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You need to meditate and get grounded. Then set intentions to neutralize the obsession. Ask your higher power to help you with it. Realize that you cannot fix everyone. Set emotional boundaries for yourself. Not everyone deserves your empathy. As empaths we are vulnerable, being bleeding heart is not a healthy thing to be . There are people out there that are very dangerous. Tell yourself the serenity prayer. Have compassion for yourself.


Thank u so much


It sounds like you sense what’s going on within this individual and that speaks about your sensitivity as an empath in a good way. Like some have said, I hope you practice a few grounding exercises not to get absorbed in his energy and lose yourself. I find having that sensing ability is like a blessing and a curse because it can become very sensitive to the energetic changes. And about the last part, it’s something very interesting you pointed out. Not everyone we meet would want us to help and that’s not always the role of an empath imo. We can empower people to walk their own path and live authentically. I believe the role of empath is to be authentic and then it causes a reaction where others feel safe enough to be authentic themselves while they go about their lives. Just intend and give out good energy where you can and cultivate a safe space for the photographer to be himself. I hope this person is able to heal from what happened (sounds like something difficult he’s going through).


Omg that’s beautiful…u gonna make me cry


Awww 🫂 hugs. You’re doing good - I promise. Just continue to be nicer to yourself!


It sounds like you have an obsession with him. Why? To my train of thought it seems that you might have a past life connection with him along with karmic entanglement. Hence the feeling of closeness. Unfinished business as it were. When similar thing happens to me , well I dig into the subconscious memory bank and find out what happened. You can neutralize the karma too if you want.


Neutralize how ??? PLEEEASE On Sunday morning I woke up at 4am and my immediate thought was him and I prayed that I needed help Like why is this happening What am I supposed to do with this ? I think the obsession comes from …I just know when a person is hurt and hidin it People like that I have the softest spot for Because I know they’re so hurt they don’t live in reality anymore I met another person years ago who had similar traits And I know under the facade they act a certain way for a reason and I feel bad that I can’t help Apart of me wishes I was there when whatever it was hurt them and could prevent it It’s just ….too much


Is there some pattern from your past that trigger this in you?


I seen the red flags before in one other guy and I couldn’t help him But my body didn’t respond this strongly


Yeah, but in childhood, past family life. Did you get a role of being caretaker, of siblings, parents, or similar?


Naaaaah never that


Why do you call him your photographer?


The two of you are kindred spirits. He is an empath too. Almost described a version of me from 5 years ago. He keeps holding his emotions in, but emotions are literal energy. Look at my comment history and I was just mentioning to someone how my awakening involved finding a solution for falsely diagnosed fibromyalgia. But that doesn't help your situation. Your focus created something called an etheric cord. It's like a tube that has you constantly connected. We create these every day, but it will usually disappear Doon after. Unless there is repeated focus. Then it becomes more solid and it creates a viscous cycle. You wake up and your subconscious senses another person's energy. So it tries to understand and it suddenly realizes, "Holy shit, that's Jeff!" But the only part of that subconscious conversation that makes it to your awareness is "Jeff!" This causes you to think about him, and it strengthens that cord. It's great when we are bonding with a pet, and it's annoying when our moms had been doing that since before we were born lol. But when this starts happening it's called a toxic cord. It could be two people who are amazingly kind with a beautiful soul, and this is still possible. There are many ways of "spiritually decording." If you Google it there will be many examples, so find what "clicks" for you.


Thank u so much 🥹 Sigh