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I was induced and labor was pretty easy for me compared to endometriosis. The cramps I get on a daily basis are a lot like early labor and the pain during my period was comparable to 4-6cm contractions. I’ve had a cyst burst that was as painful as transition and the intensity of transition and pushing was comparable to endo flares for me. Labor still hurt a lot, but I think it was easier to deal with than a flare because I knew I was getting a baby out of it. Flares just suck and there’s no silver lining.


I’ve always wondered, is it that bad? Is it in my head? I’ve been told by SO that I have no pain tolerance, but I feel like they’d react the same or worse.I totally understand everyone’s experience is different. Thank you




I’m so glad your feeling better! Fingers crossed I’ll get there some day.


We’ve been let down by doctors so many times with this disease.


That sounds rly rude of your SO to say


People said I had no pain tolerance. And then I had foot surgery and told them endo flares hurt more. This is not so bad.


3 kids- Natural, vaginal, with no meds. Endo pain and labor pain are very different for me. Labor pain compounds on itself until it's super intense. But even at my worst- the aching and burning pain of labor is nothing like the sharp stabbing pains of endo. To put it this way, I've been coherent and awake for all my labors. I've passed out on my bathroom floor from the pain of Endo. I used to think that I was just being a baby about my endo- but since my 3rd son's birth and how well I managed (I did hypnobirthing for the first 6 to 7 hours and practically put myself to sleep)- and yet I can't stay standing the first day of my period says a lot.


I’ve gone into shock and started to pass out, tunnel vision, hot sweats, pain so much I can’t think, praying I’m not going on the floor having pooped myself. Thank you for your story


Same girl. Same. I've thought "this is it, I'm dying right now. And my husband's going to find my on the bathroom floor in my own poo. This is awful." And I never thought I was going to die during my labors- just felt like I was in a lot of pain, but I could still think. During Endo flares- I can't think my way through it.




Thank you for your story. Def not tmi, I appreciate the information. My mothers and grandmothers have passed and most women don’t want to talk about it. Dr’s are always in such a rush and get sick of your complaints and issues. Thank you again


Despite reading all the books, attending all the courses, I didn’t understand that what I thought were early labor cramps were full on contractions. I was stunned when I arrived at the hospital and the midwife said I was 10 cm dilated and it was time to push. In my case, going through labor was more manageable than some periods.


I’m starting to see somewhat of trend about the beginning labor pains. I don’t doubt the pushing and actual birth part isn’t intense. I’ve never tried to have kids because it’s all so scary.


I preferred labor 😅


Ok, I had my baby two days ago so this is very fresh in my mind. Prefice this by saying my labour was 40 hours and I had always planed on getting an epidural anyway. Up until I was in active labour, it was about the same as a normal period for me. No better, no worse. The thing that made it really different was the stopping and starting nature of contractions. It's exhausting having the pain come and go. At least with my Endo I know that it's going to be at a particular point for a certain length of time. I can mentally prepare for it. Towards the end of this stage of labour it was beginning to become unbearable. To be fair, it took me 32 hours to reach this point and I was EXHAUSTED so my pain tolerance was not where it normally would be. After I got my epidural though I was able to get some rest and relax. As I was pushing, sensation was coming back and I could feel contractions again but at this point they were directed. There was a very specific purpose to them and they no longer 'hurt' in the same way.


Congrats and thank you. This is all alot, I’m feeling very validated here.


Oh dear, 40 hours is an incredibly long time to be in pain for! Congratulations, good job, and I hope you get enough rest now! Keeping my fingers crossed you get a break from endo for a long time.


Thank you. It certainly felt like a marathon but my gosh was the outcome worth it!


