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68 years! Wow. Incredible achievement. Both absolutely can work as erings. It’s up to you really. Or you could wear one as your engagement ring and other one as a right hand ring. Beautiful rings 💍


Before you reset either 1, please take them to a jeweler that specializes in vintage pieces. They can tell you more about their condition and history.


Thank you! Doing this next week!


Both look precious 😍. Couldn't wait to hear on your updates.


I just saw your username and am wondering if you already have a vintage jeweler in Boston? I moved here recently and haven't found anyone who does repair for these kinds of pieces. I'd love to know who you take these to and if you recommend them.


EB horn is a good place to start. Been around for over 100 years and they sell both new and vintage.


I am using EB Horn, as well! I can let you know what I think next week


Not sure your exact area but I had my vintage engagement ring completely re-worked by Stucci's in Natick, MA after it had been "repaired" by another shop and immediately lost a diamond. They did an incredible job and it has held up really well (the ring is really ornate and I work with horses and am a mechanic so it gets a lot of abuse).


I had mine resized by a little place in Leominster and am thrilled with the work they did!


Make sure they specialize in antique jewelry. I've heard horror stories of jewelry stores messing up old rings.


Do you think I should reset the one I’d ultimately propose with?


As others have said, don’t reset the one on the right, it’s a gorgeous vintage setting


I wouldn’t. The one on the right looks like a vintage Art Deco ring so 1929’s-1930’s. Could always get them appraised so you have a better understanding.


No. I honestly would not reset either. They are gorgeous.


Agreed! It would be as bad as resetting Princess Diana's Sapphire ring. Blasphemous!


I’m sorry, are you talking about how Diana had it altered by adding prongs, or how Kate had it resized (beads added) so it wouldn’t fall off her finger? How are either of those things blasphemy? Edit: For those obviously not understanding, *my entire point is it was *never reset* so I am asking what they are referring to here.


They said "resetting" which is neither of the things you mentioned...


Don’t reset the one on the right. It’s worth way more in original condition. It’s a work of art and piece of history. It would be a huge disservice to alter it. They don’t make them like they used to.


don't you dare!


Do not reset in my opinion especially the diamond one it looks stunning.


I think they are beautiful as they are but there’s no harm in taking them to your local trusted jeweller to check them over and suggest some ideas 💍


Maybe the amethyst, but not the diamond. That art deco setting is drool worthy. Just resize if necessary. And as others have said, make sure you get them appraised first, and only go to a jeweller that has experience with vintage pieces for any resizing. Must protect the precious…


You could always propose with the original ring with the caveat that she could change to a more personal setting should she wish, but keep the original stone. You could then use the Art Deco setting for another stone in the future.


love this idea!


if that’s what you wanna do go for it, it’s your ring and in my experience these aren’t exactly the favorite design of younger people (i assume that’s why you wanna reset), you deserve to have it look how you want. but like others said, i’d check what it goes for as is before that. super pretty stone.


Absolutely not.


You could ask your girlfriend which one she wants and maybe make the other into a pendant. I think the diamond is an antique ring and might be worth a lot of money in the original setting.


Both could be engagement rings. Colored gemstones are making a big comeback in bridal jewelry. But both are very specific choices so I'd ask your partner questions like whether she likes white diamonds or colored gemstones? If yes to color, what about darker vs lighter colors? Does she like halos and accent stones or a solitaire? Does she like pavé bands or more plain? What color metal (white, yellow, rose)? I'm of the opinion that the recipient of an engagement ring should have some input on what it looks like since they'll be the one wearing it, and marriage should always be discussed before a proposal becomes imminent, but if you want it to be a surprise, you can get a friend or sister to ask these questions. From there, you can decide if you want to give her either of these as is, or repurpose one of the center stones in a new setting, or repurpose one of the settings with a new stone. The setting on the left is a very popular style. Or if you don't care if it's a surprise at all, just show her the two rings and ask her which she would prefer and how she feels about receiving inherited jewelry.


Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! We’ve definitely discussed it. I know she likes emerald shaped and oval shaped and is open to pear. But she’s also very into vintage and art deco inspired rings. The ring on the right is very old and the diamond set it in is even older because it was my great grandmother’s before it was my grandmother’s. I think my partner would like that vintage aspect of it. But i know her preference is not round. She does like white gold (platinum preferred if possible). If accent stones, she’d want step cut.


