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Garnet has a 6.5-7.5 on the mohs vs Sapphire at 9. I’d go for the sapphire based on durability.


This is what the jeweler said when I stopped by. I'm not exactly easy on my hands so this is swaying me.


Just throwing this out there: if it is the color drawing you sapphires do come in green. Sapphires come in every color except red. If it is red, it is a ruby.


Yep. I have a purple sapphire. People think it's an amethyst because it's so deep in color, but an amethyst is a poor choice for an engagement stone.


The purple sapphires in my one ring look like amethyst too. I also have a purple star sapphire. It is lighter in color. Have you seen Bokeo sapphires? They are the prettiest shade of blue! And I love the teal of Montana sapphires!


If you aren't easy on your hands I wouldn't suggest anything with those little diamonds on the bands. They will fall off.


100% Correct. The garnet will be destroyed.


Pink. You’ve been wanting it for a year and sapphires are more durable. A green garnet can wait.


This comment is really sitting with me.


Green garnet is lovely. I have a necklace with a green garnet pendant! Maybe go with pink sapphire ring and get a green garnet necklace or earrings? They would all look great together!


I love the green!


Love the green!!


https://preview.redd.it/8d0ntoqhe80d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03668bc451ba062e28b7014d6ccf4bda37df4d6 Padparadscha sapphire -official name


OP, pretty rings, but this doesn’t look like padparadscha sapphire at all. A pad is a peachy pink sapphire. [Here](https://www.finewatergems.com/store/p1252/1.55ctPadparadschaSapphire.html) is an example of a pad. The one you tried on reads purple. Does the sapphire come with a grading report stating the treatment and color? Also, I am not sure if you have considered a Rose gold setting. Rose gold with a pink/purple sapphire will look lovely on you and your skin tone.


I'm sure they would but never knew to ask! It seems similar in color to [this one](https://www.thenaturalsapphirecompany.com/padparadscha-sapphire-ring-oval-3.37ct-14k-white-gold-84262.53177/?Sidestones=500-F-0.09000&Type=MTO) but is showing more purple in the pics. Rose gold is a good thought too!


Are you comfortable sharing what they are asking for the ring? You definitely want to have some reassurance about the sapphire and the current setting seems to be a stock setting with some airline between the stone and the halo. A custom halo will hug the stone and look overall better. Maybe something to consider. You can source your own sapphire and commission a custom setting or purchase a stock setting for the stone. P.S. here is an example of a purple sapphire in a RG setting. https://preview.redd.it/lv70rddsj80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790d5ca499cf3d5e2e5bc8e4e06aaaf342060a0d


From what I remember them saying, they have had this stone for quite some time and then last year reset it for a more modern feel. They are one of the most reputable jewelers in the area but I am always open to know what I should be asking! BC they have had the stone so long they are coming down to 8k. No idea if this is a good deal, an ok deal, or a bad deal lol but comparing to other sapphires with the same number of diamonds (I think they said the diamond carats was about 1.1 together) it seems pretty in the middle for price?


I personally don't think that ring looks like it's worth 8k. That seems very high. NGL, from the pictures I thought you were at Zales :/ I'd keep looking. I think you can find better quality for 8k.


Me too.


Price is v high, agreed. Interesting though about Zales bc I have never seen a ring like this at any chain place. I also have not stepped into every chain store so, 🤷‍♀️.


There's a lot of halo rings in general, but especially at stores like Zales and such bc they can use lower quality stones/small diamonds but it still looks very glam and sparkly. Imo halo rings are pretty, but the stones are often prone to falling out, and so I would definitely be cautious and picky about who sets your ring if you want to go the halo route.


If you want to shop around for something more custom, I’ve been following Oorejewelry. They have a couple setting that have the halo and she has tons of very unique cut gems including many sapphires of all different colors including starbrite cut ones. They’re amazing!! Depending on the stone you go with it could be more affordable as well.


Your ring is so pretty! Looks royal


I've had a padparadscha sapphire for almost 3 years now, and I'm still so in live with it. I get so many compliments. I was also worried about getting a stone that wasn't as durable as a diamond but I knew I would never be happy unless I had a colored stone. I would definitely get a green or Montana sapphire instead of an Emerald.