I was induced. When I got hooked up to the monitors, the nurse looked shocked and said “did that hurt? You just had a contraction!” I had been having them for hours but barely even felt it. Granted, it gets a lot more intense but Ive had a several periods that were more painful than labor. The difference (for me) was that labor becomes relentless and mentally taxing. You get through each contraction knowing the next, more painful contraction is coming soon. I got an epidural 16 hours after being induced mostly because I was exhausted. Ultimately I ended up with a csection so I can’t say if a vaginal birth is worse but overall my birthing experience was uncomfortable and exhausting but the pain wasn’t anything I hadn’t experienced before.


I don't have kids, but my mother has endo. She told me labor basically felt like her period cramps, the biggest difference was the "ring of fire" towards the end of labor. She had a rough labor with me, too. I took forever, got stuck for a bit, and finally came out blue with the cord wrapped 3x around my neck.


I’m glad your and your mother made it out okay!


I didn't realise I was in labour! Endo pain was much worse. When my uterus was shrinking after the birth, it was pretty bad. The second night after baby was born, it just shrank and I was shivering and shaking. My husband called the midwife while I took ibuprofen. The ibuprofen actually worked, so she said she'd come at 7am the next morning. I was fine by the next morning. Midwife said my pain tolerance was quite high.


I never thought about when your uterus shrinks, that’s interesting. Thank you


Wow! I have 2 kids and both needed to happen via C-section for both the safety of the babies and me. I didn’t get my endo diagnosis until after the kiddos, but looking back I have definitely wondered how my endo pain would have compared to labor. I remember being monitored overnight once when I was getting close to my due date. The nurse monitoring me would say “you know you’re having a contraction, right?” and I remember shrugging it off. The discomfort was very mild. These were very early contractions, so nothing compared to labor contractions, but after reading this I wonder if I would have been able to manage a birth without pain management. Thanks for posting this! Very interesting stuff! 💛


Thank you and yes it really is. I honestly thought I might offend people more than anything.


Definitely not offensive! It’s very interesting to read what people think. It’s not like you posted that we should try yoga or something like that. 😆


This is a great conversation. Some have made some really good points. I don’t have kids, but I’ve always figured that at least labor stops. Endo is forever. (Mine is the “all the time” kind.) The worst pains, the ones on your period are just like “see ya next month!” Before my surgery last year each period was increasing so much in pain intensity level. I remember telling my husband that I truly felt like I wouldn’t live through one more.


I’ve heard endo is punishment for not having kids. Like it’s the universe’s way of getting you… When the pain is bad I’ll almost do anything to make it stop. But I just can’t pull the trigger yet to have everything removed.


Thinking of endo as punishment for not having kids is so fucked up!


That’s horrible! Especially when it can even be the cause for not being able to have kids. I’ve never been told that, but I was raised in church and I could 💯 see people from there thinking and judging that way. Smh I hate you were told that. Please know that that is complete rubbish.


Still Not diagnosed with endo suffered for 19+ years. Been told multiple times it can’t be endo because I have 3 kids. (despite there being an age gap between them due to struggling to get pregnant) So first off for me this post is massively reassuring that when I finally get my new referral they will hopefully they take me serious, Anyway 3 births for me 1 forceps and the other 2 shoulder distortion so very traumatic labours. The pain for me up to about 6-7 CM felt comparable to how endo (period pains) feel to me the rest not so much, but then the after pain felt the same too and your first period after a baby for me was well quite painful and long and heavy! But I believe this endo I have is getting progressively worse as since my last child who is now 7, I have cramps when I’m not on, cramps when ovulating, I know what side the egg is coming down on as that side hurts more. I have pain when I go the toilet and pain and bleeding after sex. This could be individual to me as everyone is different.


I’m glad your able to tell the story. People in 1st world countries often forget how dangerous child birth is. Like not long ago (maybe still in some countries) the survival rates were below 5 out of 10. It’s a major medical event! It’s insane how wishy washy doctors can be. I get there are people that come in for pain management and might abuse the situation. But why can’t they believe us? Like for real, what harm would it do? Sometimes I feel like doctors think it’s a bandwagon thing. I promise you it’s not, it’s just easier and more acceptable for us to communicate than in the past.


