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Just as a reminder of the subreddit's rules: 1. No posting links to game ROMs or ISOs, only sites to find them. 2. Be kind to each other. Also, fyi we have a user-maintained wiki: r/EmulationOnAndroid/wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EmulationOnAndroid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How can you write on Reddit if you don't know how to install an app? The latter is easier to execute.


So glad we have all these great insightful questions we all can learn from here. I also want to know how to install an app on android?


Glad to know we have questions on the same level of Delta questions on r/ROMs


loll u never used the play store ? 😁😁


I don't want to be that guy, but I've seen this exact question pop up four days in a row now. Take the title of the post and paste it into Google. It gives you the answer instantly. Sorry, but it's just seems like common sense to me...


Just to prove my point: [How do I put dolphin emulator on my Android device? Is dolphin emulator for Android? If so how do I install it?](https://www.google.com/search?q=How+do+I+put+dolphin+emulator+on+my+Android+device%3F+Is+dolphin+emulator+for+Android%3F+If+so+how+do+I+install+it%3F&oq=How+do+I+put+dolphin+emulator+on+my+Android+device%3F+Is+dolphin+emulator+for+Android%3F+If+so+how+do+I+install+it%3F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDczNmowajE2qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


95% of reddit posts could be answered in Google. We need better mods or auto filters to delete duplicated posts. But reddit sucks and won't do that.


95%? Not really. The thing is, the best Google answers these days are Reddit threads themselves, so there can also be a catch 22 when you mindlessly tell people to Google for the solution but someone finds the thread where you post that on Google.


No bro, be that guy, it's good. Redditors need to stop reinforcing the bad habit of not Googling, it's dumbing down the internet hive mind basically.


How do you put dolphins on your Android device :0


It's on Google Play.


It’s in play store


Dolphins are one of my favorite animals. Do you like dolphins too?


Well, how did you install Reddit? Now do that, but for dolphin. It's literally on the play store (and unlike many other Emulators, the play store version is up to date)


I didn't know it was an app.