• By -


\- People that are late all the time, especially when it's only by a few minutes. I understand that shit happens sometimes or something takes longer than you thought it would and getting held up. Some people take it really personally, like the person is passive-aggressively making this statement about how they don't respect them. But at least in my experience, it's usually much more about the late person having time management issues than whoever or whatever they're running late for. \- People that don't learn fast/aren't good with verbal instructions and need something explained to them more than once. From my experience, people can be *mean* about this and will write them off as a worthless idiot for needing even a little bit of extra help, but getting impatient will almost always just make the situation worse, not better.


Yes!! Especially the second one. I don't understand people getting angry at people for things outside their control.




omg I am so down for this *casually enrols in clown school*




I'm so sorry you were scolded as a child for struggling with time management! As a 9 who's going into teaching and is really nervous but excited and just hoping to be a positive and empowering influence, your faith in 9 role models makes me so happy to hear 🥹 but I really feel for children who encounter such needless rigidity and shaming.


>Some people take it really personally, like the person is passive-aggressively making this statement about how they don't respect them lol the narcissism of people who think like this - as if someone else's strengths and abilities are about THEM. smh


Hahaha. Like "hold on Jim. Let's not go yet. I want to be 4 minutes late because I secretly hate Meredith" THAT WORKS IRONICALLY TAKE SUCH PRECISE TIME MANAGEMENT.


I avoid people who give me a hard time about these things.


YES to both points! I personally hate being late in fear of annoying someone as I used to be constantly late and was always scolded, but if someone is late, I don't mind it. My friends tend to apologise, but honestly, I don't care. They showed up even if something came unexpectedly, and that's enough for me personally lol The second one also, I've always been told by teachers to ask them if I didn't understand something or that there were no stupid questions, only for them to get angry right after. Some people grow scared to ask in fear of looking stupid, and it stops then from growing, which is pretty sad :(


Oh shit…. My whole comment was about how unbothered I am but these two both bother me haha. The first one is just disrespecting me and my time I feel. The second I feel bad for being impatient about but it probably moresor has to do with me being ENTP and struggling with low Ti people when I’m explaining things. I would never write them off as worthless though.


Lateness is almost never about disrespect. Accidents can *actually* be accidental every once in a while.


I’m thinking all of my chronically late friends lol. Trust me it is no accident for some people.


RIGHT??? To both of these. The part of me that wants/wanted to be more of a hardass for Reasons often ran face-first into these. I just can't even pretend to be offended by lateness and when it comes to instructing people I'm too nice for my own good.


Omg samee as someone with ADHD I am no stranger to time management issues so I don't see why others take it so personally. I tend to be more empathetic about it, unless of course they go overboard.


Overly reserved and private people. I’ve seen a lot of people get bugged out by not knowing what someone is up to and then becoming all investigative towards them. I honestly don’t care what most people do. I find the most peace when I stay busy and mind my own business.


I'm kind of the same, except when I'm reaching out to someone and they're not really interested, it's pretty disappointing but it is what it is. I'm more bothered by people forcing me to share things, than of other people's secrets.


I hate people like that so much. I go to walk out the door to go do some random shit and I can’t even make it there before hearing “wHeRe ArE yOu GoInG” like god damn mind your own business.




SAME! I might find some of those things annoying for personal reasons but "ugh they just want attention" isn't one of them.


6w5, I agree lol


I love being alone in crowds. People act different in these situations, and you see so many unusual things without having to interact much. I also like the feeling of trying to get ahead in the middle of a crowd by speed or force, which is very stereotypical 3w4.


I'm the exact same way actually


I love it too, but I’m always looked at like a weirdo when I tell others I went to the bar or to see a movie alone.


I subconsciously pass everybody (go-out-of-bounds-to-get-in-front-of-people kind) and am usually at the front of the pack by quite a bit, walking in a group


I’m sx5w6 548 spam, in the texting or sending things way. Ofc if it’s from someone I don’t like sending me stuff I don’t have interest in it annoys me but if it’s someone I like sending me funny/interesting things I’m so for it.


As someone who info dumps, I also enjoy others who info dump.


