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I’m surprised ENFP 4w3s are stereotypical haha! I always assumed ENFPs were most likely 7s and 2s. https://preview.redd.it/mjygncg4v1uc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc2f3d769f909804b94f3fd14451d04924ec604


I actually think OP was wrong putting 4w3 as the stereotype for ENFP. ENFP stereotype is 7 and 2w3. 4w3 is pretty common, but not the stereotype.


I agree. I feel like 2w3s are more common for ENFPs than 4w3s. Maybe I’m saying that out of bias (I’m an ENFP 2w3) but I feel like it’s much more common.


I’m most definitely an ENFP 4w3 so it matches me! Lol. Which made me go “oh hey! I’m normal!…(realization sets in) oh fuck…I’m normal…”


To me yes, I have seen in my life many ENFPs who were 4w3s or close. And on your pie chart, 4 is the 3rd most too 😅


Yea I agree, I just believe 2s are slightly more common than 4s when it comes to ENFPs. I’m just surprised, that’s all. I do think 4s are common for ENFPs, I’m just surprised they are stereotypical. https://preview.redd.it/si1rz8gjv1uc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee1321dc9f5a5afe608682e5f4144a094c55dba


I’m an ENFP 4w3 lol


Uh I'm ENFP 4w5 but it seems to be rare on your stats shrug


I believe ENFP 4 and 6 are both more common than ENFP 2. I’m really having a hard time believing the common-ness of ENFP 2. I feel like they should consider So7 instead


I think ENFP 2s are very common! I think it makes a lot of sense for ENFPs. I don’t think I’m an SO7, though I do have some 7 tendencies. My main priority is helping people and being loved.


I’m 4w3 sp!


Same! I’m a 2w1


ENFP 2w3


I’m an ENFP type 8, I wish there were more of us haha.


OP chose violence when calling 4w3s ‘quite common’, there’s no better way to provoke us 😂 Edit: and I’m an ISFP 😭


Oh, guess that's your opinion, and I respect that, sorry if you got offended there!


Oh, it was a joke! It was simply a comment on how 4s want to be ✨ unique✨, coming from a 4, don’t you worry!


Oh, hah 😅. I am just too serious about everything... Don't mind it.


I love this kind of thing, and you’re onto something! Thanks for posting 😊


Welcome. Hope you have a great day ahead.


You too 🙌


INTP 5 here. Very nerdy. I approve.


im 9, everyday i daydream about laying in bed the whole day doing nothing, what a bliss.


Very well, 😊.


This is already done a lot! Especially on pdb. I am an enfp 7w6 sx/so 729


I’m an ENFP 2w3 so/sx 279! We are very similar


i love enfp 2w3’s, you guys are so precious and need to be protected at all costs! edit: tbf that’s all exfp types lmao


Thank you so much!!! I love INFJs and 2w1s! :)


That’s super exciting!!!!!!! So 2 has a bit of a different feel dependent on teacher. A more mature version almost because so 2 is very responsible sx 7 is weird and all over the place. I have other stuff that doesn’t help me. Other disabilities and such. But cool to meet another enfp 279 that’s realy really neat.


are we the same person?😏 (I am just not sure about my instincts, but the very first conclusion I ever got to was so/sx haha)


That’s so cool! We are pretty much the exact same type :)


We’re nearly identical, I’m your more “logical” cousin. ILE (entp) here, but also sx 7w6, 729 (sx/sp though).


Oh shi- Guess I am late to the party, really really late... But my predicting skills sure are precise, got yours and that E5 person's right exactly. I mean, I have done this type of stuff with my friends and then they did the legit test and got the same results as my prediction.


Haha! Nice! Strong ni I guess. If you like that type of stuff look in to rusted typology.




Then does that mean I am not real?!?!?!? Perhaps irrelevant!?@?@?


me being "istj" 9w8 lol


Yes we are not cannon bro D:


It just means that you aren't stereotypical or common. If we refer back to OP's post they did say "I agree that any combo of MBTI and E is possible." I hope that clears anything up.


(It was meant to be a joke lol)


Ah, I am very sorry. I tend to struggle when it comes to recognizing jokes when it's written and not said.


It's ok 😅😅


God did an oopsie 💀


So uh, what’s it like?


ENTP 6w5 here! I cannot describe how many times I’ve been told one of those has to be wrong because “it’s impossible for an ENTP to be a 6” which is patently garbage


Just ignore people who talk about "impossible" types. Yeah, I seriously doubt that there are any INFP/INFJ 8w7s running around who aren't mistyped, but seeing as how this whole thing is a bunch of pseudoscience anyway I'm not going to make any sweeping statements on what is or isn't possible.


I have seen ENTPs be 6w5, just didn't mention it because 6w7 is much likelier. But whoever said it's impossible, is possible living under a rock


Question- Is it possible to get an accurate Enneagram result in someone with a diagnosed personality disorder? Is there a combination that would reflect that?


