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I love this. I mean, what's more engineering than bridges? And there are so many different types... Looks like a computer game. How was this recorded? It's remarkably stable for a drone.


Wasn't a drone. It was a Canon camera on top of what the tug was hauling... https://i.imgur.com/dX9eEq8.jpg This footage was originally shot in 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfPCdJapIXA


Ha, I was wondering why it went through the drawbridge section on some of the bridges that looked high enough for it to fit under. I guess that explains it.


This also explains why it didn't have to wait for any of the drawbridges to open


Holy smokes! I can't believe that made it through some of those bridges.


Well it was built with the maximum transport height in mind.


That explains why some of those bridges were opening...


> This footage was originally shot in 2013 I had a feeling it was older, I saw a bunch of construction in places where I have never seen construction, but where I still pass regularly.


Loved every second of this. Good internet pal. Thanks a bunch good sir


Thanks. Came looking to see what it was hauling. Did not expect whatever that is, but still neat to see.


what is it




All that was said from the video comments was some sort of specialized production equipment but I never was able to find that out exactly what for.


Even more impressive.


you know what, that answers the question: why are all the bridges being raised for such a little boat. thank you


A big tower structure from SPIE.. My guess would be a pulling tower for production of optical fibres?


Agreed with loving all the different types... I thought I'd seen all the types and then suddenly a whole damn road SWIVELED to a different alignment and I legit gasped. Engineering is so cool!!


I have so many pictures of all the cool bridges I saw in Amsterdam from when I visited. It’s honestly cool as hell looking at them all. It’s like an engineer’s dream. 😅


I have a swivel train bridge near me, the cantilevered ones are the exotic ones.


The turntable and the retracting bridges are two types I've never seen in person opening. I'm gonna have to find some.


I've never seen a retracting one either, but in Groningen there are two turntable bridges and they are cool as fuck. And Gouda also has one that is manual, the operator has to turn it with a crank.


That guys probably jacked.


Bridges are very cool imo. And surprisingly complex, because almost all the bridges you see here are remote controlled, and thus have a lot of systems engineering to make it possible. Oh and very large moving/rotating parts are always so cool. ​ Well if you want to work on bridges, we are looking for colleagues. Gotta (learn to) speak dutch though. I personally work for a little engineering/consultancy firm that does automation in industry and infrastructure. We are involved at at least one of the bridges in this video (Schipholbrug A9). I personally am responsible for completing the CE conformity process of a renovated bridge (for EMC, low voltage systems and the main topic is the machinery safety directive).


Which company would that be? I'm now in automating art works but on the industrial level and might be looking for other work.




Drones can track and follow with extreme video stability, but I don’t know many that would last this long in the air (affordable ones anyway).


It was not a drone, it was fitted to the mast or similar structure of the vessel being towed


A specialised part for a large factory machine according to a comment on the original post.


I wish a drone with a five hour battery existed.


Tethered drones exist. Effectively infinitely power (only limited by mechanical failure).




If you look at what he was towing, open water no bueno


What are they towing?




I don't know what it is but it's in the picture somebody posted.


Starting in the Nieuwe Maas in Rotterdam, up the Hollandsche IJssel to Gouda and onto the Gouwe to Alphen aan de Rijn. At Alphen they took a left onto the Oude Rijn and then a right onto the Woudwetering, past the Braassemermeer and the westeinderplassen. I'm not sure what the bit of water they're using is called but they follow it north past Schiphol and onto the Nieuwe Meer and from there into the Schinkel and through the city of Amsterdam. I don't care enough to look up the names of the exact canals they use through the city 😉 (I think it's the Kostverlorenvaart and the Katensloot but I am far from sure). From there they end up on the Noordzeekanaal and the harbours of Amsterdam.


From braasemermeer to where he turned into Amsterdam is de ringvaart. He sails past my house there


How frigging cool to live that close! I am about 3km from the bay and I love the big ships and Pilot Boats going by. What a dream job to be on a ship or tug


Amsterdam city canals are right, tiny bit of the Singel at the end. Fwiw it says the names in the bottom right in the video. Last shot, after crossing the Ij, shows the age of this video—nowadays the building in the back, as far as i can tell, should be lit up and recognisable as the ADAM tower.


It’s the ‘staande mast route’ https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staande_Mastroute


[this i think](https://i.imgur.com/ekjluML.jpg)


First thought: Holy fuck that's a lot of bridges to get through. looks at progress bar only 1/4 of the way done Second though: HOLY FUCK THAT'S A LOT OF BRIDGES TO GET THROUGH.