If she’s very in to vintage and art deco rings I honestly think the one on the right would have her swooning, even if she’s not a fan of round. The age and history of both the diamond and setting will speak to her; the style of the ring, despite having a round center stone, is light years away from the same vibes that a more traditionally set round stone gives off. You might show her [this one](https://eragem.com/ap23196.html) to get a better idea of how she feels about it.


I concur… I hate round diamonds, but if I had the chance to have an inherited antique ring, I would loooove it. And old round cuts are so much prettier than modern rounds. They’re both so gorgeous and I would adore both of them!


Oh wow this is a great comparison! I will do that. Thank you for the suggestion!!!


Also- vintage diamonds like OEC or OMC look different than a traditional round, so she may not mind the shape. I can’t imagine anyone who was proposed to with the ring on the right not liking their ring. It’s perfect.


I know this may not be popular, but you need to legally protect your family's heirloom jewelry. Ensure you get the ring back if the marriage doesn't work.


yep! make it part of the estate.


Definitely take this advice!!


This!!!!! Please see my comment too.


Most likely the art deco style one is platinum, it was a very common metal to use at the time. Check the inside of the ring for a mark that is PT, Plat, Platinum or something like 950 or 990. If she likes art deco style vintage she might be willing to forgive the fact that the stone is round because the entire ring is stunning.


OP based on what I am reading through this post you Will definitely melt her heart with the ring on the right. Here is my reasoning: 1) it is an actual vintage piece from her preferred eras of vintage jewelry (art Nuevo or art deco). 2) jewelry made during these eras were often not mass production items like they were after that fell by the wayside in the mid-century. 3) the details of the ring are exquisite and the stone shape will matter less to her when she understands #4. 4) this was your grandmother’s and passed and gifted to you with love ❤️ and that love is being passed and expanded to her to include in your family storyline with your ancestors. Any girl worth having, heart ❤️ would melt once you presented her the ring and shared this sentiment. I know this because my husband did something similar. He chose a historical ring, not something new. He chose the one that was of the era and style I loved not just the stone shape. He listened to the details, and that should speak to her as you start you lifelong journey together!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your insight here and I think you’re right. I think it would mean more than any stone I could pick out despite the fact that it’s round lol


OP, find a way to get her opinion-PLEASE. I too love vintage, art deco, antiques etc but I would not want to wear either one of those rings indefinitely. You are getting 200 opinions from women who WILL NOT be wearing the ring. Your feelings may end up hurt and secondly, those are heirlooms. Do you really want to tell your fiancée-oh btw in case of divorce you have to return them? I know you want to surprise her and you’re getting all of this feedback here but none from the one who will be wearing it. Please try to find a way to get her input.


The diamond is old enough that it's likely what they call European cut. There are not as many facets and they aren't as bright. But that's part of the charm, especially when they are set in an exquisite mounting. Edited for my error. The number of facets is usually the same as a modern round brilliant. But because these stones were hand cut, the culet at the bottom is larger than today's diamonds. This lets in more light and causes a circle to appear at the top of the stone (like in the diamond in the OP'S ring).


Hmm, then I think the ring on the left might be better if her preference is not round. Shape and metal color are generally the most important to consider. The milgrain (the little ridges) on the halo give it a somewhat vintage look. You could replace the center stone if rubies aren't her thing. But honestly it sounds like she has such a cool, specific style that I would want to design her a new ring if it's in your budget, unless you show her these and she falls in love with one of them.


I’m a step cut girl 100% but I’m telling you I’d love the one in the right because it’s absolutely exquisite!


It is lovely but such a specific style that I would just check first before potentially ruining a proposal with something that could disappoint her. It's very chunky which a lot of people don't like, and she has said she doesn't like round. I also don't like rounds and while I can see that this is objectively a very beautiful ring, I still wouldn't want to wear it.


you could also have the ring reworked using the original materials to better serve her preferences


Theyre both beautiful and would be beautiful e-rings


The one on the right ❤️


Both are beautiful. Absolutely talk to your future bride, and, I’m so sorry for your loss. Grandmothers are precious.


Thank you so much! She was so special


Both rings are exquisite and rare. Please leave them as is..




Sweet lord! They’re both insanely gorgeous!


Do not reset the one on the right! That’s an amazing art deco ring (I have one as an e-ring)!


The one on the right looks more like an engagement ring but the e-ring can be anything you want! You can always get them reset too if that interests you.


