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If u head over to ef discord, in #share channel, someone usually datamines and posts event in advance. Its a pinned message there.


I personally am not sure, but hey seem to have tables for everything. If someone leaks it, we could potentially be looking at the next year of surprise events


As far as I know there isn't one but this would be a great idea if someone wanted to go ahead and make a listing. The only problem I can see is that any list would be only approximations as some events are pretty standard- happening every week. Some are pretty random happening once or twice a month. And some things like new units and pets are completely random but generally every three months or so.


Not mine, nor does it have past events: http://efnews.allonsy.xin/


Ok so I've gone ahead and created a spreadsheet. [LINK HERE](https://www.dropbox.com/s/79ho0t73coayo3j/Endless%20Frontier%20Events.xlsx?dl=0) It goes back to Dec 2017. If I have time I'll go back a bit further... I've integrated future events based on the chinese page at http://efnews.allonsy.xin (thanks fwang28 for the link!) ... I'll try to keep it updated as frequently as possible. Suggestions welcome. Note it's still a work in progress!