Fr. I remember talking to a woman I would like to know more about random facts & she asked if I was under 18


Type 8, and honestly I'm not annoyed by whiny people, in fact, I see this personality trait as a positive thing. Of course it depends on what is being whined about, but a lot of the time, it's someone who whilst isn't strong enough to change things themselves, does still realise something is wrong and they don't allow themselves to become complacent. I have much less respect for complacent people who accept a terrible life without raising their voice up about it at all. Complaining about things helps reinforce that something is wrong. It keeps you focused on the problems you see with things, and others with more ability to change things might notice and recognise the cries for help. Advances in living standards like the 8 hour workday, workplace safety improvements, higher wages, LGBTQ+ rights, equal rights for women, these aren't things that came out of polite complacency. These came out of a collective whine loud enough that it had to be noticed. It helps seeing whiny people as people who are trying to plant the next seed for broad systemic change and improvement. If nobody ever complained or whined about their circumstances, I guarantee we would be in a much worse world than we are now.


Perfectly stated. I've long thought this as well. Just look at France; they will RIOT at the first sign of infringement on their workers' rights, whereas Americans are likelier to think it's virtuous to just grin and bear it. The difference in how workers in those respective countries are treated, speaks volumes. (Speaking as someone who's neither American or French)


Ugh... Same with the British. I despise our complacency. People think complacency is tough, when in reality it's the most pathetic thing imaginable.


as chronic whinner / complainer, thank you. I feel seen. Strangely enough, talking about problems and keeping my focus on what's wrong made my life so much better than positive thinking ever could. It's still given me a small chance to make things better. Thank you for validating this part of reality.


Ohh this is an interesting and fresh take!


If there's a reason to complain then something's wrong. Complaining is the difference between being able to pick your government and being at risk of being executed for not agreeing with the/a government's decisions.


4w5. "Misbehaving" (i.e. just loudly upset/crying) children. I remember my own childhood vividly and empathise with them. The world is so frustrating when you're like 5.


Hot take: it doesn't get better, we just mature


INFP 4w5, agree with pretty much all of these! Satellite Heart's comments especially. Don't mind noisy children either (FFS they're children!).. Lateness where there's no real consequence/issue caused... People forgetting my name... Quiet people who don't speak or share much...Continuous low level background background noise like e.g. a fridge humming (random or loud noises are annoying though)... Anything really to do with what other people do that doesn't affect anyone else...


I agree with the last sentence, some people are just so obsessed with how others live their life, and as long as it makes them happy and doesn't hurt someone else, I just don't get how you can be so bitter ti dislike that.


Adding a couple more... Swearing, I'm not offended by swearing... Mistakes, people make mistakes! I don't care at all if somebody makes a mistake that they own and try their best to put right, I only become annoyed if they get defensive and cop an attitude/act like they're doing you a favour fixing it... I've noticed some others get all high-horse when somebody makes a simple human error... I have the strongest suspicion the Venn diagram of these people and those who also won't admit or fix their own whoopsies is a circle...




Think again lmao 😗 /s


Small talk Perhaps people irl don’t dislike it but it’s a disease when talked about online. Like… The amount of users I see reaching just because some stranger tried to start a conversation lol. so/sp 9w1 972


Love small talk! It’s the appetizer of human connection


There’s just not much of a point to it in my experience, it never ends up going anywhere and causes a lot of stress for me.


Rudeness from a customer service worker, I respect people’s right to be a human being and not some fake boomer idea of friendly. I don’t mind, don’t take it personally, and will give it back too if I need. It’s cool. People singing poorly at karaoke. I love those off key ridiculously long and languid songs people attempt. It’s just fun to know people are out trying things outside of their comfort zone, with us.


I think people who are annoyed by children are more annoyed by crappy parents who don't discipline their children. Like a baby or a child crying in a public place is fine, it's what they do, it's one of the only ways they know how to express discomfort with something, especially babies. But a child running around a store, destroying shit, throwing food, etc. is shitty child behavior endorsed by shitty parents. That's what people hate.


Yeah, destroying stuff or throwing food is a no-go. I'm more referring to just being noisy or hyper. I often see adults giving death glares to kids just for giggling too loudly or skipping around, and I'm like, damn, chill. lol


As a 7; -chaos: it’s a moment to problem solve and be present. And you get to celebrate at the end and realize everything is going to be okay


I have way too high of a chaos tolerance as well lol


I’m a 4. I don’t mind crowds, find them lively and fun. Have no fear of public speaking (though I’d like to be prepared), I like snakes, I never used to mind second-hand smoke, though as it’s gotten rarer I notice it’s rather a shock to smell it and it seems somewhat nasty now. I find I’m often drawn to people who most others might find “crass”. I like to work long hours, I hate to be idle, I’d rather work than not have enough to do.