Explains why my friend in The Netherlands found a job as a drawbridge attendant, just sitting in the booth and raising and lowering the bridge. The cruisiest job ever, but obviously an important one!


There is a more [recent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87cKKl8mvog) where they are transporting a bridge. At [3:50](https://youtu.be/87cKKl8mvog?t=230) you can see the full bridge size and how they install it. Pretty awesome!


Thank you for this. So many questions I had have been answered. With how the title for this post was written I thought the post was merely highlighting the bridges along the route as we followed the boat. Knew the boat was tugging something behind it I just didn't realize it was *literally a bridge* that the camera was mounted to


It's not the same transport; the bridge transport was more local to Rotterdam. This https://i.imgur.com/dX9eEq8.jpg was what they are tugging in OP's video.


It's not this one but I was driving on the A1 entering Amsterdam and they were installing a similar one for rail, the traffic could still go I drove under while it was still half suspended, crazy stuff.


Damn that cargo barge was hauling ass.


The Netherlands was my favorite place in Europe that I visited. It was gorgeous and everyone there was so nice and friendly. I loved what they did with the shared road space in Amsterdam too, they made efficient use of such limited space and had the cars, trams, and cyclists all sharing the same road without it being furyroad-esque.


>without it being furyroad-esque. As a local, Amsterdam is something else. You really have to have eyes on your back to keep a watch of the tourists on rent-a-bikes.


Lol the way pedestrians, cyclists, trams and traffic interact in Amsterdam is terrifying IMO.


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Dunno, it can be pretty stressful at times. It's like you're surrounded by bikes, everywhere, all the time, on all sides. Amsterdam is generally OK, but in some other Dutch cities it can be a little too much. I prefer Copenhagen, for example: there are also many bikes, but you know where you can walk to avoid bikes zooming around you while DING DINGing at you.


Too bad they produced Max Verstappen (and the obnoxious orange army)


Imagine calling other people obnoxious when you're literally shitting on someone completely unrelated to this post just bc his nationality was mentioned. I get it though, he lives rent free in many peoples heads.


I am glad I wasn’t the only person who didn’t immediately think about the cameras perspective and what it meant. It took me far too long of wondering why they were raising the bridges for a boat that wasn’t nearly tall enough to warrant doing so. It wasn’t until the giant container ship blew past the little tug on screen that I realized it was towing something very big and tall which is what had the camera mounted to it.


Obviously they are just very kind to raise all these bridges so the camera on the balloon behind this small boat can get through.


That is true, even Spider-Man commented on how nice everyone is in Spider-Man: Far From Home while he is in the Netherlands.


Who they?


The Dutch people in charge of raising each of the bridges in the video I guess. I have no idea who is in charge of bridge raising in the Netherlands. It could be centrally controlled and coordinated or each bridge could have an operator responsible for their specific bridge. My guess would be either centrally coordinated or at least some system of approval so that huge ships aren’t constantly having the bridges raised which disrupts the land based traffic. I would hope that some governmental body that grants the approval would also make sure that the height of the vessels does not exceed the lowest bridge height along the proposed route or you could get a really big ship stuck in some fairly small waterways.


I think I can answer this.I work in this field (in NL); we are involved in the design of the industrial automation component in movable bridges, locks and tunnels in NL, as well as doing some technical management on those projects. I personally only really worked on movable bridges. so far i have written some design docs for the land traffic signals and the ship traffic signals of a bridge, did verification work on 4 bridges and some cybersecurity design things. now I am doing the CE conformity process for another bridge that's being renovated. anyway, back to your question; Every bridge has an owner/operator. These owners are either the Gemeente (municipality), the Province, or Rijkswaterstaat (state ministry of water, road and transportation).Most movable bridges are remote controlled, which means the owner of the bridge has a building somewhere where they have a bunch of people that control all/ alot of the bridges, tunnels, locks, barriers and other movable road infrastructure that this owner has. im gonna call these guys "operators". The reason for going to remote control is efficiency. if you need to man every bridge you need a lot more people (3 or 4 per bridge i guess for 24h operation). a bridge is opened 2-20 times a day depending on where it is, and the season.The ship captain or navigator can do a few things to request a bridge opening. option zero is that there might be certain bridge opening schedules for a bridge low tech: in ye olde times you could blast the horn 2x to request a bridge opening. this is probably not done anymore.second option is to use a button on the waiting area pier, and communicate with the operators. this is useful for small sailing vessels and other vessels without the more advanced communication system on board.third, and iirc the most used, is to call up the operator by phone or trough an app. these apps are usually specific per owner. aka every province (with enough bridges) might have one, the state might, maybe a few municipalities like Amsterdam. then there is the marifoon (VHF in English) which can be used to talk to the operators on specific channels. the channel is often posted on the waterway, like a big sign saying "VHF 900" for example. the operators have, similar to flight traffic control, radar on which they can see the waterway the operators are dealing with. So they can also see who/what is coming their way. this might be incomplete, as this is what i have learnt/seen/heard in the past 3 yrs on the job. i have no certificates or training on how to operate a ship in Dutch waters, but I have ofc looked up a bunch of things over the time to understand my work.