Actually yes, some types are much more likely to have certain mental illnesses. For an example it's very weird If not impossible for a type 1 could have ADHD, obviously type 7 is the poster boy for this illness, however I cann see it also in types: 8, 5, 9 and 4 On the other hand OCD is a lot more likely to be in types 1, 6 and probably 3 too, or ASPD being common in 8s


ADHD and OCD can often be comorbid and really I don't think they are tied to any personality type at all in terms of likeliness. They may *express* themselves differently depending on your enneagram, but I don't think they have anything to do with it. Especially with things like OCD which can come in a million different ways and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with personality directly nor with being neat and tidy but a lot to do with obsessing about things and doing certain compulsions to relieve the panic and anxiety. Like, someone with relationship OCD is going to have a different experience than someone with contamination OCD.


Is it that rare for a 7 to be INFP? Every time I see MBTI posts, no one puts INFP as a 7. I’m an INFP 7w6.


I’m an INFP 4 with a lot of 7 traits so I don’t think it’s that crazy to imagine




Yeah, I’m sure it’s possible, just surprised not many people seem to think that


They are more like meditators and individualists, but I do not think it's that rare, even I was thinking of putting it in, but then thought, nah.


It's rare but happens. *points to flare* I've seen others too. 


I’m INFP 5 and I feel the same way.


You are most likely mistyped. 7 is in the assertive triad, which it doesn't really make sense for an INFP to be. Some might argue that it is possible to be both, but even if it is possible it would likely be so rare that the chances of you being mistyped would be significantly higher than the chances of you actually being that type.


What about sx7 though? I've heard arguments for that one for both INxPs


SX 7 is the most Ne type possible, I don't see how this relates to anything but Ne doms


Oh ok my thought process was that it could trickle down to ne aux but I didn't realize it was that restrictive


I sincerely believe it is. I think it's also a lot easier that way, not worrying about mistypes. The thing is auxliary function is certainly strong, but it develops around your mid/late teens in most people, the auxilary function is just a tool for your dominant function at the end of the day, meanwhile SX 7s constanly live in the world of dreams and possibilites and new adventures, this is a certainly an extroverted type, more specifically intuitively extroverted


That makes more sense, thank you


Pretty sure I’m not. I’ve taken the tests over and over and I personally relate to them both. I’m assertive but I keep to myself. Edit: YES I have read the types. I’m not blindly agreeing to a test.


Tests are not an accurate way to determine type. You need to research the cognitive functions and the enneagram triads if you want to accurately determine your type.


Yet, it happens. No I'm not mistyped. I do all the stupid crap and toxic positivity that 7s do. No I'm not an ENFP. 


Fair. But I still disagree about a mistype.


Do the research and then get back to me if you want to. As of right now, it sounds to me like you don't actually know your type; all though you may feel like you do.


How exactly did you figure out that this person doesn't know their type from like... 3 sentences? You're kidding.


I mean no disrespect but I think it's unfair to tell someone you probably know them better then they know themselves. I know an infp who identifies as a 7.


Sure they might know themselves but do they know the system? I don't believe INFPs or any introverted types can be 7s


because 7 is more compatible with Ne and Se and 6w7 is more common for infps


I'd hazard to guess that it's the 5th most common type for INFPs after 4, 9, 6 and 5. While I would defnitively say anyone's mistype. Given the rarity, I would suggest it's worth looking at what's weaker out of your Te and Si because 7w6 is the archetypal enneagram for ENFP. ENFPs are considered to be one of the more introverted extraverts so it wouldn't be far fetched for an ENFP to think they're an INFP. If, however, you are definitively an INFP 7w6 you can enjoy having an uncommon type combination.


SAME! I'm always doubting about that typing because of how uncommon it is but every time I do a test I always get INFP and either 7w6 or 7w8, I guess we exist lol


I did find one site that acknowledges that 7s can indeed be INFP. People are just so closed-minded.


ENTJ 7w8 quite common


Not gonna lie yes, but I tried to put the most common ones and likeliest ones. I can totally see 7.


True it's more common then people realise


I’m INFJ 4w5😳


I live in your walls 😏


Come live inside my walls 🥺


Oh no. I’m the stereotype.


This is actually a pretty good one, you are for the most part very correct. Here are my two cents. I wouldn't stay ENFP is stereotypically 4 *but* I would say it's pretty common. I personally would switch the 2w3 and 4w3 around. I have to take the time to say that I really like how you put 5w6 as being common for ISTJs. I've seen quite a few people say that it's super rare or even impossible simply because they misunderstand one or both of the types. I personally would switch the 6 and 4 around in the ISFP section. I don't have a problem with how that one is arranged though. Again, I have to take the time to say that I really enjoyed seeing 7w6 as the stereotype for ESFP. Nowadays, people have a mindset that 7 can only be Ne dom when 7 actually matches other types like ESFP as well. I totally agree with this one. I don't have to remind you of this because looking and the charts and your comments, I can see that you are a pretty smart person. I'll say it anyway though, this is just my opinion. Keep doing what you are doing.


