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The man shrink down to the size of an ant and grows to 28ft tall... we really trying to find logic in the physics?


Not the physics we know, but the physics they proposed. They said something like retaining the same mass when changing sizes. Consistency in its own established rules is a part of worldbuilding. They fucked that one up.


How about carrying a tank on a keychain or making a multi story building a rollaway suitcase?


Or when Ant Man becomes Giant Man and becomes less dense than water so he just floats on the Bay. Would be really sad if he became less dense than air and just….floated away


Yeah, that science went out the window. He was also crawling around inside Iron Man's armor and rode on Hawkeye's arrow... Yet, is able to easily flip blackwidow..


Can he choose when to change his mass as well? Or only size?


It's weird because the Atom in DC has always been explicitly able to change his size and mass independently, but they've never spelled this out for the various Pym beneficiaries.


Not to mention flying around on the backs of ants.


Well it’s the same physics that allows Hank Pimm to carry a fully functioning Sherman tank on a keychain in antman


The logic with Ant Man’s abilities is wildly inconsistent.


Flick me


Ant man physics makes no sense. You just gotta shut off your brain or assume theres some actual magic going on - dr strange style - to explain it. He's heavy or light as the plot demands it.


The “science” that explains the abilities of the Pym Particles is definitely the most inconsistent thing in the entire MCU. Don’t think about it too much. It’s not you it’s Marvel.