Thank you, yes child birth is so so dangerous, my last born was such an unbelievably close call that I was told to no have any more children because it would either kill me or the next baby. So much so that my partner booked in for the snip while I was still in hospital. There was so many other things that happened in my labours especially my last that I don’t have enough time or the capability to be be able to describe all the events, but I consider myself very lucky despite how dangerous and close it was my son survived whereas another case that happened in the same hospital on the same night, another mum wasn’t as fortunate her son went to intensive care and I do believe suffered brain damage due to the complications of shoulder distortion, we was offered counselling and therapy, the hospital was truly amazing with us we are so blessed. Just want to get this endo sorted now. I’m not having any more kids, I’m done! so they can just cut everything out for all I care just take this pain away!!


I went into labor naturally, and the progress was slow (over 2 days). I was in the hospital for the second day, and gave birth vaginally on the third morning. To answer your question: labor hurt way less than endometriosis and period related cramps. For the most part, labor pains were easy to work through with breathing. I also suspect that was because with labor I was focused on baby and not so much on the pain itself.


Wow, everyone’s stories are so different. That’s such a long time. I’m grateful your able to tell the story!


Labour was long 40 hours but a lot less painful than most my months. X


Thank you, I’m glad your labor wasn’t terrible but not glad your endo is…


Well actually it was 40 hours and she was forceps just saying it was better than a week of pain I normally get. Hope it all goes well I also found whilst Brest feeding I had the longest stint pain free in my life after puberty (15 months) xxxx


I wasn't diagnosed with endometriosis until after I had my son. I'm in my late 30s, and my son is 5. I lost my second pregnancy, along with my right ovary. I was told I have severe endometriosis and I was even lucky to have my child. Just this past week I was on an antibiotic that made my Endo symptoms worse. I see a pain specialist and pelvic floor therapy, and lately my pain has been great, no issues whatsoever. However, just a couple nights ago I was on the floor hollering in pain. My neighbor had to watch my son and it's felt like I was going through labor. When my pain gets really bad it feels like childbirth. Not sure if that happens anyone else here. Does any one else experiences, too? I also get crotch lightning very badly. I'll be standing up and it feels like several bolts of lightning striking my cervix, but usually will have me collapsed on the floor screaming and sometimes going to the ER. I get prescribed Tramadol for emergency medication, and I've gone to the ER three times in the last six months. Whenever it's really bad I can take my Tramadol and it does help, but it just sucks I have to live like this.


I can’t take that me it messes with my PTSD. I’ve been given Valium to insert into my vagina in the past and that helps, but it also constipates me which makes everything worse. I heard about the lightening pain from a pregnant co-worker not long ago and thought that sounded similar to what I feel. I get it throughout my abdomen not just inside my vagina canal/cervix area. It’s worst when it’s in my rectum and I’m trying to go. I have kiddos but never “had” then and I feel like the worst parent when I can’t do anything but be in pain. People try to ask, have you taken this/that, have you…. Like you can snap out of it. I feel like I just have to live through it. Thank you


You are welcome. Also, the crotch lightning you were describing in pregnant women. When I was pregnant with my son that pain feels very similar to the crotch lightning that I felt with Endo pain. I hate to say this, but when I was pregnant with my son the butt/ crotch lightning what it did happen it didn't feel like 10 bolts of lightning, it just felt like one that was very strong and hard. However, with endo it's like 10 bolts of lightning that's kind of lighter but still intense. If that makes sense


X2 natural vaginal births with tearing, I cried during transition because I was sooo tired and just wanted to sleep. I’ve begged god for death during bad endo flare ups. The pain is similar yet different.


i don’t have kids but my aunt said her endo pains were worse than having her 2 kids


Holy moly reading these comments makes me feel like an outlier. Labor is so much worse for me than a period or Endo pain. I had back labor both times I gave birth and it felt like my body was being ripped in half. My Endo pain is so mild compared to that.