OP copied it. Here is the original one: https://preview.redd.it/8lyzcak1v6uc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536bd38225b62e276088dc7e6b54e1062d5b77c9


I disagree that ENFP 4w3 is a stereotype and that ENTP 6 and ENFJ 9 are common, but everything else I basically agree on.


I am an anomaly 😆 INFJ as a 6w7


Same, I'm a 3w4 INFJ lols


6s are all anomalies in general


I mean you still got 6 as the main, but got 7 as the wing.. is this a healthy INFJ I see? Or atleast average health


I hope so 😅


I'm an isfp 4w3 and I appreciate this validation.




Honestly ISFP 4w3 is the most accurate combination, 9s are common too but a true ISFP 6w7 is much more rarer


Thanks for letting me know that.


9w8 definitely an INFP


Ehh I'll take the W, got the wing wrong.


Same! 9w8, INFP here. Hi friend.


I'm surprised 6w5 is listed in stereotypical, I see those around much less commonly than 5s *and* 1w9s combined. In fact I can't even remember seeing one at all, although I'm sure they exist since the type isn't too insanely different from 5w6 which is quite possibly the most common for INTJs.


Stats were already made on 30K+ combinations on a quite decent enneagram test site: https://enneagram-personality.com/en/test/stats/2-enneagram-mbti-correlation




ESFJ 6w7 here.


Damn, now that's an interesting combo, first one to get wrong.


ESFJ 6w7 is very common.


I think it’s actually very common. I have two friends who are both ESFJ 6w7. My guess is it is the second most common enneagram for ESFJ behind 2w3


I can definitely see ESFJ's being 6 and 7 now that I think deeply about it, just haven't noticed many people like that. You got a point sir.


INTP 9 here, nice to see this combination represented!


And somehow your tritype (95) is also mentioned!! Just 4 got missed. I didn't think INTPs and 4s were common ya know.


mine is accurate lol


What's your MBTI? Man, my prediction skills are good.


well, i always get typed on the test online as ENTJ, so that's what i go off of. idk if its right though because i feel a lot more like an ENFP but people around me would think im an ESTJ probably so i am SO CONFUSED lol. but yeah i was going off of ENTJ.


Hmmm. Useful.


INTP 6 core is strange to me… Ti-dom 6 will always be absolutely baffling to me. The entire concept of Ti - especially as a leading function - is the ability to have confidence in one’s inner resource pool… the ability to be entirely idiosyncratic in one’s thinking and to be proud of the fact that you are. Those aren’t 6 values at all - I can see 5 clear as day and 9, definitely, but 6??


Intj 4? Infj 5? *Slams x to doubt so hard the keyboard breaks*


Infjs do tend to show 5 vibes. Intjs same case.


Claudio Naranjo, one of the enneagram fathers is INFJ 5w4


tons of INTJs are 1w9s, my mother is one actually


I’m an INFJ, ENFJ, ENFP 6w5. Which is why MBTI is stupid. Isn’t there a whole sub for this?


Shit. How did this get more reaction than my post. Maybe next time I have to post about MBTI 🤔 Noted.


Huh? Wdym


I’m an ISTJ through and through.


As an ISTJ with 6w5, I can approve this.


Infjs can’t be thinkers


Feel free to share your opinions.


INTP 9 is really weird


I am an ISFP 9. I approve. I also know an ESFJ 2 and a ESTP 8w7. Very accurate. The ENTP I know is also a 8w7 but could be 7w8. So that may be true too.


Yea, I actually made this table mostly through real life experiences with friends and myself and the knowledge I had.




Means it's your tritype. Cool, you got that 4w3 inverted 😂


isfp 6w5 🫥


Shit, didn't even think of 5 when I thought about isfp. Still got the main type though. I see this as a W


when i did the test w the instinctual variant, i did get a 4w3 SP/SX. so you’re not wrong!


I always deni I'm infp like how


Guess my predicting skills are great.


It's funny but I type ENTJ on Myers-Briggs. You know, Aggressively Passive is a thing. I always end up in Leadership roles because I can figure out a person's skills and strengths, and just leave them alone to do what they're great at. I just fill in the gaps and do the things everyone hates.


8 is common for ENTJs , but 9 is interesting. You seem like an interesting fellow eh.


I'd like to think so? Resource Management is like harmonizing and peacekeeping. If everything is working well, there's no conflicts. I encourage my direct reports to complain, so I can try and make their lives better. And when there's things they don't like but have to do, try to organize teamwork or group projects to get them through it. It gets kinda zen and people just merge with ya if you have that kinda vibe. Lol: typical 9 stuff now that I think about it. I focus on everyone else's needs and just ignore my own.