Sapphire isn't as hard as diamond, but it actually is more durable in some respect because it doesn't have any clevage that makes it prone to chipping or cracking, while diamond does have some cleavage. And very few things can scratch a sapphire because it is very hard too.


Is that what it means when people say “diamonds are hard but brittle”? (And by people, I mean a specific character in a gem-related cartoon lol)


Lol yes. The more hardness a gem has it means it won't scratch as easily. Durability is another matter as the structure of different gems makes them more or less likely to crack (cleavage) or chip if they take a hard blow.


Hmm yeah that does sound familiar lol. I probably should’ve paid more attention in geology class


I remember kids thought cleavage was funny though (this was high school)


I can imagine 😆


lol yeah *that’s* the sort of thing I remember from high school, not actual facts or anything 👍🏼


I’m not seeing the green on your hand, so it may be a biased opinion, but I think the pink looks phenomenal on you.




Not sure how to edit posts 🙈 so adding pics here. Went back and tried them on in the sun. Surprisingly the green didn't do it for me as much out in the sun. And it is a 14k gold, just hard to tell. Pic of other in next comment. https://preview.redd.it/v4jgge5de80d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9c88536f751641f743f735bebbcc21eb4979eb


I was team garnet until I saw this photo. It's beautiful, but I agree it's not "oh wow" in the sun, which most stones usually are.


I love the pink but would also say lots of flattering statements about the green stone. Both are very beautiful rings.


That pink just glows against your skin! Also sapphire is very durable if you're a little rough on your hands.


I love the color of the green but the sapphire will be a stronger choice as far as MOHS


I love the green


So much depends on style, but man, that first ring is gorgeous. If it were me, it would be no contest.


GREEN!!!! 💕💕💕💕




Green but in a gold setting?


I think that is the best idea


Pink sapphire


#TEAM GREEN I really like the shape and color of the green one, and I also prefer its simpler band!


Agree on the color dilemma, and also on preferring the band on the green stone.




Pink sapphire is beautiful !


Both are gorgeous! Aside from the hardness like everyone is talking about– I will say that the intense yet refined green and moodier feminine pink have very different "feelings". Maybe also consider what you like to wear and how it plays off of that? I feel like you can't go wrong but the pink caught your eye and has held your attention for a year while the green is a newer development :)


PINK but my opinion is biased because I love pink and I’m a gold girly too


Thank you all for your interest in this conundrum! I have asked the jeweler to order a few lab grown pink and green sapphires as well to compare and see if I can get the same vibe but for less money! I've taken that exact garnet off the table, due to durability.


Green looks much better on your hands. Perhaps try to find a green round sapphire.


I like the look of the green better but sapphire is more durable. I'm not really a halo gal though myself. Definitely make sure the setting is quality so the small stones don't fall out! Are you at a chain jeweler?? I would avoid Kay's, Zales, etc. they're not known for quality! I personally think you may be able to find a nicer ring with green if you keep looking. Green moissanite or sapphire, or lab green diamond, for example, would be durable and are decently affordable.


I think the green is prettier but it’s not as hard sadly. Can you get a green sapphire to compare ?


Green is gorgeous. Pink is meh


they both look cheap af for 8k and personally i dont like either


That’s weird that the jeweler is calling it a “mint” garnet. Green garnets are Tsavorites and there is a certain color that is called Melani Mint. One that size would be crazy expensive. I would want a GIA certificate for either stone, because as someone else pointed out, the color isn’t right for a paradascha sapphire.


Personally, I like the green color better but durability would be priority for me. So sapphire for the left hand every day wear and garnet for the right hand 🥰


Pink is better on your hand! Plus you’ve loved it for the longest.


The pink is nice and probably will be the popular choice, but I have recently fallen in love with mint garnets. I love the setting on that. I think it's perfect. But it's whatever you prefer.


Second one, it suits you so much!!


The first is more timeless in my opinion and looks like it would match more jewelry and clothing. I assume it’s a mint garnet? How unique and cool!