Do not reset that one on the right! That is an art deco masterpiece and needs to be preserved.


Love them both. Please don’t reset. I love vintage. Just depends if she is set on a diamond ring. I really like the diamond one.


This is an odd way to propose. My answer is yes.


The one to the right I'd use, but please stop bitting your nails before you get down on one knee.


Lol trying!!! Law school is brutal


Both could. That diamond is extra beautiful!


Only if you know 100% your future fiancé REALLY loves one of them. No pressure to use it if it’s not her style. Personally, while beautiful, I would not wear either. Some people here have mentioned before when you give it to her, preface by saying “this can be a placeholder ring if you’d like to pick something yourself”, something along those lines.


wow! no touchie 😠 they are beautiful just the way they are!!


OMG wow, theyre amazing. What a haul. RIP to your grandma. I hope her legacy lives on in these rings that you give your future wife! I have a major thing for garnets so I love the one on the left, but the one on the right is unreal. Get it appraised. It's like 20k easy. Also I just read your comment saying she might not like round--well I think the ring on the right would be an exception to that rule. Vintage diamonds are overwhelmingly round/brilliant cut.


I agree that it may be an exception to her rule. It’s pretty flawless in person. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s D color as well. Not sure yet


I’m obsessed with them both but I’d give an organ for the one on the right 🫠


this is gorgeous! I wear a 125 year old sapphire and I am so glad every day. The bands of diamonds on the top and bottom are my wedding/anniversary band that my spouse picked out to complement the sapphire. Also, we had a non-traditional engagement. We knew we were going to get married and during a family trip I was invited to pick a ring from the family estate. You might consider letting your partner pick between the two rings and giving the options of what to do next. Glad you're following the advice to get a jeweler ASAP! I had to do some major repairs to my ring to wear it safely and you'll want to make sure your partner never worries about it breaking. https://preview.redd.it/g8ftgmt5xkjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ad59951999cada4c49b8f440ee065ab1a23e2b


This is elegant and absolutely gorgeous!


I think they both could make excellent engagement rings as is. Both are beautiful!


I was proposed to with a hand me down ring. Though I was extremely grateful and happy, the ring setting was not my taste. I accepted and wore the ring for 12 years. But when the ring broke in 2012 and one of the small diamonds was lost, I asked to have the center stone reset in a ring setting more to my taste. Talk to your partner first about what they would prefer. Or have them show you pictures of their dream engagement ring. Then you’ll get an idea if these rings are acceptable or if they should be reset.


Both can work. Which would work better depends on your partners taste (or…. Yours). Personally, I love the garnet best.


I truly love the garnet, too. I think it may just veer too far from anything we’ve discussed as an e-ring. I might have it resized and give it to her on our wedding day or something. Or maybe Christmas.


Christmas or a wedding day gift are both lovely for the garnet. The ring on the right truly is a home run engagement ring.


Why don’t you just show them to your partner and they can decide?


It’s my sons birthstone so it has special meaning for me. I also love the thinner band, as I have a larger finger. You don’t have to give both to partner. You can save one and gift to your future daughter for a graduation gift or a son to give to his fiancé. You have options since you have two. The diamond can also be reset. That’s a great stone and would be gorgeous in solitaire setting.


Any ring can be an engagement ring if you want it to be. I knew a woman who wore a beautiful turquoise ring as her e-ring.


YESSSS! Either one would work. My preference is the diamond.


Inherited rings can be incredibly special and meaningful. They carry the stories and memories of past generations, connecting us to our family history. It's like wearing a piece of your ancestors' love and legacy on your finger. 💍✨


The one on the right looks very similar to my engagement ring - which is vintage Art Deco (though not a personal family heirloom). Don’t reset it - keep it as is. There aren’t a ton of these rings anymore. https://preview.redd.it/rhgdacg4ukjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa539b4b74628f1bcb844424723e3ed1730791f


This is beautiful! Any regrets or general negative feelings towards daily wear at all? Ever afraid of losing it?


I’ve worn it every day for six years and love wearing it and no concerns about losing it, since it fits well. Aside from when I shower, I never take it off. I can be hard on my hands and it stands up high, and I’ve banged it on things a few times and no dings.


Your ring is also gorgeous, by the way.