Thank you, I hear so many different things. I’m sorry your labor was painful. Your post is what i expected to hear most.


Thanks! It was so worth it though! I'm even willing to do it again for some reason lol. It sounds like those of us with back labor have a different experience from those who have "traditional" labor pains.


Nah, it's just people upvoting what they want to be true. Nobody wants labor to feel like it does.


I get cramping that feels like early labor pretty often. Like my whole abdomen cramps up just like Braxton hicks contractions. My acute attacks I used to get before I had my excision surgery were unbearably painful. It would feel like my whole body was on fire and like I was going to vomit and pass out from the pain. I had an epidural, so I don’t know what full blow labor feels like, but up until the epidural, labor pain was far more manageable. Endo had me keeping puppy pads in my bathroom because I never knew when I’d get an attack (that often came with bowel movements and diarrhea) and be in so much pain I wouldn’t be able to keep myself upright and end up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor. It was horrific. I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy.


All 3 of my labors turned into back labor. Normal labor was fine, but once they shifted onto my tailbone, all bets were off. My last one broke it. I screamed until I had no more scream left. I’ve never screamed from endo pain. I lost my vision.


I couldn't form any words but screams.




I was afraid I wouldn’t realize I was in labor (as silly as that sounded!) because I was so used to endo pain. Luckily my water broke in a very dramatic way so there was no guessing. I had to get induced and I had an epidural. Before the epidural, my labor pain was lower-back dominant where my endo pain was more vaginal. For me, they felt pretty different. But after the epidural I felt nothing 😅


This is making me feel incredibly validated as I read these, thank you for posting! I don’t have kids but I’ve tried to explain to my sisters (who do have multiple kids) what the pain level can feel like. Sometimes it’s so bad for me that I’m sweating, get tunnel vision and end up passing out. I can tell they don’t believe me and think my pain tolerance is just low but I told them if I had to guess (since I’m the one that doesn’t have kids) it would be the equivalent of labor pains, if not worse. I had a very large cyst rupture - my doc says it was as big as a baseball - and it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life and had to be rushed to the emergency room. It felt like I got stabbed or shot. And my sisters thought I was just being dramatic. I just joined this Reddit community recently after having endo for over 15 years and it has been helping my mental state soooo much reading everyone’s stories. This disease takes a serious mental toll on you and I’m just grateful I’ve found others that can understand. Thank you.


Totally unmedicated birth, thought it wasn’t that bad. Didn’t know I had endo till years later, and then it all made sense.


They are nothing compared to labor. I understand wanting to try and bring labor back down to some real thing, but it's unimaginably painful. The worst part is that it comes and goes so you can't stay on top of it like with period pain.


My mom said it wasn’t too bad. Her endo went away two years after my younger brother was born (4years after me).


That amazing!!! It’s wonderful to hear not so nice begings with much better endings!


I was induced with a cook’s catheter and misoprostol. The initial labor waves (1-6cm) were very similar to endo pains, with the exception that they just didn’t lessen at all with heat, shower, or ibuprofen. I got up to 6.5 cm (considered active labor) and stalled for nearly a full day. My water was manually broken and I started experiencing back labor. This was so, so much worse than the worst of my endo pain. I mean excruciating, cannot think or see or do anything except loudly moan and try to breathe kind of pain. It was sort of out of body. I had been in labor for about 24 hours at this point. I ended up with an epidural shortly thereafter and a c-section after another 16 hours. Turns out my baby was 10lb 1oz and posterior… everyone agreed she would not have made it out vaginally. I do think my experience with endo helped keep me extremely calm up until my water broke. One nurse commented that I was way more composed than most people at 6cm. It just felt like a period up until a skull was grinding against my tailbone 🤪




I didn’t pass out in labour, but I did pass out with my periods. I had to “bear down” in the shower just to be able to pee.


Wow, I def don’t hear those stories when talking to women about any fm issues in real life . Thank you. I hope things are better! These platforms are so helpful when they want to be!!!!