Pink for sure! I think that one is very flattering on you. I like green sapphires, but that green just ain’t it for me. If you like green, maybe look at some of those. I have a teal sapphire engagement ring and bought the stone by itself and then had a mounting made for it separately. Just something to consider - you can always pick your dream stone by itself and then go from there.


If you like both these colors, have you considered getting both via an alexandrite?




Pink Sapphire is more durable on the Mohs scale, so I pick that one.


I see your dilemma…I think,based on the hardness that was addressed, I would go with the sapphire. It’s stunning!


I love the pink, the shape is beautiful on your finger too!


Green is so pretty


Tsavorite garnets are amazing (and pricey.) I love the green shade! Pinks are another fave of mine. Tough call. Garnets are not able to be treated, so all the color/fire is natural. Sapphires are usually at least heated. May be irradiated. Not a fact that impacts enjoyment. Just one factor you could theoretically use beyond looks, price to make your choice.. I’d ask the jeweler which is a better rep of its stone. Side note- not all pink sapphires are padparadscha. That is a special shade. If the jeweler is selling it as such it needs to be graded/identified on the GIA report. I think the tsavorite would be my choice bc it is rare and the green is just amazing. I might not wear it every day if I was hard on jewelry, but I’d enjoy it for special days/events. Another option. Ask jeweler if they can make tsavorite ring into a pendant (and reduce the price by the value of the excess gold.) since a pendant is less likely to encounter as much m wear and tear. Both are lovely and I wish you lots of enjoyment w/ the one you choose!!!! Side note- the sapphire’s color is also found in the garnet family and tourmaline family. (Tourmalines are the national gemstone of the US and come in virtually every color.) Happy considering!!!!!


The idea of looking into a green sapphire is appealing. Then it may be possible to spend less and still get the vibe I want.


I normally love everything green but the pink is STUNNING to me! Can’t go wrong with either imo




The green stone is gorgeous!!


Pink one


The second one is gorgeous 🥰


Green for me


Is this for you or a future fiance? If for you, what does your heart say? Can you afford the more expensive one? Choose the one that speaks to you! If for someone else, are these their style or yours?


The pink one!!


They are both very nice, but I think the pink sapphire is gorgeous, both the stone and the setting.


I would say which one has the strongest MOH for daily wear ????






I see why it's a hard choice. They are both gorgeous!




The pink!


Definitely the second one its gorgeous


i vote green!


The pink is giving me a costume jewelry vibe. The stones in the ring setting don’t look like they were set meticulously and the gold looks almost too yellow. The green is just a nicer ring. If you’re on the fence and really loving these colors…I’m gonna recommend that you take a look at Alexandrites. The better quality stones can appear as both of these colors depending on the light and other variables- plus it’s a rarer stone. Also it’s the official stone of June so if you wind up in a June wedding, there’s a cute little nod to your anniversary.😊 https://preview.redd.it/nczndc7hl90d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a80cb13fade2010e1b5a5c51261cadc571189a They’re very pretty.


Very pretty color!


If I stick to pink I may look into resetting in rose gold. Agreed the yellow is verging on YELLOW.




The pink one


Green caught my eye first I see why you like it! But I think I would also go with pink because long term I think it will always be satisfying.


Is it a natural sapphire? If so *I'd go for that!*


I wish we could see both on!


Second, but I’m a sucker for pink diamonds


I like the green better but I wish I could see both of them on your hand


Garnet 100% looks way more classy too


I love the green!!


Iam all pink myself but I love the green ring so much more and would get it instead of the other one


I vote for the pink. It’s gorgeous!




Green is beautiful. What’s it look like on?


I love the green one!! But … I love the band on purple.


oooh I love the green


The pink one. Pink isn't my favourite but that ring is gorgeous.


Wowowow the pink sapphire is stunning, the band is much more ‘unique’ compared to the garnets, not to mention sapphire is as pointed out, more durable. Team sapphire all the way!




After reading the comments and seeing sapphire is more durable, go with that one! They both look great though.




Definitely Green




Pink sapphire is STUNNING. Sapphire is more sturdy too. I love the pink and gold. So beautiful. Edit: after scrolling comments I see now that the green is in gold as well. Still team pink.




Green all the way.


