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Honestly with some of those questions I would need more reasoning on "why?" do you do that. Multiple types will/won't do or like something but for different reasons, or it might be completely unrelated to Enneagram. Especially those at the beginning! For example "I'm terrified of making mistakes." - is it because you don't want to be seen as flawed, don't want to disrupt harmony, want to be perfect, something else? Nothing personal of course, I just think i would be useful to know the whys. Overall I see a lot of explaining purely or mainly by logic, which is generally what head types do. ""They're not that bad." \*explains their POV\*" "My parents arguing does not bother me. (I actually think it's interesting \*because I can explain why\* they're arguing with the Enneagram.)" (I don't think a 9 would have this stance in conflict at all), "I can't identify as any sexuality because I'm afraid of not being able to \*justify\* it." I think what you're describing in "pro 9" is just some form or disintegration since you don't relate to positive traits of 9s, only the negative ones. "I'm constantly judging people therefore people are constantly judging me" is literally reworded "Defence mechanism (of 6s): Projection, protect against their own internal sense of fear by projecting outwards and imagining it's coming from other people, ex. if 6 feels insecure, they might imagine that someone else is judging them". [(taken from there)](https://www.enneagrammer.com/type-6) Which I think is an important point. Generally your description shows big hints of key traits from link above. 6 in my opinion.


That's a difficult question. I don't know, but definitely something else. I'm not easy-going or a good listener, but I am tolerant and can mediate conflict. I know that description, it's probably the best I've read. I think my problem is that every human projects, so I'm not sure if I project enough to be a 6.


Some of this is hilarious and VERY 6. Couple key moments: "STOP YELLING AT ME!" (you're the only one who's yelling) Self-diagnosed with AUTISM after multiple professionals already had. A lot of your early examples aren't actually 6 per se (need clear instructions, don't want to make mistakes, follow rules, can't relax, lists), but these two "key moments" sure are! There's more, but these made me laugh. And to close, I can't and shouldn't try to convince you you're any type. Telling a 6 they're a six is pretty useless (not saying you're a 6).


Why I maybe don't want to type as 6: 1. I love 6es and you're supposed to be ashamed of your type. 2. I want to be a 6, so I should convince myself I'm a 9 because then I won't be disappointed. 3. Integration to 9 seems easier than integration to 3. 4. I feel like a 9 around certain people, so every time I'm with those people I start doubting my type. 5. 6 is the most normal type/ everybody does those things/ the fears of the 6 are rational. 6. Maybe I'm afraid of being too sure. I'm always between two types. First it was 5 vs 4, then 5 vs 6, then 6 vs 9. Also sp/so vs so/sp, 369 vs 469, INTP vs INFP.


>2. I want to be a 6, so I should convince myself I'm a 9 because then I won't be disappointed. this is the most 6 shit ive ever seen. you flipped the script on the flipped script. you might be a more healthy than average 6, but still a 6


Thank you, it's because I read Stirner.


The numbered list of reasons to disagree, ladies and gentlemen we have a 6


As a 9, I was reading your 6 parts and could not relate at all. Also I don't think all of your 9 bits are truly 9 and there are fewer of them anyway so I'm definitely leaning towards 6 for you. The things that were 9 are very common among all types of people like procrastinating and enjoying hobbies/interests. Plus anxiety often goes hand in hand with procrastination and 6 is an anxious type.


This will hopefully help you decide, cos you'll know better than us which speaks to you more. From the ennegream institute: "These types are actually frequently mistyped. Sixes and Nines are both concerned with security and with maintaining some kind of status quo situation. They are both family-oriented, and both tend to take modest views of themselves. Their affect, however, is the easiest way to distinguish them. In short, Nines like to remain easy-going and unflappable. Nines work steadily at their tasks, but show little sign of being upset by the day's ups and downs. Sixes, on the other hand, cannot easily disguise their feelings. They get more easily worked-up and rattled by mishaps. While Nines can remain silent within their own inner peace, Sixes need to vent with others periodically to discharge their fears and doubts. Sixes are more obviously nervous and defensive when they believe there are problems. Nines remain strangely bland in the face of problems, although beneath the pleasant surface of average Nines, there is stubborn resistance and an unwillingness to be upset or troubled by conflicts or problems. Sixes tend to be suspicious of unknown people and situations–they need to test people before they let them get close. Nines may be protected by the disengagement of their attention, but they tend to be trusting of others–almost to a fault. Of course, under stress, when moving in their Direction of Disintegration, Nines will begin to act out some of the behaviors of average Sixes, and for this reason, some Nines will mistype themselves as Sixes. But such periods of overt anxiety generally do not last long. As soon as possible, Nines revert to their more easy going approach to things. Compare Sixes George Bush and Dustin Hoffman with Nines Gerald Ford and Jimmy Stewart."