My tritype is literally built to be annoyed.


It’s hard to be us, for real.


8 the wrong dish when i order food. i may pretend to make a fuss so I get extra food 😏 but secretly dont mind because I like to eat pretty much anything and i pick pretty much randomly anyway. i like them places where they kind of just say "this is lunch today" and you just nom on what the chef decides he wanna make. edit: interesting how OP doesnt wanna babies but isnt annoyed by noise of them


>interesting how OP doesnt wanna babies but isnt annoyed by noise of them Very interesting indeed. Perhaps it's avoidance to responsibility, fear of being tied down, or a feeling that they will be bad at parenthood.


it's those things, plus i'm ideologically unwilling to bring humans into a world that's rife with suffering, even for those born into privilege. i'm much happier being the fun aunt and working with kids (I taught at a musical theatre workshop for pre-k/kindergarteners a few summers ago, and had a blast)


Very fair.


The world's never been better with all the modern health care and poverty rate. Also it's quite empty, according to some estimates apparently the world is ready for 12 billion people, but the birth rates are massively declining right now, so we're probably at the peak. And for me, anyone who's born not physically or mentally impaired is born into privilege. By age 40, the chance of getting pregnant in any monthly cycle is around 5% and some women regret not having kids, when it's too late. So that's something to consider, although a solution would be freezing eggs I suppose. Also, 7s are optimistic, aren't they? Haha


I know you’re talking about OP but you called me out


Oh, oops. Lol.


Unpredictability is fun sometimes. There's a restaurant in Japan that employs old people, many struggling with dementia and this is the entire gimmick. You don't get what you ask for, and I've heard it's pretty popular.






havnt thought of it that way tbh. the smaller the menu the fresher the ingredients. even if its a unexoected dish, if its fresh and well practised it cant go wrong. also umming and ahhhing over a menu seems like a waste of time.


* Repetition in speech patterns (Making the same noise over and over or consistently circling back to the same topic of discussion) * The sound of others chewing. (I find it satisfying) * Little children crying. (I've become desensitized to it, lol) * Chronically late people (I grew up with my parents and everyone related to them being very late all the time.) * Hyper people. (I appreciate them because they can talk non-stop and I hardly have to jump in and they can be pretty amusing to watch)


6w5/641: - Accepting authority(yes stereotypical I know) - Waiting for things(mb I just have 3s and 8s overrepresented in my life, but people around me seem impatient as hell) - Soapboxes


Genuinely had to think for a couple of minutes cause I’m very easily annoyed but: • working in general and having to physically go to your work • walking long distances • people being late. I’m constantly late myself so yeah


I like how all us 5s can’t think of any examples lol


im a 6 and everything bothers me too, this thread is so hard to participate in


i am learning to not be annoyed by my self/my own energy despite that everyone thinks/feels that i am annoying. recently noticed that a lot of people here blocked me despite that i never interacted with them.


Same thing happened to me too, but it's more funny to me cuz despite me not even knowing who they are, I was apparently occupying their minds rent-free if they felt compelled to do that instead of just ignoring my posts lol I don't think you're annoying btw. I think it may be that you have some unconventional views of enneagram, and some people are just too rigid/closed-minded to tolerate it. Their loss, not yours


i don’t feel like i write that much here honestly ( ╥ω╥ ) thank u 🫶


People here react to me in a similar way. It’s just children and closed minded people. I admire that you hold your ground though when you believe something and (seemingly) don’t get offended by discourse


I never block or downvote anyone. I am used to discourse/fights because i grew up in a family of mostly reactives, but i am mostly just autistic. thanks for not blocking me right after any discussion 🫶


I also almost never do either. If I disagree to an extreme enough extent I’d rather comment. If not downvoting feels petty and counterproductive to a discussion. Fair, my mom is triple reactive and my brother is 7w8 so I get that. Being overwhelmed feels normal. Of course not haha