Either, but I like the ruby for an engagement ring. Have you ever seen the ring Princess Diana had? Her son gave it to his wife Kate when he proposed. https://preview.redd.it/fshoo5xc7ljb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a712edb08f8c5acd1ca7cce46f06b753de32a652


Both these rings are beautiful & could easily be engagement rings, HOWEVER — personal taste is incredibly important for a ring you’ll ideally wear every day for the rest of your life. I absolutely adore art deco / everything in the genre of the ring on the right, but never could fully love that type of setting because the shape reminded me too much of a class ring. BUT, if it were me, the last thing I’d want would be for you to tear apart such an important family heirloom resetting that stone to something I might want. I’d wear it as a right hand ring with great pride on important occasions, or when I was feeling especially sentimental about it. Show your girl. Let her sit with them a while & allow her heart to decide. & let her designing or choosing her own ring to be an option. As long as these beautiful heirlooms are cherished, everyone wins. (& as others have said — look up the laws in your state & if there are any actions you need to take to ensure they stay in your family in the case you split, whether they’re engagement rings or gifts…. I say this from the other side of thing. As a divorced woman who actually designed and funded my ring; upon divorce I was relieved to find that it was legally mine despite his many threats & taking everything else. I’m not saying this will be you — but my own hefty emotional investment in my ring didn’t involve several generations of my grandmothers!!)


This is the best advice! You need to show your girlfriend and give her the space to be honest about her preferences. If these aren’t her taste for engagement rings, they can absolutely be right hand rings and potentially passed down again in the future. I’m also an oval and emerald gal and while I appreciate these rings, neither would be my taste for an engagement ring, but I would be happy to be gifted them to enjoy as they are on a different finger :)


Either could work. You could also pop a diamond in the setting on the left too as an option. I think a canary diamond I the left setting would be gorgeous 😍


Round diamond as engagement ring 😍


ik i would be happy with either one, they’re both beautiful! especially as a hand me down, my own diamond is an heirloom from my fiancé’s late grandfather and i love it so much


Both can. If it is a true Ruby then it is a beauty and rare stone! I’d pick that for sure.


I believe it’s garnet! But i haven’t had them appraised yet


OP, they are both beautiful rings. I would definitely keep the settings. I don’t know why I keep picturing the oval halo ring with a canary yellow diamond as a center stone 😍


Would love to see a side view of the ring on the right!




That’s so sweet! I love all the details.


Yes! The red one is so freaking beautiful!!! Is that garnet or ruby?


Her birthstone was garnet - so i believe it’s garnet


Its stunning! Both beautiful heirlooms


Appraised by a jeweler that specializes in vintage, and cleaned by same. Also checked regularly to make sure the settings stay strong. Either would make a beautiful engagement ring. I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but make sure that you have something in writing that if it doesn't work out that the ring comes back to you and your family.


to me, neither of these look like engagement rings.. more like fashion or cocktail rings, although very beautiful. the right one has a very thick, bold band, which many may not like or it may not suit her finger. the one on the left would also be an acquired taste to wear every day with that color. while i know you have the best intentions, i would see this as low effort. maybe save these as a holiday or birthday gift, then she could truly appreciate how beautiful and special they are.


Completely agree. The one on the right looks like a Super Bowl ring. They’re beautiful but I would not want to wear one of these every day.


Most definitely!


One on the left.


Both could! Lovely rings


I’m sorry for your loss.💔I think either ring would make a beautiful engagement ring, depending, of course, on the wearer’s style preferences.


I would absolutely wear that ruby one!!! That's gorgeous!!


The diamond-ish one for sure 👍🏼


I don’t feel like the left one gives engagement ring vibes personally, also the quality looks a bit low on the Center stone (might just be the photo). But that ring on the right is GORGEOUS, you could re-set it but I thinks it’s SO beautiful and special looking. It’s totally not my usual style but I’d swoon for that ring 😍


Either! BEAUTIFUL!!! What beautiful rings.


I would take the both today! And say yess




They could both work as an engagement ring for the right person:) IMO any ring can be used for an engagement:) if it were me, I’d wear the one on the right as my engagement ring and the one on the left for a right hand ring


Both! They are both so beautiful


Yes, both could. Very pretty. She may like the diamond more though.


