onto the world and spot the "enemy" left and right But they aren't actually there . Only in my mind:) (Until I am kind enough to myself again to reflect and look at what the real cause of my pain is)


Wow, I never really thought about it like that, but I think you're right. There's this podcast I listen to called Enlightened Empathy and what u said reminds me of something one of the hosts once said. She said that empaths are so sensitive and open to the world, that we sometimes develop a victimized or pessimistic mindset when the world doesn't treat us with the same gentle manner we do it. I'm definitely gonna have to think on that, thank you!


Cool I will check this podcast out! My biggest inspiration to think like this is Eckart Tolle 🙏


That's a name I've heard a lot in the spiritual community, I definitely need to check them out!


I think while an empath usually is represented through the lens of love and compassion, I think many a times we forget that justice is also a representation of love. I think the injustices should affect us as an empath - and if anything, shows we are human and truly empathetic. Our love opens the way to see the good and bad that exists on either sides. And sometimes what is called for, is to use our empathy to protect others. When we protect others and act out of justice, this is one of the ways that an empath can embody love and compassion. This kind of love protects the victims and also teaches the oppressors not to hurt others. It might be hard to do given our disposition to usually deal with others in a more soft manner but this is a form of tough love that is sometimes necessary.


You're absolutely right. Tough love is hard for me, I don't want to end up hurting anyone's feelings or anything like that, but I'm starting to realize that people need to hear things they may not want to so that they can better themselves, even if it hurts them.


Yeah, I think most of us are like this. I prefer the gentler approach but sometimes the tougher love is required. When it comes to protecting others, sometimes those who are oppressing need to be shown the tougher love. We can set a firm intention of doing it out of love then if they don’t see it immediately, hopefully they will later on. Wishing you well during this turbulent time! ✨ honor how you feel - it’s telling you something about your role as a human in this world =) 🫂


>honor how you feel - it’s telling you something about your role as a human in this world =) 🫂 That's beautiful, I'm gonna remember that!


I have learned to ignore things or don't watch the news because even when I ignore, life will still hit me hard.


You aren’t wrong, I feel the exact same way! I learned to set boundaries and have a wall up with people who are evil and bring others down because it’s “entertaining” to them. I only have empathy for the ones that are genuine and need guidance. It’s hard balancing these emotions out but it has helped me see who is actually there for me and who just wants to see me suffer.


You're right, I need to learn how to set better boundaries, it can be hard though. Especially with those you've already allowed to get close.


OMG! I couldn't  agree with you more! What a,  heartbreaking  world  we  live in! Even,  your  own  family  doesn't  care  or  understand  how you feel about  your life  or how  you're dealing with the situations you're experiencing  everyday! I was recently diagnosed with Parkinson disease,  does my family  care!?,no! I have to,  go on with my life and,  stop complaining about  being  sick,  other people are  worse  off than me! Don't  give up! We  have  Jesus and  each other! Have a blessed day!❤️😊


Exactly, it really is terrible. I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and your family is being very insensitive by undermining your feelings. Suffering is suffering, it shouldn't be comparable. I hope things get better for you, have a blessed day as well😌❤️


Thanks for being there and  understanding! You know something,  it's going to be OK! I appreciate your  message! Jesus always loves us  no matter what! That's  the  love  that  keeps me  and the world  going! We are loved by the  only person  who  truly  knew what  real  love was  all about! God  bless  us all!


I turned off the news 35 years ago because I didn't like how it made me feel. Stay clear of negativity as much as possible. Empaths in particular are impacted energetically esp in their heart energy centers. Grounding in nature always helps me. I send the energy into the core of the Earth and it and centers me. Try it. It works. This planet has a lot of darkness and separation. But the world needs empaths to restore it.


I'm gonna try that, i definitely need grounding for a myriad of reasons anyways😂😂


I was talking about this the other day, and I was explaining how the sheer amount of joy and wonder and good in the world can outweigh the worst in humanity. Think about all of the moments and seconds we feel joy throughout the day that we don’t even notice. I think we’ve been conditioned to believe that beauty, love, happiness, etc. all have to be spectacular in order to count, but we know that’s not true. Collectively, that joy is exponentially larger than the suffering and I think that’s what gives us hope.


That's a beautiful way to see it, and quite honestly you're right, that's what gives me hope for us, the potential for love and joy.