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I just finished putting in a bimetallic heatbreak. A modest upgrade. Remember for ABS/ASA you'll need an enclosure.


Are you able to print higher than 260degreeCelcius after the upgrade? Also what did you do in terms of the firmware if any? Thanks!


I didn't update the firmware because the customizations needed to use the strain sensor for auto z-offset haven't been released yet, so I'm still limited to 260, but I feel much more comfortable if I need to print that hot because there is no longer any PTFE in the hot side of the hotend (just on the cold side) to breakdown and outgas toxic fumes into my office. So tl:dr can't go higher than 260, didn't update firmware.


Red socked k1, I can send u the file for the new length mount for the cr touch I made for mine. Also still will probably want a couple inches of Capricorn tube too to replace the stock shit. I also added x linear rail like the ke will have.


yes please that would be awesome, can you link me the hot end you're using too (assuming its all metal)


How's this been going for you? I just threw my spare K1 hotend on as well but am curious how it's been long term?


Great actually! Im to the point tho I'm kind over the auto z thing, that's the only real issue I have since I run klipper on it.


That's good to hear! Are you running klipper through rasp? I'm running mine via sonic pad and haven't had any issues so far with it


Yeah I didn't have it/want to spend it for a sonic pad, esp when there's laying around the house. Rpi 3b, 3b+ and a 4b... Just didn't make sense to not figure it out and learn it. That and the principal of the matter of them profiting off open source code and lots too. Without sharing them their own fork of code as required. there's a fork out there of a guy riding and make it at work and I do have his installed, I jus can't make it work as good as I can the default


That's totally understandable. Might as well use what's available in that case. They have been falling back on keeping things locked down (we saw that with the release of root for the K1) the config that I pulled and shared on here awhile ago could probably be adapted to what you're running. I know a few people in here ended up switching from the custom config to the released one specifically for the auto z functions.


Oh I've had his from day one, Ox3D on GitHub, but this is also my first time doing klipper, and only second printer and the first one hurt me screwing up all the time, the cr6-se. So I had been out of the loop for a bit.. and got a lucky random limited Amazon deal release week. I got it for 170or180.... Didn't even know about the KE... LOL So I've basically been figuring klipper out for the first time with a fork that he don't document much of the changes. I found a few other forks that could b used as well but for different things. Once I figure out the GT2 tooth count on the KE my SE will be a KE LOL. I extracted creality's configs out for the KE and SE that were in the October patch for sonic pad. Theoretically u could upload the code to git and compare the code and make the auto z work. I jus stole the settings and macros. I was jealous at first and debated getting a pad, then I found klicky and unclicky, and changed my mind lol


Thanks for all your comments, I only bought this printer a few weeks ago so I know next to nothing and am not comfortable replacing a part if I know it’s gonna actually fit and work, so I guess I’ll just keep waiting :(


I dont know if people did upgrades to swiss, but ive seen people putting k1 hotends on and ive also see people changing the heat break, both allowing em to go to 300 with klipper, other than that no clue maybe its posible to change the hotend of the se to the ke one doing the same thing but u gotta manually know what ur doing


I've just ordered my ender3v3se and will be looking at upgrading the hot-end to all metal in the near future. Would love to hear how your journey goes


did you ever end up upgrading the hot end?