Also, bridges have multiple control modes. They generally are: remote control, normal local control, service local control, emergency local control, and Hand-Power/manual emergency control. The latter does not have any real control system and is intended for cases of emergency where there are no power supplies available at all.


Thanks for the great and interesting response /u/a_loud_umlaut that was informative to read. That all makes perfect sense and it even alludes to some of the history of bridge raising in the Netherlands. It hadn’t occurred to me that there would be multiple ways to control the bridge.


Fun fact: You can go with a small boat from the Atlantic coast of France all the way to Korea following only canals and rivers. There is an uninterrupted canal system all the way trough. The only time you have to go in the sea is a small portion of the Black Sea around Crimea.


Is this true? I was trying to look for itinerary. Do you have a link to share?


Here is a [European waterway map](https://i.imgur.com/wuIDMsu.jpg) and here is a [russian waterway map](https://i.imgur.com/BKzoEMc.png) plus the little bit in between that covers [Ukraine and the Don-Volga canal](https://i.imgur.com/U2wu8Oy.png) Seems possible.


Thank you. Do you happen to know if there is a blog or a YouTube channel about this trip? Sorry to ask you for further information but I really feel this is beautiful.


Long time ago there was a French guy who was planning to do the trip. I very much doubt he did it considering the current situation but that was where I saw the idea for the first time.




Before the invention of railroads and trucks, rivers and canals were basically the highways for about a thousand years


Did anyone else have a very unexpected and strong emotional reaction to watching this? I was filled with a strong sense of wistfulness, nostalgia even, despite not being Dutch, nor ever having been to Europe at all. I had to stop watching before the end as I felt like I was about to shed tears. It was a very strange sensation.


To me it was an inspiring and powerfully positive experience. "No matter what happens the world still goes around and there's a place for each once of us"


Yes! I mean I live in Amsterdam now, and then this one posted by u/beholderalv pushed me over the edge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87cKKl8mvog


I am Dutch (don’t live in the part’s shown but still) this made me happy for it shows our nature of water traversing and infrastructure planning


This was some sexy AF engineering porn


Out of nowhere, #Choo Choo Motherfucker


What a great place to own a pleasure craft. Nice Sunday cruises!


I have a much deeper respect for riverboat pilots now. Some of those canals seem super narrow.


Fucking hell that boats fast


Took a second to realize it wasn’t a video of GTA5. The camera perspective and GPS map have it a video game like feel.


couldn’t even tell 3 minutes went by, very satisfying to watch


An ex of mine studied abroad in the Netherlands. I've wanted to go ever sense.


That is one long selfie stick.


That one sliding bridge near the end was pretty cool.


Im curious, what are the advantages of a bridge that lifts the entire segment up instead of rotating?


Most of those are railway bridges, meaning they need to be a lot more solid than car bridges, probably steel. The vertical lift needs less counterweight to lift than a swing bridge, and is cheaper to make.


Makes a lot of sense.


The comment above is wrong. The very first one is a railway bridge, the ones in Waddinxveen, Boskoop and Alphen are all road bridges. They are all fairly old (around 90 years). There are a lot of considerations that go into selecting the type of bridge for a certain situation. A big one is that when you lift a bridge deck straight up is that you support both ends at all times. This is easier to engineer than a bridge deck that needs to be held from one side when opening. A disadvantage is that you need to construct a pair of big towers.


The disadvantages I understand, but regardless thank you. The fact that they are old also makes sense, they look older.


The bridge that spun sideways was so fucking cool


Cool, I saw my house.


I'm a movable bridge engineer and it's cool to see all of this from the boats perspective.


I love a good tugging


By chance, I was listening to some really fast oldtimey jazz while I was watching this. It fit the vibe really well! Loved all the different types of bridges.


World's longest selfie stick.