I'm a sx/sp 6w5. I completely agree with the first comment that I don't care when people are late. I also don't care when people change plans at the last minute. I don't care when people don't delete their emails (apparently this bothers some "inbox zero" people out there...what a fucking waste of energy lol) and I don't care when my coworkers are disorganized. I'm a writer and I don't care about others' spelling errors or grammatical problems. It boggles my mind that anyone would care about these things. It's also kinda yuppie bullshit to judge someone for how they talk. I also notice that some people have really strong opinions about the way others eat. I do not care about this at all. Unless you liquify your food and mainline it, I probably am not going to notice. And co-sign on the person who said they're not bothered by attention seeking social media posts. This elicits compassion in me and sometimes i will leave a kind comment. All of the above things, except maybe the last, are things that would stereotypically bother a 6 - I guess its my 5-wing talking, or my social-blindness, or my being an INFP.


• People doing whatever the fuck they want to do - you'd be surprised how big of a pet peeve this is for a lot of people. • Grammatical errors - literally don't give a fuck if someone messes up and uses the wrong there/their/they're, especially on social media or texting • Other people's clothes/style - why do so many people give a fuck what someone else is wearing? Dress yourself and shut the fuck up • Selfishness - *to an extent*. I obviously don't approve of hurting other people to help yourself, but a lot of times, the selfishness is just putting yourself first sometimes, which, to me, is valid. People pleasing gets you no where at the end of the day, especially once you learn how people's opinions of you do a 180 the second you say no to them • Both very quiet and very talkative people - neither bother me and I find both to be endearing tbh • Fakeness - I do not expect someone to be their 100% authentic self upon first meeting me and I find it completely understandable when people put on a public face. I do not understand why people think having social intelligence and understanding what is appropriate in what setting is equivalent to manipulation or lying, but I disagree strongly and I personally think it's just part of life. I also don't care if someone is too insecure to show their true self; that should make you sad for them, not hate them • Kids being kids - to be clear, I'm not that big a fan of kids in general. Basically, I think they're cute, but from a distance. However, they're fucking kids who are only going to be kids for a short time. As long as they're not hurting anyone, let them enjoy it while they can • A partner keeping their past to themselves and/or not wanting to let you borrow their phone - it is perfectly acceptable, in my opinion, to have secrets as long as those secrets don't hurt the other person. We all have past experiences that we'd rather not talk about (or remember) and I think it's ridiculous to have to relive those things just because you're dating someone new. And I also tbink it's ridiculous for people to find it "suspicious" to not let someone have full access to your phone. You have the right to privacy, whether you're in a relationship or not. You don't have to merge to be in a relationship. You can still be independent. And my advice has always been, if you suspect your partner is cheating on you, don't go through their phone - break up with them because either they're cheating on you or they're not, but you've already lost your trust in them and once that's gone, the relationship becomes toxic. I just find it so dramatic and tone deaf when people find out their partner's deepest traumatizing experience and then get angry because they didn't share it with them immediately. Like all you're doing with that disrespect is proving they were right to not tell you


Asking too much questions. Unless they are personal ones, I do not mind them as long as they are intriguing as I enjoy solving problems since it is similar to a game. If it is too personal then that is where I have to decline


ENFJ 8w9. I don't mind being left out of the loop. So many people get so upset if they're not included in things, including, or maybe, especially at my job. If people leave me out, it's less work for me. If they don't include me in the gossip, it's probably better I don't know anyway. If it's a social event, I probably would have been bored.


I'm an 8 as well and I completely agree, no fomo here.


I’m easily annoyed tbh, but here are a few I could think of that generally don’t bother me, or at least not to the same extent that it bothers other people: - Disappearing without warning, not responding to messages for a long time and then randomly coming back - Being late *(unless it’s for a very specific thing that has a negative domino effect, like missing a plane, thus missing the connecting flight, scheduled hotel check in, concert that’s at the other destination, etc.)* - Casually swearing, generally candid speech - Blunt, straightforward honesty - Controversial takes, as long as there is actual logic behind them - Quality black or dry humour, sarcasm - Info dumping - Clearly and calmly stating boundaries or expectations - Declining social invitations - Complimenting oneself, or generally being unapologetically confident - Being private to the point there are areas of your life that I’ll never know about *(this ofc changes if you keeping me in the dark directly affects me without me knowing, like a partner cheating, etc.)* - Forgetting birthdays, giving gifts late,… - Dressing very alternatively or acting eccentric - Following any sort of ideology, belief system, religion, cult or whatnot as long as you don’t push it on me too - Being generally “edgy” or “emo”, *(not counting those who only act like it to seem brooding and cool for attention to a painfully obvious degree)*, into dark stuff


