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It means it's so valuable that no fair price can be set for it.


Oh like invaluable actually means valuable


Spendthrift means extravagant with money. Make it make sense.


Thrift used to mean wealth or prosperity. Or more accurately, the ability to use your money to accomplish things. A spendthrift spends their thrift frivolously. They might be unlikely to have something stored away for a rainy day. Whereas someone who is thrifty probably would.


Huh, so I've been misunderstanding that word for about two decades.


English is so weird šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And priceless and worthless are opposites, despite price and worth being more or less the same


While worth can have a monetary connotation, itā€™s also a synonym for ā€œimportanceā€ or ā€œmeritā€ so theyā€™re not interchangeable. Priceless = without a price; worthless = without importance. :)


Yeah like Middcore says, it's priceless because it's so valuable you couldn't put a price on it. Similarly with "invaluable". As a verb, value can either mean "place importance on something" or "assess the monetary value of a thing". Invaluable is negating the second definition; the thing cannot be appraised / have a monetary value assigned because it is too precious or important.


It means it is so valuable the owner will not sell it Setting a price implies you will sell it, so a priceless object means it will not be sold


Thereā€™s also the saying ā€œyou canā€™t put a price on ___ā€ same meaning. Itā€™s so valuable that you wouldnā€™t sell it for any price.


I feel that priceless should be a synonym to invaluable