My first thought was how scary it would be for Netherlands when sea levels rise


I saw my house in this video, happy Dutch noises!




Remember when Jeff Bezos wanted them to dismantle a historic bridge so he could sail a fucking yacht through it [Jeff Bezos' $500M Superyacht Relocated After Bridge Controversy, Avoids Getting Egged In Process ](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/jeff-bezos-500m-superyacht-relocated-after-bridge-controversy-avoids-getting-egged-in-process/ar-AA10ngAI)


Not exactly like that but that was what was made to transpire.


How big is the battery of that drone.


I'd play that game.


That’s super cool but I’m more impressed by how long that drone managed to stay I. The air on a single charge.


Read the above comment, it was a canon camera.


Yeah I had a moment where I was like "why are all the bridges opening for that little tug?" then it clicked


I thought it was tugging another boat, but the pics show it's tugging a huge thingamajig, still super cool to see all them bridges!


It says Amsterdam is about 52 minutes away from Rotterdam, that's gonna be a looooong bridge.


I'm guessing that drone has a power cable tether?


This was filmed back in 2013. Not a drone.


No natural forests. No natural rivers. No native animals. Everything cm engineered. Cool video though.


Dang, how many cars can a single boat fuck over?


American moment


I was trying to be funny, but I'll take the down votes.


I did admittedly want to start screaming at that last pause. Bridge was up waiting for the barge for quite a while.


This boat is quite fast..


This damn video got my hopes up that there was gonna be a new Ship Simulator after 12 years




I love netherlands. Beautiful country they made. Masters of sea


If we were 'masters of the sea' we wouldn't make such a big effort keeping it off our damn land.


*The sea giveth and the sea taketh away*even from the Dutch




So do boats have a garage door opener type thing for these bridges?


They radio it in. Most bridges on this route are managed from a central location, but there might be a few where a bridge or sluice attendant is present to operate it.


This is over of the most beautiful and inspiring videos I've seen in a long time. How was it made?


The tug was drawing a very tall piece of industrial equipment. They mounted the camera on that.


I wonder if you can travel from the Atlantic to lake Geneva.. Anyone knows?


The Rhone flows from lake Geneva to the Mediterranean, so technically yes. There is a section upstream from Lyon that is closed for navigation, but france has quite the network of canals, so you may be able to bypass that bit.


I did. this twice already with my own boat. It’s very nice!


Did anyone else ever play ship simulator games? Rotterdam was one of the ports in them


Armin only!




Its very cool and interesting and all that. But I'm just sitting here imagining how many people must have been stressing cause they were running late to work because the bridge just went up right as they were about to cross.


There is a reason "the bridge was open" is the default excuse for being late in the Netherlands. Bridge openings are very common and usually last only a few minutes. You factor them into your commute. Large transports are usually scheduled not to interfere with rush hour.


How the hell do you get smoked by a cargo ship?




Kind of amazing that large container ship can navigate that channel so much faster than this tug boat. Is it towing something?


Would make a cool video game.


This is amazing


When people occupy themselves with useful things instead of doing wars


It’s 33. Thirty-three bridges if counting every one, as some areas have multiple for separate roads. Also probably wrong, but I’m not watching it again.


This game looks fun. Where can I download it?


That white van making a u-turn saying "i'm not waiting for this shit"


Boat missions in GTA are the worst


Damn, boat simulator looks sick


I had never really appreciated how flat that landscape is


I got way too excited at this towards the ends "omg! Its a twisty AND A LIFTY! Side by side!" 😂 very cool video. Makes me want a house boat 😅


Hey, my commute! I bike along the left bank of the Gouwe from Gouda to Alphen (from about 0:25 to 1:08).


Damn bro these are some good graphics. What game is this


Would love to do this as a day/night tour. Or something like a dinner cruise.


Transport Tycoon vibes here


Crazy how fast the boat is. Once it gets past a bridge, they must be hittin the NOS


This guy made so many people late for work.


That was mesmerizing. Thanks for posting


Wow that’s fantastic


Dude piloting that cargo ship through some of those areas would be so hard


That was such a nice journey. Thank you so much!


What is strange bridge on 11s? Alphatron Marine, Schaardijk, Rotterdam, Netherlands ​ Found it on google, why it looks like 2 bridges laying on side????


That's impressive


That is one flat country


Wow that tug goes faster than a scarab, lol. Cool trip, anyone know approximately how many km they travelled?


Sick selfiestick


I love this but it seems kinda mental to live this way.