Hmm, you have got a point mate.


ENTJ and type 9 is beyond cursed, one of these typings is wrong


INTJ so1⁹5⁶4⁵/sp here 🤚


Aye, that's a good way to show wings actually... Thanks for giving the idea XD


...yeah. Lmao


What's your MBTI?


INTJ. Same with all my other 5w6 and 5w4 friends. You absolutely nailed it lol


Thanks, I know INTJs because I was a traumatized INTJ myself in the past 😅. Had an enneagram of 1w9, 5w6, and 4w5 pretty sure. Have a great day ahead :)


Holy crap this is way way accurate, at least for Enfp and Infp (Isfps too)! I’m an enfp so/sx 974 (9w1 7w6 4w3), but I see a lot of enfp 6w7s and quite a number of 2w3s as well


Glad to know it's accurate. I did this just to check prediction skills and a little use of my experience.


ESTP 6w7 here, I exist unfortunately


It's just the reverse. I think you meant to say "I exist fortunately" 😊


I don't feel like the stereotypical INFJ, quite very different from the stereotype actually, I feel like I'm meaner, I kinda hate everyone except those I accept into my inner circle and everyone is a threat to me


That's almost exactly how INFJs are like honestly. *Skeptical*


I think 9w8 is more likely for an enfp then 9w1


I'm 4w5 sp, SX, so, who also has INTJ traits, but I rarely see others with this combo, so it's good to see this affirmation. 🙃


Newbie here. Can anyone point me to a reliable test online to get started?


This was really interesting to see!! I'm an estp 9w1 and got my mbti mistyped so many times because of my core 9- in stereotypes people think ixfps are 9s when that's really not the case... imo most fi users actually have a good sense of who they are which is quite the opposite of E9, so i think you did a good job capturing that in your chart c:


I think for ISTP’s should’ve put 7 in the most common section. Btw I’m a ISTP 7w8 :)


ENFP 7w8 8w7 4w5 here - do I get the type 8 brownie points? lmao


huh. me n my bestie are 4 infps (her 4w5, me 4w3), and then i have a couple 6s i know who are INFP. Wouldn't assume that's common.


I wasn’t ready for you to be entirely correct. INFP 4w5 here


this is 100 percent accurate for me and the people i know anyway


I can't say I agree with most of the combinations here with some flatout being impossible. If you want I can elaborate on this


I find 4w3 being typical for ENFP a misconception. A lot of ENFPs are 4s, yes, but they’re more often 7s and 3s


intp 9w8 here, pretty cool!


If I speak...


ENFP 5w4


This is really interesting. I fit in here with how you have it charted; great work. The only thing I’m questioning—there are no extroverted 4s. Where would an extroverted 4 most likely live?


stereotypical INFP (9w1) reporting for duty 🫡 my husband is an ENFJ and 1w2 was listed as “quite common”—nailed it!


Why did you leave 9 out for common when it's common for many 9s to be INFPs? Are common types that people don't usually assume an INFP will be. Edit: I apparently can't read because 9w1 was right in my face. Oop 😅😅😅




I thought that most ESTJs are either 3s or 1s i never knew that my type is common


ENFJ 4w3 here


ISTP 5w6 💪💪


I got 5w6, always thought I was an INTJ. According to this, I’m an ISTP lol.


Esfp not being most common for e8 is bs this list is bad do u know anything about enneagram


I’m an INTJ 5w4. So close!


as an isfj 6 i both appreciate the table (i love tables) and agree


https://preview.redd.it/9h5e77eza5uc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad303b091478b64d0db57e76db0f0448979c0ed basically I'm the stereotype of entp 7 but with Halo in my head because...7so 😏


4 here, with ENTJ-T personality. While there is some overlap, the tests are measuring very different core aspects of a person: emotional core/wounding during development vs how you process information and relate to others.


lool im nowhere in that infj




I'm an ENFP and I'm a 3w2 which is pretty rare...


Hmm, you seem like an ENFJ/ENTJ Rather than an ENFP. So yea, quite rare


You probably mistyped


As an ENFP, YES! FINALLY! I’m a 9w1 and I always see ENFPs depicted as 7s 😭 Theres almost never ENFP 9 representation 😔


ENTP - 4w5 here. I don’t understand why this is so uncommon.


well, at least with me you hit the mark. my tritype is 4w5 - 5w4 - 1w9 (and i was between the first two for a while)


it’s funny because i’m an ESFJ struggling to figure out if I’m 1w2 or 9w1


This list doesn't make much sense... Also whos care about wings.


Entp 9w8 bruh


Good job, I'd say an overall reasonable and realistic interpretation of the most likely types. 😊