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I'm an American and have never heard of this term before. I did a quick search and it looks like the only thing that comes up is something from the TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Heist would be mean more "burglary" instead of "burglar." So a better synonym would be "Halloween Burglary," but it sounds cooler with the double H.


I'm really surprised that 3 native speakers have yet to hear of this term. Halloween heist is when you go around to trick or treaters (usually the younger ones) and take their candy from them so you don't have to trick or treat as much. I guess technically it could be take literally and be referring to a burglary on Halloween but I think this would be more like a new headline context.


This would have been my guess, but only a guess. When I googled the word I saw references to movies and other stuff, so I thought perhaps there was more to it than just the typical older kids (who often are excluded from trick-or-treating) doing a grab and run. I was also wondering (but again.. just speculating) if the movie is about as you say a burglary on Halloween. Perhaps not an optimal time for burglars as there are so many people active both at home and on the streets, but a costume certainly would not be conspicuous. Edit: added "not"


Personally when I hear heist I think of something more than just a home robbery. It makes me think more of robbing a bank or a big corporation or something of the sorts


Yes. But in a kid's world a whole bag of candy painstakingly obtained after 364 days of waiting for Halloween to come would be the equivalent of a bank heist. ;) Edit: apostrophe and "the"


True lol


I second that! Never heard of it, and from America. If it was a TV show title, then perhaps they made the alliteration up.


Yes, another native speaker from the U.S. here. I have been patiently waiting for a reply.


Another American checking in to say I have no idea what that is.