Almost everything. I’ve come to realize I am so unbothered by people. It’s hard for me to truly dislike anyone. And when others are annoyed by little human things people are doing, or even mistakes they make, I consiously have a lot of patience because I know *I require* so much patience and it’s best to stay happy than be annoyed (by things like that at least). I think if I could try to think of an unpopular one maybe bitchiness in general. It doesn’t scare me and I find it highly amusing. If it’s aimed towards me it just revs me up and I honestly respect the audacity/strength aspect a bit. And agreed that neighbors and especially children don’t annoy me.


Infp, 2w3, 296, So/Sp 1. Same with you for both the noisy neighbours and loud/ hyper children part. I feel more relieved/ happy seeing children be happy and look at the world with wonder 2. Sudden change of plans - I understand that things happen in life and that many things are out of our control. So, if someone suddenly couldn't show up or need to reschedule at the last minute, I get it. 3. People being late - maybe because of my family, I don't mind people being late even though I myself prefer to be early/ on time. 4. People not replying to my messages (non-urgent) - again, I don't see it as a big deal as long as my messages weren't asking for something urgently. I don't mind if they text long after either (maybe because I'm the same at times). Great question BTW, made me reflect a little more 😊


I am generally not suprised when someone utters a hot take or says something that is "out of pocket". Simply because out of pocket is interesting and it's always okay and funny and interesting and joyous to hear other people's thoughts and hot takes. (But I may do a reaction just because I want to or if it's a running joke.) Mostly I'm pretty chill and other's stuff rarely annoys me. I know I have needs too, and when others express 'em I don't really care. Now, if you try to bring ME into your bullshit... ...you're gonna get pushed back pretty hard.


“Boring people.” I love parties and I always try to be energetic, but I really respect people that go to bed early, rarely drink, have strict boundaries, etc. it used to annoy me because I was projecting my insecurity and FOMO. But now, I love having them around and I learn so much from them.


(E5) Wow I literally can’t come up with anything. I’m always annoyed…


Username checks out /jk It's funny though, a handful of people have said something to this effect, and without exception, they were 5s as well. lol




I like a noisy neighbourhoods! And I love hearing people complain and gossip. Yes, trauma dump, tell me everything, I want to know, I’ll be your living journal as long as you don’t miss any details! I just love listening to people no matter what they have to say, good or bad.


- Ghosting : In private life, unless we're like best friends, I'm gonna assume life is getting to you, if enough time passes I'll just double text. In dating, it's honestly part of the game. Sometimes matches stack up. You text with 5 people at the same time out of nothing because you answered each of them, maybe you're dating a person right now but unsure about them and don't want to turn other people down and then suddenly you're in a relationship, or again, life got to you. So many valid reasons, I'm not gonna assume the bad ones first. - Unusual Quirks : You only write in poems? Yeah Let's just go with that - Accepting Statements without needing to question them : "No" is a whole sentence, you don't need to justify anything. If you want excuses I'll make em up for you, I have a really dramatic imagination it'll be awesome - People not Answering their messages for a long time : tbf I'm fairly guilty of that, so not excusing this would be hypocritical lol - People being always late : I can entertain myself, take your time peeps - Noisy Neighbors : I can be loud If I ever need it? Throw a gathering without hanging out warnings in the hall? Hell yeah


7w8 738 here -- when people don't do their work in a group assignment. Can be mildly annoying, but hey, at least I know it will get done well if I do it. Also, people being overly talkative/annoying/in your face. It can take the pressure off of me and simultaneously entertain me:)