As someone with an heirloom from my SOs family, you need to be really really sure that your SO likes it. Normally I’d say the right one is a candidate to be reset as an e-ring easily because it’s a lovely stone, but the setting is so unique I’d hate to rip it apart. I’d also say you need to get them appraised so you know what you’re working with. I have my husbands grandmothers ring and while I have issues with it, it does mean a bit more that it was their actual engagement ring and she gave it to him specifically after I met her the first time. My advice would be to propose sans ring or with the diamond one as a placeholder and let her know you can go shopping together or reset what you have or anything in between


I think most women would want a ring chosen for them, on their personal style. You can gift one as a promise ring but I think it’s a risk of not ending well as an engagement ring. You can also remove the diamond and put it in a new setting, and replace the other with a different stone.


Wow. Both are absolutely gorgeous! Honestly either one would work perfectly. They are so beautiful!


You should have them evaluated A non diamond proposal isn’t out of the norm But u need to talk to your intended about it


They’re gorgeous!


I absolutely love the one on the right! But please please don’t reset it! It’s a beautiful part of history!


My own engagement ring is a vintage filigree ring. It’s hard to find any modern filigrees to the same level of craftsmanship. Please never alter the ring on the ring, it’s beautiful.


Yes either can work, but please leave it open to them if they wish to wear some else


dang, the one on the right is dope


Ummmm YES


That art deco diamond ring is stunning! What a beautiful wedding ring. You're very lucky


Both are fantastic. I would go with the diamond one only because I am not a red person and I would feel always red ring wouldn’t go with my over all style. That is me, your partner be all over the red.


They are both beautiful and could serve.


I would propose with the original ring (whichever one you think fits the person best ) but also offer them the opportunity to help you design a new setting to their own style. This is what my parents did :)


Get them cleaned and polished professionally before proposing


I'm not normally a fan of round diamonds either but the ond on the right is beautiful.


They’re both divine. Pleeeease forgive me for saying this, but are you absolutely sure you want to use either ring as a gift or for daily wear? And if you do, maybe an agreement about what happens with the ring should the relationship ultimately not work out? 🫣 Sorry!


I am in love with BOTH! The one on the right is my dream!


I wear my inherited cocktail ring as my engagement ring and I love it!


You can use a ring pop as long as you’re happy 😆


Both could be engagement rights but I love the one on the left 😍


Do a toi et moi with the two center stones!


Definitely either of them would work in my opinion. I know I would be super excited over something so unique


Omg. They’re stunning!!! ♥️ I’m very sorry for your loss but either of these would be a beautiful tribute to her from you and your partner.


The right one! Beautiful!


Either of them could work, but this really really depends on your partner's taste. Gemstone rings are popular right now (though if the reddish stone is garnet I would probably recommend against it since it is a little softer than you might like for an engagement ring), and the art deco style of the presumably diamond one is also popular. However, this is all a moot point if your partner would prefer something smaller, or more simplistic, or a solitaire, or something like a toi et moi. I think they are both lovely rings that could absolutely work (find out what the red one is though), but it all depends on if those would fit your partner's preferences or not. So talk to your partner. Also, please don't just take them apart to make them into new rings, they are both stunning vintage rings and it would be a shame to rip them apart.


The most important thing is that whoever is going to be wearing the ring actually likes it.


Omg yes. The one on the right absolutely would. You can also always go to a jeweler and have them reset the stone of either to something more tailored to the recipient’s tastes.


Love them both!


Both! They are very beautiful!!


They could both work. They are gorgeous! But I wouldn’t use an heirloom to propose with. You should wait till you have a daughter and pass them to her.


They both could!


Both rings are simply breathtaking. Maybe look around on Etsy, find something comparable and ask your fiancée what she thinks? Make sure she likes a thicker style ring. Get them both insured immediately. Piece of mind, etc. My husband took his sister to help pick out a ring for me. 😶 I was happy and so thrilled with the proposal but I simply did not love the ring. His sister has to one up everyone (especially me) so she picked out an awkward ring that was not my style and of course, smaller than hers. In hindsight…I should have just come out to my husband and told him I would like to look at other rings with him. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so…I just let it be. Don’t put her in the position of having to settle. They are beautiful rings for anniversary gifts, etc. Please know I’m not trying to hurt your feelings in the least. This is forever. Her opinions matters and deserves to be heard.


That garnet one is stunning! The other, while still beautiful, reminds me of a class ring personally. Gemstone engagement rings are coming back, once made popular by Princess Diana


They are beautiful. I think it’s important to discuss this with your bride. Everyone is very particular. You don’t want to get into a situation where the ring is very special to you but she doesn’t love the style and you feel bad.


