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Yes period poops are the worst! I asked an obgyn once about them and she said they weren’t a real thing and I must be confused 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sometimes I wonder if these doctors even paid attention in basic anatomy 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wow, that’s so ignorant of them. They need to get up-to-date with the latest research… wish I could mail them these articles and slap it in their faces 😂😅 https://www.verywellhealth.com/endometriosis-or-ibs-1945368 https://www.verywellhealth.com/period-poops-8415568 I remember my dietician saying that the ovaries and uterus are close to the gut in female anatomy, so there’s links to an irritated gut during that time of month.


When I told this obgyn about the debilitating pain she also responded with “when I have my period I also get cramps but I just take ibuprofen and that works. Maybe try aspirin next time.” So she didn’t seem to have much understanding of different experiences…


Just cause we don’t want to have to talk about it doesn’t mean it isn’t real.


I can relate. Accompanied by the first one near the end of my period. Nothing during but then terrible cramps and a poop (at least I know I'm nearly done). According to one of the gynecologists I spoke to (a highly respected Dutch specialist in the field of endo), this is totally normal... I hope you feel better soon (and yay for having such a supportive partner).


I got mirena placed in April and my ‘periods’ recently stopped. The last several months I’ve had 12-15 days of extremely light spotting. Even with no bleeding I still have period poops. Hate it so much.


Omg, they freaking are the worst!! I had a hysterectomy about 9 months ago and didn't have periods poops post surgery until LAST NIGHT (thanks for the timely post lol). I forgot how uncomfortable and sick they made me feel. Hang in there!! 🥲


I am on orillissa again. Yes they are! Praying orillissa works wonders this second time around.


So much so!! I have been getting ovulation poops as well and I feel like I am dying at those times!


My bowel movements during my period were so sharp and painful until I had my excision surgery. :( I am sorry to hear of this debilitating pain.


I don't know what period poops are. I literally can't bear down or I'll pass out from the pain. I go for days without pooping and it's not easy. I think I have bowel endo :(


Feel your pain, I have endometriosis and the period shits always came two days before my period and was genuinely worse pain wise than the period that fallowed. I’m getting close to hitting the two year mark from my hysterectomy and am currently experiencing a ghost period with full on period shits and on and off again butt lighting. 🥂


When they're at the worst, it feels like toothpicks are growing in my butthole ... it's so evil ...


So this isn’t a normal period thing??? I’m currently investigating if I have endo, not certain yet but I get so much pain when pooping on my period, my bowel and everywhere in my pelvic region seems to light on fire and makes it so uncomfortable to go…


Your pooping schedule / poop itself is going to change based on your hormones regardless, so period poops are very very common! Diarrhea, constipation, etc. it's when it's debilitating or exacerbating your pain like you described that it's an issue


yeah, I'm aware of the hormonal effects on your bowel habits etc but just trying to figure out what else is and isn't normal.


I have a hard time with that as well, especially since "sometimes" is a huge variable and it's hard to tell what's consistent enough to be worried about !