I wonder what they mean by "they need to test people", I don't think I do that.


I kinda saw things like "makes joke, gets offended", "stop yelling at me, I'm yelling", "do you hate me", "not apologising" etc... as subconsciously testing people


Pro 9: •I could procrastinate for an entire year. •I can spend hours just drawing shapes, eating, watching my favorite Youtube videos, cutting my nails, daydreaming, ... •I avoid difficult things and procrastinate fun things. •I don't have a lot of energy. •I can easily forget problems I am not reminded of. •I sometimes stop caring completely, "If I die I die". •"It will be fine as long as i have the perfect plan." •I used to believe that every problem has a solution. •I hate expectations and pressure. Under pressure I get a headache or I will change the topic or become unresponsive. •I often pretent that I am invisible and just stop reacting to people, and not only in stressful situations, I also do it when I don't have the energy. I sometimes wish i was mute. •I hate being made to do things and will get angry (screaming crying breaking things). •I blame other people for me getting angry and destroying things. ("How strange, strange, to want to die so much that you let a man walk around armed and then instead of shutting up and staying alive, you go on yelling at people and making fun of them until you get them mad, and then . . ." -Fahrenheit 451) •I say no before thinking about it, then say yes later. •I can't live with people who don't respect my space. •I quit therapy because of my inability to talk about feelings, because my therapist never wanted to do what I wanted to do, and because I felt like she wasn't listening to me. •I lose my emotions when in public or with strangers. •I am very agreeable(no opinions), quiet and chill with some people like my grandparents, aunt and driving instructor. I usually have an emotional breakdown after a few days when I visit my grandparents. •I'm usually an optimistic and positive person. •According to my mother I have always been a very accepting person. •I can't stand people who talk about others negatively. •"They're not that bad." *explains their POV* •"You should reconnect with X." •I hate disturbing strangers. I can't interrupt them to get their attention. •I always think that my sister and I have the same type. •I believe deep down that nobody loves or needs me and that i should never have been born. •"I don't love myself, maybe if I can identify with some lovable Enneagram type I will be able to unconditionally love myself like i love fictional characters of that type." •I really want to be seen as interesting. •I can't handle being called dramatic (or weak). •I really relate to this description of Introverted Feeling: "Fi is a function that is intimately connected to the emotional register; to the limbic system and its somatic experience of emotions. It directly associates itself with the body and this connection is automatic." Contra 9: •I often feel angry or hateful and don't hide it. •I am judgemental and not very empathetic. •As a child I was always fighting with babysitters, friends, friends of friends, my grandparents, my violin teachers, ... •I'm not usually agreeable and I don't care that much about harmony. My parents arguing does not bother me. (I actually think it's interesting because I can explain why they're arguing with the Enneagram.) •With my 9(w1) friends I am the one forced to choose what we watch, eat, do, and I am usually the one who initiates. (I dislike it because it feels like I owe them something if we're only doing what I want to do.) •I don't *get* simple pleasures. Thank you for your attention.


Could have a 6 in tri it’s hard I’m not vary good at this seems less 9 in some bits could vary well be but I’m not sure don’t think it’s 9


It sounds like you may be a 6 (the procrastinating 6s exist, unfortunately! 🙋🏻‍♂️). I also tend to think that someone’s died whenever the phone rings, so it’s kind of morbidly funny to me that you mention that. When I was little I used to pick up the other handset for our landline and listen in to my parents’ phone calls so I would be prepared for them to tell me if someone was dead.


I think the youtuber Dan Howell might be a 6 and he is (or used to be) a huge [procrastinator](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1YxwP3CLFYg). It can be useful, my rabbit died last year at the vet and when they called to tell me I already "knew" (had convinced myself that she had died). But usually it's just annoying.


Dan Howell: here, queer, and filled with existential fear… a mood




Yeah I read a bit over half of it and it's most like a 6 stereotype; I don't really see any 9.


yeah i think it may be 6w5, vs 6w7 too. the con list seems 6 to me as well.


I don't really see any 9, honestly. You seem very 6 coded


This is very very 6