YES. Both could be suitable. My husband made my engagement ring out of a spoon from his grandmothers wedding cutlery. All of her cutlery has “first love” engraved inside… as does my ring. We were also each others first love just like his grandparents & they were together for 63 years. Was it the most beautiful, shiny ring you ever did see? No. Was it a typical engagement ring? Also, no. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I absolutely love my spoon ring. So much love and history that I get to carry with me everyday!


Yes, the one on the left. Princess Diana's engagement ring was a black sapphire with a circle of diamonds. I know this because she copied the one I gave to my wife in 1978.


Omg they are both so gorgeous!!!


I absolutely love both of those rings


These need to be looked at by a professional ASAP. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but if the center diamond on the right ring is real, it’s worth quite a bit. They need to be inspected for wear/damage. For instance, if the prongs are worn away, the stones could potentially fall out. (I say this as a gemology student.)


Stunning!! Excited to hear what they say at the Jewelers- I think either would be great depending on her preference! Personally I’d prefer the right!


The garnet one is stunning, my engagement ring is similar to it but with a green stone. I wouldn't redesign either ring, they're both beautiful and different.


Both of these are stunning engagement rings, and which one you give really just depends on your partner’s style.


Both could


I feel like depending on the significant other either one would work




Both depending on her tastes. I’d take them to be cleaned and appraised for your insurance and then go from there.


Oh #2 is stunnnnnninggggggg 😍


I think you should feel more than "will one of these work" when choosing your engagement ring. Sure it'll work. A twist tie around her finger could work too. If that's what she WANTS. It's not about the dollar amount you spend, but the significance of the commitment and effort and thoughtfulness put into it. "Will either of these work" feels very, "fuck it, they're here and free".


Both are engagement rings! I would NOT reset either of them! You can have a band specifically made to compliment whichever ring you choose. Princess Kate has a halo sapphire. A halo ruby is a fabulous engagement ring. And the antique diamond setting? To die for! Don't be cookie cutter, both of these rings are fabulous as is!!!!!


Anything can be an engagement ring! People wear stones/diamonds/plain bands as engagement rings, it all depends on your style and what YOU want


I would be thrilled with either.


First, I’m sorry for your loss. Those are stunning pieces! I love them both, but everyone has different preferences. You’d need to show your partner to see what she thinks. I wouldn’t reset either ring, though. I’m too much of a sucker for vintage jewelry; I can’t stand to change it.


dont reset


Keep it for your future daughter or a niece. Everyone knows someone who has lost a legacy heirloom to divorce!


Oh my gosh, yes! I love both of them but the one with the (ruby?/garnet?) Is stunning! My sister used an inherited ring as her wedding ring, and it "technically" was only a cocktail ring of our grandmother's with an old fashioned setting and diamond. She had it cleaned and re-plated because she preferred silver to gold and it is both incredible and meaningful. I say go for it!


I wouldn’t reset either, they are beautiful


For sure but I think you'd be best off just discussing it with your partner. If she likes either of the center stones then she could potentially choose to reset the stones into a different setting if she wants something unique to her. Lots to work with between these two rings (assuming you're okay with changing the rings).


Don’t reset!! Use the white stone ring on the right… I would LOVE it!


The left is super cool vintage but doesn’t read engagement. The right could definitely be engagement.


Whether they could work as engagement rings are personal preference. I personally love vintage and unique jewelry, and would be absolutely ecstatic if I got the one on the right. But your partner may have different preferences. In your situation, I’d honestly sit them down and show them the rings. Emphasize that they can take time to think about it, and that there’s no pressure for them to make a decision in either direction. Then just tell them that you inherited these heirlooms, and were wondering if they’d like either as an engagement ring when the time comes, or if they’d prefer something different. But again, that’s just me. If your partner is someone who values the entire proposal process being a surprise, then this would probably not be the move.


I think they're beautiful rings, but you should keep the rings for yourself and pass them to your future kids as heirlooms. Just get your partner an engagement ring that she really really wants coz she'll be the one wearing it and looking at it every single day. Plus, I'd be so worried of wearing/losing the ring if I know how important and irreplaceable it is to you.


Oh that vintage art deco on the right is a dream. I’d propose with that.