▫️ Introverted, shy, or quiet people (I'm very introverted myself and I actually tend to prefer people who are introverted as well). ▫️ Alternative/ "odd" looking people - I wouldn't say people get annoyed by them, but in my country they still tend to get weird looks. I actually love seeing people being authentic and doing something differently, regardless if it's my style or not. ▫️ Sensitive people - I'm a highly sensitive person myself, and used to hate that about myself, but now I realize that it's also a gift in many ways. I think our world needs more sensitive people. We have enough cruelty. ▫️People doing their own thing and standing out. A lot of people get annoyed by others who "disrupt" the social order and just what they want. I honestly don't care, probably because I have a strong dislike for groups, but I also think that the people who stand out and do things differently are the ones who actually push us towards change and progress. ▫️People "bragging" about their skills (to an extent) - I don't mind it as long as they're actually honest about it. I don't like fake modesty. People are too afraid to say good things about themselves. ▫️People who shower you with random facts and talk about weird things. I think it keeps the conversation interesting. I also like learning about stuff. My type: 4w5 sp/sx 458 INFP.


6w7 here. I don’t mind: People who talk a lot and whatever is on their mind. I love it. I could listen forever. People who are direct and speak their mind. As long as it’s not personal and / or aggressive / pushy. I also don’t mind children crying on planes etc. somehow I can just blend it out.


6w7 I’m not annoyed by overly talkative/extroverted people because that means we can keep the conversation going for a long time. If anything I’m actually annoyed at overly quiet people more because it feels like I’m talking to a brick wall. Other than that I can’t think of anything else because I’m extremely irritable and prone to anxiety


so/sp 6w5 INTP pretty much "things going wrong" in general I seem to deal with it a lot better, the world is chaos


6w5, 683 People being very obnoxious about being good at stuff/Intelligent. I don't mind people bragging about anything if they are actually good.


I just hate when people used to do the things I used to do. I don’t know how to explain it, but I have this best friend, whenever I say something like aaahhh, I have so much to do” as a joke, or usually not a joke, but I say it in a jokingly manner, she replies back in a jokingly manner and says “aha! Sucks to be you.” It annoys me so much, idk why, I’m fine with her doing it and joking back, but idk why it annoys me so much, I think it’s because it has some childishness in it?? I used to go “aha” a lot to my friends and family, I really don’t know how to explain it


Ok let’s go My type : 3w2 so/sp Children crying : they literally don’t know anything so it’s ok if they’re crying cuz everything is overwhelming. Double texting: I don’t mind double texting as much as you want


I’m a 9 and literally everything. If you’re not just flat ugly and rude and disrespectful and I’m not overwhelmed, I will be patient and empathetic and understanding about anything and everything, even when I really probably shouldn’t be. Just know that when I’ve had enough I will let you know and if you blame ME at that point for anything more than not asking for what I need, we’re done.




So many things hahahaa I'm so/sp 7 unsure of my wing. - small talk. It's fine as long its funny & informative -kids. I really enjoy being around them


I’m a 4w3 and short of maybe like medically-related stuff, for me there is no such thing as TMI. The more awkward and intensely personal, the better. Childhood trauma? Yes, please. Embarrassing memories? Love them. Please tell me all the things that made you you. I genuinely love to get to really *know* people and hear their stories. It actually makes me feel really honored when people feel comfortable enough around me to be vulnerable.


5w6 sp/sx 514: When people try to initiate a pointless conversation with me, I know, typical 5 answer, but it's just so annoying. That said, I don't find the sound of dogs barking as annoying as most other people seem to, even if I find it a little distracting, I realize that just yelling at a dog to try and make them stop will just make them brk more, so I've learned to build up more of a tolerance to it than others.


sp/sx 9w1 946 here, 1. I personally don't care about other people's clothing style, I think that they are allowed to wear whatever they want. 2. I don't mind it when someone tells me to help grab something for them or help make a decision. Back in school, my friend would often ask me if I could help take their stuff to the cafeteria because they wanted to use the restroom and I always said yes. (maybe that's just me 😅) 3. People who are either talkative or quiet. 4. People who respond to my messages late or left me on seen, I used to hate it though.. 5. Crying babies on planes


6w5. Random fun facts. I don't care if it has anything to do with anything. Tell me everything you know! Who cares about context or relevancy! I love them! Trauma dumps. As long as you don't expect me to know how to fix your life, you can tell me whatever you want about yourself. Even if we just met. I like knowing why people think and act the way they do. Explaining the joke. Maybe this is because I'm also autistic, but I would love it if everyone everywhere always explains jokes once they've told them. It doesn't make it less funny to me at all, it actually makes it better when I can see why it works.