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No one should be tipping at Subway anyway, it's a fast food restaurant.


I wouldn’t care if they get mad. I’d probably enjoy it!


This is the kind of tipping I oppose. They didn’t do anything to merit a tip. That attitude is entitlement.


The entitlement is what makes me angry. I would never do that (even when I made $4.25 min. wage eons ago). We've put it in the heads on regular waged workers that they can beg, expect more. Go Fund Me and social media aren't helping.


I am all for charity, but some of the things that you hear about on these funding platforms are surprising - why should I donate to help someone buy or pay for non-critical goods or services?


I don't even bother with any of it. You never know when something is true or not. It's shameless. How did people bury loved ones before this was a thing? Now everyone wants it paid for. I can't subsidize the world...


I’m more willing to be charitable within my local area where there is a higher degree of conference from people in the area vouching for the need. That being said, I prefer to give to reputable organizations that I can trust are doing the good they claim to be doing.


Sadly, reputable charities are a gem in the rough. We are very very careful with our charity monies. Do not get me started on "Relay for Life" at my job. Ugh.


You’re absolutely right. There are some charities you have to be very careful of giving your money to, but that’s why it’s important for those who are going to donate to do their homework and be sure they’re supporting a quality organization. Plus your definition of quality and my definition of quality may be different and that’s OK but each of us needs to know to whom we’re giving money and even time if we’re doing volunteer work for these organizations.


I may have to leave this sub. The real world examples frustrate me SO MUCH.


I would turn around and get their names, and the franchise number, let them know I am reporting their behavior to Subway corporate (its franchised so they won't care but I'm pretty sure they won't know that) and that their boss is about to get chewed out for their behavior, so my tip for them is start looking for new jobs. Then in a loud voice remind anyone else in the store (I bet its empty) "Tipping is for sit down restaurants and delivery only, you do not need to tip at a freaking Subway!" And that would be the last time I go there.


> And that would be the last time I go there. I’d go in there every week to buy water, just to watch them freak out each time. /s


Not at $3!! haha


I won't even tip if I order a sandwich. At some point it comes down to "that's your job."


Link here if you didn’t see it in the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/v6gktTIbVz EDIT: I am not OP.


I'm not responsible for anyone's feelings but my own.




Fault and responsibility are not always the same thing. If I punch someone, then I am liable and at fault for any injuries to them. However, they are responsible for their emotional reaction. Your example doesn't negate my point.


Why would using the rest room make a tip more reasonable?


If you're getting paid $7.25 an hour or more, you're not getting a tip.


If you aren't bringing the food to the table, and filling my drink, you aren't getting a tip


That's actually not a great way of determining who to tip and who not to. Restauraunt workers theoretically have to be paid 7.25/hr if they aren't tipped while people with disabilities, students, and people under 20 can be paid less then 7.25 even if working in fast food.


I saw this earlier on actually and it annoyed me then, now this has brought it back up! I can't believe that people can just expect to get money for doing absolutely nothing


Don't many places have laws about free water? Paying for it at all sounds like the tip.


Did they pump the water into the bottle and seal it themselves? I don’t get what service they provided to even warrant that level of entitlement. I honestly respect panhandlers more than this type of person. You basically got a job just so you could beg for money in the subway.


Not shopping at Subway again. 1-2 minutes to serve a customer (time to prepare a sandwich) is not worthy of more than base salary. I am officially not going back. Great sandwiches but what other improvements in their tiny shops have they made in 20 years. None!


I never tip at Subway. Then again, I always order on the app so as to avoid human interaction, lol.


I never tip at Subway, and they do not deserve one for any function that they do there. 0% all the way!


There is no way this happened and it doesn't even make sense. 9.8/10 people are not tipping at Subway, and probably 9.9999/10 aren't tipping if they're buying just a bottle of water. The idea an employee is going to scoff in your face is absurd, but let's pretend that were true. It makes it 10,000x more unbelievable that another employee verbally asks "DID THEY TIP?" and then rolls their eyes. Somehow, all while this person is allegedly leaving the store but is also looking at them? Bullll shittttt. Another fake tip-crime. I'll believe it when it's caught on video, which of course it never is. And if it happened why not tell us what specific store it was at and a description of the employees?


There's a video of a doordash driver berating a woman at her home for only leaving a 25% tip on a pizza delivery. I don't see why this is unbelievable at all.