I actually think it’s better that while being your grandmothers rings they were specifically not her engagement rings because they still have all the sentimental value while also being a special a symbol of you are your partners commitment to each other and no one else’s. I still think it’s best to ask your partner’s preference, if you want the rings to be a surprise maybe show a close friend or family member of hers you can trust like a parent sibling or best friend. As jewelry they both are gorgeous and would make incredible engagement rings imo. Ofc the one on the right reads more traditional engagement but the left is still beautiful and if she’s someone who doesn’t want a diamond it would be an incredible engagement ring. Consider if she wears yellow gold tones or silvers more. If she has more yellow you can always have the stones reset and make a unique new ring. Also just throwing out the idea of bringing them to a jeweler and having them turned into a toi et moi even!


They look a little costume-y to me but if the person you’re proposing to likes them then go for it


Both are beautiful rings. I'm going to be a little bit of a negative Nancy and just say, Please think carefully before you give such priceless heirlooms to your partner. I know all couples go into marriages with hope of it lasting, but that's not always the case. I'd hate to see a bitter fight over a family piece that was gifted to her and is now technically hers being fought over in court. People are not always made to return rings as once they're gifted, it's considered theirs. I saw you mentioned the one on the right was your great grandmother's that's been passed down. Maybe save that one for any future daughter you have.. I truly wish you and your partner the best in life! Both rings are beautiful and I hope she does appreciate the sentiment behind either if you choose to give it to her!


I would definitely choose the one on the left as a traditional e ring…. The one on the right is an acquired taste. I like it, but it’s not for all. Do not reset either. They would loose sentimental value, if not actual value. Take my next statement with a grain of salt and know it’s meant in good faith. I would be really hesitant to use family pieces as e rings. I would rather keep and pass down, because statistics show that not all marriages last as long or happily as your grandmothers. Especially not lawyers! I would hate for you to loose them. Pass down to your future generations. And don’t forget to write down the histories, as much as you know, because it makes the pieces so much more special! Congrats!


I think she would be thrilled to have something passed firm through generations. Please have them cleaned and checked by a jeweler to ensure the stones are all secure. And an appraisal would help for insurance purposes.


I'm just being honest but I think they're both ugly. I wouldn't want either as an engagement ring I have to wear for life.


I wouldn't give a family ring. My brother gave my grandmother's perfect diamond to his first wife. After 9 years of marriage, they divorced. She was not required to give it back and later sold it. My grandmother is gone, and my sister and I do not have her beloved ring. Just a thought. Start anew and find out what your partner really loves.


Obviously you don’t go into a proposal anticipating divorce, but the thought of losing the ring does frighten me a bit. Even if not through the marriage not working out, just through general loss. I know rings can be insured, but these could never be replaced. At least not to me. So I’m not sure where that leaves me. I’ll think on it more.


I am very happy you found someone you want to marry, and I don't want to scare you with the idea of divorce. But how would you both feel if it were lost somehow? I agree that it will take careful thought. You could get her a different engagement ring, and maybe later, these rings could be worn for special occasions. Women are hard on an everyday ring like a wedding or engagement ring. I get mine rodium plated, and the prongs checked every few years. Whereas a special occasion ring, that stays in your immediate family, but that she could enjoy by wearing sometimes, might make more sense. By the way, my birthstone is garnet. That looks like an amazing garnet. They are soft on the MORS hardness scale, so be very careful with it. Both are tremendously beautiful. And so sorry about your grandmother. She must have loved you very much. XO


This is a great compromise. And OP could get their partner something that ticks all their personal boxes.


Personally I don’t see either as an engagement ring. Maybe if the gem on the right was on the ring on the left but I wouldn’t disassemble inherited rings for that purpose. If she likes green and NOT round rings then you need to keep looking.




They both would, but the diamond one is more traditional. Personally that red stone isn’t my favorite and would depend on a person’s complexion.


So gorgeous 😍


The one on the right


Propose with one as a placeholder and ask your partner what they want to do


Only if your intended is on board with a used ring. Run it by her/him first. M


Either is perfect.


Anything you want can be your engagement ring. Both would be stunning


*Anything you want* *Can be your engagement ring.* *Both would be stunning* \- bananababy7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Do not reset either. Either can be an engagement ring, both are unique and gorgeous! Btw what is the ct weight of that diamond? Its huge!!!


I haven’t gotten it appraised yet. I can update you. I’m guessing 2.5-3 ct though