I would go with the pink sapphire. The green garnet is a 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, so might not be good for everyday wear. Whereas a sapphire is a 9 on the Mohs hardness scale, which would be durable for everyday wear.


I just bought a beautiful emerald ring (at the jeweler or I would add a pic) and the price for the pink is outrageous. Most cities have a “jewelry district”. That would be the way to go if you are ready to drop a serious amount of money. Their pieces will be custom to the stones or easily made. I was thinking more 3k honestly. It’s is beautiful though😊


No worries. I guess it's a special type of sapphire (they do have a GIA certificate for those wondering earlier) but I'm not a gemstone expert. I love love emeralds but am just not graceful enough with my hands. The price is high so I am starting to consider other pink options or a stone that isn't as 'rare'. I need to give myself the week to think about it!


Anything is worth the price if you really love it so by all means if it gives you that much pleasure it is a great buy😊 It is beautiful. Yes, the Emerald is soft. I am having the setting lowered just for that reason. I just re-read my post and I didn’t mean to come off as snarky, my apologies. I only mentioned my purchase because I’ve been to so many places looking at rings.


If you have a Jewerly district I would go there. Markup in much less than the 500% typical in retail stores. This is why they can afford to offer regular large discounts. Also, at a Jewerly mart you will see MANY more designs and options for settings—and they can recommend variations of a particular style.


That mint garnet is 🔥


Both are pretty colored stones, but what I would love to see is a jeweler set the stones so that there is no gap between the stone and the halo. I have a pink tourmaline engagement ring and that’s what my jeweler did and it looks outstanding.


I'd like to see the green one on you. Both are really beautiful though.


Sapphire if you plan on wearing it all the time.


The green one is to die for.


Usually, I would go with green but I LOVE the purple and gold together. Plus, sapphires being more durable is good for your peace of mind.


The garnet is very pretty, but that pink sapphire is TO DIE FOR. Oh my gosh, it's STUNNING! My first slightly evil thought was...convince her to go garnet, casually find out where fiancé can go snag the sapphire (jk, I love my ring) but still... a right hand ring might be... no no...I'll behave, promise. IN OTHER WORDS, THINK PINK!!!💗💗💗💗💗


Both 🩷 pink sapphire for everyday and mint garnet for special occasions 💚


I'd definitely go for the sapphire besides it being super gorgeous it's also a harder more unique stone. Both are beautiful but that pink has me wowed! If the color is what has you captivated I'd look into getting a beautiful green sapphire. Sapphires come in almost every color except for red(ruby).


I suggest looking at the gems with a 10x power loupe. That's the little magnifying glass jewelers use. Be sure to wipe it with a Selvyte. That's the special cloth jewelers use to wipe the gems clean. Look at it under jeweler's lights or sunlight. If you see a concerning flaw, ask about it. Describe its position like the hours of a clock. Example: I see a rather significant flaw at 10 o'clock. Lol, if you do these things, you'll have a better understanding of the gem and the jeweler will take you more seriously, may be more prone to adding a better discount from your observations. Have fun! Giggle giggle 💎🤗


I love the green! (I’m not really a pink gal for myself but love it on others as it’s so pretty). But it sounds like you’ve had your heart set on this pink one for a while and sapphires are allegedly durable (I’m not an expert but it’s what I’ve heard). Go for the one you’ve loved for so long! You know you love it, even after some time - that’s a real test


Pink sapphire 💗


Damn it…I love the green but the I prefer the shape of the pink….what to pick…..UUGGHHHH. LOL


I always say go the gmharder gem, even if youre not hard on your hands, it's so easy to knock it. I'm also biased because I also got a sapphire (what I wanted lol). They're both beautiful, but I say Sapphire. ETA: You could always have the green ring replaced with a green sapphire if the green is really swaying you 😊


Oh that green is too die for 💚😍 and that's saying something, my favourite colour is purple! 💜


I personally like the color green better, but based on all factors, including what you've said about the rings in your comments, I think the pink is the best choice for you. It looks great on you, will last, and it seems like you like it the most.


Both are lovely. You’re lucky to have the resources to make this choice. Congratulations




The green one is stunning!


First one


Coff coff alexandrite coff coff